HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-18, Page 1-^"T"' DEVOTE° coUN NEWS AN GENERAL I$TELLIGENCE !RIV'1'T-FOURTH TSAR. ) wl1ULK YU3 .likat 1:14. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1881. f 1doOILLICUIIDY BROS. PUaxtessaa 61.60 A Y[Ait IN AD'1IANCL Now Adseethwineats. Pay U --George Cattle. New Uuuda-alis otsw•rt. Partnership- Acid X. Sur)d. Millinery ]Ira 11. Wingate. .. Tr•ventag Guide. U ItAN D TRUNK. carr. Pees. £xp's. 51tz'd. Mild. i Dxterlch. Lv 7.00,nr ..12.05pm ..3.1Spm . 9.01an 9oaforth .. . 7.66 " .. 1.10 " ..1.15 " .. title " Stratford. A r E.1Sam .. 2.15pm ..8. Wpm .. 1.00 " wat$T. , Pass. I:spa. 3111 4. 11,11,Vd. 3:ratford.l.v 1.20am..7.SOpum3.+S l. 7.00a..pm 9rafonk . 4.17 " ..8.66 " .. KM " ..5,i0 ' [loderlch.Ar 3.15pm..9.SOpm. 11.00sin 7.l*pm 1 GREAT WESTERN. Ex . Mai. Exp's. Clanton ruing north .9.. m .1.23pm..8.25pm **eine south ...331y.ni...5.02 uuar ..1.11 " STAVE LINES. Lucknow Stage Idea)) err. IULLm .. dap spm , Kincardine . 1.00ant .. ' lam Benniiller " oWe.lneaday and Saturday) melees 9.09am.. "9.13 " r . Dentistry. I 14- NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- 1 *TA* TIflT. Ofsoe and reaidence. W eat Street, ' three doors below Bank of Montreal. 1Gode- ' tickReal Estate. i MSALL -THAT DESIRABLE ammies. bunt and lately occupied by1 Jul tate Charles Dyett. q. Two lou. we Es !noshed throughout with modern oonvenieao- , +s. Will be sold cheap. Apply et once to W. L Creighton, Manager Book of Montreal. Ik'aattced. 1718 -et. I FOR SALL-LOT 9, LAKE SHORE Tp. of Colborne. conlMaiag 111 acres, 30 "ores balance timber. 9011 cleared, ezoellent i good clay loam. A. this property adjoins he Pont Farm It 1s 1n consequence most tigt_brl7 ssltuated. For particulars apply to J. 1 Mwaro6 1st tat. 17764f. i HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT r non. 12 miles from owlet ngnoaf l of n acro 0f land, well fenced: 1 frame house. a good well and pump are &leo 1 on the premises. The lot has been well Im- aroved. Terms reasonable. Particulars can r se had from Mr. .1. M. Roesler& Merchant. Dungannon, or R. IL BROWN. Nile P. 0. I 171741. HOUSt, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND I 76corner of Victoria and fest suets, 1a the town of Goderich. for sale cheap. or will be 1 "'changed for farm property. F s•rticulan Nate Jas, SNAIL'. Architect, office Crabb'a o Hook. or J. C. CUMULI. auctioneer. 1 QREPPARDTON-FARM FOR sale 60 acres, 50 acres cleared and well fenced. Brick Cottage 18x30, stone cellar full 1 ase of house. A large creek runs through a the lot, no walla land on the creek, A very tine orchard surrounds the hoose. Good barn 1 sod other bulldogs. Terms very nisi. _Apply to R. T. HATXC*, lot 16 Lake Shore Road. 4o borne Township, or b GARaow s: PROUD- ROUD1007. 1768 1007. FARM FOR SALE. -BEING LOT 9, con. 13. Colborne. about seven miles from Ooderich, comprising 50 acres. 50 cleared. A frame house, and • new frame barn 50135 and a stable and other outbuildings are on the premises. A young orchard. good pump. etc. on the farm. The farm has • road on two sides of It. 1' ..i: acres of fall wheat are sown. Distant oely 1 mile from a post office. For particulars toapply to Wm. SHIELDS, Sheppard - 0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE11-7 A frame cottage. on Angleeea street, situ- ated on lot 702, one quarter of an acre. An orchard and good well are on the lot: also Rood soft water cistere. The house has • good cellar and woodshed. and L very convenient. For particulars apply to DAVID LAWSON, on the premises 1776-1m. QHZPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH 10 Post Offioe, for sale or to rent, with 1 acre land. Stock all fresh and good. Will sell on very easy terms, having other business to attend to. For further particulars a pi to R. T. HATHIS& Mao 100 scree of land. West halt of Lot S, on the Std con., E. D. Ashfield. Coed On chard.Frame House: and astable. Fifty acres cleared and well fenced. Apply to GORaOw R PROVO/00T. 1761. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. , hot 6, Con. 8, Township of Colborne, Co. Huron containing 96 acre. 75 of which are cleared and In a good state of tfitltivatlon. There le • frame Howe 30x98 with Miler under the whole, kitchen 16x10. wood shed 16148, stable 18:98. for horses. also cow stable I41W. There i. • well with • never falling spring. and • goodoung ohard with about 40 trees, selected. Terms roeasy. For particulars apply to THOMAS WATSON. pQrrooprietor. Carlow or to OARaow R PROI DFOOT. Goderich. 1756. F ARM FOR SALE. Comprising Lota Nes 1S and 19, Con. 3, in the Township of West Wawanash, belonging to the late Mr. Charles McDonald, containing 100 Atilt* la all. Over thirty acres are cleared. There are over 15 wren of good hard wood. and the balance Cedar and Pine bush. A small Frame House and a Well are also on the premises. A good creek rano throughthe tars. Forculara apply to .1•11.1•1101ARUM- •ULI„ Neg., Dungannon, or to Mrs. W ARIroCE. Dederick or to thismob- 177041. FOR SALE OR TO LET. -TEAT desirable residence formerly the pro- perty of John Vesely. Req., and knows NI y*evse, together with the lend attached. TO acres la eztest. of which about 9 acres are covered by oxeh•r.l. lof choice yonn` bearing fruit trees) lawn. and kitchen gardea. The house s oommodhu and oonvenTTTTTTant. e0ntaln- lag( 13 rooms. good eetlorages woodhew, to. a•d i. well supplied with hard and .oft wader The out -build! eompriee .tabling for four horse., oow etjOt., 1 earrlV• hooses with lona over all iM. is pvnperty los ptsasantly situated wear the river 1llaltlsed, about !miles trim Dederick. Title Indt.patabk.. Apply to Va. Jose MoesLY, Dederick or to W. 1'. Kean Laos BC /I AI.EI0. 149.. FARYS FOR Shag IN HURON.- A eimW tans at to 1. Ct. aertb waN of Ire V. nes • Warm a es aures el.ared, and seed wood. and •lIeal•d stoat • fees As P. 0. The SW M good. • Seat hues he Ms1t9_ fetid kltT►ew. swell os NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A ohlcl's amens ye. talon notes, All faith he 11 prone It." TOWN TOMS. Come, gentle spring. Widdows lectured on Wednesday vening and last night. W. J. Spicer, G. T. It. Superintend- nt, was in Goderich on Thursday. Dr. T. 61.1Holmes, of Brussels, was in inn on Thursday. Mr. W. R. Robertson, recently with )etlor d; Co., is now one of Colborne 3ros'. staff Dr. Wild, of Bond street, Toronto, elebrity, was at one time stationed at loderich. A number of valuable short horns, rom Ridgewood farm, wore shipped to Sow Park on Thursday. The St9NAL issued an extra on Mon - lay morning, announcing the Czar's uaination. Cool Burgess and Company appeared +fore a crowded House, at Victoria Hall m Saturday night last. Yesterday was St. Patrick's day and ,me of the gossoons sported the "Nate little. Swats little Shamrock of Ireland." Mrs. Copeland, of the Chicago House, eft for Chicago yesterday. She expects o return with the latest spring and ummer fashions Mr. Charles Girvin, the respected Reeve of West Wawanosh, left Goderich on Thursday for a ten days' trip in and about Bowmanville. HANDeOME.-Mr. Christopher Crabb tae generously given a donation of $20 the Fire Brigade, for their successful cffortlt in checking the progress of the ire in his block on Thursday morning. Mr. McWilliams, City Solicitor of To- nto, was in town on Wednesday and 1`hursday last, having been called hither by the death of his brother. Colonel Taylor, the retiring Deputy Adj utant-General, and the Hon -Aylmer, his successor, in Military District No. 1. were in town on Wednesday, inspecting tho armory. LAID UP. -We regret to learn that Mr. James McNair, leadsman, is down with • severe attack of pleurisy. We hope to see Mac's kindly visage on the street again shortly. New MII.LINI.Y SHOP. -We direct at- tention to the card of Mrs. M. Wingate in another !column. The advertisment speaks for itself. Mrs. Wingate was formerly s resident of Gonerich, and has again come td do business iu the town. Howes AGAIN. -Mr. H. Y. Attril and wife arrived in Godench last week, and already a host of mechanics aro engaged in making improvements about Ridge- wood. Mr. Attrill left again for the States, but Mrs. Attrill will remain for the season. two as/ 7i acres re erred _ two tan Sesser hallow. Alss • M seas fans taws mama r bar 0f worth 1 of M Iii sow. A )oast w•wsRmi with* gY► M me M • ban h. 17 rroseempsaiM, s sen al+F "-ss '"' • =wood * . _tr - - .3 wham sewed to .am ?stew A ygeereed erste* meg to TR• OIKAS )11()1701 betalktb ..uctioll srinQ. THa FiaxT of Twa Ssulox. -Mr. Wal- ter Hick, of the Huron Road, caught on the wing on the 9th inst. a "cabbage" butterfly. The white winged stranger is evidently the harbinger of an early spring. Thule the first of the season of the butterfly tribe, surely. J. Tl NSIIR. ovum rail risoPursavo- , Ona Nal. f; Ix Town. -Mr. NathanJohns, form- erly of Colborne, but now of the Med- way Mills, London, was in town during the week, visiting old friends. He looked hale and hearty, and we are glad to learn that the mill is running night and day. He is well posted on Hnron affairs still, as he is a regular reader of THE SIGNAL Tea Mescaerrii Horan -Mr. Jas. A. Reid, who has so sueceasfully car- ried on business in the Manchester House during the peat two years, has taken into partnership Mr. Thos Sneyd, who for nearly a decade has been in the employ of Mr. John Acheson, Under the joint management of Mesar Reid & Sneyd, we expect the Manchester Hoses to become even more popular with purchmers of dry goods than here- tofore. A Goon Boon. Nudging fete the testimony offered, the book on the treat- ment of live stook, ie sed by the World Publishing (kr., of Oeelph, most be just the thing for farmers livery year, the iteprwlasee of ()Marin fawners see good Meek is beeeming more apparent, and a Irst class work on Mook-raitieg i. Oat what our farmers need. We expect to hear of great salve of the hook in this $1 will gat Tse flunci L for the bal- anoe of 1881. Parsous' barbed wire fence advertise- ment will appear next week. LaoAi..-In the Common Law Cham- bers, on Saturday, the following case dame up:-Saneath v. Marlton, Strachan v. Marltun, Detlor v. Marlton. -Mr. Aysworth obtained orders to serve the wife with a writ of attachment against an absconding debtor. FAYHIONA$Lit MII.I.INSRY.-MiaaSWw- art luta just returned from Toronto, where she has been making aprimg pur- chases ugchases during the past fortnight. She has brought with her some of the latest things in the millinery hoe, and will have • "grand opening day" in a few weeks SHIPMa1IT or Freta STALLION& -D. & J. P. Fisher & Co. have made a name for themselves as dealers in first caw stock. ()n Tuesday morning they made what is perhaps the best shipment to the United Stkted of stallions that ever left the County of Huron. The cargo con- sisted of five splendid animas, all firit class horses, and each one of which, we feel sure, will bring top prices to the en- terprising dealers. Any of the animas would give a reputation to their breeder. It seems a pity to lose such valuable stock, but it is also a proud thing for a county like Huron to turn out such hand- some specimens of heavy draught heves. We predict quick soles at high prices, and can prophesy a marked improvement in the stock in those districts where the horses may travel in the future. The names of the animals.are "Young Lord Haddo," " Glencairn" and " Bismarck," three beautiful bays ; "Simon Pure," a fine black stallion, and another of the same Dolor. All are out of first class stock and imported sires The animas were accompanied by Messrs. D. & J. P. Fisher, both of whom know and appreci- ate a good piece of horseflesh when they see it. "Dave" is justly proud of his last shipment, and he has every reason to be. Fos DAKOTA. -Two or three hundred persons assembled at the railway station on Thursday morning to bid farewell to the Goderich party bound for Dakota. Handshaking and kisses were many; tears, and smiles that meant as much as tears, were seen op many faces; and as the train moved off the "Good byes" were many, and the "best wishes" sin- cere. It was impossible to get the names of all the persons in the party; but we succeeded in getting the following list, which, we think, is pretty near the mark: -Mr. Halorow and family, 8; R. R. Thomson and family, 4; Major Thomson, son and daughter, 3; J. Pharis and Miss Pharis, 2; Ben. Wilson and family, 5; Mrs. Tweedlie and family and Miss Tweedlie, 5; and Messrs. R. Jamieson, F. S. Hick, F. Davis, J. O. Ball, Abraham Cox, A. Gordon and A. Arthur. This makes 35 in the party from Goderich alone. Some -passengers from Lucknow and the township of Col- borne were also on the train. Reckon- ing those from Goderich who have left during the oast nine days, and those who are expected to follow shortly, the num- ber of emigrants to Dakota from this town will be about fifty. Mr. R. Pratt left on Tuesday, and Mr. J. Tisdale went last week. Mr. George Rhynaa has been absent during the last week or so in Toronto aid eastern markets, selecting in person the stock for his new drug store. He will shortly open out in the corner store in Blake's Block, at present occupied by D. C. Strachan, with a splendid new stock of drugs, etc. IMPORTED STALLION SOLD. --We are in- formed that the heavy stallion "Loud John of Ghent," imported by Mr. Jos. Fisher, and sold by him last f•11 to D. & J. P. Fisher & Co., has been disposed of by the atter to Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine, for the handsome sum of 81,760. We understand that Mr. Gen- tles will travel him in the county of Bruce during the coming salmon. Coin uMarrART.-In the annual re part for 1880 of the Minister of Malta, a high compliment is paid to the gradu- ating cadets of the Royal Military Col- lege, prominent among whom was Mr. Alexander Ross, son of Col. Ross, M. P. P., of Goderich. Mr. Ross, who held the position of Battalion Sergeant Major, obtained the following distinct- ions in the final examination: A first cams certificate, honors in discipline and drill, special mention in civil engineer- ing, and prizes in drill and military exercise, conduct and discipline. The Commandant alludes to him as one who "in every way reflects honor on the College," and odds that "No county, no service,' can require better all round men. The Curnmandant's report also contains the following causes : Ie- a sense of oonacientious duty and in appreciation of the responsibility en- trusted to them as non-commissioned officers, and the objects of discipline and the practical performance of it-, the pre- sent graduates are, as • whole, superior to these of June last. These character- istics are not only the most essential a non can possess for the military pro- fession, but the most valuable of all qualities for any position of importance and trust in life. In this report the two senior non-commissioned officers, via, Sergeant-Major Ross and Straubenzee have set a high and excellent example. In the oompetition for the four com- missions in Her Majesty's Regular Army available for the year 1881, Sergeant Laurie, Sergeant-Major Van Stranben- see, Battalion Sergeant-Major Ross, Cor- poral Gibson are entitled in the order named to receive commissions in the cavalry or infantry. Sergeant Laurie, Battalion Sergeant-Major Rossand Cor- poral Gibson, have elected not to accept the available commissions, preferring to take their chance of employment in Canada. THa LATE AARON, B. McWau.w..- With deep regret we this week chronicle the demise of Aaron B. McWilliams, for the past year and a half proprietor of the Albion hotel of this town. Mr. Mc- Williams was born in the township of Burford, Brant County, and lived the greater portion of his life in that town- ship, as his father had done before him. He had been a suceesaful farmer and business man in his native section, and was induced to come to Godench in 1879, through the influence of relatives residing here. After Mr. McWilliams assumed control of the "Albion," that hotel &rad stilly beam* very pop4Lr with the travelling community, who were al- ways sure of courtesy and consideration at the hands of the proprietor and his assistants. The circumstances of the disastrous fire at the "Albion," and the subsequent death of Mr. McWilliams' younger soli from diphtheria, are fresh in the minds of the readers of THE fltnv*L and we need not here reoount them. After the death of his little boy, and during the illness of his other children, Mr. McWilliams was stricken with diph- theria, and although everything was done tliat medical skill could do to save his life, his constitution had been so undermined that he succumbed on Tues- day last. The deceased was well known and highly rospected in this section, being of an honorable and upright nature, and of sound business principles He leaves a wife and two children, to whom he was devotedly attached, and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his Inas. The body was followed to the G. T. R station by the Goderich and Maitland Lodges of A. F. and A. M., on Thursday morning last, whence it was transported to Harford cemetery, near Brantford, where sleep those of his ppoppi. who have gone before him. Mrs. MoWilliams and her two little chiidrew have the sympathy of the entire com- munity in their irreparable loom 33RD BATTALION "HOlON. "-Deputy Adjutant -General Taylor in his report for 1880, to the Minister of Militia says of the Huron Battalion of Volunteers: This fine corps under command of Lt. - Colonel A. M. Ross, performed annual drill at the brigade camp, where I in- spected them and am pleased to make • very favorable report. The battalion always has been noted for the physique of the men, and their appearance at this camp was as fine as formerly. The men were well set up and steady in the ranks; they marched past well and steadily, and went through the movements on the brigade field -days in • very creditable manner. The County of Huron supple- mented the pay of their battalion this year, and the battalion showed them- selves worthy of the liberality. I had the gtstifcation of presenting to the Adjutant, Major Henry 'Cooks, on bri- gade parade, a medal awarded him by Her Majesty for distinguished service in the Geld, he having won it for his brav- ery at the taking of the Takn Forts dur- ing the last war with Chins The "Leamington" infantry Company, Bt. Major Wilkinson commanding, was attain/met to the :Ord Battalion for drill, THE NEW ELEPATOR. it well sear guilt tela epeeats. Meeting Mr. Larmour, Division Su- perindent of the G. T. R. , at the station yesterday, we asked : "Is there any truth in the rumour of a second elevator being built by the Grand Trunk in Goderich 1" Mr. Larmour, eyed us, smiled sug- gestively, and replied, " W -e -1-1-I cannot just say. I don't think, how- ever, that a new elevator will be built this spring." It was our turn to smile; and the diplomatic railway man jumping on the train to the cry of" Allaboard "' we were left to our own reflections. 'minty The tewtimoni•kr which appear and when i say that they were one of on another page are from the hest an Anise, heel and ateedieet companies, 1 the riti.. in (`.ands do them no venni than jerkier ANOTHER FIRE. The Stases la craw's Sleek-Ceubeaes's Pei atlas (Mee ea fire -Swage t. 8ley meta Salt, About 12.15 on Thursday morning the fire alarm rang out its warning, and up- on investigation it was found that the fames were making headway in the rear end of Cathcart's printing office inCrabb's Block. The firemen were promptly at their post, and the engine took its place by one of the tanks on the Square. A ladder was procured, and Branchman Curry and his assistants quickly mounted, entered the burning building, and pour- ed a heavy stream upon the flames. In the first attempt to bring up a second branch to play on the interior of the burning edifice an accident happened by the breaking of the ladder, and Branch - man Robinson came suddenly to the ground, still holding firmly on to the " nozzle." A spectator was lighting his pipe at the door of Butler's billiard hall when Robinson descended so suddenly, and his pipe was put out in a very summary manner by a collision with a full head of water from the wriggling branch. By his time the tire had worked its way be- tweeu the partitions to the third story, and a long ladder had to be procured so as W enable the branchmen to follow. . This was done, but not until the flames had begun to issue through the roef. By untiring exertions the fire was- got under. The fire is believed to have originated in a small room or closet, used by Geo. Cathcart, job printer, who, we are in- formed, had been in the habit of keep- ing his ashes there. The flames evident- ly spread from that spot, and partly by the fire, but chiefly from falling plaster, cinders, and water, the contents of the office were badly " pied. " The landing above the closet was also badly burnt, and it is estimated that it will take about $500 to fully rebuild and plaster that portion of the building destroyed Mr. Cathcart is insured for $100 un his stock ; considerable of which is saved. Mr. Crabb's loss will be fully covered, he having an insurauce of $1,000 on that portion of the block injured by the fire. Mr. Butler who has his billiard tables on the ground floor, sustained heavy loss owing to water from the upper flat flooding through. No insurance. Seethed. A meeting of the managing committee of the N. 11 T. A. was held in t4eafowth on Saturday, llth. The neat meeting will be held in Seaforth the first Thurs- day hur -day and Friday in June. A. gond pro- gramme has nese prepared THE STANES. TsA-Maaneu.-The tea -meeting held under the auspices of L. 0. L No. 1062, on Wednesday, 9th Inst., was a grand success, Rev. Meows. Rice, Corrie, Dryers and Davey, gave very instructive addresses. The choir rendered some beautiful music for the occasion. The proceedings amounted to $36.80 Rauorou& - Rev. Mr. Jamieson, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday evening in the interest of the Educational Fund. Would you please give the solution in your journal of Paper 6. No. 3 McLel- lan's Examination Papers for Third Class Teachers? By w doing you will oblige. ANSWER. 181 x 20 365 sq. ft. = area of ceil- ing. 20 x 2 + 18} x 2 ex 40 + 364 = 764 ft. - length of 4 walls. 764 x 114 -861 1/16 sq. ft. - area of wale. ` 851 1;16 + 365 - 1216 1;16 sq. yds. to be plastered. 1216 1/16 yds ® l8cts $24.32j. AcCIDaNT.-A person named Mr. Bis- sett while in Dodd's steam mw mill on Saturday last, received severe wounds on the wrist by a circular saw unnoticed by him. The Wdeeikb Carters win a Creed Tei. ■ape. On Saturday our curlers had a sweet revenge upon the Seaforth "knights of the broo n. " There were four rinks on each side, half of the curlers playing in Goderich, and the other half in Seaforth. Our townsmen wetb victorious in both paces, and the thiels were in high glee Th. best of feeling prevailed all around. We understand that by this latest victory, the Goderich Club becomes poseesor of the Gibbon gold medal for the season. The score is as follows: THE °AMR IN OODiRSCH. Gooasicw. Sheriff Gibbons Thomas Hood. A. M. Roes. M. Hutchison. skip 27. Capt. McGregor. Arch. Dickson. Theo. J. Morhouse. Capt. Danc7. skip 27. THl GAMS IN SRA POETIC A. Campbell. J. C. Walser J. Offord. Dr. Varooe. skip 18 J. G. Wilson. A. Wilson. P. P. Wil•on. J. A. Wilson. skip 26 SEA/OATH. Alex. Davidson. Robert Fulton. George Patterson. James Holt. skip 20. And'w Young. M. R. Couter. Rich. Comman. J. R. Lyons. skip 19. OIAFO'r Tll. GODiRII:w. C. R. Dundord. W. A. Colborne. J. Thomson. H. H. Smith skip 35. W Elliott. Hy. Horton E. M.rtin. Ooflertch Toirnshlp. Szawoxs.-On Sunday next Rev. Mr. Davey will preach educational sermons at Cole's church, in the afternoon, and at Wilkinson's corner, in the evening. SCHOOL Redcar: -Below is the report of the monthly examination of School Section No. 9, for February. Mr. Evans teacher: -Fifth class-lst W. Cantelon, 2nd Francis Richardson, 3rd L. Cantelnn Fourth clans -1st Geo. A. Eliott, 2nd P. Cook. 3rd J. Richardson. 17:ird ohms - 1st W. Hicks and Isaac Oterling, 2nd C. Sterling, 3rd F. Richardson. Second class -let J. A. Elliott, 2nd J' A, Carter 3rd C. Switzer. An old settler Gone. -Death has removed another of the early pio- neers of this country, in the person of Robert Proctor, of the Huron Road, who died op Sunday last, at the ripe age of 80 years He was only sick a very short time, having been walking around on the morning of that day. He came to this county from Ireland, 49 years ago, set- tling on the lot where we died, and bravely endured all the hardships inci- dent to pioneer life, making a very large circle of aoquaintancea during his lengthened residence here. He was quiet and unobstructive, taking no active part in public affairs, and leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter, to mourn his loss (the former, we regret to learn is in very poor health.) His remain. were interred• in the Goderich cemetery, on Tuesday, • very large number following them thither. Courecu, Marrixd.-Council met at Holwesville, March 7th, 1881, pursuant to adjournment; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. By-laws Noe. 1 and 2 of present year read and passed. W. Hicks was ap- pointed pathmaster in room et James Baker; David Beacom in room of Henry Baker, and Wm. Sterling in room of John Young. Thos Sourby was refund- ed one dollar dug tax. Moved by Jas. Peacock, seconded by John Cox, that the Clerk get the auditors report print- ed at the Star office, Goderich-Carried. Moved by John Cox, seconded by Jas Peacock, that the Clerk send samples of township printing, asking tenders for sane, to the Huron Reams, 11ew.Erd, Hun" Signal, and Goderich Star -Car- ried. Moved by Jos. Whitely, seconded by John Cox, that every pathmaster making or repairing highways with gravel shall place on his list the number of yards of gravel to the best of his kuowledge before returning said list to the Clerk, as owners of gravel will in future be paid by the yard and no lon- ger by the load -Carried. Moved by Johfi Cox, seconded by Jos. Whitely, that the petition of Herbert Elford and sixty others asking for the erection of a Township Hall, be laid over fol the pre- sent year, as we consider the Hall now occupied cheaper to the township at pre- sent -Carried. Moved by John Cox, seconded by Jos. Whitely, that Arthur Knox be prtid at the end of the year, 945, for the use of his hall for the remainder of the year - Carried. Moved by J. Cox, seconded J. Whitely, that the auditor's report now read be passed, and that the Clerk get 100 co- pies printed for distribution -Carried. The Treasurer's bond was read and con- sidered satisfactory. The taxes on lot 14, lith con., e9 were canoelled, as the resident parties are merely occupanta in destitute cireumstancea. Moved by J. Beacom, seconded by J. Peacock, that the right of way of a grad purchased from Mr. Halstead of lot 37, M. C., and Mr. Disney, M. C., and fully described in Mr. Thor, NVentherald's survey of February 26th, 1881, be accepted by this Council, and that it be onemidered a public highway to all intents and pur- poses Carried. The following accounts were paid, vis: Rowse!! it Hutchinson, C. A. Humber. stationers, for printed forms, tl1 diets; skip 1Ik 3' eller, for gravel, 1880 •10.40; W. COfins indigent, r A. il two quarter's allowance, 0: R Bray, Goderich won by 22 points all round ige • p lig, indicant. 510, H (`4,10, work on H. R, S. & U. Ao. Born. -At a meee,ng *2: W. (i'or on and ethers, work on tat of the iitephw and iiehorer br+neh MO' o' n . $19.90: H. Bell, ditch on H. R manna finoiety, it was deemed to hold 51, .1 Miller, indigent, 1122. Treasurer's the Sparing Sbnw se Pridwy, lllrh April. to„yge and stationery, *4. auditors $4 it bei the custom of the encyety 4, d s•oh Th. (7onn61 sdj.nsrn d to moot their show either the day before e.r after again on the first Monday to April. that of the County m•nciation, which is Jas. PAT ON. Clerk to he held on Thursday, the 14th, het as it turns oat this lith is Good Friday, - The Walkevfen Sohn* Hoard hago.,ivea the directors will probably change rho relmi•Mon f„a anionic Dass to too date to Wednesday, the 1. th - .d in the public school. i