The Brussels Post, 1966-01-20, Page 6TKURSDAY, JAN. 20th, 1960 For •W inter-time Enjoymere: Serve ICE CREAM Creamy-smooth Cherry Ice Cream dotted with Red Cherries will make your family ask for more. Get an economical half gallon family carton from your dealer's to-day and serve it often! FRESH: from COUSINS DAIRY RAIN TO TORONTO Open TOA.M..--G P.M. Daily ..e FARMS AND THE aRussgui POST E3RUSSE4.8, ONTARIO Askabout convenient departu r. and return times CANADIAN NATIONAL INIMMIEMBEGNIMINNINIMMINSME4 per Information, phone 010 local C14 Passenger Sales Office WALTQN Duff's UCW January Meeting Duff's United Church. Women held their January meeting in the church seb.00lroom. The devot4 tonal peraioo was in charge of the 8th and 16 Unit. Mrs, Harold Bolger opened the meeting with a scripture verse and the sing- ing of hymn 427 "I Know Not What the Future Hath". Mrs. Martin Baan presided at the piano, Prayer was offered by Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, The Scripture. Samuel: 671-27 and Proverbs 21: 1-9 was read by Mrs. Alvin McDonald. The Meditation THE BIG was given by Mrs. H. Bolger. The. offering was received and. dedi- catedi Mrs. Walter Bewley introduced, in the topic, the study book oE Brazil and Trinidad. Her subject was the Island of Trinidad. A geographical account, and of the People or the country was given:. Trinidad got its name from the the Holy Trinity. Spaniards were interested in the gold, but tobac- co was soon grown. Oil was found in 1901 and along with sugar dom- inated. Other products grown are cocoa, coffee, bananas and citric fruits. There were both Christian and Negro Roman Catholics and now. qr n Pit ind.)Or displays by over. '.00 Can7dian, F:,1 -.1 European ni&nufcturer:.J. farm machines — New industrial r:It.lipn-cnt --- New mothhoc:s. [ire 1.r,f Conferences, Cohvcn .i.; Functions daisy. GozAl p..1r:!.irc,-- warm, clean sur- roundings—cafe-:':lria-: and snack bar. Ask your factr. .:quipraent dealer for free admission tfzkr.ds. they have all the modern relig- ions. In 1888 Rev. John Morton started the work of our church. Schools were very poorly organ- ized and a shortage of teachers was a handicap. In order to help Trinidad Canadian tourists are made welcome. Canadian business men are welcome to trade or set up office. Many Trintdadlans would come to Canada but find it too expensilve. Some will come owing to the pressing need for ministers, norses Vind teachers. The installation, orricers was conducted by the ReV. Arthur Higginbotham. The hymn "0 Jesus," I Have Promised, was sung. Mrs. Gordon McGavin, the new president, conducted the business wishing eyeryone a Happy New Year and harmonious and succes- ful one She said it was a challenge and honor to be president and intro- duced it with a suitable poem. Minutes were read by Mrs.. Campbell Wey and the financial report was read by'Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald. Reports were given from. Wal- ton Unit by Mrs. James Clark; Sth and 16th, Mrs, Harold Bol- ger: 17th and Boundary-, Mrs. Martin Tiaan: ; Mr.Killop, Mrs. C. Way. Mrs. Nelson Marks, correspond- ing secretary, read several letters and, cards. Mrs. Clifford Ritchie. Ciffizenhip and Social Action, read a clipping on the Indian Reserve at Cape rroker. Mrs. James Mc- Do1111l Visiting. der1 nd for Priendshin , 1 VIP World Day of Prayer will be held February. 25th. The an- mist meeting of the church con- rrretrntion is sot for Tannery 25th, rommonVing at 810. Lunch will consists of sanetwiclies and tarts with the Stb and serving. and W.tttnn unit clofne• the tidying tip, Mrs. C,IarPaine lVfinrtin reported fbn hales of the year. The unit ri pro to (4111001 I no member. ..TpilliprAr meet- Tt was decided to have, the \:\' meetings On Wedenselays threlts:lie,At wbcile year, MoniV far thfi fit116ii4 dare is to he handed in as soon as POSSible, Additiopal shelves with doors, if necessary, are to be installed, with the supper coin- OUR MANN IN l-tooLLYWoo Larry Mann, well-known Canadian: actor and comedian, on utanY 'CBG MOWS, Is a rogular contributor to: tto $11,turdcy morning teon.ohow mittee in charge. The meeting closed with hymn 446, "0 God of Bethel By Whose Hand." — The Action Set on the CBC radio network. Larry reports the latest inside stories from. the movie capital as "Our Nistnn. In Hollywood" where he in cUrrentizr Making 0, mole, WIN A nit FARM VEHICLE Doily Draws for FORD BRONCO KAISER JEEP ROVER GIPSY SCOUI EST it will pay YOU to attend the 20th Annual WALTER PEASE i rucking Class F LIVESTOCK TRUCKING TO AND FROM IN LICENSED AREAS OF GREY, MORRIS, WAWANOSH, MULLET McKILLOP TOWNSHIPS. TO ANY PLACE WITHIN ONTARIO ALL LOADS MINIUM PHONE BRUSSELS 34534