HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-01-20, Page 5yielimsofti•Asai REBEKAH and 100F CARD PARTY n The 100F Liodge Rooms FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th Lunch will be served - Prizes Admission: 5fac Come And Have .A Good Time Everyone Welcome Brought to you as a public service by ONTARIO'S SILVER & 1111JACK. °FLEET SNELL FEED SUPPLIES LIMITED SALES and SERVICE Phone 523-501 11,R. 3, Blyth anu rye Opeciats, International 105 Feed Mixall, new New Hpliand 356 Feed Mixall, new New Holland 340 Feed Mixall, slightly used Gehl 65DX Feed Mixall, new _Gehl 55 power take-off Hammer Mill with Transport new Letz Grinder with Belt Pulley, new USED EQUIPMENT International B414 Diesel Tractor, reconditioned International B275 Diesel Tractor, Excellent condition International B275 Diesel Tractor, with International 1501 Loader and hydraulic bucket Massey Ferguson 35 Gas Tractor with 4Malco Loader and mechanical bucket Several Hammer Mills with Belt Pulleys THE MUMMA POST BRUSSELS, ONTARIO THURSDAY, J.N. 20th, • TOWNSHIP OF GREY COUNCIL MEETING (continued from page oue) irepresenting Ethel Women's In- stitute and Lawson Ward and Clifford Dc,unbar representing Grey Township Council to Ethel Com- munity Centre Board. Moved by Kenneth Bray, sec- onded by Lawson Ward that George Pearson and Chester Earl be appointed to Ethel Cemetery Board for a three year term. 1Vioved by Lawson. Ward, sec- onded by Mielville Lamont that Kenneth Bray and Charles Thomas be appointed to the Cran- brook Comm,unity Centre Board. Moved by Melville Lamont sec t. - onded' by Charles Thomas that we give the Salvation Army a grant of $50.00 and St. John's Ambu- lance a grant of ;10.00. IVIloved by Lawson. Ward, sec- onded by Melville Lamont that Membership Fees be paid to the Association of Rural Mcnici- cipalities ;15•.00; Ont. Good Roads Association 115.00; and Assoc- iation of Ontario Mayors and Reeves $10.00. Moved by Charles Thomas sec- onded by INIelvIle Lamont that this council adopt the acquiring and renovation of Union School No. 4, for a Community Centre 'under By-Law No. 26 of 1965 as a Centennial Project and the municipal contribution in the amount of $1,750 will be included in the budget of the 1966 esti-r. Moved by Charles Thomas sec- onded by Kenneth Bray that this, Council approves the erection of a predominately nrocational addition and alterations to the present Wingham District High School Building to acco'm'modate an additional 320 pupils and the issuance of debentures on the assessment of the Wingham Dist- rict High School Area in pay- Ment of approximately 25% of the total cost of the said addition and alterations. ,Moved by Kenneth 13ray, sec- onded by Lawson Ward that we endorse the resolutions from the Town of Mount Forest that the area extending from Goderich to Orangoville, lying north of Pro- vincial Highway Number 9 and extending to Georgia.n Bay be deSignated as an, area of slow growth and that Clifford Dtinbar and Charles Thomas he aPPointed as representatives to the Meet- ing in Matta Forest on Feb: Rh. Moved. by Kenneth Bray, sec- onded hy M lville Lamont that ail approVed accounts be paid. IVIioved by Lawson Ward, sec- onded by Melville Lamont that we do now adjourn to meet again Feb. 7th at 1 or at the call of the Reeve. The follow :41Q paid. Association Ilitra.t membership fee Good Roads Association membership fee 15.00 Assoc. Mayors & Reeves membership fee 10.00 The Salvation Atiny grant 50.00 St. .lohn's Ambtilance vent 10.00 Rev H. Jennings, attend- ance at meeting 6.06 Ccunty of Huron, tax er;Ilection charges .... 335.74 County of Huron, leaf spurge account, 45.45 The Franklin Press print- ing school deben, tures The Municipal -World subscriptions Molesworth Street Lights friernstra Nursing Home 'December account 122.25 Queenam.av Musing Home December account 122.25 Humphries ,t'c Co. Dec. relief account Lloyd Jacklin, fox bounty C. M. Stevenson, fox hOunty Nelson Higgins, fox bounty Stanley Alexander, tile bulldozing and labOnt 6th Con. Drain Roht. L, Cunningham furnace oil J. C. Conley, sump ptinip & plastic pipe. „„„, ... O. M.. Cardiff, Division Registrar 1965 im D0b8'oo. garbage collection Ethel Village Conley, Mitres, Ethel Village. F1'wood. MeTaggart, Main- tenanee fire: den Roads & 'Bridges ..... 1,068.03 $2,300.96 Clifford. R. Min bar :Re v c. Edythe M. Gtirliitw Clerk THE UNITEU CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. M. Johnston BA.. BO. Organist: Miss Sharon Storey 46 aon. Church School 11:00 a.m. Public Worship 'PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA MELVILLE CHURCH Interim Moderator: Rev. McLean Organist: Margaret Thompson ARCT 10:00 aan. Church ISclinol 11:00 a.m. Public ...Worithisi ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rector: Rev. M. L. Jennings NA.. LTH Organist: Mrs. S. Elliott ST. JOHN'S 11:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Primary Church Salmi St. Alban's and St. David's ATWOOD 10 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School WALTON Theft At Traviss The Travis mill at Walton was entered and .$140.00 taken. The theft occurred at noon on Tues4ay. An investigation is being con- ducted by the Winghani detach- ment of the Opp. Meeting `Of 8th And 16th Unit of Dufrs UCW The January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Win Turta bull on Wednesday afternoon, January 12th. The meeting opened by singing ' hymn 16552, "Haill Gladdening Li,s;ht" with Mrs. William Turn- bull at the piano. Mrs. Rae Houston led in prayer. The scripture from Mathew 17: 14.20 was read by Mrs. Houston. The topic "Old Year Out, New Year In" was taken by Mrs. Ken Mc- Donald. A poem "IVItinutes of Gold" was reau. oy Mrs. Ken 'McDonald. Hyiun 662 "0 God Our Help In Ages Pastt' was sung followed by prayer by Mrs. Rae Houston. Business was conducted. • by Mrs. Harold Bolger. 130W membership fees were taken A letter from i\ks. 'long mention- ed the need for plastic and cot- ton pants up to 6 years old, also safety pins. Next month's roll call is to be answered by donat- ing these articles. The annual congregational meeting is to be held January 25th at 820 p.m. The 8th is to take tarts and the 18th Sand- wiches. The Women's World Day of Prayer is to be February 25th 'and, the Easter Thankofforing March 27th. s Jim McDonald and Mrs. Clarence Martin Were appointed to the visiting cemMittee. It was moved by Mrs. Rae Hou- ston seconded by Mrs. Jan van Vliet to have Mrs. Don McDonald Send fee flannelette. The collection was taken. Roll Walton Unit , Meeting The Walton unit of Duff's UCW held their January meeting in the church Sunday School room. Mrs. Howard Rockwell and Mrs. Ian Wilbee conducted the de- votiOns The meeting opened with the call to worship by Mrs. Flackweli. The scripture, by Mrs. Wilbee was followeu oy prayer. 'Mrs. Ray Ruether presided at the piano The topic "The Power of Prayer" was dealt with by Mrs. Gerald Watson. The President, Mrs. William Qoutts, conducted, the business session. Minutes of the last meet- ing were read by Mrs. lames Clark. Mrs. Torrance Dunaas, presented the financial state- ment and treasurer's report for the year. Mies Ernest Stevens reported the Yeat's work done by the Quilt COninlittee. It 'Was decided to charge $8 for Making plain quilts and po for fancy Mints. Mtg Allan McCall, Mrs. Flowatd Reckwell, 'Mrs. Mac Sholdice. Mrs, Edward. Miller, Mrs. Nelson Marks and. Mrs. gerbert Traviss are the eoniniittee in charge of the April bazaar, After the closing hymn a half-hour was enjoyed. ReffeShinents were served by Mtg. Wire COntts, Mrs, Ja.S. Clark and Mrs. T, Dundas. CRAN.UR.00i.S. Several area residents are in hospitals. John Petrie Sr., in Wingham, Hospital where he underwent surgery. Mpirray Bremner, son. of Mr,. and Mrs. Bill Bremner, undergoing tests in Listowel Hospital, and Miss Mary Martin, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin in Children's War Memorial Hospital, London, also for tests. Mrs. Stewart Evans and. Patsy visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Consitt„.Varna. Friends of Miss FIR mbeth Dickson were sorry to hear of her unfortunate accident when she fell in her home, sustaining a fractured limb, She is a patient in Listowel Hospital. Cranbrook Wl I. Have Euchre Party The Women's Institute span- Seree a progressive euchre party in the Community Centre on Friday evening. While the attend- ance was not large a good time Was enjoyed. high score was won by Mrs. Stuart Evans and Murray Hitether, with low going to Mrs. Murray Hiteth.er and Leslie Dneharnie: Another party Is being planned for early February and a better attedance is hoped for. Watch for further notice: Now is the lime to renew your ripi ion. Our thanks to the huhdtedS who have already paid their silt* scription. accounts were Mum 15.00 148.1ti, 40.00 23.13 118.20 4.00 20.00 20.00 46.50 36.34 80,09 .75 14.0fT 4.02 8.00 call was answered by 11 ladies Two guests were present. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. Grace was sung and lunch 'was served I by Mrs: Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs, Jan van Wet and the hosteSs: •