HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-01-13, Page 5• ••••••••••••••••••••, 111$ 1081.411.111.0 OPOIT, oftveseuo, 6)11irAfil12 fit's Good When It's t. JUST HEAT AND SERVE HOL,OLA T E MILK Your children will love its smooth chocolate flavour combated with alt the goodnese of fresh twill. Always tteep 1 or 2 quarts handy •••• ... • ;No Imixing' just pour lit from the bottle, heat, and serve. GET SiOtlia". TU-DA troni Your MILKMAN or GROCER a Ala: • aa.r. Oa. AII4 wao.aiad a. EVER' EST THE BIGGEST s It will pay YOU to attend the 20th Annual • • S 7'14 acres of indoor displays by over 200 Canadian, American and European manufacturers. New farm machines - New industrial equipment - New methods, IT'S THE BIGGEST! Educational Lectures, Conferences, Convention and Social Functions daily. Good parking-warm, clean sur- roundings-cafeterias and snack bar. Ask your farrn equipment dealer for free admission tickets. Open 10 A.M.-6 P.M. Daily A ali A fuN FARM VEHICLE Doily Draws For FORD 'BRONCO KAISER JEEP ROVER GYPSY SCOUT JANUARY itywargypeakeimmommosereasimm!waskravaivi riPswIROPoolliPr 1V4014tIS J.:OWN:41W t.,0L4N Aiwa, I 1.0 ka l4;01114U41Oti i1'4114 page Late) ed by itess annul uuxt isynaw, 1ye. 1, ainai appointing otticiara and setting wages be passed as read 1st, zad aim era tunes. followmg are the offielals appointed.; enawitx klenen alartin $1000. T1'olaASUREttia School Attena- auece OiLtricer and al:R..11(1111g road. audit - Nelson iliggins,$155u.00 ASSESSOR - John Brewer, $800 r'UG'AT131l1eiiiPERS Carl Johnston, atearart alieL.-ennan, Ross Turvey, Mel :!lathers, Jonas Bowman, Stanley .tiopper, Clar- ence Miervya Pipe, Robert Gras by, William McCutcheon, Ernest ,Michie, Robert Bird, Wil- Lain Craig, George Blake, Johe' Nesbit, Rae Huether. at - Herbert: Garniss and Ken Taylor at $1.50 per hour and 10 cents, per mile. jaaa.,;..camav Eits each when reqturea: aorinwest, inertial erecter, k...;aseniore, Bert ,.Hastings. aortheast, Wilfred Warwick., \Vat, Peacock, frank Sellers. Southwest, James Wilson., Bruce Smith, Charles Solidi. Southeast, Kenneth McDonald, James Smith, v ey cheon. WEED INSPECTOR - Robert Grasby, at $1.50 per hour and 10 cent per mile. GRADERAIN James Case- more, at $1.50 per hour and 1-h pension. John Smith at $1.50 per hour and lh pension LABOUR WAGES - $1.25 per hour. TIT4fil DRAINAGE IN'SPECTROS, George Michie at $1.50 per hour and 10 cents per mile. TREVNICA{ INSPECTOR --- Wm. licArter at $1.50 per hour and 10 cents per mile. MoveeVyntesS Smith second- ed by Walter Shortreed that we advertise for applications for Welfare Administrator and assist- ant treasurer for the Township to be in by noon, Feb. 5, 1966. Aimed by Wm. Nelson second- ed by James Mair that Reeve receive $300, Councillors $250 each for 1966. Moved by James Mair second- ed by Ross Smith that road superintendent, Wm. McArter, be Paid $1.50 per hour plus 10 cents Per mile plus $15.00 per month for bookkeeping, subject to the approval of the District 1111unicipal Engineer. JVToved by Win. Elston seconded by James Mair that Wm. MscArter be Paid $30.00 as caretaker. Moved by JameEZ Mair seconded by \\ Lu.Ler ahortreed that Ross auntie nu revreseuiutlye on the :iquitiaaa Valley Conservation, Authority ur • • , • alloyed by Waiter Shortreed s.eo- . waded by Win. Elston, that James Moir be representative on the Brussels Recreational 0u3.11,p-440e. .A.Kwe(i by James viair second- ed by Walter. Shortreed that WM. and Ronald • Campbell recommended to the Bolgraye Arena Board. Moved by Wm. Liston .secentied by Ross Smith that • Stewart Procter and Walter Shortreed oe: the replesentatives on the Blyth b nu Area Board. .Liauved by Waiter Shortreed seconded by James Mair th.0 Wm Elston and Ross Smith be representatives on . the "Wingham District Fire Area Board. . loved by Ross Smith secona- ed by James' Mair that Reba H. Couttes be recommeaded• as • re- presentative to the .Wingia'ain and District Hospital Board. Moved by Ross Smith aeconded by Win. Elston that we give the Blyth Standard the printing contract for the same as last Year. Moved by Walter Shortreed sec- onded by James 1VIzair that By- Law No. 2, 1966 authorizing the treasurer and Reeve to borrow up to $60,000. on the credit of the Municipality from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Wingham, be passed. Moved by William Elston sec- onded by Walter Shortreed that $25..00 be given the Salvation Army, Loudon. Moved by James 1V1air, seconded Ross Smith that we endorse the Connty request for a com- munity college in liuron County. Moved by James Mair seconded by Win. Elston that Council ap- Prove the erection of a predom- inately vocational addition and and alterations to the present Wingham District High. School Building to accomodate an addit- ional 320 pupils and the issuance of debentures on the assessment of the Wingham District High School Area in payment of ap- proiimately 25% of the total cost of the said addition and alterations. li 11/10ved by Ross Smith second* ed James Mrair that member- ship to the Ontario Good Roads Association be paid. Moved by Wni. Elston second- ed by Janies 141inir that the mem- bership to the Ontario Association of Rural ,Maznicipalities be paid. Delioved by Ross Smith seconded by Wm, ElSton that we request de- velopment road assistance for road between lots 15 & 16 in l'RESBITERIAN CHUliCit ur CANADA., E.L.Viii..1.1E Interim Moderator: Rev. McLean Organist: Niargaret Thompson ARGT 3.u:Ou eau. Church Sek001 11:00 am. Public Worship ANGLICAN Clii.JRCH GAAIADA Sector; Rev. h. L. Jennings organist: Mrs. ei. iialigtt ST. JOHN'S 11:30 a.m.. Morniiig Prayer and. Primary Church SehoOlk St. Alban's and. St. David's ATWOOL/ 10 a.m. Morning Prayer anti ,.......1.•••••••••••11111i. Township of AltOITIS from County houu 10 north to boundary be- tween a."Jrris and Turnberry to connect with .1.1.igb.way 86. Moved by Walter Shortreed sec- onded by Wm, Elston that road accounts as presented be• paid. , ;Moved by James Mair second- ed by Ross Smith that, general accounts as presented by paid. Moved by Ross Smith seconded by Jas. Mair that meeting adjourn to meet again l'eb. 7 at, 1p.m. or at the call of the Reeve. General. Accounts Paid Rev. Allan Johnston 5.00 Tile Drainage Loans 1400.00 Treasury Department 300.00 Town of Clinton, Deben- tures re High School 127.22 Township of T,urnberry charge back account 16.40 1Vkunicipal World, sub- scriptions 35.00 Salvation Army 25.00 Killbarchan Nursing Home 122.25 Ontario Good Roads Association Oatario Association of Rural Municipalities .... 15.00 Calla.nder Nursing Home Welfare George Radford, work on IVIocCall Drain .1. 273.00 Road. Accounts Paid Fin. McArter, wages, mileage, bookkeeping 97.66 James Casemore, wages .... 155.00 John Smith, wages 83.65 Belgrave Co-Op., salt 5.25 Geo. Radford, sand 30.00 Miel Jerilyn, backhoe rent snow ploughing 4 340.25 Glenn Snell, snow ploughing 220.00 Wingham Auto :Wreckers, heater motor 2.06 Listowel Transport, freight . . 6.24 Gerald McArter, cutting .... 5.00 Brussels Coal Yard, stove oil . 45.20 Stewart Procter Helen Mitrtin Reeve Clerk Melville W.M.S. The New Year nieetuig 1. Melville Church Missionary Soc- iety was held in the churen pariour at 2:30 on Priday, Jan. 7th. The president, Mrs. James Mair, opened the meeting with a poem "Like Him- To Be". 'Then, the hytin Standing at the Portal of the. Year was sung foilowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs, Matheson 'read the secretary's report and Mrs. Speir gave the financial statement for the year 1965. Mrs. John Bowman read the ,Scripture lesson, Deut. and Mrs. Roy Turvey led in prayer. Mrs. Margaret Thompson sang. -a solo, "Nearer My God To Thee" accompanied by Mrs. King. Mrs. Mair gave the New Year message. The business part of the meet- ing followed. Members renewed their membership for 1966 by' paying their fees; visits to the sick were noted and the offering taken. Mrs. Speir and Mrs Math- eson were appointed to serve on the coin mittee of the VV orla Day 01 .Brayer Service. An "in Memoriam' gift was presented 'to the W.M.S. in Mem- ory of Mrs. WM. Spell., oy ner cqusin, Miss Lyle Burgiss, Tor- onto and was accepted with deep gratitude by the society. A short life story of Miss Ada Ross, a missionary- under the Pesbyterian Church in Honan, China iron! 1J15-1927 was read by Bessie Moses. Miss Ross wa.s the daughter of a former minister of lizelville Church, the Rev.. John Ross- 41 Arrangements were made for several members to attend. the the annual meeting of the Pres- byterial in Wingham on Jan. 11th. Mrs. Mair introduced a project to foster a greater interest in missions. The hymn, "0 ,1Vlaster let me walk with Thee", was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. kviumwoleasppmmumpislarpowftwomoriap.inowniappiumrwift BRUSSELS. TRANSPORT SAFE DEMNUAkiLE TRUCKING SERVICE, Ship Pigs On Monday A.M. if Monday Holiday - Ship Tuesday Cattle 'rucking Service to or from Brussels anywhere within Ontario 'hone George Jutzi Brussels 122 4,.r.44.4 •4:1443..ek-.4 4,,,,..44.fa.4.hgaia-444144AimajoiSka THE UNITED CHURCH OF GANADA Minister: Rev. A. M. Johnston Organist: Miss Sharon Storey 9:45 a.m. Church $0h001 11:00 a.m. Publio Worship $10.00 15.00 122,25 6.60