HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1966-01-13, Page 4TiltaitiDAY( JANE fittity fOotil 0621111111111111111111111111151110 oe---eyeeeeeeeeeeee-ee OROSEL.6 POST ORIA.SELS, ONTA0110 661.166.6666.6.6.66. 6,66.6,61.6 March Of XJiune begins Feb. tiood Car bt.),,Y4 1966 Comet Capri 2 Door UT. V8, Auto,, Aadio .1968 MercurY Yg Ton Mick 1965 Mercury Deetileinitratat 1965 Pontiac VS, Auto. 1963 Mercury VS, Auto. 1963 Ford VS, Auto., Radio 1963. Ford 6 Cyl. Std. Trans. 1962 Mercury 6 Cyl. Std. Trans. OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM IVA U "1" 44 it ehoue z,ga /dimwits, ow", teeeteetereiceseeetallittees eeeseetteese Limaitei ktowe4, Ontario 1ZEQUIRr.: THE $kiRV10ES OF A MALL AcLUU1444 l'4441kLii Ar.y11,:arrtt$ preererately snould sie young men wisp grade . or grace ‘..onnuercias ceruncates. ztorne clerical Ur accounung experience would tee an asset, ranougn not strxel.q necessary. cippucants must De .witiwg and adie to undertaKe a long sikaety Ort)61 ettifilMaXtila ni an .Accounung degree. interesteo , ,qualued persons should contact the liana eersonnes Urrice. inties are uelug made ..tel; 1410 ut Dituus on eetbruary A.e.e. this ualu open and. Watch fur tut tiler annonneeneent. ie.e.PERIENCED . WANTED — .4eperieaced help wanted we I. H. i"arm "equipment uealersidie Contact: John leach, V.O. Box 11l, Seafortin Out. Phone 52,7-0.1e0 • FOB rig.14 I. — Six room apartment, on ,;it. 1-,tot and cold water; eoai 4ur4Ace. 'Apply ve: Jona Wade Agent fur :.Payton U. Hogg Ltd., Phone e, Brussels. tie.:Pc6.74-4tZ,AacIgimogiatirifojimeraillfoliga, NOTICE TO DREDITORG In the Estate of JOHN L. JAMIESON deceased An.le PERSONS having cieline against the estate of the aDove mentioned, late of the City of London, in the County of Middle- sex, retired farmer, who died on the sixteenth day of Novemoer, 1966, are required to file proof oi same with the undereignea on or before the twenty-eighth day of January, 1966, after which date the executors will proceed to die- tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. Dated at Brussels this 3rd day of January, 1966. CRAWFORD er SHNPHERD, Lrussels, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix g-.T1iLL L. Weber, A. Bremner and David Brown were re-elected' as village trustees for another term of office. Mrs, Wen. Dobson's mower, Mrs. Velimer, of Kitchener, died, in Kitchener, on Friday evening. Mrs. Arthur ,trodden of Dun- das, was a. visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Godden.. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bremner and Doris, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cardiff on the 40th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Brerener. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper and Jim and Mr. and Mrs. Oarl McDonald. MELVILLE LADIES AID The Lacliee Ala of Church men at the home of Mrs. Charles Davis with twenty in atteneanc.e and the president:, e1r4 eeoeee e.vaue in the eealr. Hilt meeting opened wan a hymn and Brae r ionowed by the Lora'c Prayer in unison. Scene:tire reading was given by Mrs. Parien aiiu prayer by eirs. Little. Mrs. Matheson gave a gave a reading and the hymn What a Friend We Have In Jesus, was sung. A message on New Year Resolutions was read by Mrs. Evans. The business part of the meet- ing followed. Secretary's report, Mrs. Wes ieerr; Financial state- ment, Mrs. Harvey Dennis. It was decided to hold a Bake Sale at February. h "A contest was enjoyed by the ladies and lunch was eerved by Mrs. Little and Mrs. tEeens. SALES HELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE Wanted immediately man or woman to supply consumers in Huron County with Rawleigh Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time, $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept, A-152-920, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Mont- real. Now is the time to renew your eubecription. FOR SALE — 2 oil space heaters,1 small and large, quaker, both in good eon- ditioe. may be seen at 221 Sbutee St., Winghaul. Phone ier.usseie 3tete16. Russell Bone, Ale BruSsei - NOW AVAILABLE An opening with Avon Producte in the ientevale, uuhnesLuwa, Muleewortn area. ior information phone collect evenings, :London. 4014041, or write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Loudon. HOUSE FOR SALE — 1reenly painted tram Houee, two bedroorne upstairs, bath room. living room, dining room, mouern kitchen, and laundry room aOriii stairs. New oil furnace, and new hot water heater. Wm. H. King, Phone Brussels 13e HERE'S YOUR KEY T,O A BIG INCOME - - MAIL TODAY THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO. LTD.. Dept. ,A-152-HY, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, P. Q. Gentlemen: I am interested in the world famous Rawleigh line on a ) part-time basis ) full-time basis ) Please send me FREE Cook Book and catalogue with full details. PROV January Meeting Of Knox Church WivIS The January meeting of. the Women's Missionary society was heel in the home of eters. Ales: Steiss with an attendance of teen. Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, leader, opened with a New Year .661.144b a1 6 _U ;L' waa alb t, WA: Lull. 11,3 .01 I,Lo. oerititaru leanings.ere t eanie ue: u-ee anti Paiiiinains i41/ nieuitatIons oy eel's. Calvin Cam- eron and Mrs. maxi Dunn. ears. etaiiiey r leerier lea in prayer and the New Year's topic Was given by airs. leeie hlagel. lne president, eirs. Earl Dunn con- ducted- the business and gave ci me Year inoaghts The roll call was answered with a New tem' verse. Happy Birth- day was sung for two nierneere. Plans were made to attend me Presbyterial in Lucknow on Jan. li. The secretary and treasurer gave their reports for 1.965, which 'were most encouraging. Pers. Clitiord Bray will be hostess for bebruary. A Scripture cake Con- test was conducted by Mrs. Alex Steiss. Lunch was served. by the hostess, assisted by. Miss Alice J. Forrest and 'Mrs. Clifford Brae. W. L Plan Card Party The Craubrook Women's Insti- tute are sponsoring a Euchre Party in the Connnunity Centre on Friday evening, January 14th. Lunch will be provided and a silver collection taken. Everyone will be welcome. Mr. Harry Jackson has moved into the manse. We welcome him to Cranbrook. brussels Cpuncil (continued from page One/ tract printing fur the year 1966 at el:17A. eicreeu by elcCuteheon sec- onued by H. J. LeaPas tnat Ivan Campbell anti George Mutter be appointed to represent the Vil- lage of Brussels on the Mel- ee estern Development Associat- ion for 1966. ended by I. G. Campbell that the Moved J. L. McCuecneou sec- Reeve receive $300.00 per annum and the Council receive $200.00 per annum for serving tile Muni- cipality for 1966. Moved by LI, J. TenPes, second- ed C. L. Cousins that By-Law No. 2, 1966 as read a first aim second time be paesed. This being a By-Law eoveraing the earking on certain streets in the Village of 13russels. Moven by J. L. Mceeitcheon sec- onded by L G. Campbell that By- Law No. 2-1e66 as read a third time be passed and the Reeve and 'Clerk be authorized -o sign and the Seal of the Cuiporation attached. Moved by .0. L. Cousins, second- ed by J. L. McCutcheon that Council endorse the request by Wingham District High Schooi for an addition to the. Wingham District High School Vocational Wing. Moved by H. J. TenPas, second- ed bp C, L. Cousins that the meet- ing adjourn: to meet again Febr- ititaeleeeve7., 1966, or at the call of the J. Calvin Kreuter Win. H. lung Reeve Clerk NAME AI DRES S CITY • ; THE 1E4 41:1010 (IL b Camoda's Capital, Vein Boulevard at Laurier Ave. 400 OutaNde ROOM Free TV end Radio Ale-Coaditioned tamps NEE PAWING FOR REGISTERED GUESTS PAWKY PLAN MOM WON Staple $7.50- $9.25 Doubles" SID-$12:30 CEnfral 5-3333 HOW TO BEAT A SKID — If you're going too fast *then you skid, the tar won't always respond to the wheel. when in doubt — slow down! If you start to skid, turn the front wheels in thb direction of the skid. Don't brake and don't towalerote. Remember skidding is more opt to occur when they lissysissurs is oboes 32 awes' deep sass Ws colder. e Teach then, to look both ways before Crossing the street