HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-11, Page 7i if $ RU) SIGNAL, FRIDAY, ][ARCH 1!, 1881. answer fomes t one % As it uuw stands Upper Canada Col- lege cannot hope tea mist the combined attack of its oppouenta, nor can any government or 'Meister risk it or his tenure of ulbee by insisting on Ito pre- en gtinuatitte. The opponents .•f the sshuol are many. lint we have the collegiate institutes and high schools, who regard it with jealousy, and who Maim that, without the pampering that they allege u bestowed on Upper Cana- da, themselves du as good if net itetilffli�li4 at a awes woad- , lsuet; ly, ever, tient cpality that ia t axed to support high schools or teillagt..•e insti- tutes thinks an injmutioe is doue it wheu Upper Canada is maintained out of pro- vincial funds fur the bensfit mainly of one municipality; thirdly, the graduates and friends of the university of Toronto and University college say that, as both these institutions are doing really not ion - el or at hest provincial work of the most valuable character fur the promotion of higher education, an.1 thou aa Upper Canada, though established to assist in ]promoting higher etlucatiou, is merely doing the same work as the.high schools, atwd that in no more efficient manner and at greater oust; therefore, as these two institutions are greatly in need of funds to extend their usefulness and become still more efficient instruments for the benefit of the province at large, the en- dowment fund of Upper Canada college *hook be transferred to the endowment of University college and the tniveraiy „f Toronto. But beside these three ob- jections raised on eomnomical grounds, there are other and almost as potent sentimental ones put ferward. We are told that Upper Canada college is one of the few remaining vestiges of the family compact, min a ord d tt thati it urit is a c Minstitution, titutio n iea are opposed to the democratic feel- ings of our people. And all these forces working in corn- loinatieq are sunken' to secure the abol- ition of the Alois, unless some strong reasons can be given for its retention. Even the great majority of the people of Toronto would look with indifference on drain on sheep and lambs will not only its abolition if they saw that it only increase the price of mutton, but it will meant the transfer of is money from one tmdoubtediy cause a decided rise in the institution in this city to another similar- price of coarse wool, the best qualities of Iv located. this to be found on the oontinent being Can, then, any reasons -be given for the grown in Canada. It is remarkable how continuation of the college? Yea, Up- U agricultural produces keep fluctuating per Canada college is doing a good work, in price. Two years ago sheep were a though perhaps at a somewhat greater expense than the collegiate institutes. We venture W my from a personal know- ledge of both the college and the insti- tutes, and of the students of the two in their university course, that the boys from Upper Canada have received the better training and have more finish to their work than the boys from the aver- age high school. The system of discip- line and method of study are different. their part wiU be the death warrant of an institution which they claire to be h Dt411 this is duos there shoald be no *if spoon in the legislature. It is no - Muter k, ounce ate, it isa serioea task fin buil yp. Above all, a y attempt to plunder the foods of the oil - lege --a Lund set apart for higher educed. - ion -by dividing it among the kigb schools should lie opposed by all right- thinking minds, and especially by mai• versity wen. {Toronto World. IIIJOH MUTTON WANTED. L*Sree destar *ewsamd roe sheep ane Lambs, and sae Reason Thereto.. 11 you take a walk down through the arcade you will be struck by the feet that very few carcasses of mutton or Iamb are displayed Ask the price per pend, and usrleas you can afford a luxury gottd Lamb and mutton roast will nut tempt your appetite for some time to come. Mr. James Britten, wbo has had a sen 1 in the arcade f.or • Qt. LUTES Or • •-RJRC*T, was interviewed by a reporter with a view to learn what had caused the scar- city and the consequent remarkable rise. Mr. Britton said that in his twenty-five years' experienos on the market he had never known the like of it before. This morning his sou bought mutton at the rate of eleven cents by the caroms, eume- thing unprecedented in the history of the trade here in Toronto. The cause as explained by Mr. Britton, a quite reasonable. The foot, rut in the old country has destroyed countless tbbus- ands of sheep. Mutton in the Liverpool market is three pence a pound dearer now than for years before.' To fill the vacancy in the markets England is mak- ing very large demands on Cunadien- wonlled stook. If chis country mould afford to do it the mother Lad would take every fat sheep in it. In May mmTY THOCttA!(D WILL RE anwrgD from Toronto and other points west for Liverpool,' and these are being boeg`t through the country at five and sit a tatd a pound live weight. The effect cubic dry opt Juin r, with our preaching. Let the old cow ;c•' ... you. Get all the good you .s.• ..1, and leave the rmet. Yost' uu ttaiof uouriah- ant in 11 see a Oat. Loot is a for yr lays previous to the oslebiattuu u: ata.. At first the observance .edy .... ..ory hours- from tits afteruuut: • i . , uctti:tun day to the muntin:: . ueurvection day. It was thee o i• . .0 i hree, four or six days to •t. cwtoru Easter, ac- uur,aing to to_ -, u. different church- es and atterw:.. _urea and six weeks, always exuap.u.. .uuda's, wlt:eh are oatebrated ttr w .a, .vel in hostour of Christ's reseiresti of , and in some churches, eyi.%i.u:5 ..t tote dont, also the Saturdays or Sabi:mom'. fu this period of thirty-six d,sy. Ash Wednesday and the three ..,.,owing days were suthtritativety addod w the sixth o en- tuxy, probably ov ,iregury the Great, from the ides that it was meet to follow the example of Mows, Elias and Christ, who fasted forty days. Aethorough- going faster who observes the Lente* regulations with the utmost strieknesa and trout deeply rooted religinus con- victions is a wleilatosue spectacle, be - ewe of the exhibition his abstinence maks profound sincerity and contin- uum and cheerful serif -denial; but there are sourer of people who keep the Len- teh season in a a.outlaw* and perfunctory manner. Fro n a purely health point of view it ia wed that there is a ttoaaoii of comparative fsetiu,t before spring opens, and es that ground, if not on the high- er and religious ;rend, the inetutors of Lent did the world a good turn. • • The closing debates on the Coercion Bill were remarkable for Hattourt's *pooch on American Fenianism and La- bouchere's rejoinder. Lebo uchere said that Fenienisui in New Tdrk was an as- sociation consisting of some twenty m- eow', wko find it an exceedingly good speculation to live in luxury upon the Souls! Seeds! The eabeariber bags to draw the atten- tion of the public generally to his large and varwal stook a FAH ail GIRDER REDS p,nsutte.g of OLOV1 , TIMOTHY, HUNG Air, MILLET, PEAS, OATS, SARUM, and sheave WHILAT; else TURNIlP, MANGOLD, CARMOT, and all other GARDEN AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, at rats that oauuot bo beaten. dead lues and perfectly worthiest' as far as profit is concerned ; next year *area will prove the best paying stock an deb farm. -[World. owe flamers. 1*; In the formation of character, we owe to our mothers more than to any other human agency, for it is their hands that first twine the tendrils of oar hearts, guide our foot -steps aright, lead us in the 8• EitZ719 tle Hatatftos or Your hooses tolst os Newgate street In a therewith state of repair. -B. t3. 1774. TO THE PUBLIC :- Haying disposed of ray Photo Business in OodericJ, I would take this wportemity to regent thanks fur tAr many uwri received hone mentereeiny business twee seven years ago. Nor my .nose Bator, Mr. ,'Jelloace, I bepaok u ceat.s,usi,ue of the patronage so kindly tertde,wf me, aiuf knowing Aunt te twps.v+a /tiveriur ability, prrdict for hoe a ~cretin! business career. Respectfully, R. R. THOOMP1-'OV, Photo. eontnbutions of Irish.nuree maida end waiting maids. (Hear, hear, and laragh- tar•), In order to keep up the flow of contribution they find it necessary to do something, and sometimes even • amid emissat,es to England. He did not he - here that the emissaries oommitted etfy crime dn.'ing the last two years, beesws they were afraid to perpetrate it. Yet likely the tin cartridge of dynamite dis- covered in London Square nets placed there by e 'Fenian, so that they might my m New York, "see what terrible fel- lows we ate, and how narrowly London escaped being blown up." The troubles in the township of Lowe, in the Gatineau district, have been got over, the delinquent taxpayers having paid in their overdue rates. The whole affair appears to have been considerably exaggerated. The system is such that the marten and path of virtue, and in the dark, dressy' students are banded together as a corn- night of pain, their watchful vigils keep nunity, and the spirit of the community Fide the couch of their dear onem i.ervaders more or les each of its mein- Whose but the all -seeing eye of Jehovah berm Such a spirit is to be observed in a still greater degree in the great public .chools of England, but we venture to say that it is almost wanting in our gram- mar schools. Some therewho areaffect to .lespise such an argument; to these we can only say that if their inappreciation can fathom the depths of anxiety they feel, and who can tell of the oegmeles prayers which they offer for their sin striken children' Their influence ever shines with an unsullied light which softens and purifies the wayward impulse of 'the yasthfu With reference to the above I would inform all inlcrcated 1,401 nit atm will be to produ.-e work at the Lo weal Pruxs.torsWent with (Iced 1lwssllty, and shay spare no pates iti give satiate.. tion. A Ape assortment of Albums, Frwninn, Re., to hand In a few does. A call solicited. R. SALIOWS, Photo, makes lilo.t t}oderirh. IM eltesser to R Thel*psn.l N.B.-As 1 have all the Negatives nsade bw H. it. Thompsont,er viouel}y� tq my meting the business, part vers wish ing d upHesfrs will please vend Inc their ordra. v. H. t Jl.I.o 80 LOGS IAN TIO 7 Practical BOHR -11.11118, no Subscribers have beagle' the Teel, and Boller Buraass of D. Howes miss & Os, Weir be• rawisi Oraspear, sad Irariag lad ea ea - perigees el over eight years Is Mat shop, are 'seer pregame *scam on the trade la all its Or Aar week astrosted to se will rendre Al Wads ef &Alen toads aad repaired. rase Smoke Steaks sad Sheet tree Work, ac., a- reasowahle sates. New &Mt Para made and old noes repaired rt 00111.1MT111111 says : • n0 "Only Lung Pad" is being thoroughly triad hens. One lady has al ready received rest bessefit, who hassle( hwed for years front Bronchitis and kith H. IL 1110D01, Cambridge, Mich , 'mos . I hese been aillided with Asthma fur yoors. An "Only Lang Pad" gave ase uninediate milt MA recommend A aa the greatest remedy ever prodecad. Ohio, says: A Maid preesiled upon sue to try an "Only Lung Pad," and I ok Mined immediate rehef from • nicking cough. I know the Pad helps/ me. At retail by all druggists. Wholesale by H. HASWELL & CO., Montreal, P. Q JOHN RALPH STAR SALT WORK& • The undersigsed is now prepared to sof tbe =cash price tor the tonowing sawooge: eh mid Reek Cm, UM lift. and 16 feet loss also Basawood, Olik. Black Ash. Maple, sow le the time le pareissae your salt for ag. 9111901IelL. ki.osoe IM Per rent 10 oga or Wood takes in exchange for salt "Mar" Sett Works. Ooderich HAMILTON STREET, STOVES TINWARE. Prrto at Nees as Cheap as the Cheapest Retuning the stock and you will be ou-c to be suited. Sheepskins, Wool' Pickings, riaton Rags, Copper, Brass oadold Metal taken I in exchange for Goods. The best known remedy for all • affec- tions of the Chest, Lungs or Throat is Gaev's SYRUP or RRD larsocs (ltd. It is constantly used by thcusands of per - mos suffering from the above diseases, apd in nearly every instance it affords inniediste rebel In cases of trouble- s ime, tickling Cough, Where the. ratieSt poises sleepless nights, one or two deem of the Syrup has such a quieting, sooth- ing effect that the rest ensues and 'the Cough speedily disappears. Try it snd be couvinoed. Sold by all chemists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. -ad of it applies to the case of Upper Cana- mind, and guides it onward in its course idiCollege it must also apply to the great I toward heaven. How, then, can we pay cen.tres of learning of Europe and Amer- li just tribute to our mothers. With what ica, half the reputation of which is based 1 measures of gratitude and affection shall on their adueatory influences other than we requite them for their maternal Imre facilities of teaching. Education eare? dates not consist in the mere acquirement To those who have het their. mothers of book knowledge; and Upper Catusda linage, we contend, is richer than its vale in those influences -whether eocial or moral- which go a great way as supplementing book -work in forming an education. The other institutions in this provinoe which are somewhat similes to Upper Canada are Trinity school at Port Hope the institution of the Society of Friends at Pickering, the Hellmuth school at Lundos aid De La Salle institute in this city. ill these, nod two or three others are conducted on s different sys- teen:from the high Who'll', arid are nevertheless doing good work. Ind here we would just say that we want a competition system as well as a compe- tition of schools condoned (in the one system. The bold uniformity of a single system is one of the drawbacks in many departments of this so -celled practical ege- We are of in early life, there is the hallowed spot, sacred to memory, where they retro- spect the pase-recall days and nights when their mothers kept watch over their sinless years, and where they may look forwsrd, with faith arid hope, to the blessed re -unions of the everlasting Friends may be torn from uur heart., hopes may be blasted, and our love for others may grow eold, yet every princi- ple of gratitude end every feeling of vir- tuous sensibility requires that we should oling to our mothers and love them eta]. - [Free Mason. opinion thst the college should be retained, but in • modified form. Jost what should be Acme it is not for us O. my. The blends of the college shouki find this out and act 1110111011" dingly. Perhaps it 'mold he advisable to sell the present site, rue sp • new structure in the Queen s park, shore a part al the endowment with the tinnier - by subtler* risteids of the of its seldom this Akin of the ordlegh, mut they should he the 6111 to toke ration Lot the (lover tenon remit the question t, the senate, end Irbil. the smote a •-oninder• ,ng it lot the Merida of the rollos• not WIT intim term 0,4144 *Atha • Mop ORA taus*. If you are suffering with a Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Consumption, loos of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the Throat or Lungs, use Da. Kiwe's New Dieove- RY for Consumption'. This is the great remedy that is causing so much excite- ment by its wonderful cures, curing thousands of hopeless caeca Over one million bottles of Dr. King's New Dis- covery have been used within the last year, and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance. We can unhesitat- ingly say that this( is really the only sure cure for throat and lung affections, and can cheerfully recommend it to all. Call and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size fee $1. F. Jordan Gode- Marble • VvorK s. L IBERAL OFFERS FOR, 1881_ Two Yeare for the Price of One! THE REPRINTS OF REVIEWS, AND Present tine too" nil a con- veutent foto :int'. wit/told ,ibri.lryment or Bla• ckwood 0../ any .4 n Idevitoo 7.1.11 The • four Rev iews • ' 12.00 Black woud avid the foto Iter.ews mut • ' These are about too tie prime etarued by On. English Nebl l'iruulara :•e of *le I'fr1od- ludo for 11 e Vette EVA awl twiny piaci' liartic- Now suhtwribers may Olive the numbers for HO and Itt41 at the price ot ptle year's arab To any subscriber, new or Md. we lieu fur - All ceders to be sent to the pn'll.tiatisatudildia. To secure pry tthums The Lsono,rd. tic ,t114,1•.1-11hint Cp., Headstones, House TriniMingS, Monuments, mad work of an kinds In Marbles, dtsigned and execnted in the best style and at most reudesble orlon. darbie Mantles kept in steel. °suits monuments and Headsionie ialperted to order. ALL WORK WARRANTED. a ones tows. "Now, friend I' ye just got ( ne word to say. can't bear mw preaching' I get no good. There's so much in it that I don't want, that' I grow lean to tt I lose my time and peens. • "Mr. Brunnal, OWEN in here. Thema sey cow Thankfnl- she ma teach yes A cow teach theolop' What do you IAIDAr SCOTT & VANSTONE. 1761. ZOPICSA from Brazil, is now owns into Canada. It is a mild purgative, "Leine as a wonder upon, end giving strength and energy to the digestive apparstue of the human stomach, tior- rooting and increasing the acid& It is @wieldy anti-bdioes and carries off .a11 surplus bits, tones up the Liver, rives sound digestion and speedy health te tbe Dyspeptic wed the Bilious_ Ask F. Jordas for a tes emit sample bottle and tot. Zama the new oonipeand, large eight ranee bottles 75 cents. 1744 now*. Get Illare. The greet mere" of °Moaning riches, is first no pinnies scoonsy, Ind es good *Ad Demme tisyder sepe, "lit seed to worry tho oot of no to pip users - is reit.' laalise="1.71 lupines* is est Valhi . mei ell simply beenlee we ens so other mail- , eine bet listeete 111010te, end sell onets Way masts a beide." Sea * Jerr- ie ',Now eos host psi throws bow so twirl -01 ei lot riot eiret, Woks win get sato hop -sod assUir.. tosses it to omit sae ea lames it die gram on to eat "bet a geet. 111010 *gain *Om lowed a tremboilts she thinnopillio ewe nee 0041 goo ,sql the reeiefir iste fl kV Mid, elmil in thee beg, and allt lissome bow ei net, albeit there slay he ern as/ Man I stick rw wood whishedie Iowa bpi V ur nails sooty rows no• 614IM Sitters. yen are yaw* Macrotioa air t,1.1 or lorgPlieb ▪ erh Hop 'Mower yell Oro, whiney./ you feel Desk tw• asfitot,tos- Az ak• op Wog boavils. 51• Moe owns Yon .111 n4 It o IN• V fe. re It lime we • swh of Ir. tors 11.10/3. OLVire ton. S-ais 'Ay trove say atm Mar- ounc.wriertne from ef ask. 11=Ode As t *II Mir tons of Rid Has Just reoeived a choice lot of New Dress Goode, Winceys, Fla.mtels, Blanketa, Shirting'. Cottons, Prints, &c. which for vslite is tmsurpassed. New Shawls and Mantles. special ralue. and coatings. C,all and wave ;air measure for a suit or overceat--stylish made. well trimmed. and fit guaranteed. Cloth bought out tree of charge. Mir Hats. Caps and Drawers at ciose • The highest price path for muter and Eggs. .1 aides A. Rein. Jordan's Block, Uoderleh. Having purchased the building formerly occupied by McKay Brother*, next door to the Peet office,I will remove to it before the 1st of March, and tmtil that time offer all goods at a Slight A.dvanoe on Cost. FANCY GOODS, WALL PAPERB,_ JEWELLERY &c. AND A COMPLETE STOCK uf 2,.• STOVES and TINWARE "THE CHEAPEST HOUSE UNDE.R THE SUN." 177C HURON CARRIAGE WORKS. 11011 IfIES FM L ea sheet •10 Carpet Weaving la stew Pattarsa sad saw Warps. (SUCCESSORS TO JOffN KNOX). MANUFACTURERS Or` Cala eir _ , acc_ ANY STYLE OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. REPAIRING and JOBBING done with Nagano sod Despatch, and at Rem faintasie Rates. Call sad examine before purchaidng elsewhere. HAMILTON NMI= omens 01.10 DINING -1001 CARPETS 1 mid all wort is the weevil's Rae earetany smote and prossipoy Kingston street, Ooderktb. eitiV Chilled Plow AlkilialLTURAL WORKS. bea▪ d o aid d Edo Ian them devise s scheme ereiltare& lids Woe is gosinalloodi to tritia will Mill preservo tlio do. refused to eat evil meet ilto Soso is II" ropiest isadosees own iss, or Oolbossi IAA 1111% sa examination of our •ehiellisi mei mestels as ossooto golfers juniamenaimidiamiki prat. rapes wee -,....„46,emeheerit.aet .../eliteashataillailhadb•INIMakhalleMILAII.A.MTIC11411t0 Wit