HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-12-23, Page 4SAFE OEPENDABLE 'FROCKING SERVICE Ship Figs 9n Monday A.M. if Monday Holiday Cattle Trucking Service to anywhere within Phone George Jutzi — Ship Tuesday or from Brussels Ontario' Brussels 122 • potatoes„ „1?4949 I "g-04.044 Grill R VS-S-4 .4 TRANS ACU oras giguseln,B MST, BIVUSS4.4, ONThMIO THURSDAY. MC, 2ard, I.906 NEW I EARS EVE DANC4 1.11IDAY, oLek-.603E.R 31st, 1865 AO 1ki41 L4 k.aiLv A Lit) fi 3OICAULV4 AuivaiWailailt Olt Lgt.as.i...4 Qu'iLY A 141%14 L a A v'W LOA jAAar: L4.3k.Joa.e.0 Your ONTLAVIO 'Pic Li t/ Plan Unt8tiO Hospital SerVices COnirrtiaSion Toronto 7, Ontario itiGHER INTEREST RATES GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES ,419p on amounts of $100 to $100.000 61./i4:41/ r, or more for 3, 4, or 5 years. ‘,0 Larger amounts subject to negotiation. 1 0 for 1 and 2 year terms /2 An ideal investment for security and high return. 5 hadostrial Mortgoto Telst Company Established 1889 OFFICES: -- Forest Sarnia Petrolla Strathity Contact our Renre,,t,nlative SELWYN BAKER Erusstls Phone 79 BIRTH aVICLeilan — To Mr. and Mrs. Clement McLellan, RR 4, Brus- sels, in Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, Dec. 9th, 196$, a daughter. When you turn 21 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance. To keep insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the. Commis- sion. The 'family' Hospital. Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay prem i urns direct, noti- fy the Commission, To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital. Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. remikraMosmorms. FOR RENT- — Six room apartment on Mill St. Hot and cold water; coal furnace. Apply to: John Wade Agent fur ciayton u. Flagg Phone 9, Brussels. SALE Li d Durham Cow, 6 years Mu, to freshen Dec. .20,11. Good flintier. Torrance Dundas, NValten; 1'hone 470J:5, Brussels FOR SALE — ., it. '.1.oboggah.; Double barrele U gauge Shot Gun: Coal or 1.Voot.1 Heater, could be used as au annex. M. A. Fraser Walton, Phone 476W5 uN"‘.isUAL ut,',-ORTUNITY — VW:, of ea LItt(11 1, err:nicer cumpailieS a reiirW6e111..a^ liv( 111 tills area. .6 Lill Ut part LLIlle. IL you are over Z.t anti nave a Iarm bac:aground write to P.O. J.Jox. $0, Lirussels. d'-‘184 .earnis, nuines, Businesses. 1-4%.; 16 it LIU .4,creagett. rot sale in and around Brusels. Contact Caen. anue.n, Real .restate LAI/161014 ana LIT* '11'LLL, Ll6t0Wel. .1.-none 63. l'IUUbt FUR SALE 11.c:slily paniteu two beurounis upstairs, bath town. riving main, dining room, naociern kitclien ;Ind laundry room (10Nil.l. stairs. New oil lull:lace, and new hot water heater. Win. hr. King, Phone Brussels la!) cAbF-1 r-Ok YOU — Please return all empty milk butties to your grocer's or the dairy regularly tat least twice each weet. Do not allow them to lay around in your way, we need them, in order to give you tresh milk often. Thank you! COUSINS DAIRY SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY Dentre Strain. TELEPHONE 446 Fur ell kIndk, or upholstering Brussels Representative SELWYN BAKER PHONE 75 ISRUIstidELit HURON COUNTY'S LEADING FARM EQUIPMENT DEPOT Lowest pcssInie pricod on new and used tractors, fartaniachinery etc. Over 1,000 Mite, and litind, reds of ptilleyb, bearings, spark plugs, plow shares, etitiVatOr POIntt and other service items in stock at all tither'. John Bach Lk, Dealer Phone 627-OS' f! OfilNu — Private. tutoring .cor eieinentary se.aout scu.awit In any subject. — P. U. 13(.4. au bOoK — Cut your Jtawleigii CooE. IlOW Unit 111LOVIililt1911 hoW LU wake 111.01144y be111nb itawIcign Products, Ain Or part tune. write impt, itiva Iticheiteu, St. Henry, :Montreal. si),c:C.0A.L. NOTICE, will DetiVE,,l'y 111 brussels en Buxurg Day, Dec. s i th, but the Dairy will be open irum It a.t.n. to .1:!, noun, so that anyone may purchase • additional 11114i, . and we cream. Thanks for your co-oper- ation. Cousins Dairy *LOIN Norrnnate;.4 itJLIMAS 1 i•let.1"ori5 'the u \N La 'LAW- c vilL11.,21.., tied' vilui en, witn uG Jute es attendance. 111tS, icuy 01 the 1'1111 anti 130ttllUfUY a lilt, opened me meeting with a Wir.ISL- was verse. .B.,yiun on was sung W1t11 Mrs. M. .uaan as pianist. Mrs. IL Craig reau the scripture from. St. Lake Z:1-ZU and. at. John 1; I-14. Mrs. R. Williamson led in, prayer. Mrs. Jan van Vlret, Sr. and Mrs. J. Bos sang, "it came Upon a Midnight Clear" and "Away in a Manager." Mrs. R. Williamson. gave the Meditation A skit was presented untitled "Gilts Money Can't uu,y. 11 ith Mrs. H. Craig, Mrs. J. van Vliet Sr., Mrs. D. Buchana,n Mrs. C. Ritchie, Mrs. H. Smallcion, Mrs M. I3aan and Mrs. R. Williamson taking part. Mrs. E. Mitchell, president, presided for the business. Min- ates were read by Mrs. C. Wey. Mrs. W. Turnbull, centennial: project committee, reported they had plates, plaques, Christmas cards and trasti notes on. hand. Addition:0 pen sets and hugs were on order. Matching carpet had been purchased and placed. in the church aisle. Mrs. N. Marks, corresponding secretary, read thank-you cards and letter from 1J.C. Ptublishing House. Mrs. K. McDonald gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to contriubute $100 to the 1\Iissionary and Main- tenace Fund and $600.00 towards the new furnace. Airs. E. M. Stevens, manse committee reported purchases made in 1965. Mrs. H. Craig, Board of Stewards, reported total cost of Washrooms and furnace installation and ap- proximate balance Still owing. Mrs. AlViii. MCDonad, finance, re- ported the allocation was op front last year, The application to cater to the 1966' Plowing Match banquet Ilea been accepted. The 1985 hatinnet Ceinmittee were requested to doh- 1.111,11e iur 1JUU, ahLreI1 Qaii,t114i.I.A:J were. inane availanic for tile unit waders. it was tre,crued tu replace ally Di'OE:e41 LLiS1kCa uL tile cauren. Tne nuiamating LLii11i L1 U 1'v Uni tes aS lOtioNVS: .iTeSitir.4 1L Airs. U., Le,...1,11111 154 ALL'S, Ail V11i :11C1)01.141d .. , ..... Douala isuchahan ;ird Vice-Pres. Mrs. A botllam 4th Vice-I:Pres. ;Mrs. Win. ltoe (..orrespoluitug see. Mrs. eison Alarks Recording Sec. Mrs. C. Wey 'Treasurer .4rs. Ken McDonald Stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. A. Higginbotham; Christian citizenship and social action, Mrs. C. Ritchie, Mrs. R. Mrs. G. Love; Christian Friend- ship .an.u. 1.141,1118, UouttS, • ',I:414 . Jµ.11 % 41 41 1 LAQL, Jr.; 1ii.r3111 curb-, r...tnei Dennis, .1111'S. 1. ,O,1111(lit and Lour unit leillierS; supply and. W m.rs. 11. 1.501gcg; 111ailbt_, mrs. cruel ens,. mrs. A. mckjaii; Allelll- eelship, Airs. U. Wey, tour Unit ieauers; souls! runctiens,- Mrs, It. Traviss, two from, each Unit; representatives to Christian .1i4d- ucation cu1n111ittee,, wo.. J. Smith and Sirs. W. C. Hackwell; .repre, • eutative to Bi&t,i‘l•coininittee; McDonald; repreSentativ.es to. • .• Board of Stewards, Mrs. .G. MO, (Javin.; press, 4)ars, Douglas lihinis Mrs. T. Dundas; pianistS, Mra Al. Baal' and Ml's. il. Traviss;. nominations, Mrs. N. .Schade,. Sirs. D. 'eraser. Mrs. G. .McGaNill,' 11rs. W. Bewley, Mrs. R. Bennett: 1000 bales or straw. Martin Phone 34t4n May the love, hope and peace which is Christmas oe with you now and throughout the New Year. Murray Gaunt, ALP URON-BRUCE ''cg*V cs-iw.c3-iwcioike ftvA..t,---i H veAuo-wowa PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY MONDAY, DECEMBER, 27th A PUBLIC HOLWAY v ILLAGL OF BRUSSELS Calvin Krauter, Reeve