HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-11, Page 66 the Poeta Corner. A Lae Aar <,t. mammies lbw. (Th. Yrs pin ptaeim •f iia L oadoa W of ld.l I saw in seem* dile wed mod et W Mee greet nobs hang 1.aat7, w withered fur harm: Shoe her e.estry she tlfgftp4 as though almost despairing Of abetter sad rest from he pitiless storm. Though the d* .lar of hope, rising fair o'er the ocean. alauie brig/goo iia sabitof her eye'.sad dere- Nest eve - Yet eotezvely her lip.,, in their trembling euro - run. Uo ld whisper the asthenia 1Crin-go bregb, ..Sad is my fate rsaid the heart broken stran- ger; "Tee wild dear aall 0u shell be wuoarcha Moue: For. racked Sty Ibe tort,rrsa of Mother and danger. To new homes and new countries my child- ren have flown. Never again, when the haft -tops are hoary dnd the winter winds wall, shall they list to the story. When their tetteathers loved. of their country- men's glory, Nor iota in tho chorus ul itrtn-go-bragh. Britannia, mi sister. though sad and forsaken. In hope i yet linter about thy rough shore; Alan, has m'; anguish am power to awaken Soh pity to lore, sad some aid to restore l O happy laud. only thou ean'at replace me In s haven of pease! If thine arm shall em - brawn me, Never again will my children disgrace tee, Nor die at *distance, but live in my heart. Now 4 the cabin door open and shattered. Father and mother are weeping within; Gone are Choir kindred. their friends are all scat tared. ?heir children with famine are wasted and thin. Alt, my sad heart, as I look on this sorrow. Hopelea. io-day sad despairing tomorrow, How cam 1 dare'aay comfort to borrow Prom dreams which the tuture may blast and destroy 1 Yetall the thoughts otitaanguish euppreeeing. One only fond wish my sad heart can desire - That my 1101i. bitter curses may change to a blea,,.ng. As faction shall languish and discord expire! Mow wild with distress is my Isle of the ocean: Then gladness shall swell my fond breast with emotion. And my children shall sing with new love and devotion. Erin navourneen, Erin-gobragh'" THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCII I'. 1881. Tun anb Fancy. The day wore on. Well, what did- it weary -[Ex. Wore the close of the day, of course. -[Syracuse 8. Times. When Tommy puts a piece of Johnny cake in his pocket for lunch he calla it an Indian reservation. A Detroit lady called at a drug store the other day and said: "I want a tooth -brush --a real nice one. I want it for a spare bed -room." "Say, boy, say!" exclaimed a but -look- ing man with a valise, "what is the .luickest way to get to the cars?" "Run!" yelled the boy; and the hot -Joking than was ao pleased with the information that if he could have got near enoug to the buy he would have given him somthing. Commit this to memory: A ope.cent stamp for a ciroulaire. A one -Dent stamp for a newapapaire. A three -cent stamp for a sealed lettarie. All licked on the right cornaire. Lick, brothers, lick, lick with caire. On the right hand aide not everywhere. Unless you want the postmastaire. To make things hot and "cuss and swaire. " Soimaorot Suer Cr. -The baby didn't feel pretty good anyhow, poor little thing; the car was cold and the road was rough, and everybody was cross and glum, and the baby had only one way in which to express its emotions, so itcried. And how did it cry! Twenty-eight miles of it and no sign of a let up, and the tired mother just smothering it with baby talk and rucking the little thing in her arms. Presently a testy looking old man, an old bachelor if there ever was rine, turned in his seat and snarled: "Can'tyou shut that child upr The light that gleamed from her eyes was dangerous, as she hugged the baby a lit- tle closer and fired back at him: 'I can .)tut you up a good deal quicker." The howl of approbation went up all over the car, anti he shut up. gemente seems*. Mr. Balli recently naked a question in respect to Separate adhe"els that we think deserves a reply. He moved for a re- turn showing the qualifications of the teachers enip1oyed there. Mr. Crooks •.bjectod to the question„ but we confess to he unable to see good grounds for the objection. The Separate School system, for good or ill, is a settled element in our educational fabric, and no one pro- poses to disturb it. But it is certainly legitimate for any one to desire that it should be efficient. We have came to the conclusion;th it a certain standard of qualifications is requisite and necessary fur Public School teachers• why not also for separate school teachers? The pub- lic money goes to the su tpyrt of separ- ate schools, why should not the public have a guarantee of the fitness of those who teach? We are of the opinion that the efficiency of the separate schools would be greatly increased, if the teach- ers were required to take out certificates at the sante examinations as their fellows of the public schools. That would guar- antee their literary fitness aiid their suitability otherwise could very well be left as it is, to those it more immediately concerns. There a„uld be nothing in this to prevent Christian Bn,thers or other orders from teaching n, now. all that would he regtiitsti is that as they receive aid from the public cheat, the public would have s guarantee of their literary fitness for their work. We are satisfied that a change of this kind would be welcomed by the great majority of Separate School seJ pecten, ,,,,ay ..f whom are painfully cone -ion' of the in feriority in many instances, Of their own schools as compared with Public Schools. Yellow Oil is the great pain iimmeaa, magical in its power over pain and in- flammation It renal Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Lame li.ol end Apical Affec- tion.. a nntractiem of (lord. awl Mtrarltai lased externally Ind internally 1 et wade by all deriders THE WORLD OVER. The Week's News in • Nutahsll seteressnost casae av Wase tar Twenty Land Leavee demonstrations hen been !hied the Sandal m wider to show the L The remains of poor tenrl Colley moseyed oseyed to the lir camp M pact Hill on Wednesday, and buried th full military humans Honolulu is just now scourged by a .swJlpaz epidemic, brought on chiefly by the wretched sanitary condition of the city. Tho Imperial Goverment has offered a reward of £100 for the di.povery of the murderer of Lieutenant Roper, "rho was shut in Brampton Barracks some time ago, it is supposed by a Fenian. 1)e Lessepe says that the Panama Cr nal will be finished by 1856. The esti- mates of the, earth to be,1ified have been reduced by 2,000,000 •gh. manes. Ile now timat•M the Deet at 212.000,000 franca Williamp a aplouted then of 7l;kfridorlicaa pair of white rectal Nuid line lately imeitssit looms on, has been arrested tivapin er- obaeged w counter - ie W �ee edit lee found possession. It is sat(( that Chimp and lir shortie band mmakinY *demos lietenseit is tie New Yoe.,. for The St. Lawrence float Queh.dIA. ii ocean is never frozen, and the ice floes formed prevent fop on the river, .o it is claim- ed by advocates of the *Chime. The person found dead near Acton, March 3rd, proved to be Miss Catharine Keith, aged 18, whose parents live about three miles from Acton. It appears Miss Keish started about a week ago to walk home, • distance of about six miles from Mr. Finlay McCallum's, Sooteh Block, where she had been working,and, when within about half a mile from hotne, it is supposed she sank down ex- hausted and was frozen to death. A farmer of Chatham township, named Fredrick Bennett, started to chop wood in his bush, Marh 3rd, and not return- ing at the usual hour, search was made by the neighbors, who found him near the tree which he had partly chopped, in a kneeling posture, unconscious, with alarge gash in the top of his head, and a portion of his brain protruding. The axe waa found beside him. How the accident uc-t curred is not known. A year ago John McCarthy, a Belle- ville cab -driver, was urged to join the Working -man's Temppeerance Association by Mr. N. B. Falkener, a prominent lawyer, who promised if he did so and kept the obligation for a year, to make him a present of a house and lot. Mc- Carthy yielded to this persuasion and joined the association, and has never since violated the obligation. Mr. Fal- kener asked him yesterday to take a walk, and brought him to a neat home- stead and lot, which was duly made over to him. The Rev. William F. Clark, in a letter to the Listowel Banner, repudiates the title of "Rev.” and disclaims any fur- ther right of its being prefixed to his name. He says the time has now arrived to raise the question, "By what rule of propriety or law of right the term 'Rev.' is applied to the ministers of the Goepelr' Mr. W. F. Clark will find but few follow- ers hereabouts in this new agitation, al- though there are not a few in this section who think the prefix unnecessary in his particular case. -[Ex. John Chinaman is not bringing his steamships to San Francisco for pleasure excursion. Ha means business. The telegraph reports that a second steamer with the dragon flag has put in an appear- ance at San Francisco, and is now offering to carry flour from there to Hong Kong for $5 a ton. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company is understood to meet this bid by an offer of $2.50, and it is now in order for John to say how much lower he will go if ho intends to keep the business. Merchants and shippers thus have al ready the benetit of "Chinese cheap labor" on the high seas, at the same time that a great corporation has to compete with an element which promisee to he a much more effective regulator of the Pacific freight market than anything else that could possibly be devised. ' The question now is, how long will it bo before the dra- gon flag is seen on the Atlantic, also as a competitor for the carrying trade there ? Chatham school board has passed a resolution abolishing corporal punish- ment in the schools under its jurisdic- tion, and a local paper advises the board to rescind the motion,on the ground that they have heavily handicapped the whole staff of teachers in the due performance of their duties. The question is one on which much may be said on both sides. There is this, however, to be said in favor of the abolition of punishment in school", that in many of them the teach- ers, under present conditions, are too young themselves to have such a great power given them, especially aa not the majority by any means study the dispo- sition of each ehi)i , and the hest means of enforcing obedience in each individ- ual case. Still, for all this, we are in- clined to leave the cnatom as it is, pre- ferring to risk the law's restraints on teachers to allowing our schools to be come little Bedlams. A writer in a French paper gossip* pleasantly about the famous persons and pens A'esprit who have been deformed or malformed. "The list of such persons would be a longoneindeed. At the head ,tfthetn would stand Moses and Demos- thenes, and the list would close with I)arid, the Freesia pairater, sad Camille I)esmonhine." As to gibbose per.ons, the writer cites the caae of Saint Pavin, who depicted himself as follows "in the midst of my hack there rims . hemp of Scabs aed flpd pniatwel liky s gtleeplp, "To, kb mend re ..d here, .j, is the are termite ev.nt.o.t of Talley -retell front his ehildhoo,t) with 12euliel, member .1 the Directory, whams eyam sgnieded her rihly. it is said that alley ]raving thrown his inkstand at the head of the old Archbishop .,f Autism, Rridwl upon. tt+phised him in this manner "Vile em- igres youeusiwd r ao pwlarrightly frwmed time yen. fent" . Slat Ysi eyrand took hitt revenge try replying that his adker- aary OWN not IN rtt'arjt Thi DefeW.y N comma*. '1 would tact Hareerk► know ii fur thing,' says • yeestg ntactrift sumst itug pertaining to hu s d Ire. tarring to • panes /lady to s.' EP 7111s paying •twntr.. He f sri it would change her opinion of him, and interfere with the prospect of his obtaining her hand. Such observations are of every day oocur'ruoaa. Who Las Not heard young meat make them! Yet they show an unauund condition of thitng. --au at- tempt to war a heart and hand by false pretences. To obtain goods in the same way wuuld constitute • criminal offeues! Unfortunately, courtship, as conducted, is too often • period of probation in which each part guards most assiduously against being found out hy the other, in - Mead of being, as it aho uld, the ma:sawn of that thorough mutual acquaintance which should alwaysprsoede a marriage. Every man sboeM deal honest- ly with himself He should say to Man - self, 'If there is anything I do nut wish the girl I ask to marry me should knew, that it must be something wrong. Now 1 will correct this wrong, or I will tell hes of it; fur I will not be su uukindly .Ito deceive her into marrying we. By dealing honestly with himself la the first pace, he comes to. correct understand - of the nature of the fact which he kas concealed; then if he deals honestly with the girl he tells her of it. People who lore each other will marry in spite of the disclosures of many farts; but it is better that these faults should be un- defatood before marriage than that brat djpeuvered afterward. We are sorry to s4 that concealments sand deceptions during courtship are not confined to the sterner sex. They are practised, per- haps, to quite as grey an extent b young ladies. Many a false hearted and treacherous girl has a thousand .miles during courtship to every one that illu- mines her face after marriage. W hichever side may be in the fault, the practical results of the delusions of courtship are the same; they lead to a miserable life. 'If I had known it be- fore hand I would never have married you,' is the declaration which has proved the knell to the happiness of many an unmated pair. It would have been much better, in every such case, that the cause of offence, whatever it may be, should have been known before; then the marriage might never have taken place. At all events this ground of re- proach would have been removed. Be sure that your courtship leaves no de- lusions to be dispelled after marriage. ea Ax Ona FAxosare-A monkey, the property of Mr. W. J. Way, of Toronto, created a great deal of amusement for the young folks at Brantford,Poultry show. He had for a companioa ban- tam chicken, to which he seemed greatly attached, scarcely allowing it to leave his arms for a moment, carrying it about all day, and at night sleeping with it in his bosoun. He seemed to be very fond of eggs, which he ate greedily, and only by these could he be tempted to leave his charge. Jacoo's love of warmth had tempted him to sleep too clove to the fire and, probably in his dreams of a warmer clime, his tail had wandered into it, and got badly burnt. This seemed at times to pain him greatly, and he would take it up in his paws and examine it. The chick, mistaking it for some tempting morsel intended for its use, would give it a pick, when the look of reproach with which Javcc would regard the chick appeared almost human. Burdock Blood Bitters is the best Blood Purifier, Liver and Kidney Regu lator, and Restorative Tonic in the world. It acts upon the Liver, the Kid- neys and the Bowels, curing all manner of Bilious complaints, Kidney complaints and diseases of the Blood. Ask your Druggist for Burdock Blood Bitters. Sample bottles 10 cents, regular size $1.00. Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL& . 1 CAPITAL. • - SURPLUS, - - Goderich Branch. D C t FOI:I,, - - - Manager Allows interest on depsit,. ltratta.lettee of credit and circular notes issued, payable n all parts of the world 17:.t. i 0+12mE3.i' "I:) 2 'Y' i --AT ---- ET.;._ & CO.'S, New Scotch ale ds ! New Spr!n Hats! TItNMWPMa TLIat. CHOICE PATTERpS t DIRECT I 1; Bales of NEW CARPETS! f MPORTEO An IMMENSE 3,Togidr BAZIGM,l1IiN TABLE LINIsri TO CHOOgg F'Ro, d AND TOWELLING SPECIAL 11tALUL BOOTS & SHOES. We are ...solving liberal shipmenbat S 11T G- G -000I3 S, Which comprise all the lace-rable Lines of the Leading Mannfsotarers of the Dominion. The t'roatU.eat .rename 01 •sr:kook this Semen will be :- THE VERY BEST QUALITY, THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, And PRICES LOWER THAN EVER We have also added Several New Lines of Our Own Make, in both Sewed and Pegged, which will be found all that the customer can desire. ORDERED WORK & REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and Promptly Done. and examine for you eeavea. We shall be pleased to show yen the Ooods and quote prices, whether you buy or not. E. & J. DOWNING. THE SQUARE, Goderich, Feb. ttth, Gel 17fts If 'You Want C+ood GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, —GO TO -- D. FERGUSON'S VICK'S ILi.t+STlgATIP nasals eiri.a Fur tell is an r lugei tt liuuk of t>YI 1.agr+, On, Gamed Flower Plate, sad flue tUustrattuas with i escrlputow of the beat Fh,werc and vegetahl s, and Dlrrctlous fir Stowing. Orly M orate in English or German. If , ..0 after wards order sui d. deduct the le .:rut.. allays seeds are the best la the world. The Floral taulde *111 tell bow to yet and grow them back's pewee qui/ Vegeitablie Ls..era, in 0SO . t torpaper r Plater 500 Engravings. elegant For k. IO . in teal«+? .%.nor•. 11.00 in elegu.t clash. la titan or lingtish, a'. uleatrNN Nete04.7 Ma{asl.s b Pages, •ai Pagea eulured Plato to cess number d ..y alae Carrara artPelee 01.0 a year: Five Copan for se. b near Numbers not for 10 cents: 3 10op j for lS mets Address. JAMES ICE. Nowheeler, I1, Y. US. SEE WHAT PNYsIf'1%:%S And Peeplc ttt t';u.a.la any abut Scott's Emulsion Of Pure Cc,t+ Liver Oil WITH Hypaphosphiles of Li®3 & Sala AS REMEOT FOR CONSUMPTION AND WASTING DISEASES etituodiac, N. IL, Nov.i, I S. nesere. sum'? ei BOWNE:-/ bare teed sad paa�r�bed for sate twist -ricotta listulrtos of i;od Liver Oil." and find it an ex elirut prepa- ration. agreeing well with the rlontac•h, easily taken. and its cvwusued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. A. H. Pfd I, x. L. Penn. Med. College. Amherst, Now doottr, Nov. S. ISM ME.ms. SCOTT k BOW?F -(vents: For aearis' two years I have been segmented with 800tt s k mmLtun of Cod Liver til with Ilypo- phosphltcs, and 000alder it the Murat prepara- tion now before the public. Its permanency a. an Emulsion with the= t fnaror, makes 11 the great favorite fur cblldrei, sad I do highly recommend It tor all wastleg dyseeam of the •yatem. Years, very truly. t-. e. alrcg, Y. D. Ilalifax, N. S., Nov. 19, 1983. Messrs. flowrr ,f BOWNE. -Gentleman: l have prescribed your Emulsion' for the peat two roars, and found tt more agreeable to the stomach, and have betterresulu from Ita use. from any other preparation of the kind 1 hart. tried. 11. is. i'1MUON, Y. D. BellevilMesas. SGOT T.! BOWN .-DIET Sirs: Out. &-lb.r 1 feel It • defy. I owe not only to you but to thr community, W make thetollowltg at►tement: About three peonage my eldest daughter was taken with • severe cold which settled on her Issue. and qct witbstsading all that her medi- cal suendaat could do, she got worse and worse. and appeared to be in the test and hope. lens Mcould ES �1 a nmn spdoa Tie boctarsald h.• ors, but recomrossided your F.in- aWoa, and the effect of it was in the opinion of every one Before she badso knew used the her, 'empty shit (.1 much better. and to the surprise of us all, she continued to mend so rapidly that In threw mom/wish" was able t0 go about as usual. end has continued in sac! ex.ellent health that she got married 111 months ago, and has now aas drie and healthy a son as you own and 1n theHamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. WILLIAM BLAND. Elora Ont.. July, tem. • This is to certify that my daughter hes ba° In addition to the ordinary theca of the Grocery ani Crocker) Trade. 1 parry a to stock of Lung disarm for conte tante. and very os. h reduced in flesh, and had not strength enc to walk across the erect. Hhe wars advised by Flog, Meals, Porgy and Gellel'al FrIJYIs1olls a lady friend to�try �yptptt'a %mslsbn. and W oar cat: earn= recommend It to every P tel recon erect setu�lilseair 'ry one trollied with the JOHN W. BOwp1s . MY MOTTO i9, "`Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." Coal Oil also:sold. See -my Stock and get my prices. Cdr Goods delivernl to any part of the 'Town D. Ferguson. pa,0pttlp, zl' P' O R Art ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, anrp ore ►he hue used threr- bott ea her hearth w-te cnm le CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCA P.ti.J toy t�rlritol, --t3P,000,0W, Rest, - - $1,400,006. President, - HON. WS!..NeM4,S1'MR General .tfanager. 11- V 1 �'AF:RSON. Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - MANA(iga. interest allowed nn deposits. Drafta on al the principal Towns and Cities In Canada (creat Britain and the United State., bough and sold. Advance.to Farmers on Notes, with one or more endorsers, without mortgage. 1733 Record of the LYMAN Barb. PiR "1-t-V7rt t.AR4TiI>< Four -garb Wire Fencing MtMYRF:AL.1pWLC HAMILTON. ONT. (' INCM FartI. (tem 1 iitinintrn )1� er c' ,r. bA Y IOMA, rwa ZIVICLIZ CE ass to?ERIORITT nsr 011 flea ,tea.• fie cis t & Bet Fedi ria ?we WQRLD. A4 eM•lard%mi ?$Ratlwav eLries•is J9eetr �t nor tradt Nett. "l.vw�*pw tyrrsa� /s ste+•wr A eases MadeM►b esweNrare m !L Zi'. 11t�itrara CHRISTMAS CAKES, THE GR}:ATEST WON DE OF MODERN T[Mgti!-Tie.{'ttls I'ur' the bl 13tear s and are fror:/tire In atl complaint nl - CHRI8TMAS TOYS and eidentl to Females. TlaiOhumentis the only IlsTHE BEST BREAD IN TOWN Sorra a remedy for ass rt.ge (lIA tCmnnd — y Purr% and Ulcers of however tong etanding • CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS dJ•ore�e [the is 9tumaeh Xt ^ stall Op O' 'l'O OANTELON'S urw-hS7' STREET, 40DBR1CH.-t11K .}=1!'Ladies requiring Christmas Cakes should aend ir, their orders without delay* Home-made cakes taken in and ornamented on abort notice, and at reasonable rates. Daniel Gordon, Cgill1101--MliCr Uri 11111118W • OU Wo,ue To*.1.runt,,, and Intrje.tf .Y'.� the, tole of ft.e.irw,. P ass -Roots thinut, Szon-BoAaa,«, Er.iv GUAIRA, Ltityx,ttts'w rc,., gree an:,afe to ser ni s'.ock if they nerd} gent article at )N, irrst Eft -pp,, ,ear fest (Wet, ( rich. digsCrah iar.se MIL woe ttlti t DO- M NfO.'V RIR WIRE PdKCN o n rrnea. 11RNAwy, t rt M 1 . GEjYOUR fAUCTIOIT-� 41,,L�C BILLS 'A; ,1A ,i1;4141111' Id at the trice O! TOtj MVR IN SPINAL, e -t w TassV .-s st t. u .ase. ,.7 Ii realise i rrt 1N North Serest (ledertri, for Bronehltl ,Dipttthett ecoughs.t'Mdse./out. eftbeumettsm and a!1 akin Dtetases, it has n„ BEWARE, OF AMERICAN (YIUNTgR• FEITIS.-i most respectfully take leave to call thesSteation of the Public generally to the fact t hat cretaln Hnneen in Now York are sending to ninny parts of the globe ero-atnnx iotas?tows of my I'IW end Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address In New York. 1 do not allow my Medicine to heaotd la any part of the United states. 1 have no Agents there. Sty Medicines are only madee by me, at Ref Ox- ford Street, Landon. In the Itooksotdireetioa. ached to the spurious make is a cant ion warn. Ing the Public against beingdeeelved b onus. terfette. ran not he misled by thla audacious trick. as thew env fl$e emmnterfrits they p,.,4, est to deneaare. These counterfeits are purchased by unprin- ipin vendors at one-hait the primot my Pills and Ointment and are sold to you many genuine Medictnie. I most earnestly appeal to that mum, ot)nstl-i which 1 feelaur? 1 may vyn tans upon *eking from all hoe.e,abM range to aside mo, and the Public. •afar ash lie in their Each Pot and t,terin toflthe G Genuine fel Fraud. lienthele. bears the British 1Mvrnerne tt Stamp with the word% ' Hout -wAv'e 1'ttie ♦*, OINTMENT. imwnow." engraved thetwt,,. tht the label b tbeaddrww, 3!ttt:forn street, I• indan. where slewethey a Maritect,uwd. NoU••en , Pau reed Ointment Iir�-i*Q any other ad etts CO *g,1%�. The 7'raAe• Mark. M Mem yodt. does are rggleteted in Ottawa. Hones way's,' e the British t'ossessbrr, woo kt+ep AmeHran (`nnntrfela fro raale, s� preet•ceted. legman THOM A$ HOLLI AT Outwit Street. Louisa. Jas. L IA!A . . cal. b�r� �ws'aa eery of man or tJtp1 ansa or tt�1�4patt This elan worms ou,ba rr a7*eALOaM. wider' W e'ro�113 s �r.fi ijt riot(. • healthy gen of afte bat? renders t soft and esireagahsa , rout Mpg pow veva to Ennui/ eau, yid act with r 9M1L7 to RESYORIRG GREY HAIR TO ITS IIATUNAL CAA alt T b.Pi ..tatng an - PYMOu sass. i !AGENTS; "'"`'is :.W'i tr•• 01..11+.