HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-12-23, Page 14
$2.00 A Year in Advance — $2.50 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, DEC, 23rd, 1965 POST eUBLISHLNG HOUSE!
_ • _
New Grey Township
Bridge Officially Opened
Hon. Charles S. McNaughton,
minister of highways, cut the
ribbon that officially opened a
new bridge which spans the Mait-
land River on Con. 8 of Grey
Township, one-half mile east of
lust of the project is placed in
the $50,000 bracket. The old con-
necting link with the county
road was rerouted and a new
approach built to join with Con.
Reeve Clifford Dunbar term-
ed the bridge "the most expen-
sive in the history of Grey Town-
Others taking part in the cere-
mony were Huron County
Warden Webb: Robert McKinley,
MP elect for Huron,: Elston Card-
iff, veteran member of Parliament,
who retired prior to the last
federal election, and a longtime
resident of the Brussels-Ethel,
area; Kurra.y Gaunt, MPP for
Huron-Bruce; the consulting
engineering firm of Burns and
Ross, Goderich, and the con-
tractor, G. A. Gibson, Wroxeter.
Hon, Mr. McNaughton said
such ceremonies "are a mark of
progress!' He added that com-
pletion of this project in Grey
is another step in overcoming
the backlog of bridge building in
the province.
The highways minister said
the Second World War caused
a big gap in the province's bridge
building program. "We've had a
backlog, of over 3.000 bridges and
that is why the Ontario Govern-
ment is providing such large
gra.nis for bridge building."
Pointing to the SO per cent
grant. he said this has given
'municipalities encouragement to
get on with replacing their
old structures but added "it is the
municipality which must take the
first step."
Hon, Mr. McNaughton praised
Grey Township for its initiative
and sense of responsibility.
Reeve Dunbar referred to the
personnsl of Grey Township
Council which had remained un-
changed for six years "a record
for the municipality." It was
during their term of, office that
the bridge was planned and
built. Mr. Dunbar paid tribute
to Coun.cillors Archie Mann and
Glenn T-Tuether who Served dur-
ine fhe six pears and expressed
reirrie the they had rlericled to
retire n# the. end of the year,
ti planne was unveiled by a
renresenta tile, of the floderich
consulting engineering firm.
Known as the 'greeter !widen.
the concrete 8rnn is situated nn
lend retre.leteed retell Willbittil
St. Ambrose
Altar Society
Mrs. B. Terpstra was hostess
to the ladies of St Ambrose for
their Christmas meeting. The
opening preyer was led by Mrs.
L. Deitner. Mrs. Gordon Blake
gave the secretary's report and
the president, Mrs. L. Connelly,
gave the treasurer's report In the
absence of Mrs. J. Kelly.
The roll call was answered by
each member donating the number
of pennies equivalent to the
measurement of their shoe. After
the business was discussed Mrs.
Gerald Ryan read the current
events. 1VIrs, L. Ryan gave an
interesting reading "The Ten
Commandments for Christmas"
Mrs. L. Deitner favoured all with
a reading "T Smiled But None
Smiled Back!' All members par-
ticipated in a contest and Helen
Blake wee the winner. The draw
wag made for the floral centre-
piece and Mrs. Wm. Deitner was
the holder of the lucky ticket
number 61.
A lovely lunch was served by
Mrs. Jos, Cooper and Mrs. N.
Turkey Bingo
Ordinary Games
Gordon Meehan
Merle. Cousins
Jean Workman
Mrs. Elloitt, Wroxeter
Carl Graber
William Austin. Seaforth
Mrs. McLean
Clark Sharpin, Wroxeter
Teen 'McNeil (2)
Ruth MeTaggart - Ma Perkins
Mrs. Bert Prior
Muriel Garniss
Betty Bronson
William Kennedy. Wingham
arzh Games
Reg. McDonald and
Neil Adams
Gordon Adams
Doug Smith
Deer Prize
Doris. Adams, Wroxetet
Other Draws Made At The
Legion Turkey Ringo
Ladies Auxiliary Money Tree —
This consisted of an artificial
Silver Christmas Tree plus enne
and vas won by Karen McLean
Mari-his Pargnin Centre —Christ
draw for two turkeys, won
by (11 Frank Minoan, (21 Mrs.
.T even GI onth er.
Tiliatop rcuplvipfs your ilF44#
Brussels Dairy
Wins Award Again
George Cousins, of the Cousins
Dairy, Brussels, was awarded
4th prize for all Ontario for
butter manufactured in the past
twelve months.
A sample of butter from each
churning was sent to Guelph
University to calculate the score
for yeast and mould and PH.
rite award was made in the
yeast and mould competition.
This is the fourth award that
has been recived at the Brussels
Dairy this year.
Winners Of Christmas
'Decoration Competition
Doris McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bronson
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McCall
Miss Doris McDonald
Baeker's Butcher Shop
McCutcheon Grocery
The Brussels Horticultural
Society thanked all who entered
and complimented other Home
'Owners and Business places for
their beautiful decorations.
The Society wishes One and
All the Season's Greetings.
own .1t tyt 'NT flirEc
Karen's Go Cos 47
Lois' Lions 47
Marilyn's Marauders
,Tack's .Tokers 441.4
Mary's Lambs tam
Willis' Wonders 38
Ladies High Singles
Ruth Huether 204
Kay Rutledge . 172
Karen Hastings 172
Kay McWhirter ,,,,,,, . , 169
ndiee High. Doubles
Ruth. Huether .„ ..... 335
Kay Rutledge 329
Karen Hastings „ .. 321
Men's Wall Singles
Jack Lowe .„„.„,.. . .......235
Ned Rutledge ..„. ........ ..„., 194
Mel 14rcArter . , ... .. , 135
Mews Hieh Doubles
Ned Rutledge ..... „. ..... 354
Jack Lowe 372
Mel MeArter ............ ....„ 366
en hstitutes
re—yen apd Parb llrfcCutcheon
for John and Merle • Cousins. •
Vp'-n ITristiuze for 'Kee Denenti.
All vehicles meet be kept off
ALL MN:Tie in the village of ree.ts-
sels from 2 rem. until S 0.711. in
order that the streets may he
me-merle cleared of snow. We are
not responsible for damage to
vehicles left on the streets' (int-
ine the above mentioned hours.
fettle! finetfeeS. oP
village a 1:31'411i0010:
Robert W. Gemmell of Brus-
sels, died on Friday in Winghain
and District Hospital, after a
long illness. lee was in his 77th
A son of the late James and
Jane Gammen, be ws born in the
Seaforth area. He worked as a
motor mechanic in Brussels,
moved to Thamesville. and later
returned to Brussels where he
lived for the past 30 years.
lie was a, member of the. Kirk
Session of Melville Presbyterian
Church, and a member of West-
ern Star 100P Lodge.
He is survived by his wife; one
son, Douglas of London; two
daughters, Mrs, 'Willie (Donna)
YanderWmide, Witigh.arn,
Mrs, William (Jeanette) Bale,
Londen; one brother, Sydney of
legmondeille, and 10 grendehild-
The funeral service was held at.
the B. Rann funeral home at
3:00 o'clock Saturday evening
conducted by the Rev. Gordon
Fish of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church, Wingnarn.
Burial took place in Sherman
cemetery, Thames ville on Sunday,
Mrs, Wilfred Shortreed, of
Walton. died Monday in Clinton
Public Hospital, in her 46th year.
She was the. former Muriel
Margaret McDonald, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Martin McDonald
of Grey Township. After her
marriage to Mr. Shortreed they
farmed on the boundary line be-
tween etc and Morris Town-
ships. She was a member of
Melville P'i-esbyterian, Church.
Brussels, where she had been on
the Sunday School staff, a
member of the choir and the
Women's Guild.
She is survived by her heshand
rind two children, Pill and
rza.ret, both at home; her
.arenis; two brothers. Grannie of
Brussels and Kenneth of Crap-
brook ; and one sister, Miss Mary
McDonald of Toronto.
The funeral will be held to-dal-
from the n. Baron fuTlc,i1
home. Brussels, at ,?,(N-1 n.m.. 'rho
Pm-. Ti. F. MicLeap of 51, p-
drew's Presbvterion Church
Clint me will offirinte. Tetrisl wi11
he in y'rossels cemetery.
T of the 'mines or your
h rIP .7,15-1t phone 21
or P.S.
May You All. Have
A Joyous Holiday
• We extend to our subscribers.
advert isers, correspondents, all
who contributed news items to
the columns of The Post, and to
.oar friends, Holiday Greetings.
May all the. blessings of this
Christmastide be with you now
end through the coming year.
(fur thanks ta you for your co-
operation. and continued loyalty .
to your "hometown; paper''. We
trust that .our pleasant nssociat-
ions will continue in 1966.
Ebel Family. Honored
Pr ior To' 'Departure
arid Mrs, Louis 1,e1 .and
family, who leave Brussels in the
near future to make their home
in 'Ingersoll, where. 10...Ebel has
been employed for the paSt four
Months, Were guests• of honor et,'
two farewell parties here.
The members of.. the Brussels.
FIN, Brigade, of which Mr. Ebel
n: ;;s a member, with their wives
paid a surprise visit to the TAbel
home. The evening was enjoyable
Spent in playing cards. A bount-
nnU'l lunch' was served.
Gordon Stephenson' spoke on
behalf of the firemen and present,
en Mr. Ebel with a smokers set,
for which be • voiced his apprec-
AT/Proximately 3 neighbours
:,nd friends gathered in the lib-
"v on Pridny c7,eninT. Dec. 17lb.
to snr.nd a ..eordel evening with
the Elie's before. tht ,ir departure.
Cards and Crokinoie wpri-• 7-0.-.1--
cvl and -”cfroglin-vit -
During. course of +he .71-en-
ing the guests of hector were 71re-
Mod with 11 'In' lamp and dec-
orative candle.
with and sw-ar set.
4 ill !I n',11 t er
and sons Jeffrey ga -nri Paul .with
,..."7ildren's Mock
Ali eepressed their thanks
for tin, !rifts,
ret-7,0p LE! WEI KNOW •
Mrs. C. Backer is in London,
to spend Christmas with her
daughter, Mrs. .and Mr. Beaver
and fareily.
Kenneth, 3 year old son of Mr.
and 'Airs. .Tolvti Cousins is a.
patient in St, Mary's Hosuit•al,
Kitchener, where be underwent
David I:rtnned.y P. 5.1,V., and
Mrs Re-11110er, reeten, ',vi c' elm,
teiy visito-e with his narente. M.
:elf; Mrs. R. le- Keetted .e.
Mrs. \‘' elieeeo; lee; enne to
1,, he 'hr.,• dpilzbier,
teet e e ;411, f-f-
7), Fir m. Teweehie and will
ereillect 7.10 SeVi'',100 sl eep; mi en,