HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-12-16, Page 4Awwoes mo 1100, Ii13USSl LS, ON,T414#10 AKA. • A AO • 4441310°""ctifiiIgsmk•AilliAe-'—'"'7420444-4itl•P",trailri-4,4:13.-f--",; se4 text .OU 0)66 Corupt Lapri 2 Dp.pr VS Auto., 1344i0 AU Merc4ry iz Ton Truck s.' 6U iVisr.:1 . y emonstra tor ViS, Auto. iv.,,er..a.,cy ye, Auto. k. oru 8, Auto., Radio ol%.t 6 CO. Std. Trans. .49.ereary Cy'. Std. Trans. OLL)Ltit 1v100.ELS TO CHOOSE FROM OININaokar 4,4*A. "4 . , 042,414k.'441:444,41.1.441 AliZA:17,01.514.1441.1A4N410401...4114C11111141.1.1414464.41471.11011411&144.. .8Z;I:AWrii4; NEW EARS EYE DANCE. FRIDAY, IJECLIVIDER 31st, 1965 l'(C“AL• iLeAr4AL.01.1atki i,tvt,il i i ALi'DITORIUM ADMISSAON is r 41CK.ET ONLY N'O'W ON SALE D 4.J r3 IA.'S 4.5.i0 biriv,GLES $2•60 TO. lot 33, Con. 13, a cattle ue.,ast. Owner may 'have same by prov- ing ownership and paying expens- es. W. Jas. Armstrong Lot 2, Yvon. 9, Grey Twp. Plume...177AV ApPL,tcATipt4s w/osTrEp- Applications Will ue received by the undersigned for the dual positions of Clerk Treasurer and Collector of the Village Of. Brussels, and Manager and Sec- retary ''ensurer of the Brussels tritlilic Utilities. The salary schedule will range from start of $3.000,00 to an eventual .$4,000.00, Please state experience, edu- cation, age and marital status. Applications to be in by 6 p.m. Wednesday, 22nd of December 1965, Wm. H King, Clerk Treasurer, Box 119, Brussels. U 1 ; i.iLuragu LduelS.Ork; will still be available Der 1Jtili, at tne 0*.e. low rates as always. We have Lew empty ieekera now, op 041,: in or P40119 US. 1%Qr 44941141;104. Bring in your meat for fast„ tree* Dug and avoid the heavy load, freezing it in your home free;or. Cousins Creamery Mr. and. Mrs, Stanley Fieeher attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. 'Wes. Armsongtrong, in Toronto, on Saturday, The former jean Armstrong, she taught school in Cranbrook over 50 years ago and will be remem- bered by some in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dunn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacklin and little daughter, Kitch-: ener visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 1iarl Dunn. Keep in mind the concert in the Community Centre on 'Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th. See the ad. in this issue for full particulars. WELKL SALE Smussels Livestock Sales Yara EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. Regular price $49.95 weighs only434lbsi • Heavy duty • Adjustable base Cuts 2" • 3 assorted bladeS lumber, 1/2 " steel bar, Special price alumm, brass, inu wire, 29699 conduit A10..At "Stanley SABRE SAW T^T TRURSDAY, DEO. 10tII, 3.$14 SALE Putatues, 76 lb. boa. 1'lione i Texan, Grill tAIN .471- 6'.) 1:01' back kUla 1'ups. Patine Brussels: 3b4V.••5 14 i E ••••.. i41.14 4.414 1.41:41. 3.1'0.111'1-ga 2 U, Con. .211U.r. wp,white face here' ford. i > iii lett ear. Young on t•• ippruxiniately SOO 367J6. BrusSels. • (;AKETAKFIS, .;ANTED — Appileations for the position o1 Caretaker m each of Me Morris Township Schools will be receiv- ed until December 29th. Duties will commence February 1, 1966. Applicants will state salary ou monthly oasis. Nu application necessarily accepted, Ralph Shaw, Secretary, Brussels, Ont. SALE Red Durham Cow, 6 years old, to freshen Dec. 20t1i. Good milker. Torrance Dundas, Walton, • Phone 470J.5, Brussels CHESTERFIELD s CITES select trent good stock on hand at SC'HUErrE'S MiLLDMAY FURNITURE STORE Trade your old suite this week Alsl'I ED Farms, xiunies, B usi ti es s e ti, Lots and ,,creages for sale in and, around Brussels. Contact Glen Thueli, Real Estate Division, Victoria and Grey 'irust, Listowel. Phone 63. • CASH t-OR YOU — Please return all empty' milk bottles to your grocer's or the dairy regularly tat least twice each wee%. Do not allow them to lay .round in your way, We need them in order to give you fresh milk often. Thank you! COUSINS DAIRY 64 Honda IVItitor Bike, excellent eoudition. Phone 13 after 41411.1.414,11mMilliM244.4. lit:1"4 a 11 rocAll VIALWAIL Ulf St. 11,ot and coiu water; coat furattee. Apply to; John \Yi.le Agent ter ciaytou liegg. Phone ii, Brussels,. 'r-OH SALE It. .1 WiLii;gEtli; Double barreie gauge shot Can;• Coal or Wood Heater, could be used as an annex. M. A. Fraser Walton, Phone 470W5 UNUSUAL OPPORTCNi'iTY — One of Canada's 1.,•erulizer Companies require a reProsoola' tive in this area. Full or part Wile. 11 you are over 21 and nave a farm background write. to Box .5U, Brussels. FOR SALE — Ailaclutosh, Spy, Delicious and Cow tiand Apples. ' Also, freshly made Sweet Apple Cider front our own press. kith; per gallon in your own container. 13111 Stratychuk Phone 121 lOUSE FOR SALE — Freshly paintea frame House, two bedrooms upstairs, bath room living room, dining room, luouern kitchen and laundry room uown stairs. New, oil furnace, and new hot water heater. Wm. H. King, Phone Brussels 139 SALES HELP VvANTED MALE 41. FEMALE Wanted immediately -- Man or women to supply consumers in Huron County with Rawleigh Products. Can earn $'50 weekly part time, $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. L-152-336, 400.3, Richelieu, St. Henry, Mon- treal. Your Horne Market Where visitor, consignor, PHONE 445 You Are weicorno Ilc er tailyar 141WI9ELEI, ,,.,aemow,,mowmgmcgligmow,RzoiztivitowimmAtft,Dotw AgAzt mmmoie,mow,ow,m0 pe14.14-litnre re.lir1W-TitiV'W‘ "it PrPrIarfr frriefg'rePfir P6 PsPlrefe14`14*P*‘94711 Pt PPPO -01,0000-00 000000 000011 A "Mother-stwee In the cold months shoed 'Custoen'',1, C rtiCelatt • Soot free drying for • 24 lb. load capacity your family laundry • Large lint filter • Rotary control settings • 5000 watt element • 90 minute timer • Child-safe door $ der prtse $159.95 Special price 141 99 MIXER • Easy clean , beaters and Specia l beater ejector price .38:CgrblIch $14.99 Portable FOOD SPri ecial $229'99 pce Regular price $259.95 a ii , couint Save Morn 10 Hours of k a week Autoat Portab mic le DISHWASHER Plugs into 110 volt kitchen outlet NeW "formica" top • Fortable—connecb • Choice of "work cycles" to sink faucet • 231/4 11 wide, 344$ • Load it—Set R--• high, 283/4 " deep Forget it Steam-Du IRON * Constant-flow system giro twice as much steam • Even-heat soleglate pounds wash-and-wear fabrics • Weighs less than 3 lbs. Specially Wad Walra9.95 $13•99 AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER $1-00-0`00-0-000-#011-0-00-#000001.00 *0000#00 000 00'0000000000 0000000000 Something New in ELECTRIC Compact Fart hat 0e-it-yourself Man Set of two SHAVERS (4' ISHAVEX:aZerah "Debutante" • Sold and serviced across Canada Convertible BABY SLEIGH • 4 double precision-honed cutters ' BAR DRYER • Smooth, weatherproof finish • A matched set SPeThrie2,,a1 . Sturdy back rest of aluminurn hang • 110 volt • Two models: Vnth wad orrYing Ca" • Back nast and handle easily removed, • One 26" crossed saw Model 3260-1 Model26-, 11 • Professional reSidb • One 20" panel series7.49 set Reg. $16.9.5 Reg. $19.95 • "Countryside" s ." • Conveniently boxed Reg. value for Christmas giving $10.30 sPecial °ice SPecial Prie • $12199 $15199 5. with tram pouch With deluke tasil Priced • .SPecially • alit; qUiet, handsome • Three heats plus a 77 acme. slang le lined bonnet ists rboa nr price-steel runners witisi;d0 enamel finish Special price 000,0410 #.000000.404'.4-000:#0.1. 0.0:0#00.0.0. 44000444 000 4'00010 "DISSTON" HAND SAWS 1r".. fa if re_14 k, 7Ms''' 444,4 (1 I ,41 1•4‘ , ., 7.F. " . RAry, , 1 IV flig AVM (WM' cl!0e MP ..a'W VX 0514'7.4.111*. 0114.1X1. MOW MArir. 11W7 . . • „. . . • - •-.D • tiir0 " • -.9 • • -.7 . • -9