HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-12-16, Page 1THE BRUSSEW POST, THURSDAY, DEC, 16th, 1965
POST PUBLISnING kit ;113E ,412.00 A Year in Advance -- $2,50 To U.S.A.
Meeting held December eth.
Moved by Kenneth Bray sec-
onded by Glenn Huether that the
minutes of the last regular meet-
ing and special meeting of Noy,
ember 18th, be adopted as read
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
onded by Archie Mann that the
Municipal Corporation, of the
Township of Grey approves the
request of the Public School
Board of 41ma, Township. Area for
the issue or aenentures in the
amount of 800,000 by the Corp-
ation of the Township of Elma
for tne equipment and construct-
School Section 9 to exempt asses-
ment. --Carried
Moved by Glenn. Huether sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that we
transfer the assessment of former
School Section 9 to exempt.
Moved by Glenn Huether sec-
onded by Kenneth Bray that we
appoint Andrew Bremner to
Listowel High School Board;
Kenneth MacFarane to Seaforth
High School Board and Murray
Cardiff to Wingham High School
Board. —Carried
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
onded by Archie Mann that we
authorize the Reeve and Clerk to
resubmit an application for par-
ticipation in the Federal Provinc-
ial Centennial Grants Programme
to acquire and establish a Com-
munity Centre in the hamlet of
Molesworth —Carded
Moved by Kenneth Bray sec-
onded by. Glenn Huether that all
approved accounts be paid,
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
°need by Archie Mann that we do
now adjourn to meet again on Dec.
15th, or at the call of the Reeve,
The following accounts were
Ont. Hydro, office $ 6.0 7
Clifford R. Dunbar, Reeve
salary ...... ... ,..„ 450.00
Archie Mann, Coun-
cillor, salary ...,.,. 250.00
Kenneth Bray, Coun-
cillor, salary --- 250.00
Glee Hnether, Conn-
Miler. salary 250.00
Lawson Ward, Coun-
cillor, salary .. 250.00
Normen S. Hoover,
qebool Attendance
Officer. salary • 25,00
wilh,ir Turnbull. Collector
nnrt salary and
bank wallet ,...—., 305.00
flobeet "Walker, rent
Welton (limn" ,.... , rri.0(1
Ilnisseis terion, Fanny
Fund, wreath
Dear Sir:,
Apparently T. K. and our In-
terested Citizen, as they call
theMselves Ile-vox go to the arena
or wading pool or they would
Itnowe more about what they are
talking .about.'
At least the curling club pays
its way and also the kids, which
is more than can be', said for
some of the older sports in this'
town. Anybody can find fault,
hut most of the ones that do
never spent a nickel on running
a ball club or hockey Club, or on
any other organization, They
should try it sometime.
The Brussels, Morris and Grey
Recreationel Committee have
tried to give recreation to every-
body, skating, hockey, curling,
figure skating, broom ball, bad-
minton, and I am sure would like
to have roller skating but roller
skates are very expensive and to
buy 200 pair at this time, In our
financial position, was not in the
best interests.
In the summer the park with
its flood lights has given more
recreation than any park in West-
ern. Ontario which should be of
some benefit, to the town and the
Price of admission is right,
So let's be a Town Booster not
a knocker.
Chairman, Brussels, Morris
and Grey. Recreational Committee
Legion Auxiliary
Elect Officers
.0n Thursday December 2nd,
The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal
Canadian Legion, nem their
Election of "Offcers for 1066, for a
one year term.
Immediate Past Presi-
dent Doreen Rutledge
President Vera Hastings
1st. Vice Preident. Mary
2nd Vice President Jean
Lam t
Secretary Mary Lowe
Treasurer ---- Kay Duncan
Sgt.-at-arms ..... . Mabel Willis
Doreen Rutledge
Executive Committee ... „.. Fanny
Bernice MacFarlane
Evelyn. Smith
Pianist Belts, Elliott.
Auditors Jean Cerenke
Noreen Eder
Sunshine Elsie Shaw
Tt is hoped that the Legion
and Auxiliafy ,will have com-
bined instaliation iri .Tanuary With
installing learns from other
branches officiating.
Airs, jas, S. Armstrong and son
.Tenles attended the funeral of
Vot. Arettil (\t-toritrri% in Toronto
nil SatUrdaYi
Enter Christmas Decoration
Coanpetition Now
C;Eq. our in NOW for
the home and business Christmas
t)icoration connietition being
sponsored by the local Horticul-
tural Society again this ,vevr.
Three prizes to be awarded in
each class. Those competing
notify Mrs. Cudniore by Dec, 18,
Offer Free Service
To The Public
The C,P,T, (Cancer, Polio
glubercUlosis) committee of the
Western Star Odafellows and
Morning Star Rebekah lodges
would like the public to know of
our many services, which we ex-
tend to anyone in need.
The following equipment is
loaned free of charge at any
time: hospital beds, wheelchairs,
hand walkerS, crutches and
canes. To avail yourselves of this
equipinent call Betty Bronson
1714 or Bob Richmond 56 we
will be only too hapny to see that
your needs are looked after,
This C.P.T. committee would
like to thank the public, at this
time for their support at card
parties, hockey games and any
Project that they put on to raise
Majestic W. I.
'December Meeting
The December meeting of the
Majestic W. I, was held in the
Library Dec. 9th„ In the absence
of the president, Mrs. Jas. Smith,
the 1st vice president ( onduct,
ed the meeting. After the Opening
Ode and Mary Stewart Collect
Mrs, John. Speir read the minutes
of the last meeting, treasurer's
report and correspondence. Some
Christmas Carols were sung.
Plans were made for a January
Card Party to be held Jan, 3rd
in the Library,
Mrs. James Armstrong gave .a
reading, Christmas in the Far
North,, which was very interest-
ing. The roll call was answered
by donations for the boxes for
Member and friends keep In mind
the Euchre party on Tan. ..rd.
Turkey' Bingo
Ordinery Games
Mabel Willis
Leonard Rooney
Allan Nichol
Alice Verl3eek.
Ruth MicTaggart
Gail Wilson
D. A. Rann
Mrs, Carl Lott, Wingham.
Ruth McTaggart
Bob Adams, 13luevale
Mrs. Mervyn Pipe
Mrs. Jno. Finnegan. Wingham
Prank McCormick, Wingliam
Clifford (Sandy) Rowland,
Mrs, Glenn Bridge
Ca 'h Games
oss McCall
Mrs. Christian richer
Keith Raymond kcr
Mrs. Harry Tunney„ Ethel
Mrs. Jean Armstrong 77. died
very suddenly on Thursday, Dec.
nth at the 'home of her daughter,
Glenna, in Toronto. Born in
Rullett Twp., she was the second
alder (laugher of Wm, and Mary
Armstrong, who moved to lot ••
Con. 9. Grey, in 1S92,' She taught
school at Cranbrook.' Gad's Hill.
Listowel and Toronto. She was
married in 1923 to Wes Arm-
strong and they lived in Brussols
for 10 year before moving to
Torent.o She is survived by one
&metier. Clenna. TTer husband
nrl anal ;liter .Tovre nredercased
her, She is survived MAO by Ottr,
brother, .Tam(zs S,, of Brussels,
runcrat servient; SC ere eomilieted
front the Meriongall TIrecrt.
runer Tiolne in' Toronto with
Ill'elneet rem
H. King Resigns
Clerk Of Brussels
Wm. H. King has resigned as
Clerk-Treasurer of the Village
of Brussels to become the Clerk
of Waterlo Township. his new
cio ties commence. on January 15th,
Mr. King beeame the Clerk.
Treasurer and Tux collector of
this municipality on Nor. 23rd.
1950, when he filled the vacancy
created by the resignation of
Hartley Fischer, He Inter assum-
the duties of Manager and secre-
y of the P.F.C. and secretary,
treasurer of the Recreation Com-
mittee and captain ono treasurer
of the local fire brigade, He has
bran notive in the affairs of Mel-
vine Church haying been on the
Board of Managers for the past
12 nears, and a member of the
Mr. and Mrs. King end family
will move to Kitchener some-
time after the 15th of next month.
Thee will be missed by a large
circle" of friends and aeonahata-
HP.Iti By Kions t.
Twenty-eight Liens and their
wires met in Melville Presby-
Ian Church on December 13th
on enjoyable evening.
Following (lull': IT a sing song
inns lod by Lion Tamer Cecil.
..Vs!17%.iddkn. Each in,lnber intro-,
::•e(1 his wife, The minutes were
rend and adopted on motion of
Lion Ike Rann and Lion Roy
Lion Calvin Smith reported that
here was at l eest
far the Re,reation n:mi(tee \,•ti-
ficiol lee Fund wilb a. few of the
oon e.o.t or k; to 11''.,. from "..C't
ion (leorgo Mut reported
there WO: IV, ;9
Thrisniel on January ''Ith He
mir'od that T. on .Ter1 7
be dthirman.
A bingo m.1 t11,,11 lort Tiv
floor-e 1Trimto1lpon r'in-
n ,rs were Mrs‘ Cal Sniith. Vory
Thomas, Vmstronc, Cecil
Parker, .ia r 01(114,10 1:111
TIM-tiros of ITivwci; sitown h!c'
Indy Parker wero myloyo
hr all, She was T.lon
(11 n cs Thomas.
Cliffs for the 1Nlir.,2 01,-0
1m frql •lnd was nd-
pr_ op) /"Nr 4-'1"
\-inte".4 -I, ,
f l ," 1\Tr5, r•in, ills +11 ,...
e nd*urn 1.Tr *"1-,*;:t -1•1r,
T-TrIrso,i,% o' -Nrit
• f itTr !-1,1(1
At the regular meeting of this
School Board in Brussels, Dec. 1
ranch routine business was dis-
The Board is awaiting tentative
approval of building permit from
the Department of Education for
construction projects in Brussels
and Elyth,
Payment of the following bills
was authorized:
C. Stiles, fuel $140.1P
Burk. Electric .... . .. 4.15
Post Publishing-,
statements ..... ..... ,„ 17.51
Ditto of Canada, ,„ ..... 79.55
ideal Supply, 32.63
Snowdon Ltd:, .. , . . 43.93
Snider, fees „, .... . 76.00
Pi5'ili T (;4.rion, . .... , 7.25
Boss Mann 8,00
M. Oldfield, 4.65
J. Stewart, 18.78
.00d Snpnlies 312.2q
Wingham. Public School,
tuition fees , ......... 104.00
Trustees, nay mileage
and phone calls
Jas. Elston.
C,,eorge 1V[eCn tehennV 150.50 I
,Tohn Stewart 130.1 5 !
Bert Frillott 1.1?,70 ;
Carman Haines 125.50 1
There will he a S'ne1101 tenet,
bi Of tile, PrOra in Blyth on nee,
ranee Eltn-en
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