HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-11, Page 5, all42%441""" *. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MARCH II. 1881. • . Lookers. Ceases or Tots. The 8b1, Chri.- u future will Lave service In the afternoon at 3 p. in. each Sabbieli, ta theta. chervil. Will$18111. Suatucal. -Drs. lfaudosuald and Beth - met of this town performed a suomestul surgical operation on the wife of Mr Chao. F. Kent on Tuesday of last week. For souse tone past Mrs. Kent has bem sufferiug from a tumor on Iser thigh near the htp. This the doctors cut out, and the 144 is rapidly receiteriag. TI. tumor welched &beet one pound. --(Ada Tante. Valtsa AuAIN SOLD. - -Mr. Janie. McDonald has &Spoiled 4.4 the Pest Office Store preperty which he purchased lest week trout Mr. Petteson, to Mr. Richard Pollard, for the sum .of $3,000. Mr. Pollard takes mementos un the first ef April. He will carryon a general store and the post °thee. The people of Lead - bury, will be sorry to lose Mr. Pollard but what will be their loss will Le Wel. oil's gain. We wish him every suczess, aud hope he may speedily make his pile in his new sphere. Parfaansit. Srotsx. -Mr. J. B. Allin• gre.nery was entered last week by some unknown party, and • small quantity of wheat taken therefroni. DEBATE. - An interesting debate took place here en Friday evening Last be- tween some of the 1i/embers id Dewdrop Lodge No. 396, M. T. A. The subject dimmed was :-"Which was the more beneficial to the ()immunity at lr.ry' the credit or the eash system 1" R. D. Cameron (captain), J. McDonald, J. G. Murdoch, J. Murchison and A, Towle advocated the former, while D. G. Mac- kenzie (captain,) S. Kirk, E. W. Rich- ards and W. Davis upheld the latter system. The committee that had been appointed to decide the debate, having listened carefully to the lutr4 and ani.»a- ted discussion, gave their decision in favour of the credit system. innevge. on Saturday evening last, the farm residencAt of Mr. Conn, belonging to Mr. Jos Richardson, of Stanley, was total- ly destroyed by Are. It seems that the fire orginated between the .ceiling and the second floor somewhere near the stovepipe. Although part of the family were at home not much of the connote were eaved, the fire having made much headway. On the contents there was no insurance, therefore Mr. Coun's loss is considerable, and as he only moved here last spring much sympathy is felt fpr him There was an insurance of $100 on the Howick Company. PROPERTY Sou,. -At the sale id the estate of the late John Messer, on the 25th ult:, all the property was sold. Mr. Win. Meatier bought the store at Blue- val for $400, the Duff farm was sold to Wm. Epplett for *3,500, the boundary farm to Rev. J. McCartney for $2,100, the Bluevale cabinet factory to Joseph Leech for $150, the store in Wingham to T. A. Mill fur $2,800. The homestead at Bluevale was bought in for the widow. The prices realized in all cases were rea- sonably fair. C. Tait Scott, Esq.. did the selling. -[Advance. Lochalsh, BUeT.--Farmers in this community are busily engaged in taking out fire- wood and hauling timber and other ma- terials for building purposes, of which there will be considerable the ensuing 1 Total aeuther batdaume durngf4- main/thou, 711. Mr. Mr. John Robertatin, Oulburne, , - vseareettereseesame.asor a*Lvik...antsate..*--utrzl_A.reizii,s DRESS ALL & MILLINERY 1300Ir S 2,000 Banda sited s few of het -mum iiitiume (needs to celebrate with him the aarttverawY vI ", .%'hirtY•fir•S mar et wedded arid Pidlline from Mr. Robertson sod bis wife s happy faeire, they have beeu plea sant years. Mr. Itoberteau is one of the pitmans of Colborne, and had his share tit the hardships incidental to early set- tleumat, helping to v/spree* two fibrins. b. has edvanoed with the country, and titribreesieu ut one uf th beet township to -day, witli:veryterumia. fort and luxury, beet a he ie coatetited with ha share. His friends met to the number of thirty, during the aftenoon., axii ',witty after Ex we Tore autn:none!. i... the dinning WI, to &repast which did Mrs. Robertseil credit for the manner she had provided for the wants of the.inuer Viands were provided in the utwmt profusion, &ndut excellent iAlity. After ample justice had beed i:ie in this departuient, the evenin.: w:u most agreeably spent with toast aia giallo to tulne host and hostess, and after all the topics of the day had bee:a discussed at full length, the com- pany were entertained with a few songs hy Maar». John Buchanan, Donald McGillivray, s ith the assistance of Mrs. Wm. Robertson, who rendered an old Iftiotch song in their waive tongue,- Gielic-- which WAS very much applauded. Mrs. Robert Young meg two songs very nicely fur an old lady of 83 years, as her voice still retains the melody of younger clays. And after the "wee ems' hours eyelet the twal," the company elowly dispersed. Before deperttog they sang "Auld Lang Syne," with clasped hands, and congratulated each other on the pleasant evening they had spent. Thank- ing mine host and hostess and wishing them many years' of health and prosperi- ty, hoping to meet them again next year. I rem tin, thvit MAT WAS THERE. seegisertee. The distinguished gentleman who has charge of the soap department in the columns of the lfail, puffs Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. Josiah Burr Plumb every opportunity he gets, and when he does not get an opportunity he makes one. If we believe all that he says of Tupper and Plumb, we will believe that they have profundity without obscurity, perspicuity without prolixity, ornament without glare, terseness without barren- ness, penetration without subtility, corn- prehensiveness without digression, and a great number of other things without a great number of some other things. The gentleman who hag charge of the soap department should eat some salt.- [Telegnun. 4:odertek Markets. GoDluilail, March 10,1881. Wheat. (Falli it bush . . $1 00 Wheat. iffpring) 34 bush 00 flottr. cwt 010 Peas. • btu/a Barley, • bu20 is5° itli:• • •• .• •• • • • Thrt• w 6 06- (118 g 16 P°14408.• 5 HAT,•ton 0 Mckens... „ 0 10 Ruter.•h... .. ai::0 0 le wa" • ' 6 30 Pork Weal"11 per barrel . II 80 100 0 11 02 0 1 10 75 10 61 10 as 00 10 to to so ID 00 00 Smith Watson -At Detroit, on the 17th of Feb.. by the Rev. Stephen W. Friable. Mr. William Franklyn Smith to Emma Maria, fourth daughter of E. C. Watson, F..sq., of that city. McBride -Cuirning--On the 24th inst. at St. Georges church. Neweaatle, by the Rev. Canon Brent M. A.. William MeNtide. 13. A., Principal of the Newcastle High and Public Schools. (and formerly • teacher in the Godertch High Scholl to Lilly, youngest daughter of the late John Cumming, Esq., of Owen Sound. Bennett- Mutch--At the residence of the bride's L.iher, on the 9th lost_ by the Rev. J. Pritchard, Mr. John Bennett, to Mary, second daugtter of Robt. Mutch, Esq., all of summer. East Wawanosh. OBITCART. -We regret to have to an- nounce the death of an old and much respected resident of kluron, that of Mr. Alex McDougall, which took place at his residence on the 24th inst. Though not a strong man constitutionally. a can- cer which started in his throat last fall was eventually the cause of his death. His funeral took place on the 26th inst., and was attended by a large concourse of his friends and acquaintances. The remains were interred in Lochalsh teem - He leaves a wife and several small children to mourn his loss. Hilaintz.u..-One of those little events which put everybody in good humor, occurred in this place on Tuesday 1st inst., at the residence of Mr, M. Mc- Kenzie, when Mr. Duncan McKenzie of Wheatland, Dakota, and Miss Jennie G. McKenzie, daughter of the late Mr. Donald B. McKenzie of Ashfield, were united in the bonds of matrimony. Atter partaking of a bounteous repast, the wedding guests amused themselves b9 "tipping the light fantastic toe" to the martial music of the bagpipes, or that of the soft lilting violin. The young couple purpose moving to their home in Dakota shortly. 081EIERS. 801.1X -Mr. Lawrie', Manntng has soli beeline of 50 aeries to Mr. Thomas Matrielt, ter 0,200. B=Sal meatier are being held in B. 0. Clienfi near Benmiller, Rey. T. Broad, of the circuit presiding Maple sugar making is about to oorn- lista,* now. Preparations are being mak on all aides. Believing editors in,general to be very fond of eirgar cake remember the editor of the ''Ilwrehtz" The following list comprisee the most micematul pupils of S. KNO. 2, for the asealk14 Te1wwary, the review hoist& milikivisft of -week grim over chiefly -daring the month - Qom V. -Tidal marks, 762; James Ktiewart, 761; ft R. Ilkeded, era. Class 'V. -111W marks. 7$2 M. J. Mareish, ; C. L Moodp1, fin; Emily givaike, ; W. R. Itoberhion. 6117; 0.0. Oka, 11114. Mao III. -Total marks, MI . hale* PIMA, ; Chia. Oh., !WM O. Jne Sere oft, : LAM* Lai. 4,7 ; Willis atmv- art611.•11; Levi Illereor, 484. --- Total sorbs, : M. J. M00,14. 233, D. Maley, 0. A. C. Veristone, ; Maggie Boddie, 07; Owe. Mese., 127 A bt. Meads,. 224. Ohm' -1'i1 marks, 1O, Altana Chutvii. : Igen Stewart 106 • Harry 110 noble-- In Colborne on the Sth Ina.. Ann Me- Clarty, beloved wife of Mr. Joseph Doble, aged 65 yrs. Wilson At Manchester, on the 3rd inst., the Want son of Mr. W. D. Wilson. Triestine' Guide. `GRAND TRUNK. LAW. PAYS. XXV& MHO& Mild. Goderith.Lt 7. 12.0§,Pm 3.1513p 9.00am Seatorth. . . ,.00 " ..130 ^ .J4.45 10.20" Stratford. Ar 14.46am 2.15pm. 6.10pm LOD " WEST. Pass. Ext.'s. Strstford.Ls 1.20am 7.50pm 7.0(m 145pm Seaforth 117 .0.86' 9.13 " 3.40 ' Gorterieh.Ar 3_.15pm. ittftin 1.00s m 7.16pm GR KA T VIT MT ERN. !Cup's. Mall Exp's. Clinton going north .9.20am .4.11pm 0..25pm going south .8.02ani 7.21 " STAGE LINES. Lock now Stage (daily arr. 10.15am dep 4prn KIrmardlae " " 1.00s m 7arn BenmIller " (Wednc$dny and Raterdast anises 0.00am " LIS " NOTIcE. vp Pko60ewpJsJ, i Oadetait In returning theists for yea favors, world Just say. taloa. wishing • benefit win passe moos sorrow prices and ervveat • Freese t. wormer. UJr fAse Photos, - - goo photos. - 160 1.05 414 -1.16 160 Cabinets Plinio per dos.. - SAO 3. Card Photo. per doe- - 1.88 2. And Frames to suit the above •t OTTOL PICS.. rome rone.".orene all ..ad hare your hearts g laddetiedija getting good and chearePlotos st 1755 E. L Jonwooles. Q ALE OF BOOK Mtn tte , 1.3 Tender. In the natter of the 1011811/ nit the late John Herm Pertinent to the Deereaot the Covet of eery made In the sheen sistl assail the day of °aloha A. D. Ma TOWSON kW rare weirs 11140selso. Sok Other 04wed h belonging to Ha toasts of the 1t4s Jona of Illnevale. will b. received taw 14th day of Itarch, A. D. 1881, .4one ieloeh aaair,"ft, abash thsverlatalS wl021.1 ter% at 11 laths be se TegAkqr 4"Citimet.Lopmerses:ionemtithenesut Twestli;Watemit the Tenor d's eteiciters, res et MN eiserta theer Leete of the add IMsI O needs sae lelnirom tu1sterlatetbasomy. tire, vnay Tea - Dated the fleth err el' D. OF CHOICE 41/MMENI. J( y Prednenall liya1Wanted ai Once ! in every variety pulibahed. iliew 'Methodist Virg Boot in all its forms. LOWEST PRICES at SHEPPARD'S BOOKSTORE. $66week In your own H. Terms and ,9 outfit tree. Address H. HaLterr Co.. Pornaud. Malar. JOHNSTON'S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. BOYD'S GALVANIC BATTERIES. 33ITI'MFtS_ JAMES WILSON Druggist. p riciates Prescriptions accurately pre. po liew Inds NEW OVERCOATINGS, NEW SCOTCH GOODS. A FINE SUPPLY OF j Heavy Canadian Woollens Just the thing for winter clothing. Some Good Lines of Genre' Pwraishirtys MI?" READY- MADE iliA[ OVERCOATS, all well made and reliable. CLOTHING MADE to ORDER under my own supervision. war Private Families supplied with choice hand-picked apples tor winter AT .i.9111 HATES. 'James McNair, Hamilton htreet. Goderich. Oct.'" 1100. 008 LOVELL'S Province of Ontario Directory FOB 1881 -1882 - TO Bit PURLOINED IN NOVIAIBER 1161. Prior 4,5•00. UR. LOVELL, at the request of several Ifl Merchants and others of the Province or Ontario of the City of Montreal, gm,. bre 1*., announce that ha Prot will publish a pfto vimot or ONTARIO PIK1- .0• 'TOR V n N vember :lest, containing an Alphabetic' Directory AND A THOROUGH SELLING OFF AT COST -FOR- 0 1\T M 0 1\1 - Previous to taking Stook and making room for SPRING GO ODS. „w' -('ALL AND NIAMINE FOR YOU1ISKLVI111W 6373. ••••••••• *ISS STEWART. Ositaislir=1:1•*fts7LA 1" rr Ir NEW `.1)11. ,(i PRINv4.. and 2vZoltori.s bite's CloafirS aid Ulsters. SPLENDID VALUE a • Conan Bros. TT -F- JLC7411=' • 2.41:PTOT Business Direiltoty of the Ittunnese and Professional men r, toe Cities, 'towns, anl VilLegeb .4( 4 )nWI.% kr,11, a Classified Business Directory 111, THE CITY OF MONTREAL The same tare and aVentinn De (,we -1 on the Dominion and Pewits:lel Dire tor:. • of 1671 will be given to Ibis work. !Std.... ...be names respectfully solicied, 'rem& 0,, AA- vertiaing made known upou atallettiay. JOHN LOVELL ilt HON Manteca/, Lfre._ 1891. -Publiehers. I/1.- . Tx -11D ' r 1.1.kLBOIIITE nos. I SAVE BOUGHT TI. -172 giARDWARE STOCK. Stoves ! ITA VERY GREAT DIZICOUN T ! Stoves I Neat I., sli of aa t& ago, k. asi "ell a. in own yrigii, ..: ::10.1,:, u- 1.1 tivveitift bei..re the .tdisur •II hardware. 1 az. 4 1' ctc.vre In o poctioi, to 4(11 l'b •.s.4...4.1:(izu n n) 01 11' . 01016,e la the (amas. -- - - MY met: OF LAVE TROUGHS and CONDUCTING PIPES, CISTERN PUMPS. LEAD PIPES, E. PLAIN AND YA1eCY TII\WARE. Fatiwt t 011(1(111S & G(10(1.1111 113.1111Waft tiiiiI which I went to run otTouickl COMIC 8.D Blrf AT CE MOMS 41.8 Wil..:.rtzArz:, 73, Fresh G -round Water Lime in Stook. AuENT FOR BEST TEEL BARB PENCE WIRE. 00AL OIL tP. MLEcIC1•TZT PIP. ALL WORK WARRANTED.- lik roses. w110I1tial2 AND RETAIL Ilugh Dunlop, FASHIQN,IBLE T.4 I LON, Next Door to Bank of Montreal $5 to $20 per day at home. Sample. worth 15 tree. Address Bids td'the Coal 00 Darrel. littismost 1c Co.. Portland. Maine. T .iCAMPBH Ell'OOT Aand SAUNIREItS" vARIE-ry ST41ItF,. to WEST ST. next door to the POST OFFICE Full, ()NE AWN l'H. oleo on Lamps. etc., Old Iran, Copper. Brow , wool Pickings and giteeP minaL taken in exchange. GRAND CLEARING SALE J. STORY. Boots and Shoes, IXT=7/77. 0-00=10 opened out this weeli. WALL PAPERS, cRuzir WEAN LATURI 000Dfi. FANCY BASKRTS. SPX/ Ni ICS A.er-C 0 Ser to clear out stock. ,ratrl'inaniith wolf atlinded to on shortest notice and charges moderates "THE CREAPEET HOUSE UNDER THE SUN.- 1777 c.,A...m= o' T-Ex..AaNrics.. TO THE P1:OPLI4' OF OODERICLI ' Precious to Stook taking. My Stock is Largeand well -assorted, and I extend my hest I thanks to the townspeople who worked so well in endeavoring to sat e in carriage of your neighbors, and actions like that performed by thee* whom 1 take this GREAT BARGAINS will be given. =\ZS - =AS= WM. CAMPBELL. Oodorieb, Jam lik111111. • 17410 ITAID goods at the recent 5re. It is pleasant to know that you have the good w opportunity of thanking, make (me feel that "a friend in need is • fnend Inesed." Yours truly D. C. STRACHAN. IR,E MCYNT_A_L_ I 'Ave removed my stock of general yemenes to the corner Blake • Mork, where I will be pleased to meet all my friends and n14 emitomere. D. c. fE3TRAlk.0A.N. BURDOCK BLOOD BiTTFPS lib, stay Modistes that successfully polio tar Blood, acts upon the Liver. Bowels, Shin sad lLidnirys, while st the same time it allays Nervous Irritation. and strengthens the Debilitated System, perketly sad speedily curing Biliousness. Jaundice. Dyspepsia, OieSti- patior, Headnehe, Meinusatism. Drepsy.liervensand Seep nal Debility, Palliate 081111piaults. &retells. mut Rheum. and every spiedes ef Anew Dismiss arising :Ivo Disordered Liver, Kidneys, MGM* $ow*, or blast Til INT MN MIMI TONS IN TIN 111111U. Jame& aseste. Ine. 1. UM 1111. ISI MA "NW aessas mow 040 ovi,_Vosaawro wogs r....s ask stu• tall Awe Ilwasie ams MI6. a samits. Miss es se 111101 s •IsealU das km as as lesireassa aw Orosomicerts woos cola tor snows... e su Ifterames Wow Odd h7 JAMBS WILSON, Dowegbir Gedanne Works! POT= haring leased the shop of Mr. P. Bayne, is now engaged in the mumfacture of first claim CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS, e tc . Give rnei call, and 1 wail give you prices that cannot be beaten in the county. REP.A.IRrINTC3- j 01313TIST DON -13. • KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, H. 1=4911\1'7'MR GREAT SALE OF LTELIVET Uri IC For the nest 30 days Pf111.111TURE AT TBR YOLLoWING P FLICKA POR (ARIL BRDSTIADR, from 111.78 up. BUREAUS, from $15 00 up ORA DUN, 1.50 WASHSTANDS, from 1.00 up Gad High Top CUPBOARDS for 7.00 000D CHAIR14, at 35e. all at WontlerfuR Low Prices! 042-1P....A1,..13 BALM_ CALL AND ft= irrocu AND FRICTION FOR YOURRILVIIR ILL rwmearry TO MR IkP 1111QJ.VIIIMV TO CtAND.411Urns, MARI r 411"... 3311_,X oragaarealiall tow ostoists. arbor stem so Oussisuots