The Brussels Post, 1965-12-02, Page 3THRi Eauserdos port. I3tuPs712.8, eNTABIO • THURSDAY, DEC. 2nd. nee Because an ;average "'accident last year cost $810. .a jump of $113 in just 5 years Automobile insurance rates in most areas of Canada will increase in 1966. Prudent drivers ask why premiums should rise again. Here are the key reasons : • Every year the number of vehicles on Canadian roads is increasing . . . but the total cost of acci- dents in the past five years has gone up three times as fast as the number of cars which together must provide the money to Pay for these accidents. • And during the past five years the number of accidents has spiralled much faster than the num- ber of cars that are on the road. • In that same period the total cost of insurance claims has doubled. • Since 1960 this claims cost has been climbing at an average of $40 million a year. This year's insur- ance bill for accidents will total $400 million. Each accident costs more than it did five years ago —the result of more expensive and luxurious oars, increasing repair costs, higher medical expenses and compensation for time off work or lost income, The only way to stop this spiral is to have fewer accidents. That is the best way, too, to cut the tragic toll of 4,500 deaths and 150,000 injuries in Canada each year. Safety pays • . it saves lives and dollars. *Even Good Drivers Have Accidents Drivers with a three-year occident-free record earn a 35 per cent discount off basic insurance rates. But even good drivers have accidents. Eighty per cent of all acci- dents are caused by people who have driven three or more years without an accident, That is why the basic rates go up for everyone—even the good driver who still gets his discount, •••••=mvamicsammons rtxt pi ro 0 Et 1 L. Ei SURAN E . published by All Canada Insurance Federation, representing 200 fire, automobile and casualty T US •RY nsurance companies THE BRUSSELS POST Authorized as Second Class Mai!, Post Office Department, Ottawa REG SU LIVAN TRANSPORT ETHEL F.FS All ,N1da ly PHONE 242J p.cx, ss NOTICE TO CRIWITONS In the estate of ANNABELLE ARMSTRONG, deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village or Brussels, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 25th day of (Weber, 1965, are required to file Preof of same with the under- iiigOed on or before, the 16th day of Desember, 1965. After that date the executors will Proceed to dis- tribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels ,this 20th day of November,, 1965. CRA*FORD & SHEPHERD, Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors AUCTION SALE Household Effects of the late Annabelle Armstrong will be held an SATURDAY, DEC. 4 at 1:00 p.m. at her late residence on Market Street In Brussels Chesterfield and 1 Chair Electrohome 21" cabinet T.V. Atwater Kent Radio Studio Couch TV Tables Round Table Magazine Rack Library Table viable Lamps Floor Lamps Spool Hall Rack Dining Room Table with Buffet and Chairs Small General Electric Range Small. Frigidaire Frig I Bedroom Suite - - bed springs, mattress, with chiffonier and dressing table 2 Iron Beds with springs & mattress Single bed Odd Dressers Small Chest Rockers Pictures Plage rtug & Pad 9x12 Mats Wash Stands Odd Chairs Pots and Pans Electric Washing Machine Vacuum, iieaner Floor Polisher Bathroom Scales • Singer Sewing Machine Kitchen. Utensils Garden Tools Aluminum. Step Ladder 2 Wodden Step Ladders House: White brick 9-roomed house on Part of Lot 106 In the Village of Brussels, with modern conveniences, new oil furnace, ea rage. Terms: Chattels - - Cash Property 1% down, balanoe In 30 days, and sold subject o reserve bid. Auctioneer: Harold Jackson Clerk: George Powell 'Executors: Robert McKinnon and Cecil McKinnon SEAFoRTH UPHOLSTERY Centre WM10 TELEPHDNI1 444 war nif klmth or eeholitering Reurteentetivf BELvyyni B KIER PHONE 79 ORRUESEIJ 4 • 403-0641. A CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY HURON COUNTY'S LEADING AVON CALLING FARM EQUIPMENT DEPOT Lowest pnssinie iinek •-f on new Just two territories still avail- a able for Christmas sales. For im- nd used tractors, farm machinery etc. Over 1,000 belts, and hund- Mediate' placement phone collect reds of pulleys, bearings, spark to-night, Mrs, Millson, London plugs. plow shares, cutivator Points and other service items in stock at all time'. 0:101+. i, lr 11314Por phone 621,010 Whet Thaillte f fir rnpr:/rinly ypiir •