The Brussels Post, 1965-12-02, Page 1.THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDA.I, DEC. 2nd. 1.965
POST PUBLISHING HOUSE $2.00 A Year tu Advance
Held in Ethel Community
Centre on Thursday afternoon.
Nov. 25th. with. approxiina,tely ,50
ratepayers in attendance.
Nominations were as follows:
Reeve: Clifford R, Dunbar (Q)
Kenneth Bray
Reeve Dunbar received an
acclamation for his seventh term
as reeve.
Councillors; (4 required) Kenneth
Bray (Q), Lawson Ward (Q),
Melville Lamont (Q), Archie
Wein, Charles Thomas (Q),
Glenn Huether.
School Trustees: (2 required),
Demnray, Wilfred Short-
reel (Q), Allan. McTaggart (Q).
Thomas McFarlane was ap-
pointed chairman for the meet-
George iPearson, School Board
chairman, said the financial state-
ment gave the report on school
business. Asked by a ratepayer
why the buses didn't stay at the
school he explained it saved time
for drivers to take buses home,
also, the drivers would have to
have ieore pe,) to drive tteir own
cars to and from school.
Donald McDonald paid tribute
to the chairman for all his extra
hours work, and everYthing was
going smoothly.
Sam Sweeney stated he had
brought up the discussion on the
extra mill rate on former Area
2 and former SS No. 3. He thought
it unfair but seemed to be the
only one on the hoard to see it
that way.
Wilfred Shortreecl said the
Board was willing to co-operate
with anything wanted at the Wal-
ton School.
Mt-as-well Demaray congratu-
lated Board for work done the past
year. He noted thn.t teachers'
salaries had been increased.
Allan IVfcTaggart, explained that
the Tendbers' Federation had step-
ped in and made it necessary to in-
crease salaries of teachers. He is
in favour of more school activities,
sueb as public speaking contests.
Clifford Dunbar expresSed his
thanks as candidate for another
term. He reported on County
affairs and gave the reason for in-
creased taxes. Surplus funds were
transferred for use in various de-
portmerits, He mentioned the aux-
iliary police force, the depart-
ment of Criminal Audit. which is
of great importance, and the
Children's Aid. He game part of
a rabies rePort by Dr. Mills, He
said a legitimate referee's report,
was received concerning special
levies on former school area 2 and
former SS No. S.
ITZenneth Bray said no felt road
donrtment employees should
tin tl ttalary tItio,1
Clubs To Canvass For
Artificial Ice Deficit
A earwass will be made Dec.
6, 7, 8th, of Dec. by 1:40 Brussels
Lions Wilub with the co-operation
of the Brussels Morris and Grey
Recreational comenittee along
with the curling club, An, all out
effort will be made to pay oft the
$3,500 outetanding debt On the
Brussels' arena artificial ice. This
eanyass will be made from door
to door in the village of Brussels,
and the townships of Morris and
Grey, on the 6th, 7th. 8th of Dec.
We are not publicly acknowledg-
ing these individual donations,
however, receipts will be given
for donations of. 5.00 or more for
income tax purposes. A full re-
port will be published in your local
newspaper directly after the can
Village Of Walton, 16th &17th
of Crey & boundary of Morris—
Chairman, Gordon McGavin, Help-
era, Wilbur & Bill Turnbull, Jan
Aran Vliet, Frank Kirkby, Watson
Reid, Russel Knight, eiera td Smith.
112th & 14th of Grey — Chair-
man, Selwyn. Baker, Helpers,
Wm. Blake, Clare Veitch, Ken
10th & 8th & Village of Ethel—
Chn.irman, Chas. Thomas, Help-
ers, Cliff Dunbar, James Arm-
strong Sr. & Jr., Alex & Don
'Pearson, Bruce Speiran, Ross
2nd, 4th, & 6th of Grey —
Chairman, Ian McDonald. Help-
ers, Ken Bray. Jim Adams, Max
1st & 2nd of Morrit-, & 86 Hwy.
-- Chairman. Lloyd Wheeler, Carl
Ard 41th of Morris — Cbair-
rams Jim 3.vr, air, Helpers, Jim
Ireland, Jack & Tim Bowman,
Robert Wheeler, Prank Carter.
5th & 6th of Morris — Chair-
man, Gordon Workman, rtelpers,
Wm. Stratyeliuk, Elston Cardiff,
Robert Ora,shy.
7th & 8th of Morris — Chair-
man, Ken McDonald, Helpers, Don
Frascr, Walter Bewley.
Village of Brussels.. Main St.
Cilia irman, D. A. Bann, Helpers,
Gee, McCutcheon, Cecil Parker.
North of River, west of Turn
berry to river Chairman, Roy
Cousins, Helpers, Reinhart Baur,
Cleo, Cousins:
Bank west & north to river —
Vhittrman, (Max ()wield, Hank
ten Pes.
North of Railway — Chairman
Jack McDonald. 'ROI Raymond.
Presbyterian Block, Dr.
Stiles Block, Tan McDonald Block
I-- Chairman, TTarold Thomas:
TTelpers, Doloris Wheeler. Nora.
Jeelt Teylor.
WW1, i9mw0 motuc 4.11Rof:
Mrs. C. Raynard, President
Of Figure Skating Club
Brussels Figure Skating Club
started their 3rd year on Thurs-
day with 57 registered skaters.
Anyone wishing to take lessons
may still register.
Mrs, Cecil Raynard was eleeted
the new president. Mrs, S. Lowe,
secretary, and Mrs, (;reniie,
treasurer, remained on the ex-
Floteine Stratychnk and Efina
Pletch are op a Committee to
appoint two mothers to look
after the skaters each week.
Wiord was received here of the
death of Mrs. Garfield Backer: of
Fort Francis, Sunday; Nov, 28th.
Mrs. Lottie McCutcheon has
returned home after visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne liryans of
Miss :Judith Parker N..
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. F.
Parker, has returned,: home from
Hawaii where she has spent the
last nine and a half months work-
ing at the Kattikeolani Children's
-Hospital. A number. of friends
greeted her on her . return on
Sunday evening.
REEVIs Stewart Procter
COUNCIL —Walter Shortreed,
William Elston, RoSs Smith.
,Tanic!s :Hair (all accl.)
Haines (aeci.)
Mr. and MI'S. LeS Earl were
Kitchener visitors on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vine of.
London were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and. Mrs. A. Bremner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ward and
baby. HarrIston. visited with
and ll re. Wm. Dobson.
Mrs. Stan Sneiyart and Mrr;.
Bert Godden have been visiting
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken Fife and
family, Burlington, were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Alex. P
Hugh ;Pearson Bleck, Ron Hueth-
er Block '& St. Chairman, Ger-
ald EXel. Hugh 'Pearson, Albert
ten Pa's.
Bank corner & West to river —
Chairman, Leonard Meehan, Har-
old Re:We Cec McVadden Stewart.
East. of Math St. — Chairman.
(Teo. 'AT:litter, Helpers, Ralph
Pearson. Wayne Lowe, Ross Mc-
('a11, T-Toward Bernard. J. C.
Horticultural Society
November Meeting
The November meeting of Brus-
sels Horticultural Society was
hel[i in the Brussels Library.
Mrs. Q. Hemingway presided
opened the meeting with 0 Can-
ada, minutes and correspond-,
enee, followed. 'Mrs. D. A, Rann
moved. we again • sponsor " the
Christmas Decorations for homes
and Businees places, to be three
prioS in each •nlass, a rose bush
and a membership, to be the
prizes. " Contestants to notify
Mrs. B Cudmore, secretam by
December rIStli,
Mrs. Bert Godden contributed.
two delightful solos accompanied
by Mrs. E. Cunningham. Mrs.:
Godden was thanked by Mrs,.
Carl Hemingway and presented
with a gift.
Mrs. D. A. Bann moved we pay
club girls for floral exhibtits, see-
club girls for floral exhibits, sec-
onded by Mrs. Win. Ferric, also
strong read the news letter. RoI1
cell was answeced by 26 memb-
ers, there were 10 visitors, It
was a motion by Mrs. R. Bennett.
eeeonded by Mrs. D. Dunbar we
sell trillnro stickers pt 15c each.
Mrs. F. Cndm.ore • demonstrated..
Christmas decorations. Mrs. D.
Dun bin' auctioned. the Christmas
decorations brought by memberS,
realzing $13. .The Qneen closed
the. meeting. A delicious lunch
and social hour followed,
The Horticultural Society will
again sponsor a Christmas Dec-
oration Competition for homes
and business places with
three prizes to be awarded in
each class. Those competing to
notify Mrs. Cudmore by Dec, 18.
C.)rdinery Games For Turkexe •
Grasby, Alec 1\IeDOnald,
Clinton. 'lerle Cousins. Mrs, liar-
Ralph Ratter. Allan McKercher.
1101 Kennedy, Wingham, F,lainf‘
Mrs, Fred Ohm. Wine:-
hum, Mrs. Fred Sawyer, Wing-
ham. Iirenson. Mrs. Pearl
Levee, Pontine MeWhirtc-r. Paul-
:\ Nr4. Fiseber.
Srie::.h Games For •
• .7.' lit' :oil. Wm. •PeL
1%2, .T:'. yiiNeil
flie,P. • Yrs. \lee
ciiif. (Sandy)
Du?, to lack of ,-;71.,e,, a numb o•
A A.1 ,1•V!, 1,1AMILA ieri• 1•,y0110,1
0E41. 4.011 WM Irittg, •
There will be no election iu
lieussels. All municipal offices
were filled by acclamation. There
wilt be no new faces as all 1965
officers were returned.
Due to a most unfortunate lack
of interest in their own municipal
affairs, a trend aparent in num-
erous communities, and', no doubt
also, because of the inelement
weather, there was, only a hand-
full of ratepayers at the nominat-
ion meeting in the puolic library
here on Friday night.
Reeve J. C. Kreuter
Councillors — J. L. McCutcheon
H. ten Pas, L. Cousins,T. Camp-
rbeuilo,m7 H,
John Hanna
King was appointed
chairman for the meeting.
Reeve 3. C. Kreuter thanked
those who did attend the meeting
and voiced his disappointment
that there were not more present.
He dealt at length with the
County Health ITnit, of which he
is vice-chairman. He also spoke
on the new extension being built
at the County Home, Clinton. He
reviewed the county road pm-
gram and stated that the new
improv.el County Road No. 12.
(going through Brussels) has the
heaviest traffic of any improved
road in the County, He also dis-
eased municipal problems.
'Councillors J. L'. MieCutcheon,
H. J. ten. Pas, C. L. Cousins and
1. G. Campbell, all spoke briefly
on various village affairs.
John Hanna, of the PBC. told,
the gathering that they had par-
ehosed an auxiliary engine and
installed it in the mune house
the northern end of Brussels so
that water pressure can he main-
tained during any hydro inter-
ruption. He also said that. as soon
as the money is available. they
hone to imrove street lio.hting,
George Elliott. Brussels repre
sentative on the Wingham Dist-
riet High School. Tirrirrl, gave a
lengthy report on finances and
the proposed new extension. He
also stated that the WDHS had
the highest percennge of students
passing Grade 13. in Huron
cousins, Brus sels repre-
sentative on the Winalia -rn and
District I-Tospital Pero d, spoke
at length on the new extension to
the hospital stating that the
rell,,,10, win not he aql:ed for dons
ationq and that it will not increase
taxes, due to increased govern-
ment grants and income from.
T{r+ also snnko of the'
rerw.wtirras to the BreFeelq Public
4;141-Ole:" ItIn 'del" rliSirmsse thtt