The Huron Signal, 1881-03-11, Page 3AI»RiwAIr, MAKUH T KDoceyroft•r �The tullowing hat cumprrw Vie moat euuueasful pupils w eaoh of the classes of S. 8. Nu. 6, Ash- field, for the mouth of February:—Fifth lore 1 Win. Hagen, tt Mary J. Mc- Connell. Fuurth Form --1 Mary bra- nny, 2 Sarah Harris, 8 J. Mafse, 4 rah WO*, ts, 6 Letitia Droney, 6 Bar- ra Willis. Sealer Third l Rattle Hawlow, 2 Fred Rubinson. 3 J. Judge, 4 Laverne nuguetiue, 6 Alb rt Maize, ti Maggio Rapti. Junior Third 1 B. MoCuru ell, 2 Derma Maize, 3 Susan A1oCtennell, 4 Francs Hart, b Mary A. Harris, ti Win Hart. Second Forum- - 1 Maggie Auguatiue, 2 Annie Russell, 3 Sarah Melee, 4 Sarah )holey, 6 Annie Warmer, O Rhoda Willis. It. Zslsa'i. The you(people of St. Helens con- gregation, Presbyterian), desirous of giving an open expression of their at- tachment t- tahment and respect for their pastor, the Rev. R. Leask, from 80 to it 100 of them —priuci ly belonging to his Bible Class—assembled at the Manse, un the evening of Monday, the 21st ult. Aftar all had been comfortably seated Mr. J. Webster read a most kind address to the minister, and presegted him with a purse, also intimating that they lord left over 60 bushels of oats in the stable. Mr. mask, although taken completely by .uprise, replied, thanking thein fur the practical expression of their kindly, feelings to himself personally, and assur- ed them that he fully reciprocated their attachment, that dunng the fifteen years of his ministry aiuong theta his young people had ever leen nearest hie heart. Refreshments were served by a commit- tee of young ladies, and • very pleasant evening was spent. luster LIT RARY NOTION. The British Quarterly, London (fir` tarty, sod Sdwburgh Renews, far Jan- uary, aruary, have been recently received from the Leonard Spot Publishing Cu., 41 Barclay street, N. Y., and closely fo,- lowing them cosies Blank woad a fir' sine fur February. Thr number wd tie Nand attrsetrve, as is tr kine IS se ,.rete ole devoted to George abut, /Lit,* y works were published in this ma, moue. This*dial, is both a tritium uve memory and a valuable cuntribc ti;,.. . the story el her early lite ary earn:. There isanother ohaming essay by tis Lena • Fsuoit Martie, iu outlttameom s the snow of elhelt espuari • he:o.nuS, is which she has selected the uhar.vta 0 Portia for analysis. 'Phe "Priv. e Notary" is continued, and we have wo other narratives, "Mr. Goa s Yhote„ e (Mr. tOex is a work, cW pi,ilaiit..i•.1 . ), and "Thu Salmon uf Clw+tie a very eamiy ftah, remarkable fur u.t.,. probably the only fish that ruse to s. without having his weight rsuur .. There are also reviews of -Promo. a • utr Early History of Cllus Jaw; o F.,, ...: Trullope's Life of Cicero. The au, -• . number' of these periodicals are p the highest standard of periodica, tura, and this feet must eurely row mad thole to the public, indepeudent uf ..1 liberal premiums offered for new subscri- bers. Hots= Sur.o.—A few days since, Mr, T. Heywoxl .old two fine Dolts for $150 each. DILATE or A CONDUCTOR.. —Conductor Hazelgrove, who for solne time was on B'me of the freight 1, died athis home hoes in London, H. n, nnthe 21st ult. He was much respected by every one with whom he became ac- quainted. Smote HATCHER.- -Mr. Geo. South- cott is at present hatching chickens by steam; this is a new feature in this place. He anticipates a large harvest of young clpcken. shortly. Mr. Southoott has t'he reputation of eeceping the best varie- ty of fowl in this ion. BRAKE/IMAM HUIT.—On Tuesday af- ternoon last, while coupling cars at Brumfield station, a brakesmen named George Black was seriously hurt by pro- jecting lumber. His head was badly smashed, and much internal bleeding was the result. Ile was sufficiently re- covered on Wednesday morningto be taken to his home at London.--Reflec- tur. A NAsaow EacAFE. — On Monday last, Mr. Richard Manning, went fur the Confederation Life Association, re- ceived word from a gentleman in Clinton that ho had been poorly for some few weeks, and would not be able to pay his premium on a $2,000 policy, which would become due on Tuesday, March let. Mr. Manning wrote him a letter in answer, and had it posted. On Tuesday morning a telegram was received that the gentle- man wai dead. This was, indeed, a close cell. The widow will receive the $2,000. Ln0>CKo W. lotus M. tesegler New Wok. "8UNLIUHT AND $n.aDOW. "— Ever sumo it became known that John B. Gough was engaged iu writing a new buok, its appuarauce has been watched for wit fate nae interest. It has recently been published, and the enormous sales adoni a striking instance of the success that v sure to be awarded to a really good work. Although only just published, the two.i- ty-sixth thousand is already printed; and this fact alone is worthy of notice, tor a bruit which sells like this must be one of extraordinary interest. John B. Gough, the author of "Sun- light and Shadow," is too well known to require any eulogy here. Thousands are fatuditr with the history of his life: his early poverty, the depth of the degrada- tion to which he deeeended while a vie- tim of drink, his wretched condition and terrible sufferings, his superhuman straggles against intemperance, his re- form, his relapsehis re-signing of the pledge and final victory, his world-wide fame, and his extensive travels and pro- tracted labors in thiscountry and •breed. Thirty-five years ago Mr. Gough first published his Autobiography. He had then just recovered from a life of un - parallelled dirsilrrtion, and was just en- tering the career which has since made him so famous. In 1868 a new edition of that work, with additions and emen- dations, was given to the public. It con- tained a history of his early life, with some recollections of his career as a public speaker. It did not embody the intensely interesting and exciting record of the many thrilling, pathetic, and amuang scenes of human life. "From grave to gay, from lively to severe." which all the world knew had crowded themselves into his long and varied ca- reer. These have now been gathered for the first time, and the new book, "Sun- light and Shadow," is the medium --and the only one—through whichthese thrill- ing details have ever been,preeented to the public. •'Sunlight and Shadow" is indeed a remarkable book by a remarkable moa. Mr. Gough's recollections of his own ex- periences have made him ever ready to lend a helping hand to others, and the very nature of his life -work has brought him into close contact with poverty, crime, destitution and vice, and he has listened to life -histories of the most thrilling nature, and witnessed scenes that testify anew to the truth of the adage, "Fact is stranger than Fiction." Surge of the saddest and most pathetic incidents ever told are narrated in the present work, and the reader's oyes will fill in spite of himself at the power of Mr. GAugh's pathos in describing scenes that have come under hie personal ob- servation. But "Sunlight and Shadow" ie not altogether a reoord of dark, experiences. It has a bright and sunny side. Mr. Gough's stones and descriptions of the humorous side of life, as he ins seen and experienced it, portra many amusing scenes. His remarkable facility for see- ing the ludicrous side of every thing, and his talent for humorous descrip- tion, are well known. No one can tell more amusing things and in a mere irre- sistibly bumoroua way than John A. Gough. The comedies ftom life, absurd blunders, laughable mistakes, comical beTra.si aitustions, moat - Wolfe of • Oawsiasy Is the smoke of friendship. Judo is like glade, which caseot be mot, Mt weedy htYkr . tldtitoee your shat asousdtng to the sins .if 4/00 game you are seakicyl. bre are solemnly obliged to the cash - ...errs of those gybe has* limed as. wa ItW p ll rho fails to basinw, but .r .uasiupa tq n luxury, is a thief. It is bat* to Isar the idlest thing iu Lo world than to sit 41. for for had an .rosy.rosy. .. never stupe to look at ttirsern- or ponder results; it looks at dr • the world ewes any teas a living AuditiAuditready to take tqf its note, en orlon moment a man begins toriseabove u telluws, he beeorees a mark fur their e , I. man speaks er acts with a pure l.,,weiut, happiness fellows like a shadow oat never leaves him. .me of the kindest things heaven he .e r..r sus in denying. him the power of looking iota the future. uu peasant could hve very weU with - oat his king; bet the king would fare hard without his peasant I follow nature es the surest guide,and ration myself with implicit obedience to er sacred ordinance& Sten of the noblest dispositions think .:iutuwlves happiest when others share their happiness with theist. 'Tie an ill thing to be ashamed of one's poverty; bat much worse not to make use of lawful means to avoid it. Riches with charity are nothingworth. They are blessings onlyte him who snakes them bleeding to others. To be furious in religion ie to be irre- ligiously religious; it were better to be of no church Ilean to be bitter of any. Heavy FAL.—Last week a fall that might have proved serious in its conse- quences befel Mr. John Atkin. He was on top of a load of bay andthrough some mishap fell backwards, off the load, strik- ing the corner of the rack in his descent, and severely bruising his hip. He was pretty badly hurt, but with good care he was sufficiently recovered to get out in • couple of days. VALUABLs '1'aotouoasaaD PctCaAs- En.—A valuable addition has been made to the thoroughbred stock of Ashfield, by the purchase of a fine thoroughbred 101, "Duke of W ellinn," by Mr. Jos. H. Gardner, of the 10t con. The an - mal was purchased at Fergus from Messrs. J. :Sc W. McDermott, for the handsome sum of $140. SLATING CaAY?ZONaRlr.—The silver Cup put up by R. Henderson, of the Domusion Skating Rink, Kincardine, for the Championship of the Counties of Huron and Bruce was won easily by G. Kerr, of this village, who came out best in the two contests on Wednesday even- ings of last week and this week- The Cup was to be given to the skater who covered the greatest diMenoe in an hour. Kerr skated 11 miles the last evening. We understand there was considerable excitement over the race. Snowmen Maws.—A match between sereu married, and an equal number of single gentlemen took place at the Corns Range on Tuesday afternoon. The sin- gle men succeeded in scoring 19 points more than their opponents. On the same day a match which had been ar- ranged for atone time ago took piaci,. the opposing parties being Meese. L C. Mc- Intyre and J. St- C. Walker, and W. H. Treleaven and R G. Greenwell. The first mentioned two beat by 11 points. cower Weal. 3� , IWNEFRll1TS.I1 WM. MITCHELL d1 t ' KIPS " THE CHWAPINIT AND DEBT ' t . NEW VALENCIAS, NSW LAYER/4Noe,1t Qceries, Crock -074s Glassware IN TOW15-111M RAUB TEAS A 5XE I.LL . GIVE HIM d CALL. a. S. ALMO) I *, a.> r'44' Imo ,r'. wALtwii'e, A llairlBwu, r L<a aurafruk Tia TROUT, WHITE FISH & HIRELING Mr SALT WATER -tali HERRING AND CODFIH. 1751 w. KYTCHEU., Hautiltoss Street, Ooderidt HARDWARE ALSO, A LA$O* LW/PITMEN? OF Teas, Sugars, And fl enrol (Irocenes , CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, A ND CHINA. Paw▪ l's 1Dr. Cream Baking Powder.rci Dr. Pawl's Lupulin Yeast Goma Chas. A. Nairn, THE SQ U,ARE. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 Reduced to Bottom Prices I )arm aiiodr� Bede Prsaidices. > atge contracts ont t act filledtprices. Builders' att Masufaotuseri Prices. And G_ g_ PgRsorTs, C OIDERICH_ 1751 1731 W. S. Hart & Co., PROPRIETORS EIOBERICII MILLS, (Late Pier's.) The stew is lite great dial id the fu- ture. . . The uncertainty of meal taking brings with it a craving for stimulants. Stews should not be 000ked too lung as then they evaporate valuable particles. It is impossible to get warm in oold weather with undigested food in your stomach. Fah should never be boiled but steam- ed, so that no fine properties are dissolv- ed the water. Exclesive diet nn peas, benne and len- a" do not develepe the brightest and quickest tone of mind. Food is only coarse when ooarrely cooked, as the plainest materials contain nutritious and dainty elements. It's a great mistake to eat half raw steaks on a cold winter's cloy. Half raw meat yields much loss nutrition than well cooked meat. Vegetables are the life and soul of healthy living, and should not be ne- glected at any meal. If meal' are kept irregularly in youth something creep" up in adult age which shows diminished vitality. The want of swarm meal in the mid- dle of the day is to people who have had perhaps but a alight breakfact and have been in the cold winter air the cause of disease and want of vitality. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Scrofulas and all humors of the Blood, Liver, Kid- neys and the Bowels at the same time, while it allays nervous irritation and and tones up the debilitated system. It cures all humors from a pimple to the worst form of Scrofula. For sale by all dealer& Sample bottle 10 cents, regular size $1. 1 incidents, em ng ly drawn from his own ex perienoe on the platform and among the people, will provoke the mirth of the most serious. His experiences with bt•aaen-faced peo- ple; with letter -writers and their remar- kable wants; with aspirants fat fame and seekers after "meddle" lectures; with bemire without number and bores of all kinds- are given in "Sunlight and Shadow" without reserve. In short, "Sunlighs and Shadow" ie :► mine of extraordinary interest. It can be truthfully said of it, that for thrilling isterest. teaching pathos and irresistible humor, no book has ever equaled it. In point of paper, printing, binding, and above all, beautiful and reetly illus- tration, we have not seen its equal in litany a day. It is superbly illustrated with magnificent full-page engravings, engraved in the highest style from origi nal designs by F. o. C. Darley, Frede- rick Dislman. and other famous artiste. The magnificent steel -plate portait of grep Geugh !.hit wae� froms �pFnse, �r�ph f/a�t for this nee, and will be Witty prised by tens of thou - mewls who have listened to hea e10 gmenoe. We advise our readers ei buy '.Sun A LARGE QUANTITY OF choice Buckwheat Flour 'ON HAND. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G. BARRY, CABII1ET ., :1 11 SND IIIIIJERTAfER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good assortment of Kitchen -Bed -room. Dining Room and Parlor Furniture, sack ea Ta- bles. (;lads. (hail cane add wood ssatedl. Cupboards, Bed -steads, Mattresses, Waehwdnds, Lounges, Soles, �iat-Nota. Looking Glasses. N. B. - A completewortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on head. also Hearses for hire at reasonable rates. Picture Framing a specialty —A call solicited 1731 O. BARRY ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATICS M CIL STEAXIRS Sill eve Sieurday. NEW YuftK TJ::f.A1(IOC': CABINS, ale to tido. STF.atAtUE iz•" These Steamers do n it carry cable, sheep orpigs NEW YORK TO 1.UNLON DIRECT. CABINS g35 to aG%. Ex.:ursion at Reduced Rotel. Passenger accommodations are unsurpassed. All titateroalo4 on Mai. Deck. Passenger's booked at lowest rates to or from any Railroad Station in Europe or America. Drafts tit lowest rates. pa`'able Wee of charge.) throughout Eggland. Scotland and Ireland. For books of sntortnetlon• plans, kc.. apply to HECCOZRwIN BTtOTIIKne, 7 BoWiiPo(taEax, N.Or to MRS. F WAI:NOCK Albion Block. 1751 Agent at Goderich Red, White and Blue 1 Acheson GEORG.E Acheson New Dress Goods, Gloves & Hosiery, JUST ARRIVED, SELLING 4 -E- r- BOUND TO GIVE BARGAINS) 1751 MEDICAL HALL. GOD ERIC H. New.psp!rasws. We call the special attention of poet - masters and subscribers to the following synopsis of the newspaper laws : I. A postmaster is required W give notice by :Mee (returning a paper docs not answer the Law) when a subscriber does not take hie paper out of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the post:meter responsible to the publiahe: i for payment, 2. If any person orders hie paper dis- continued, he must pay all arrearsges, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the offioe or not. There can be no legal disoontiouance until the payment is made 3. Any person who take apaper fro:n the post -office, whether dhrectod to Ids name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed of t►of„ is rt,snonsible for the pay. 4. If a snbecriber orders ha paper to Le Mopped at a certain time, and the, publisher continued to Bend, the sdb- m:Tiber is bound to Oiy for it if he takes it out of the:(iollt-o50i. This procebda upon the ground tha;r s than must pay foe w ri. The couill%lanes decided that mint- ing to take a newspaper and periodicsis hem the port-offioe, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is proem feria Widows of intestional frees_ The Stratford Reeenw says i-- ttA Tavi- stock gentleman lately received • private and confidential letter from New York staling that the 'miter ,,a. prepared t• supply some thnnsmidl of bog8.Owls; dish bank hills for tett eents on the dol - Ise, and diet said MIN were so Neely executed as to defy detection bythe bank officials. Out impecunious riend swallowed the bait, mortgaged kis pro- perty for $1,000, and with the proceed' emoted for Gotham, interviewed the phi • lanthrnpist, bought $800 worth of the famous bill• which were sista try egress, found to but when the pared war rt# a militant .M aewiplsewe" �j ansae• Pette'r•l laalsaea.ia111. wilt safe, t end peelfoet t.Wedy kUDln for all (llamas' of the Throat and It mires OongheA_Odele, 13.°tt'h � all thine, Croup, nnping rough, Penland Oosarisi,rtta, y the inert .cssd7 mast troublesome *out s� -Qh elle , or manor, A rev .),mala will name the o• et , adults pier sale y omits pee betas. 1i sy,tb ko d4 JOHNSTON'S ' F. JORDAN SARSAPARILLA MNesn Wes�m�•1r1f11aW And for Pnrifytag the Blood. It has been in use form preparation d me �y'veedd to be the 'rat ,`rep. irartet for SICK ORAL/ACHE, PAIR IN THE SIDE Oft BACK. LIVER COM. PLANT P1311'LF.M ON THE FACE, DYl5PSIISIA, PILES. and all Diseases mat arise from a Disordered Veer or as im re blood. Thousands of our beat take 1t and Rin It to their chile o. ria prescribe it deity. Those who use once, recommend it to others. Itis made from Yellow Dock. Nomin- al* Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stilbng� D• Sassafras, Wintergma, and other w -11 -known valuable Roots and Reran Itis Oren, velletabM• and cam sot hat tui. awn delicate conmUtotloe. 11,Molone orgthe bed medicines 1n nn for Reit o cold by the �e_druggists 4 at p �ondee/ dollar for a quart tenor � ')horn for We dollars. wee cannot mown a bbMtle off sendthis 1 . ictes from and7we will eeod S to teed W. MOWS, s CO, Isaldarea Orr. Chemist. atnd. Druggist, MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH. 1A-holeaale and Retail Dealer in Chemicals. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Artist Colon. Patent Medicines. Hone apd Cattle Medicine*. Perfumery. Toilet Articles, &c. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully dispensed -1n Holiday Presents I: At BUTLER' Photo and Autograph Albums in greet variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks. very suitable for presents for Teachers and Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very complete, and ccmists of Indies' and Geste' Purses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Vase in many patterns, Flower Puts. Cups and Flowers, rc r The r.,t ,late rev JA.A1:, 1• ! ..web, • • -Chemist end Drugf;iat. The Greg American 164- COUGHS, t►' OQU,Qil' � COLrOS, ASTHMA, „ 111OZ 011127& Loss OF '�101e HOARSENESS AND Z'B'1!O TNA AFFECTIONS emvr► � e� - Mere o+. S 2i0J. _ GRAY'S BUSINESS and OF °Z;.:1::"., .. tae SYRUP STOCK"`... oat•) !/ L1.av Das, �• ''- RED R. C1ellh1olluh1I& See, Pz 4.4 SPRUCE ).err sew D----- A—l(Olil e• 4, a • Muer fiord to d. Tose with d 1 i. v� i1esfordte and one pfrtjeinanly spats are now canvsMifns �}.,ssa�rat Wtr+hedtMaseY the town. /rile be tele rens � K light and Shadow" at the fleet opporthe Tillage ttit t u 14w+..sf nd They Oen to ear opinion much I Irl.•• tae he cormlo forme of 1 _ dr- Mfli ria 1t hocking media f% ti g&a ie nom mit known to the piddle e i s .. , Lila as d i e'•,.iMI GUM. to rats. ...•r 1401. t �sw,ww a'wi 3112 eta halo ivoislrelsat sere rho ver♦ ♦a- y� • w f Mem a••15 fowls' • er �ia•� r t•� China and Wax Dolls! , A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundries- Mesaehaum Pipes and Cigar Holism and Brier Pipes -100 Different Stylets. School Books, Miscellaneous Books,, Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, Wstcl.LT's Hyntn Books, Psalm Books, &c.. Arc.—$ttbscriptiens taken for all the best Phnom*, Ksmrmm, Iitniat, AYeticos said CANADIAN Papers and Magazines at Publtiahere lowest rate► --now is the time to subscribe. 'lull 'stock of School Books, for Teabhays and High a nd Model School Stedenta All Will be sold cheap and Patrons suited. f have a choice and large selection of Cbriatmaa and New Year's Cards! Tilli BEET EYER i;ns: N, •Len �-aaArsri TTtax pea, At BUr�LER'8. Dmrll' t',hm,o► ••4 Peahen Nemo a inti. 1 1 e • � M1► l'we*aMs. The -OLD iy Grocery. G. � bZA , • Sqzkar Wbere trader/1411s are iMrtvisig evert Mw .Sys Mtvie� eaat*seen me eeriest of hav see Qtwaya tre1.0 is [►e 6t►sre'iM liras es�5 a ossa �s ether books than not poems this. The tum Iris a.re sped n .. if Clump• that dire disease hss lost its tortoni to those who keep Yellow Gil et haps. Yellow Oil aide emus Sore Ienw�+ i_6_t_1e. Threat Qui , flrw►genbinn and 11-tott "'•� _�` to guard net arwlerR domes* Ask *plat s" � , " '( a ,.: ,' 4 al.o be ne or ',blob is the heat u the Owlet. for la than A L..t ao hue matron of the Laro$s, New lathe mo t! M'tps'm.• 1 Rt your druggist Per Hr,g7eM'. taI low I, i (lit. a ct t.•t • terra* f►1 " tot are rev ' sob l ..ft .:f. !, s- " •-p'- -'---•,;'_...tis '* ...; hr.,f: :. .. e* r . 4a sre,rrrs 'i == i if EASY. VAMPS ca.»aimailbotgNii TR 1t 1:0CJkferOLD•'2'A. tfl'1K IPse g. rased w'wn. lads tensa. dew 4t�r W.1s► J`t t' e. *, sarI �•es. iew t oar rYars , fi . ,. N.. M.. M. A fall assortment of Bu==tt, Upwards )saki Lemma T. from Alga a (7loi•s Asttnesea es C•ROMCIIRT lnde4ag re ' v t� and SETS,T U T$ $c. DINNER DESERT O� , i r- TRY OUR 4t. � -pi.. rALUE IN TEM xiknr Sal Q.iaM. Pepsins .5 +• w1.1e., ,1 .eft. '• . 110