HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-11-18, Page 4,,, ,, •••, qs*-.••,.,,..••••••••,•••••••••••••,,,,,,,.......-• • - •••••••••••• llig,n30141.4 914,1"441:1A. CARD 01- THANKS I would like to thank all ra.Y friend, who so kindly rememhered me with cards, flowers and tr Wilik; 1 was a patient in the cliaton Hospital. Mrs. Stella Clark CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks is given to those who called to see me and remembered me with cards, and flowers, while 1 was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Thanks also to the nursing staff and Dr. OravV- ford. Cora Gibson CARO OE THANKS wish to thank ail Muse Wild) visited me, seat cards, ilowers and gifts while I was a patient in Winghani. District Hospital and since I have returned home. also to Rev. A. Johnston, Ur. 2.1cluonon and the nospita, nursing stall. These kindnesses are much. appreciated. Mrs. Lloyd Wheeier GAKL-./ yr ri--1,iNt(Ci'' I wish to express my gratitude for the kind sympathy of all people of Bru-ssels in' the' death of • t 3 my father who died in Nursing Home, :brussels, Wednesday September 29thl 'Especially , those kind ladies who participated in lovely luncheon served: in the church' basement after funeral, also those :Sind ladies of Altar Sooiety and the surrounding coin, and the .t•ittuni funeral home:" His daughter, Mrs. Clara ifiCks London, Ont. FOR SALE — Heavy Chickens, oven ready. John Perrie Phone 422W5 FOR SALE 1(3".1i,eninore Oil Stove, with fan Phone _Brussels 440J5 i OF; sAu4„ --- Ford V cylinder motor, like new. R. J. Limier Phone 5 F OK SALE — i ()tutees, l,;') lbs at 1;2.10 Phone 7 Texan Grill NOTICE — Anyone hitereSted Figure Skating call; Mrs, Verne G.renke i'llette 130 ORDERS TAKEN — Por..Dressed Geese and Ducks tor Christmas Mrs. Alvin McLellan, Phone 254J FOR RENT Apartments on. Mill. St., Bras- sels. 11eidern conveniences, oil furnace. Apply to; John Wade Phone FOR SALE -- Two pair Boy's Hockey Skates size 4 and 5. In excellent con- dition. Mrs. Bill Stratychuk Phone 124 FREE COOK BOOK • Get your Rawleigh Cook. Book now and information how to make money selling Rai.Vleigh, Products. full or part time. Write Rawleigh. Dept. K-1.52-FC, 4005 Richelieu, St. St. Henry, Montreal. A CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY AVON CALLING Just two territories still avail- able for Christmas sales. For im- Mediate placenient phone collect to-night, Mrs. Millson, London 451-0541. WANTED Farms, I Tomes, Buainesses., tots and Acreages for sale in and around Brtaaels. Contact Glen Thuell, Real Estate Division, Victoria and Grey Trust, Listowel. ;Phone 68. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY t,er-o•re trtrt.; TELEPHONE 444 Sur 1.clorm.. tzr ePticleterIng Ero s els Representelve SELWYN BAJCIR PHONE 751 BRUSSEL'', IN MEMORIAM VITIRSIMY, I+10V. iStlit# i606 ntlaitilikawafeaalivmwaS?*.t. 4CAIVieji.eiLL 0 Unitopii Listowei, ft.hrtaxie THE SERVICES OF ciL.Lk4. :high School education to inininnurn of Junior Matritcp an aptituCie for figures and some typing ability are equisites. Salary commensurate with experience and nbiIity. Applications should be addressed to the Plant Personnel office. raVai:b. qiitypWvtanlgMOMMENUMORMAX Ask . about. convenient departuri and return times INH/TE PARE $4.00 ONE Par Information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL Oitii?A1,414 0 AY 8Lu Ethel Village eNA-iver Cleneral or Canada,. income tax deduction Rolot. L. Cuningluila; gasoline, spark plugs & zarbit, fire dept. Geo. Rowland, gasOline bit:, dept. . J. C. Conley, battery, ' fire dept. liliWood McTa,ggarty Main, fire 'dept. . Firenien to car -fire.'' Ross Cirnningtiam. & ROA. Gathers Reads 8Z'lltidgeli 4.00 Village J. C. Conley, bulbs, JOHN STAPLES della L WA) u.led sod dewy luiluwing a heart attack id, 111 i31 LU.iSelS early .Monday morning. would have be,/n .the end of I.\ VC:ioner. ILL the early ae was con- stable.. in the village of Biytli for four years. 1../Ler he was employ- ed at the C.:di/Lon radar school until he reaclied retirement age. lie then p,urchased a home in brusseis where he lived until death. predecease() null 15 years ago. 'surviving are two eons, Cordon of RR Dublin; Kenneth, Port Colborne; one daughter, Mrs. Wm. (Wilma; Radford, lilyth; three sisters, m..s. Len (Lillian) Murray, St. (:olumbetn; Mrs. Jack (Cora), Pryce, Seafortli; Mrs. Ernest tbinah.) Poll, Bullet Township; ; grandchildren. The funeral service was Theld from the Tacker Memorial Chap- el, i31yth, on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Btirial followed -.sin Illyth Union cemetery. 8th AND 16th UNIT, DUFF UCW NpVE:IVIEER MEETING he o v amber meeting was held at the name of Mrs. h.en .W.e.Uonaicl Wednesday eve/11114, _November let.h. he meeting Was opened by siugiiig nyatu •±11,2 "beau on U icing ifterual With Mrs. Wilbur '.t urnbuli at the piano. The are from psalm, 105 was read oy tiers. William Turnbull, also an Li tic:le on. Remembrance Day. ionoweu by prayer. i ne topic -Sowing while you sleep" was taken by Mrs. Alvin McDonald. The first and last verses of hymn 401 "Onward Christian Soldiers" was sung followed by the Lord's l'fityer repeated in unison. Roll call was answered by 15 members and there was one visitor. The minutes of the lase meeting were read read -by the secretary. The treasurers report was read and Mrs. Harold Bolger conduct- ed the business. The Copper Collection was taken and Mill Don. FraSer's side were the Win- ters. it was -moved by Mrs. Jim Smith, seconded by Mrs. Jim Me- Donald to have a fainily night With supper at the 'church, Dec- ember 8th The d011eCtion was taken. Mrs. ;Tan van. Vliet is to loOk after flowers and cards in, place of Mrs. Jim. McDonald. Grace was sung and lunch was Served by Mrs. Jim Smith, Mrs. Wni, Turnbull and the hostess. GREY 'TOWNSHIP COUNCIL METING Meeting- held November 1st. folloWing motions were carried,' Moved by Lawson Ward sec- elided by Glenn Huether that the minuteS. of the last meetiug be adopted as read. Moved by Kenneth bray sec- onded by Archie Mann that By- laws No. 23, 24 and 25, 1905 be passed under The Tile Drainage Act., Moved by Elena Huether sem-h ed by Lawson Ward that all ap- proved accounts be paid, Moved 1 by Archie Mann see- ()tided by Glenn Huether that we do now adjourn to Meet again ,Pii.,Deeember 0th, at One o'clOck or at the call of the ReeVe. The following accounts were paid: • Tile Drainage Loans $ 2,948,50 Melvin Carnuchan, tiie uraihuge. inspector 21.50 L. Sit. Cardiff, clerk's 'fees tile' draivage 24.00.: B:4.' eleplione System, rental . . & tolls Howard Bernard, oil - filter •- (leorge iWesenberg, select jurors Clifford Dunbar, select jurors G:. 3d. M. Cardiff, select jurors & report john kt.Priard, bounty Fred Smalldon, fox bounty Wayne Hood, fox bounty James Struthers, fox bounty Listowel Retarded Children's Education Authority, tuition fees Mapleton School . . .... Robert Nicholson Const. part payment Hanna drain Robert. Nicholson ConSt, labour hooking mats Denman and Agree- ment drains Hienistra, Nursing Rome ,Oct. account 122.245' Qtrecnsway Nursing Home Dd. account . .„ . 122.25 Humphries. & Co. Oct. relief account - 121.91 Sam Sweeney, bulldozing Walton dunip Allan Dobson, garbage erlit,otion Ethel Brussels Lions Attend District.Meeting Of Crippled Children Society The 1,''seer Seal campaign con- conducted on behalf of crippled children is several months away. . but it was the main topic of dis- cussion at the District Meeting of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children on Thursday November. 4th in Clinton. At this meeting, represematives from Service Clubs in. tile Counties of Huron and Perth met with officials of ttio....j.Uouty to plan the organization of the 1006 Laster Seal campaign to be held in their communities be- . tween March.10 and April 10. Re_ ports by '.tisach club on their work with crippled children in the past year, revealed the many services such as camp holidays, transportation to treatment nen-, tres and hospitals' supplying of braces,' wneeichairs and other such equipment, were ail being elticien.uy handled by cue Ser- vice Club in co-operation with the Ontario Society tor Crippled .Children. Vice-Chairman, Robert Miller of Stratford stated that the Ser- vice Clubs responsibilities in the interests of Crippled children is a major project With, each club and demands a great deal of voluntary time and personal in , . tgrot o by Se r v i ce ;(41?,,mnbers. Delegates attending the meet- ing represeiite0Bayfiela Lions, BlythlLions,;13russelsLions, Olin- fed LiOns,di}xefier Libras, al)derit•ri, Lions,,''Gratia '13enct‘-Liosik, List- owel Rotary' Lucknow and Dist- rict Lions, Seaforth Lions, St. Marys Rotary, Winghank Lions and Zurich Lions. t i ,wr Rnifiesiptitativedrom the Brus. sell Lions Club were Ralph Pearson, Len IVIachan, and Cec. Parker. BOWLING NOTES Ladies High Singles Ruth Huether 201, Marilyn Higgins Ladies' High boobies Ruth; 188, Dianne Hastings) 183. Huether 400, Diartne HaStings 312, Marilyn Higgins 307, KV MoWhitter 307. Men's High Singles 0- Willis - Knight 263, Mel MCArter 242, John Pennington 289. Meres High Doubles Willis Knight 456,Jo.hn,xe,R.Oideri. 411, Mel McA.rter 14.00 5.93 21.50 10.30 2.60 4.07 12.00 60:116rfili'-`' Clifford R. Dunbar Edythe M. Cardiff 416,589.22 Reeve — Clerk 1.25 5.00 -5.05 90.00 • 4.00 4.00 4.00 497.28 2,500.00 30.00