HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-11-18, Page 2THURSDAY, NOV. 18th, 1966 11111111W1111111.11 PORT. tillusS7.14,. yce m efilt WINGHAM THURS. FRI. "THE FLOWER DRUM SONG." Colour - UmeniaSeope Starring; Nancy Kwan This is a return engagement of the musical that will steal your hears and tickle your :funny-bone, If you missed it the first time around, make sure you see it now, SATURDAY MATINEE NOV.20 YELLOWSTONE KELLY" SAT. - IVION. - TUES. NpV. 20 - - 23 "A VERY SPECIAL FAVOUR" Colour Starring: Rock Hudson - Leslie Caron • Charles Boyer A Very Special Flavour is a very s pecial Rock Hudson comedy. WED, • THURS. - FRI. NOV. 24 - 25 - 26 "BILLIE" Colour - Umemascope Starring: Patty Duke - Jim Backus - Warren Berlinger (Kilroy) got the beat. See Patty Duke and Billie and you'll get the beat too "The Rolling Stones" are featured in a special short subject. GENTLEMEN'S CLUB NEWS ITEMS The Federal Election in 1908 is the one I remember the best be- cause it Was pounded into me for two week before the date and a week after. Browntown school had a strong Tory -majority, in fact Jack Warick and the MoBwan boys and myself were about the only Grits. We took a licking every day from. the Knox's, the Mc- Mlicheals, 'the Rutiledges, Agars and many others, with the result we had black eyes and swollen. lips always around election time. I should have received more punishment as Liberalism is not entirely wiped out of my system. The odd time I still have slight leanings toward this great and corrupt party, The Reciprosity issue made the 1911 fight a real one, with the 'Tories running on the slogan "No Truck or Trade With the Yankees". Sir Wilfred ,'Laurier' verses Robert Borden. The only good thing to be said about 'Borden is that he chewed tobacco. As for the two leaders we have now. this story might be approPriate. A saleaman drove into a. farm yard where a Yount?; lad of six or seven was playing With two half grown puns. asked the hey, wnat or you call your nw'plcs? The lad Saiid, this one is Pearson and this one Is "OtetWittifOr- any difference, do you like one better than the other? No, said the boy, there is no diffference, they both suck eggs. The election around here was very quiet. Cal Krauter was slowed down to 160 words a minute and the day after he could only make the sixty. The election was never mentioned in the Gentlemen's Club, It was as quiet as the Oddfellows First Degree. Bid Bell and I had it figured pretty close. No majority government. 24, seats for the NDP. Yes, it was a. poor election, the saddest part was that Leon- ard Lamont was not around so I missed a great many arguments. T-:owever, as Pearson still has a majority T expect Len to be home from Westminster Hospital soon. Had the Liberals lost I doubt if we would ever have seen him again. Next week will have a longer column as the Gentlemens' Club are going to give the ,Legirm boys a few lessons in Euchre on Monday night. TrUthfully Yours TIT. F. FOR RENT -- Farm Heinle within 4 miles of Brussels. initnediatA nossessioti, Bonnonberg l'iitonkton 247-2241 In rare, a man would win over a. horse hecsiise of PluttlrimOn, NOTICE 10 CliksJITORS In the estate of LAURA KRAUTIR &mind ALL PERSONS haVing claims against the estate of Laura Kreuter, late of the Village of Ethel, in the County of Huron' widow, who died on the twenty- fourth day of October, A.D. 1916, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the twenty-fifth day of November, A.J). 1965. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having re- gard. only to those claims of which he has then had notice. DATED at Brussels this twenty. eighth day of October, 1965. CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD, Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice Lhat Nom- ination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, iOne School Trustee and One P.U.C. ComMlseloner to serve the Village of Brussels dur- ing the year 1988 will be held at BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY From 7 to 8 p.m. FRIDAY, NOV. 26th, 1965 If• demaned a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DEC. 6th. 1965 Polling Sub-Division No. 1 In New Legion Hail, DRO William Bell, Mrs. W. Edgar, Pail Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 2, In the basement of the Public Library, DRO Ernest Plum, Mrs. Vera Hastings, Poll Clerk. Polls to be opened from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wm. H. King Returning {Officer MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nom- (nation of a Reeve, Four. Councillors and Two School Trustees to serve the. Township of Grey during the year 1966 will be held at COMMUNITY CENTRE, ETHEL. From 1 P.M. to 2 P.M. THURSDAY, NOV. 25th, 1965 if demaned a Poll will be opened at the following places on SATURDAY, DEC. 4th, 1965 Polling Sub-division No. 1 at SI/2 Lot 19, Concession 1, Residence of John Johnston Polling Sub-division No. 2 at part Lot 1, Concession 11. Residence of Geo. Vv'esenberg Polling Sub-division No. 3 at Community Hall, Walton Polling Sub-division No. 4 at Community Hall, Moncrieff Polling Sub-clivislon No. 5 at Community Centre, Ethel Polling Sub-division No. 6 at Lot 32, Concession 5, Residence of Carl McDonald Polling Sub-division No. 7 at Community Centre. Cranbrook Polls to be °netted from 9 a,m, to 5 p.m. 1XklYttlft {11, asi+ilt44 10f1601 HOG PRICE AND MARKET OUTLOOK Ottawa Hog prices in Canada are expected to continue at high levels for at least six months. Inspected slaughter is ex- P.C.V, LOOK TO PAST FOR PRESENT ENTERTAINMENT Delving into the past for person- alitioa f fade and Mons that have Nov, 113-19 Canada's Tradition For Better Eating is BUTTER And You're Sure To Enjoy Better Butter When It's Fresh, Delicious suitable for salt-free diets and for Christmas Baking, is always available. COUSINS DAIRY CREAMERY BUTTER Churned Fresh Daily For Your Every U UNSALTED BUTTER petted to range from 3 to 4 per cent below year-previous levels over the six-month period, October 1965 to March 1966. Export demand to the U. S. will continue strong through the re- mainder of 1965, made history are moderator Bill Walker and panelists Maggie ' Morris, Elwy Yost and Allan Wm• ings on Flashback every Sunday eight on the C113C•TV network, REG SULLIVAN TRANSPORT — ETHEL Class. F. FS AU Loads Fully Insurer PHONE 242J .22Z110111.6111110P05"."6-tqegIMIIMOMPallIEMPlalli alellia3re.