HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-11-11, Page 4evereeeeei VILIJASS,171*,,rd eii,ceepeeeeieeet tieees eeeleieereeisliCeeee CAIVI.14ELL ;$0 UP 4...oivie,Aisnc . • Listowei, Q•1444.,i9 REQU1RE EM ALE E .i'or several .work areas on both tidy and Afternoon 'Shifts; Tull or part-time wort*. Steady work, good wages anti erop/oyee insurance henefits we available. interested persoils should visit the elart Personnel bent. I-OR om,.g i'vtatteee We Atom) 7 (Satin mcsnce anyeue la.tereSte in e ertieu Bull Mrs, Verne lareuee tetone gall FOR BALE — Two pair Joy's size 1 anti v., In ditiou. Mrs. Bill Straw:bilk Phoue 124 p9P. BENT eerartnients on. Mill St., Brits- Sets. eliodern conveniences, oil furnace, Apply to; John Wade Phone 'THURSDAY, Nov,. lAtbo 1St SittAAL AMEO HAIRSTYLIS '$12 Protein Pe $10 10 iProtein Penn $ 8 fOii. AP e OINI1V1ENTS: c49 Brussels • CAMEO HA STY LIST Hockey Sketes exeelieet con- 840$4111144 AIWA, BRUS3ELLS, ORT Oa* CLEARING AUCTION •••SALE. Clearing Auction.. $ale Of c. arm, Livestock, machinery, Hay and Grain Lot Con. B. Grey Twp. 1 j4 miles North and 1 mile Bast of Brussels on ImEoNEboAY, NOV, "late at 1 p.m. Cattie Cows due to treshea Jaatiary Swiss Cow euti calf due iu Jan. 24 Feeder Hullers weight approa. 100 lies. 3 Yearling Steers ti Spring Calves Machinery D Case Tractor e furrow Case Plow 1951 Ford Traetor with Plow lateruatinal Doable Disk Beulah Cultivator section Harrows McCormick n run. Seed Drill Case t; eoillowe Case Maeui.t Spreader ee.. (else Baler NeW Idea Mower Case Elevator for hay or grain Clianipiou Oat Roller and "Motor (new) Massey Harris Side Rake 4 furrow eiusseY Harris DISk Plow Massey Harris Cream Separator Viking Cream Separator Cyclone Seeder for Tractor, power take off (new) 2000 lb. Scales 2 Electric Chick Brooders Extensieu Ladder Pota toe Digger Set Sleighs Jelin Deere Pea Harvester Poet Bole Digger 3 point hitch Hay Tedder Wagon & Rack Universal Walking Machine Deere Born Manure Loader Snow Blower Hay and Grain 3000 bales Ray :letle bus. miv.4.1 grain 200 bus.aloritcalla Barley Some Household &fade Terms cash Property At 3 p.m. the Farm will be offered for sale subjeot to a reserve bid. la5 acres clay loam icnd, large steel barn, hciUse covered with asphalt shingle e, drilled well, modern cenviiihieincee. 10% down balaece In 30 days. Proprietor — Jaokilet Bros. Auctioneer -- Harold Jackson Clerk — George Powell' CASH ON THE FARM FOR GOOD Ft VilL Heavies, lee to lee per lb. Leghorns 53c to 10c per lb. Call: L. Hood, Phlank 347-2974 MOW* CLEARING AUeTION SALE clearing AucLipn .Sate of Livestock and Machinery at Con, 4, Morris i'wP• -1 1/4 miles North and iz mile West df Brussels • SATURDAY NOV. 20th a t 1:00 p.m. Cattle eleretorti Cows, Calves at side bred .May and June 12 Durham Slaorthein Cows, Calves at side. bee(' `lay June Yearlings (Durham) Hereford Bull, 2 years old with Paper implements David Brown erecter (diesel) 3 years. old David Brovra 3 larrole Plow (mounted.) Seed Drill, International (Jdrua) McKee Harvester Wagon. 4:5 Box. with 4U ft. of pipe International 4 ,-4 Tractor, A-1. condition eteel Roller 8 ft. Cultivator, 3 point hitch 3 section Harrows :eieu. Harrows John Deere Wagon Side Rake (Massey Harris) Manure Spreader (John. Deere) ti ft. Horse Mower Double Disk (13issel) De. Laval, 2 Wait Milking Machine Cream Separator Trailer Hammer Mill (Papee) 3i ft. Endless Belt Fanniag 5 Rims, Tubes, Tires, size 670-15 2000 lbs Scale 2 Pig Crates 000 bus. of Pure Oats Grain 1200 bus. of Mixed Grain Other Articles too numerous to mention Terms Cash Farm Sold Proprietor — Ross Duncan Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk -- George PoWell VIANTErieei Hard Maple, White Ash, wood, Soft Maple, Elm. Apply giving lot and ecedeeealeln to: Tim Robinson 12S St. Janice St. London, Ont. FOR SALE DAIRY COaeS AND I 1 Er iz FIR S TeINGS'ItS AND leKERS ''bone 'Myth 523.0429 WA deliver Convenient ferme arranged. Far further particulars (*inset tleoge FOR RENT — Farm Home within 4 miles of Brussels, immediate poesessioxi. Glean Rouuenberg Monkton 347-2241 • FOR RENT — rooth tea OVUM- liuuSe, wall 3 piece bath, oil furnace. miles trout lirussels, lot 3, con. Cire Twp. Apply to: Carl itemingway. Piaone 42.5J5 miHLE 11,ELP WANTED Rawleigh business now open in Huron County. Trade well established. I.9xcellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write Rawleiga, Dept. H-152-189, 4005 Richelieu, .St. Henry, Montreal. FOR SALE -- 1 logen laminated top coat SiZe 14 yrs.; 1 logen green suit with gold vest size 10 yrs; 2 Charcoal suits with red vests siz id yrs. in A-1 shape. Mrs. Oheoter. Fearl Ethel, Ont. SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY C.entro Street, "reaaPHONIL rpc all kinds or eeeholetering Brustele Represontsitive eaLevYN E314K Fa. HH ON E 7e liiitatleiELte IN MEMORIAM HURON COUNTY'S LEADING FARM EQUIPMENT' DEPOT Lowest possiote pricie on new and used tractors, farm machinery etc, Over 1,000 belts, and hund- reds of pulleys, bearings, spark plugs, plow shares, cutivator points and other service items in stock at all times. John Bach t.hl, Dealer Phone 527-0120 Esettfoeth souroppirFp2M.e.N..eVi4,4.t1X1iri,pter. Teaching Traffic Safety starts at ham@ 1 itev. teller/es \\len. atoulitou, began Ins itaiustry in lilliox Church on Sunday, Nov. 7th. suiluay ni Soul iS ueld one o'clock- tine. the regular serviee el worship at two kbak. for Llie winter months. Arlo>: WieS Meeting s. liar( Dunn was leader for ho ovoinber meeting of the Vs,-MS at the home of Mrs. Stan- SUy pisener, I aougats appropriate for remembrance day were read. Mrs. Chine Veitch lea iu prayer. iiie scripture reading, Lphesians; 1(1-16 w..ts read at unison. A te- inelabrance verse was given 111 responst tr the roil call. Visits to sick and shut-ins were re- ported. The leader read a story Leading Up to Christmas. Ural John Perrie, treasurer, react a letter urgiug all \VMS members Lo eontribUte as generously as possible. A poem was read oy Mrs. Dunn. Miss Alice J. Forrest topic ..1- 111,(Th Laterc4.Stillg manner, using maps and pictures. sne said that Nigeria is really our neigubour, being only 16 hours away it, travelled by jet. Parts of letters from Misses Agnes. Gallen, Joan leochemena and Dorothy BuLtner were read by Mies Forrest. ours. hAigel read a letter from airs. E. 11. johuson, describing the, ea- stallattea of Sir Francis ibiam as goveraoor of 4,astern Nigeria: A. true, story of a Tittle African girl was read by Airs, Alex Steiss. Christmas cards, used postage stamps and Sunday School papers were handed in to the LiteratUre and Library secretary. The host- ess was assisted by Mrs. Clare Veiteli and Mrs, Dick Bradshaw la serving Much, Personals; Misses Kate IVecNabb, Teraisk. anting, and. Mary McDonald, Toronto, Spent several days with Mrs. Wilfred Shortreed, Wal ton. Mr, and Mrs. lir-rank Sinith and family and Jo-Anne Dalin Yieitaci with friends in Toronto ou See- 44.Y. Tracy byni4 Jaeklin, daughter of ela end Mrs. lieu Jcltliu us Kitelielier, is in the hospital, as a result of burns .sustained when she pulled hot eaten over. Air, and airs Keuneth Schnook are the proud parents of twin. daughters born Nov. 8th, in List- owe' 'hospital. • liIaae Dunn spent the Week-end in Kitchener. • • • We. Hear Report tit Area Area Convention 11L.: «00.0101 S tAL c-f.,e' Wad FLOW. aL tau Some UL airs. Untie veiLea. ..tue opening U.X.fill.U.6ub e Qua- uthatte or ale presiueiit, eateineesa, Mrs, Leave Velteu e- icit-3ct at the piano. Tne uuutacs -were Flea°. uy UUI1 .4.1.1g1:1 aLl'J. Wean o.ueitier gave rue treaSlirer S 1 eliUrt. ILIVILULIUU to a ,NlajeS LIU /11SLILLUU ineetiug In Lirusseis was accepted. It was ueculeu to nave a enrittuas party with Airs. Mae a/eine:ash and Airs. Engel as conveuere. Mrs. Bill .Bretneer wits appouttee to place a wreath on Lae'cenotaph in Brussels on November Mrs. Veitch reported on the Area Convention in Cru.elph. The motto, dealing with health, was given by :Mrs. Frank Smith. The topic, "New Drugs and their uses" was given by Mrs. Veitell. She spoke of hormoues, tranquilizers, anti- biotics, and cancer druge. Leaf- lets on polecats were distributed to the aieniberS, Members took part in a contest prepared by Mrs. Martin Martiill MtiDonald. Lunch: was served by Mrs. Ciaettn Hueth- er and Mrs. Jim. Hurt, Be sure to attend the annual bazaar in tlieCothmanity Centre. NVedueeday afternoon, Nov. 24th. Toath them to look 6:-.,th ways before ci c: in g the streot P.C.V. REG SULLIVAN TRANSPORT L. ETHEL Class V.FS AXl LOads Fully Insured PHONE 2423 *14,M 'iWitilMillir10101111111101M41111.010%110110100011111111011411111.0•40 104,4