HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-11-11, Page 1PA A Year in Advance — $2.50 TO POST pui3,1012.11ING 1101.1$11; TITURSDAY, NOV. 11th, 1965 THIS BRUSShILS POST, 9. Ash-field Myth T'ease'ls• Clinton Colborne Fl)-Keter C,,ederich Twp. Grey Hay ffibbert Plullett 1Torris Seaforth Stanley 5tePhen Tucltersreith Trsbore , Wa -WannSh 1)7 , n or i l 71;i4ieb Advance retl ?Patin • 268 144 log 718 201 501. 120 370 401 18rs 395 337 941 9 2 7 571 nal (14 CI 666 245 21'7 323 197a lee 41 387 23 387 18 267 77 129 37 288 103 9(W 39 403 278 240 240 352 291 971, 471 630 682 492 405 249 281 lnAn 307 le 110 40 1,11 62 49 49 42. 02 74 26 iVILLA.GE OF BRUSSELS. COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting (4 the Village council was held in the MuniciPai Office cm November 1st, 1960, al/ members being pre- sent. The felloWillg motions were carried: Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec- onded by J. M. McOutcheon that the minutes of the meeting of October 4, 1065 be adopted as read Moved by J, L, McCuteheon, seconded by 0, L. Cousins that John Simpson be granted a build- ing permit as per application Moved by 11 .1, TenPas, sec- onded by C. L. Couans that the lit Stephens be rebated 1965 business tax of the late Dr. 'Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec- onded by J. L. McCutcheon that the accounts as presented for pay- ment be paid. P.TJ,C., streetlights 223.77 Art Henry, labour Bernard TenPas, repairs to old school Grand River Office Supply, ribbon Gerald F4Xel repairs sidewalk J. M. McDonald, material , G eo. Davidson, cutting grass and weeds Geo, Mutter, office fuel 58453 Douglas J, Callander, Oct nursing account 122.25 Wm. J. Berrie, bun- dozing 15.00 Gordon Stiles, Oct garbage 13ridge Motors, gas and repairs 23.04 It. W. gennedyl contract printing MSS Receiver General, tai, deductions 21.83 Post .Office, U.T.S. 4.1111 Dr, R. Stephens. tax rebate 30.05 Art Henry, labour ... , 40.00 Cordon Workman, policing & truck 17,50 G,eo, Sorn,ers. policing , 12.59 Pril"els Pire Brigade fire pay 853.75 Moved by J. L. IVIcCutcheon. secon.ded by it S. TenPas- that .T. Gordon Stiles be paid $165.00 per month for gathering garbage in the village Of Brussels. Moved by T. G. Campbell. sec- onded by C. L. Cousins that we accept Tr:rtiest Beirnes' tender for snowplowing In the Village of Brussels at $6.00 per hour and 8100.00 per month standing time for the m.onths December, Jan, tsars,February and March lkfroved HTenPaS sec, onded by- ,T. T,. MeCtitcheon that The Iteeve procla.im Thurclar, Woitember 11th, 1965, al, riftillO (00rititti0,4 thett pigo) "Bob" McKinley Keeps Huron For 'Conservative Party Brussels electors followed the trend toward the Progressive Conservative Party as did all ridings in this area. In Brusels almost 90 per cent of the eligible voters cast their ballots. How They Voted In Brussels Poll Edgar Hemingway Mckinley 1 91 3 85 2 52 12 69 55 3 112 1.98 18 267 A 37-year-old grass roots fanner and business man, Robert "Bob" McKinley of Zurich, won Mon- day's federal, election in Huron. riding on the Progressive Con- servative ticket. INI-cRinley defeated his closest competitor, Maitland t dgar. Clinton, the Liberal candidate. by a majority Of 1,294 votes. The new member of Parliament for Miran succeeds 711,year-old Lewis. Ii7ston Cardiff of Brussels who retired this year after serv- ing 25 years as a Conservative member. . Furon voter lists had 25,5s.t names listed, and 21.131 voters bitched a steady downpour of rain to 1111'11 to the 110110. History Of The Brussels Public Library lily The Rev. IL L. .iennings) lu the 19th Century reading material was not as plentiful as to-day. lloOks were expensive, the print was small, but the quality was good. The opening of a. library was a great boon to any. COM/Valli ty, in the latter part or the century File Mechanics .Lnstitute provided a Library and heisting Room 14 in the flolines Bloc:1i, over Smale's store. The reading room. was open. on Wednesday and Fri- day six to seven p.m., and on Sat- urday from. four to six p.m. The I.i'orarlan, Rubs, sewed until 1887. Annually a considerable crowd gathered at the Library at the end on a • Saturday night. An auction sale of magazines was being held. Purchasers would new ones arrived. Magazines were passed train person to pon'ion. house to house. They were well worn before disposal, and even then pictures, poemb, ar- ticles were preserved in aenuti- fill At the end of the 19th Century Municipal Library Boards were constituted to provide library services. Because of the growing demand for literature. and the improved Tvaila Witty of reading material, Brussels like other coq* annuities needed better library facilities, On Monday February, 29th, .1909 a. historical event took -place. The Pablic Library- Board res' 1Vcd to ask the village council to grant sufficient money to. pur- chase a site -tor a library building condition that Carnegie give a grant of $4,500 fOr library phr- poses. 'Flaying received the ari- (continued on inside Page) am, 4 -11 Meeting Fe' atTlre. (7,14- y)er orations The Brussels and District cultural Society will meet in the Brussels Library on Monday Nov 15th. at 8 p.m. Members are to bring a Christ- mas Decoration for sale. There will be a demonstration on Christmas floral home decor ations. FI veryone is welcome. Deer. T"." 1745; Area Several of mir local hunters were fortunate enough to bacY, e deer. A wolf was also brought in by the hunters when they were permitter' to bunt deer TTAtrort County on Monday. 'Tuesday and 77'ednesday of this week. Shotguns only were to be 11 NO and 'PO door. 0110tWed Farewell Tribute Paid Rev. Morrison And Family A social evening in honour of :Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Morrison and their family was hold in tho school room of Melville Presby- Ierian Church on Friday night, before their departure for Pictou, Nova Scotia. Members and adherons of .!.Tr. Morrsion's a.Wvo c'ongre'gations Knox Church, I!,.1gravv and Niel- ville rhurch, Brussels, were pre. sent to say farewell and wish him happiness and prosperity in his now charge, Jrtules wr.s chairman for a short mu viral protr.ram consktinf): of numbers iv the Male Chorus and a mixed :marteite, Mrs. W. r. Mrs. Wirnifred F.k:i.r.rar, win, IT T.c5=4,,, • Cibson. John. Vrill • rend an aeldross th".nkfrur Morrison for his z-irocr‘• ve‘vr in the ihteresi of th e een., 'f rid Knoy chm.,Th Pelarave,. Ni ol son reRil ail nil- d ,-ess and 311'0 en+ ed him with a P i ft Mrs. 1.1,nrriqr.,1 rePetv Pal f ,.,-.111 'qrs. MlItter, f f from We ,14,/1', w111 ,1 ;inn rpfkr-e, PnsPri .s rv. Heather and David rof.eivod prettily wrapped gifts from Kenneth Worl.t, Cathy Work. Barba ra 1Vliott ooh Lin(TP, -esnectivply, 9,. Morrison .thankerl both of, i Oep. rmr their ifts. and for their on-operation in Car- 1,7,-1,1 ,1,' ell the worh. /If the clPrreh tir•-nin sneciv 11 y 11iC fioS8ion, 17 N; "O. esr 11 esr'r s (1 his n, en ,it at fOlNwshin with the "Pre -tivrterian Men". :\The l hers of Ministerial pan,^ia ton were 'resent and r,.- \thin Tolraston. 'Rev. II. ,TP11111T1.274 Tiny. krthur Tfig- cs.•-',.-1101.1*,nt bri Lunch was served ho the eve=n on of the church, Mr 1.1Tntrison came to Tlrussels' from Trelil Dri and wits inducted to the ministry of Molvillo • C1 -1•01, ill 1...71 1 n(". He and his family left by .motor Tor their now home :in l'',.•:fou en Monday. CART) Ow THANKS, I wish to ex.nress my sincere thanks to all those who visited (.ards. flowers, and gifts while T was a Patient in Wing- ham District TTosnital T espec- i:!liv wish to ,icknowleilff,o lily ly'rerd the s lur f lies,litai also Rey. Johasteil rl• fli p several. who wort, qo kind to -my r3 :111111Wiri 'M'arlIortrild Th e,',' 'hero water than land r • 041I111'.'(-3 Stanley 5, he pollee 67 -votes to Mr. Edgar's 2i2, and Mir. Healing- way's one. in Mr. Edgar's home poll, Clinton, 2, he had 170 votes to Mr. 1Nict.(inley's 142 and -.Mr. Fleming- way's 17. Clinton, usually Con- servative, gave McKinley a maj tt - 'ority of two over Mr, Edgar. Mr. ifemingway's home poll, Grey 2, gave him 1.1 votes to Mr. McKinley's 11 and Mr. Edgaz"s 40. 5.00 33 90 LIES 61.00 78.913 167.75 Tor the New t lemocrn tir Party Mr. .Carl tTsmingwny of Ilrnssels received .r4 sli fa, 1-, crease In votes over ,Tune', 1962 re.dera.I election, When he had 1,130 veites, III ,,,T071-110r9 hdit10 se the iirivileg-e of removing ( spec, ''''isehr'r pre- them from the tnble as soon as ,c (0' m ny on be-