HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-03-11, Page 1"7, 111 W HOLT llf'TMBi1:,7. ---- 'if •- r Se r sl Ni, AAuI/MebntOaOe. r.x dale Jain blesety. humored AfiM$8!ri• To Agents -$flatlet St Co. Rare Cance --P. MeV:wee. Vioterta Hall -reel humeri.. Agnate Witched -True d• G•. Farm for Sale W au. . h:ol Is. Hanursions Thos. Green ws). ,. Admits Wanted- H Hallett .e f'e. M sr throe Court --.sager & Morton.' Farms for Sale Thomas Nklu,lson, • Card of Thanks McWilliams .t Footmen. • ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH i 1, 1881. The People'. t•.ohtran.-. Lank otlt UR Peat week's $IUYAI. I(CENSE INSPECTOR'BNOTI4CB•-- / All applications our Licenses for the role of Liquor, must be in my hands before the first day.ot April uest. S'rarnl`t YArse. Lluuuse Inspector. 177$ tledertoh. March 1st lint. FOUND. - A RED PLAID SHAWL was found on the Huron Road. near the tib con.. Uuderlt:h Tp.. abash the be*tmtag of Y'ebruary. The owner ,:an hare it by proving prepore/ end paring expenses. 1:. MU.L77te , school schoteacher, S. S. No. 1 — - -- _ - - -oo • *T OTICE,—IML SHANNON HAV- Dentistrg. 1ViNIICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- . TIIIT. Moe and residence. West Street. tele LNU PL.ACHD IN MY HANDS FOR celleotlon ail book Roomette, and promisory nous, due him up to Jan L i, 1 must regnant that all persons so Indebted would call apo: me at osoe, and settle, otherwlsn cocoa soul be incurred. 1 will be in 1)r. 14bannoo° olfoe dans below Hank of Montreal. Moder prom ton a. m. to 4 p. m. Boob day. 17U 1773; JAMKS J. McMATH. Auctioneering. C. CURRTE.YHE PEOPLES AM- U • TIGNZZIk Golorw. Out. Uhl. Tonsorial. KNIGHT, PRACTICALnatBoAR- W. B1tbsad H•lriar, . He osoidi return garotte to she public always a tf o found at h ofc near always be toimd at his Shaving I'arhorl75i the Post Odle. Ooderioh. Real Estate. 1 Cape G. W. McGregor, of Detroit, will ouuntastd the now steamer Saginaw Val- ley, of the Cleveland and Saginaw Line, the cutting season. Doti WAFT AST Lur,lat.—We will u send TSIOIAL for the balance of 1881 pa is a diligent student, and promises to ao for $1, postage prepaid. Show this to a credit to Kuria).the man who borrows the paper. Conductor Crawford, who was e, badly F. G. Widdows will lecture is Victo- burned at the recent fire, wassutticiently ria Hall, Goderich, March 16th and 17th. Subject fur 16th : "Monks before the Buu rttunf and Hamilton, and we hope world and Monks in the Monaitery." to see him oome back, s.' recuperated Rstovae.--A large frame building that his genial face will again be seen has been moved from Hamilton street to .I 1\TOT,ICE TO CONTRACTORS.- 11 T Tenders w4M be received bythe wader - signed until It o'clock noon. on Saturday the lfth da of Marek 1151, for making alterations and additions to a frame dwelling house (nth. town of Gutierlck. for Charles Slack. Segs. The plans and specifications tea be seen at my office Orsbb's Block, on and atter bulk. next. 'render may be JAMES IM ILL architect. Ooderioh the 3rd day of March. IIML 1776. FARM FOR BALE -BRING LOT eon tass trim Cprisi Colborne, about 50 .I r, - A sm. bo ata new frame bars late and a stable madoutbuildings are oe the premises. A young orchard. mood pomp. °t°. ea Mo farm. The term has a reed os two aides of It. Four acres of tall wheat sown ot Distant only 1 mile from a poet msrttcalrn apply to Wm. t taaM. ahap rd- km P. O. Jnr FOR BALE OR TO LET.—THAT desirable residence formerly the pro- perty of Jelin Meeely, Meq.. and knows ae Bellevue together with the land attache& >> saw la extent, of which about 6 saes are Covered by orebnrd, lot oboioe yoanj aorta[ fruit trees) lawn and kitchen (sateen. The house 1. oommodlwssod eao oea s t. o to tals- 1ag la Lacots. good with hard and eon water. and o well su aamprles stabling for four harem. sI m. oow Jld 2 carriage hooses. with Nita o i. ptessantly Ietu over all .1 r about 1 mllss ✓tasted tear the river from Dederick. TRU indisputable. A to Wain a. tog.. Notons re Dania St Montreal. T. 17773t. MyattHurga& ----11 a ue plowed to Oriente (lt,-T. —We u►dasesad that observe that our friend, W. G. Hanna, Mn. Warnock, mabout 'milliner, is to open of Muni', was succeaaful in winning the out in litrsubul's old stand, on Hatuilton first prize for public speaking awarded street. The building u being rapidly by the University College Literary and fitted up. Scie tific Society of Toronto. Mr. Han- Mr. £inelius Irving, of Hamilton, the Commisioner in the cow, has fixed upon Tuesday, the 15th inst., for the investi- gation of the•alleged County Judge irre- gularities. Our townsman Mr. G. N. Davis, has reoently the services of Mr. Wm. Web- ster, of Galt, as foreman of his workshop, in the place of Mr. Frank Davis, who leaves for Dakota in a few days. ITh PzatAL. ---Mr. W. J. White, of the Reflector, has withdrawn from that paper and is now devoting himself to the ex- press and emigration business in Exeter. Will f. is rather a decent sort of a fel- low- in fact, he is a "white man". The Reflector will be continued by his late partner. CARDITAI_ —The carnival and May- pole dance at the Skating Rink on Tues- day last was well attended. The follow- ing skaters participated in the dance : Ladies. —Nellie Vanderlip, "Vivian- diere" ; Nellie Morris, "Sorceress"; Ida Wilkins s, "Duchess of Devonshire"; A. Smeeth, "Queen Elizabeth"; Annie Campbell, '`Jockey Costume"; 8, Kirk- bride, "Hailatorm." Gentlemen R P. Wilkinson, "Brother Jonathon"; 8. J. Reid, "Sir Walter Raleigh" ; Fred Crabb, "Brigand Chief', J. H. McCullgah, "Paddy from Cork"; R. Fraser, "Rol- licking Ram"; A. Black, "Sailor". The other costumes were Nellie Smith. "Gip- syQueen;" Hattie Smith, "Sailor Girl;" A. B. Cary, "Italian Peasant;" Belle Swift, "My Aunt from the oountry''; Hattie Black, "Canada;" Maud Marl- ton, "Milkmaid;' Mary Watson, "Gip- sy girl;' Fannie Bell, "Dutch girl;' Edith MoDermot, "Child of the Regi- ment; ' Tute Black, "Old Irish Woman;" Lizzie Black, "Market Woman;" Clara L Bleck, "Colored Parlor Maid;" Hul- lie Smith, "Actress" The prize takers were: Ladies -1st Ida Wilkinson; spec- ial (by Mr. R. S. Williams,) NellieMorri.. Gentlemen-- Lt Fred Crabb, comic, J. 11. MoCullsgh. The bands of Prof. Fet- zer and Mr. Ben. Armstrong, enlivened the ptoccedings with choice selections during the evening. recovered yesterday to leave on a enn- vale°cent tour. He goes to Ingersoll, where duty calla. oho Darner of East street and the .guar', tnd will be occupied by It M butcher shop. A o:ma re—A little four-year-oldaon a Huron last year, as against 134 in 1879, Mr. George Hilton was run over on Mon- and 16 shop licenses against 21 the pre - day by s team, and one of his legs was your year. In 1870, 40 shop licenses badly crushed. It was feared that son were granted. The total amount of potation would be necessary. fines collected for the violation of the cLedhn as a Ln-awoL'. -By the report of the Pro - vincial Secretary, we see that a total of 128 tavern licenses were granted in D OF THANKS Messrs Ellison & Fraser, owners of Liquor Laws, in 1880, was $50 in East oder our thanks them for Vaal for tis Ere le tM also desire a thank the essay other dryads whoamyLed w et and atter the Kidd, of Dublin, for the sum of $9,000 strnction on the "Albion" ins being push- other m - ere. In this commotion we bate cularly cash •The Stanley will in future run be- ed tepidly forward. The building will Captain Cox, of the 1777. Eyck aMiLLIAY3 t PZATM AN. roof and an addition often rooms. Tam Eztwott—Goderich is an_ roof completed the house will contain IN THF 1[ARTTIME COURT OF othn attack of "exodus." On Tuesday Whenhet forty bedrooms. The issue ad- dition Out/iris. TM Schema et oeesd yet Mr. Tindale left for Dakota On at the back will be removed and "WI1.I.IA1[ WALLACIL' Thursday next a large detachment of whereother residents of this town lusve, cum- Te placed with a brick extension; the en- emies' in Mane maritime im eeasa, d° been l° fire edifice will be overhauled and refit - be algid to the s Sl tion Cont of the dole on Thomson, daughter and CARD avail ourselves M this opportunity to the steamer Stanley, which was built by Huron, ;`a80 in South Huron, and 2 to the Goderioh Fire Deo- the summer excursion business in West Huron. ander Captain i)tsaae .ens tie eds°t°°t y "Tux Al aiox. "—The work 1.1 con- .ervteeo they rendered et a at Port Stanley, have sold her to Mr. Albion. and we "wkaowbdge the oouttey ex feed be 'raised to thew stories with maciard bed tween two pointe on Lake Huron. tended to us by ourCapv HURON.— /north half of lot Shooree sad oon.ith domed. sail behalf of Noyes 9lcavao*s against the dolmas- pnatng : Junes ° ted, and in a short tints we expect to see sr -Witham Wanda sow t fnm rte PDR John Hak ow and family, Ben of Ooderb►. racer arrest bf virtue °f • wan' the business again in full awing. Warrant lasted from the said Court sad no Wilson and family, R R Thomson, demurrer or answer by been Ebel in the said whose. Thy >. to give settee to d person. Frank Davis, Alex. Cox, J. G. Ball, Jas. STorrlx° Yours PArss —Once upon a s 4 m iz Fso v°aeltuus •W111111m Sinclair, and Mier and Mn. Tweedlie,— time a tnsn got mad at the editor and WIlaoe" that it a demurrer or answer in the U S stopped his paper. The next week shod otiose be sot Mad t the aloe of the all for Dakota, he sold his corn at four cents below the am ty Re rar of the said Court at Dods- rloa within six diva trout the publication of Kunz causes Social- —The severe market prices Then his property Wall S * sotlra thelia Coag wilt the mid Skis m eo "William Wallace" rwin to be acid to storm that prevailed on Thursday evening sold for taxes, becauw he didn't read the answer the chalets instituted await .sem L of that week prevented many attending sold forheriff's tales He se arrested and fin - or make snob order In Hast' premises shell seem right. the anneal social, held it the bwment ed for going hurtling to Sunday; Taken out by !H I0AcD1tRM0L'f and he paid $300 for a lot of forged AEAUKR & WOeTON Deputy Remistrar of Knoz Church- The ladies had made listed Nth Merl bh, j ITn-11. good preparations for their guests, and Dated tete Parch M.notes that had been advertised two weeks the quality of the refreshments was first and the public cautioned not to nage• class. Dr. Ure occupied the chair. addresses were made tote them. He then paid a big Irish- Dnring the evening, man, with a foot like a fore hammer, to by the Rev. Mr. Francs and the Rev. kick him all the way to newspaper Dr. Williams, and vocal music was .west- office, whale he paid four theyeein su paper ly rendereel by Misses Kay, McKay, i n, rip- Meldrnnt and tion in advance, and made the editor Ferguson, J. Messrs. o s an agreement to knock him down Hutchison, and Messrs. Rohe)n, Ssund and rob him if he ever ordered his ptL .r en. Kay and D. McGillicuddy. Mr. reading, entit- led, stopped again. Such is life without a Strang gave very goodnewspaper. —Ea - Homey. "Rocket's Christmas." All present Hoxoa To AN OLD GODELICA BOY. — appeared to enjoy themselves. Csxsva gttu zLtTOL9. -- Below are the We learn from the Guelph Mercury that on Thursday evening, March 3rd, Mr. names of the census enumerators re- Wm. Rutherford, an old resident of commended to be appointed for the vari- n. Goderich was the receipient of a vale - ow municipalities in South Huhei able gold chain with charm attached, at The enumerators will commence their a dinner given in his honor at the duties on the 4th of April, and will be Queen's Hotel, of that city, on the oc- probsbly between two and this. weeks nasion of his leaving for Toronto to man - completing them, except in villages and a the business of the Elephant Clothing towns, when the distance between the House at the Provincial capital. A houses is less than townships.All large number of prominent residents of questions put to the head of the houses Guelph and other places graced the fes - will relate to the 4th of April. So that five board with their Presence. The when the day arrives, people should care- followtng address was p resented: fully note the number of persons in their Ts Mr*Wel'RetAerla+'d• house. A mass of valuable statistics re- Sts, _Having learned that you had bring to the material welfare of the pito- time. as decided nn leaving our fair city, we avail ple will also be gathered at the slime ourselves of this occasion to express to time. The names are the following :--you the high esteem in which you are Clinton,—Jame. A. Racey ; Bayfield,-- eld by those of our citizens who have Exeter, -MinnElliot ; known you either in a social or business Geo. Parke ; xray for the {mist eight year.. e ran Stanley,W. Woods and Ed. Briggs ; ,wore you, sir, that you have,Wduring Hay,—W. Carlisle and Chris. Eacrett ; that period, won the respect and esteem e of Usborne, Jas. Beer and Gso U Your nb iging naturaa very large l and gamer ur ms cis h► byeD at once to , 30 . of 112 this ins apply tersatiosal Sok Works. at iss- wing hei two ars steer istas Maleee set ned ed milky twor. . es bed J. forproperty.r or l be exeheng• ry following: That the chief of the lire employ at their/lash teen as he tray een- sitiu necessary in eases of emergent, to ensure the safety of property. Respect- fully submitted. T. K. D.ttrcY, chroirniul Mr. Amoymoved, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the report of the Fire Committee be adopted --Carried. ►lxAD's t%)Mllt7 rah a tzroe.x. The Finance Committee respectfully keg leave to recommend the payment of the following so'ount : Henry Cooke, $4.04. Vit. CAMrmraa., chairuwn. aaro&T or Malloatat, eaultr TR6 The Special Committee to which whit' referred the consideration et a suitable memorial W the retiring Cloak reported, recommending- Lt. The adoption of the following resolution : That the Council of the municipal corporation of the Town of (loderioh, Ontario, would hereby place on record the high esteem which they entertain for their fellow townsman, Mr. James Thompson, and particularly their appreciation of his faithful ser rice, as Clerk of the munici- pality unici-pality during the past 20 years. And as he is leaving this country to take up hie residence in the "Great West," they moat earnestly hope that prosperity may'at tend him in his new home. 2nd. That as a tangible expression of the sentiment. of the Council as expressed in the fore- going resolution, an order be passed on tho Treasurer for the sum of 5100, and pre- sented to Mr. Thompson. Sol. That a oopy of the foregoing resolution he handed to Mr. Thompson, with the above Order. Respectfully submitted • Hotacs Howrolt, chairman. It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the report be ail opted—Carried. It waamovedby Mr. Johnston, second ed by Mr. Dancy, that the resolution reoommonded for adoption by SpecialCommittee be engrossed and signed by the Mayor on behslf of the Council • - Carried. By-law No. 3, of 1881, to determine the amount and nature of the security to be given by the Town Treasurer wait read a first and second time and diacuaa- ed, when it was Moved by Mr. Johnston, second b y Mr. Campbell, that Rale 34 be suspend .it, and the By-law reed a third time, and passed—Carried. The Councilethen adjourned. ■es&a seasten et ase el the sesseaa dm-aP- patent e[ ■r. Mee. Wawa. Brigade and is hereby authorised to TOWhis se • onveniesiL For sod . elate • Ryan eng Godericb Township,—Jas Patton and friendship of 'all who have had the pleaa- Adam (laptelon, ure of your aoglaintnnce. iu your do - The following, which we clip from the partp1e' we ims° not only one of our most of aur estimwcceeaable townsmenbusiness, but men. also one tele Portland Press, refers to the brother-in- law of the late Professor Abbott, for- your sound judgment, keen hu.inessIly merly U.S. Consul at Ooderich, and may tact, and prompt attention to the affairs prove of interest Go many of our readers: of your large mercantile establishment, you have sucoeeded in stahluhing your- Lawnai. 0 R Boyo At half -past elf ,u. one of Guelph's lending mer - one o'clock Friday morning Lendal G. chants. While deeply regretting the R. Royd pried pesoefnfly away alter • loss we will sustain by your departure liagenno and protraoted illness. Mr. from nor midst, we must also ezpt'ess Boyd was rnpre°entatrre of one rat the our satisfaction in knowing that yet oldest and bed "f Portland families, make the change for the advancement of which was identified with the earlierdays your business interests, and although of this vicinity and has always mon- the duties and reepdmsihilities may its tallied its honorable place. He was greater, we know from pant expe*ra1cr' burn un the 17t11 •i4 February, 1806, and that you are pr"pared to overcoats tiny died on the °ovsaty-sixth anniversary of obstacle that may impede your upward his birth He mania u 11139, ?heiress and onward prnlfrs°- Lott half tt (Hood Oe Fifty sores to Oonrrt>w 1 Nto wood shed NM& =VB. for =sea tllo a fate dr There b, a well with • sever fact= dise ..barkertilli 'b. le Tions oaste&re t hie 4410,. esbees. 14107 se Mormon Dews-Aasmdsn' Vartsty More reports things "b "bessaloir in their new .and. adjoini0g the post saw. Oa Wwdn.to.iav was took $ lost! Nei. the premise.arta were ss rpoised M the alt - Weil and variety of their Meek "kWh", is (Ming a resittlll hetinese ins pietism ypiming, sod dahlia to bre killed befit pintas In that popular Ileo The iris *inks' it has es.w • homer rigsttivan ever to the title "TM Cheapest Hoene orate Oros Savory. °°send obrugbl5* of Judgw Entry Site survives rise, as lase their As • ali ht memento of the regard in which we your our friendship, we would erg lady street and lovable disposition. tis feWte, ever be reminhied of tM b mut. d %b5 affection of *11 who kind wishes which they -ispre ant. 1t bow rim 17e sots cordial 'La' tort our s _ 1> e only child, Nicholas E Iloyd. tow new ask yon to resist this clan mid diet in Cdifor t* Kr.Boyd was of a .tial sed un weevil( that may you is tied aril eo twerest tLs1 you 1wa7 is his,s..—is' devoted to his Mends. is' tour° tree in year Tomei • unset sbie in his judgments, upright and t o homw as 7rnt ere neer leaving in unselfish do hu► dealing,, with a lively Gael il C 'Watson the 'he Meyer,l to That in accordance with instructuma from the Council at the I:►w. meeting, they caused the fees for t::•• market un- der the Bylaw, to be offered for sale by auction on Wednesday, the 2nd inat., At no.'n, and that the same waft Auld by Mr. David Patton for the sum of 1131'. pay- able to monthly instalment* in sdvsnoe, furans year from the 3ra d,t Mar eh.IA.'Il. Very respectfully submittni }' W 'taverns, rhMeseio tar0tT or taut! ivtttrtrrrewa The Relief committee hong to ...port ,n the cess of Philip [("*$. referred to them y Lit meeting of Commit, that they fe- oommed that he he allowed the we d 75c. per week daring the *mime of thn Coursed Gowan Hnawow, ehaurwtau. and intelligent interest s t in public album ss is browsing tns v+dlowtisa's. Hieinanimate l a always on ngh side of thing. and dvr'red whatever was homed find of good report A good and tree man has died in thefulness of sand leaving behind m atter a long life iiNtnut r'epr'oer'A, shim a fragrant awl wholesome aet*ory g e /heated en itehalf of the donors. Moe„di hy the Reeve. ,n"exoniled h'f1 Wit. Iltnso t., 1 Mr Campton, that the meed of the Ws. (stunt, ' R,ehef Committee he adoptd-naris& F inti rlralr, nes • .13* antooax. W S Haprionen, R Mntinne•, The Fire Committee promoted a ea Geo. *Goners$, JD. `Pees d'epr'ee'tttina the sanction of Hoe . 1o'' ,or p... ,e tea . ,Alts tt sow rtf tlesimillnta for the town Qdsesoh. The Criuuey then adjourned TA,wa 1''05 MAL& :,we ,tet ume for farms for sal • al 1