HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-10-28, Page 2Woolen 8.100Kets. A COMPLIMENT TO EVERY HOME 100% Pure Virgin Woof -- Full .4 lbs. - 72" x 90" Popular Shades Glen Laine SATIN BOUND Value $18.50 FACTORY OUTLET PRICE - Each Glen Laine RAINBOW Value $15.95. FACTORY OUTLET PRICE - Each Glen Laine COTTAGE Value $12.50. Factory Outlet Price - $8 a 50 and $9.40 $7.50 FACTORY OUTLET PRICE 750 $1.50 $2.00 6:09 Open All Day Wednesday Open Saturday Night to 10 O'clock Factory Outlet Prices I Pair ‘. 2 Pair 1-Finger Gauntlet o • x $2.50 $4.95 Gauntlet • $2.50 $4.95 Roper== the best - Choose from Goatskin and Calfskin • • • • • • • • • $2.00 $3.95 t Lined Work Glove .... • • . • • • • • • • $1.50 $2.95 Cotton Back Work Glove . • • • . • .75 $1.45 All Leather Work Gloves - • • • • • - •$1.25 $2.40 ( Unlined Work Mitt , ..... . $1.50 $2,95 Semi-Dress Lined Work Mitt • • • • • • $2.50 $4.95 Olen 6:00 a...Y LEATHER WORK GLOVES and MITTS Glen Laine CHAMOIS 1 Dozen $28.50 $28.50 $22.50 $16.50 $ 8.00 $14.00 $15.50 $28.50 emormerimee.•euerealememe LEATHER COATS and JACKETS LEATHER MOCASSINS 8 SLIPPERS TWO BRUSWILIII PUT,. DRUM M.% °MAL% THURSDAY, UCH.. 98th.. 1000: From Thursday, October 2801, to Saturday, November 130 THE LARGEST OF ITS KIND IN CANADA EARN Earn that needed meney ror Christande "The AXON .Way". csu Mrs. giosou. collect, #51- 0541. evenings for details, or write 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Lou- don. NO obligation. ROR SALE Large size Maple Crib, with Plastic covered innerspring mat- tress, Price 414AN‘ Apply Mrs• -Urban Eucharale, Brussels RR 2. $$ a•-• SAVE --SS DURING THE ANNUAL Factory Outlet ..Sale:H.. Do you know that this past two months leathers and leather goods have increased sharply in price due to the increased cost of the raw materials. Because of the large inventory we have on hand we are able to pass on to you this finished merchandise with no increase in our Factory Outlet Price. CLIP THIS, ADV. FOR REFERENCE. CLIP- THIS ADV. FOR REFERENCE CLIP THIS. ADV. FOR REFERENCE "O•11100ffaffamionft,"0 LIMITED Est. 1894 LYTH Phone Blyth, Ontario, 523-9373 --On Hwy. PRODUCERS OF QUALITY WOOL and LEATHER and 4, between Clinton and Wingham MAKERS OF """"""4"1"1"40^;+".100•44140 .0iftwouftrim!„,,,,„..,,,,,,„0„,w„, Many years of EXPERIENCE in PRODUCING raw wool and leather at a LOWER COST PRICE THAN ANY OF values. The OPPORTUNITY IS YOURS TO COMPARE WOOL and LEATHER PRODUCTS OUR COMPETITORS in Canada enables us to offer such AND TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of this merchandise. Glen Lame WOOL WORK SOCKS 90% Virgin Wool, 10% Mohair and Nylon-3 1/2 lbs. per doz. THIS IS A NEW BLEND FOR BETTER WEAR 1 Pair 2 Pair 1 Doz. 65c $1.25 $7.00 Glen bine SHEEPSKIN RUGS All Ready For Christmas Giving • . . Combines the rugged- ness of Leather with the Beauty and Comfort of Wool . . absolutely will not slip. FACTORY OUTLET SALE SPECIAL GOLDEN WHEAT Colour Only Your Choice ................ . ...... ,..........Each ..."•••••••••••1•01.1 1,,, AUCTION SALE OF SCHOOLS The Grey Township School Board will sell by public auction the followino school property on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 comm.encing at 12:30 p.m, S.S. No. 7 (Oranbrook) school, including furnishings, contents, (wood furnace), bell, building and property. 2:00 p.m. - S.S. No. 10 school, furnishings, contents, (oil fur- nace) &*pressure system) bell, building and property. 3;30 p.m. - S.S. No, 11 (Ethel) school, furnishings. contents in- cluding number of books and sev- er.a.1 sets of encyclopedia. (wood furbace) buildings and proverty. Terms - Cash, Real estate 10% down, balance in 30 days, Auptioneer -- Gordon Jackson Clerk - Robt. Cunningham For further particulars contact: Norman S. Hoover, Secretary, Grey Twp. School Area, R.R. $, Brussels. "GLEN LAINE" $9.00 $5100 NOTICE TO CREIJITOKS in the estate of MARGARET HULDA WOOIJS deceased. ALL PERSONS having Glaiing against the estate or Margaret Hulda Woods, late of the Village pf Brussels in the County of Huron; Widow, deceased, Who died oa or about the ISM day Or. July, 1965, are hereby notified to send particulars of the claims to the undersigned solicitor tor we Executors, on or before tue -aqui day of uctouer i 65, atter Wh1011 date the estate shall be distribut- ed haring regard only to claims of which the undersigned snail then have notice. DATED at Listowel. this 8th day of October, 1965. C. JOSEPH BENSON, Q. C., Barrister and Solicitor, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors posmmderamoinn NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ELLA SHURRIE, deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Grey, in. the County of Huron, widow, who died on the 7th day of September, .1965, are required to file proof of same, with the undersigned on or before the 4th day of November, 1865, sifter which date the executor will Proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. IJATF4D at Brussele thia 8th day of October, 1966. , CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD Brussels Ontario Solicitors for the ExocUtor . BEAFoRTH U.PHOLETERT centre Wait TAM/ NO $11 kinds of tapheliterIng ;11rUsaela RePrefentefife SELWYN EAKVII SECONDS of This Quality suitable for car, Truck and Tractor seats,...Each OUR REGULAR LINE All Colours-Value $16.00 $13 00 FACTORY OUTLET PRICE, .Each GLEN LAINE LEATHER DRESS GLOVES See our New Lines of Black and Brown KID GLOVES and Fall Shades of SUEDE. LEATHER Lined and Unlined. MEN'S -- Values $3.00 to $10.00 Factory Outlet Price $L.50 to $5.00 LADIES' -- Values $4.00 to $8.00 Factory Outlet Price $2.00 to $4.00 The most popular garment of the year. Styled for high fashion and sportswear. Enjoy the warmth and beauty of leather. This line was new with us last year and we have expanded consider- ably. We invite you to compare our quality and prices. LADIES' COATS and JACKETS Factory Outlet Prices si $32 SO $95,00 MEN'S JACKETS and 3% COATS $17,95 '6540 Factory Outlet Prices Glen Laine AUTO RUGS $12.00 Glen Laine CRIB BLANKETS Value $8.00 and $5.95 $50 and 00 $3 e95 Factory Outlet Price. Each ftwooniftionempi iimmongsrawo SKI MITTS For the Whole Family The most popular on the hills. Deerskin tanned to always stay soft. LADIES' and GIRLS' Factory $2.95 Outlet Price... MEN'S and BOYS' Factory Outlet Price... $ .50 Now fantastic savings on leather mocassins and slippers-glove leather tanned to deerskin.softness. THIS IS OUR FIRST SHOW- ING, SO SAVE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. 10 Smart Styles to Choose Frain tholi te m,15 FACTORY OUTLET PRICE iw Ci iWV0 to "'We AFTER SKI and SNOW BOOTS Genuine HAIR SEAL, shearling lined. Value $38.00 Factory Outlet Price $29.95 Genuine HAIR SEAL & LEATHER, pile lining. Value $19.95. Factory Outlet Price $14.95 curs THIS ANV, teiR OFFERENC.P from Value $18.00. FACTORY OUTLET' PRICE --- Each Alliftwo.11.40."...01.111ftoliellitmaintiftelMara.00.41fts Children's Leather GLOVES & MITTS Deerskin tanned to always dry soft - Suedes and Grain Leather-Various Colobrs GLOVES FACTORY OUTLET PRICE $1.95 per Pair MITTS FACTORY OUTLET PRICE 990 and $1.50 CLIP THIS ADV. FOR RFERFNCE Culp THIS AIW. FOR REPVnrikore