HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-10-14, Page 1$2.00 A Year in Advance - $2.50 To U.S.A. BRUSSE.LS POST, THURSDAY, OCT, 14th, 1965 POST PUBLISHLNG HOUSIC
Anissel, Counco
The regular meeting of the
Village Council was held in the
Municipal Office on October 4th
with all members present.
The following Inntlens carried:
Moved by J. Te, McCutcheon
ed by C. L. Colist:as, that the
minutes of the meeting of Sept-
emer 7, 1965, be adopted as read.
Moved by J. L. McCntcheon
seconded by C. L. Cousins that
building permits be granted to
'Lincoln Martin and Topnoteh
Feeds, as per applications.
Moved by H. J. TenPas, second-
ed by' C. L. Cousins that the ac-
counts as approved be paid. '
P.D.C., streetlights
and office l33,56
Mrs. 'eve Keffer,
Art Henry, labour
Post Office, stamps
Gordon Stiles, Sept.
garbage 140.00
Receiver General, tax
Post Office, U.I.S.
McCutcbeon Motors,
labour & repairs
Maitland Redi-Mix,
cement 163.20
BMG Telephone, tolls
and rate 44.09
Brussels 'Post Office
box rental
Brussels Coal Yard,
C. .T. Cardiff, balance of
salary er stamps 163.80
Douglas J. Callander,
Sept. account 232.50
Louis Blake, pumping
Word's Dry Goods
McCutcbeon Grocery,
Ma,ehan Hdwe.,
Material .....
°Wield Hdwes
Art. Henry. labour
Merea by J. T. McCutcheon
seconded by fl. L. Cousins. that
we annlv to the neeT.O, for inter-
im subside on our 1.965 road ex-
Moved by H. j. TenPas, second-
ed by C, L. Cousins that By-law
No. 6-1965 as read a first artt
second time be passed.
This being a By-Law setting
forth the date of Ito inedinn
nominatior and Oration of Of-
fivers to serve the Village of
peme..ete t ee tem
Moved by .1. I. MeCutcheon
seconded by H. J. lenInis that
Pv-Teew 6-196e' as read a third
time he passel and the Reese and
Clerk be authorized to sign and
the peel of the Ceepoeetion at-
Moved he re T. Cousins. sec-
onded by ,T. T,. eiceeteheon that
e rie!vrtivk fort
Contributions To Brussels
Legion Building Fund
Farther donations to Branch
218 Royal. Canadian Legion, 13rue
sell Building Fund are as fon
Wm. R. Sholdice ...• .... melts
Mac Sholdice 1.0.00
Ian Wilbee 10.00
Humpliries & Co. lent;
Frank 'Kirkby 20.00
George Taylor 10.00
.Tacit Gordon 1.00
Doug Kirkby 5.90
Rev. Kenneth Jaggs 4.00
Andrew Coutts 10.0U
Ken. McDonald 10.0U
Metiavin Farm
ment 26.130
Tom Pletch 5.00
Percy Dalton 19.00
Ross McCall 10.00
jack 'Rosman 25.00
Stewart McCall 2U.UU
'Doug Ennis Zen,
Stuart Procter 5.00
Wm. Gibson note
Tom Miller 2.00
W. Len Armstrong 50.00
Chum Pieta'. 25.Uu
Wm, Turnbull &I10
Cranbrook Presby-
teriar Church 5.131)
.% Mrs. Selwyn
Baker Electric ('lock
The winner of the draw on the
quilt, sponsored by the Majestic
Woruen's institute was Mrs.
Riehard Procter of R.R. 5, Brus-
Mr. Ken Ashton picked the
lucky ticket at the Brussels Fair.
Honors Brussels Man
Surprise Birthday Party
A surprise birthday party was
held for Mr. Sylvester Fox. who
celebrated his 82nd birthday;
at the home of his daughter,
David Hastings. Those attend-
ing were Mrs. Harry Bewlek and
Andrea .and Mrs. Russell Fox of
London, Mr. and Mee. Joseph
Brewee, Mr. ]liner Young, Mr.
end Mrs, Jack Lowe and family.
Mrs. Pearl Lowe, Miss Grace
Davidson. -Kitchener, Miss Ruth
MeTaggart. 'Kitchener and Mr.
and Mrs. David Hastings 'Jr.
in the Village of Brussels ter the
season 1965436, tenders to he In
the. bands of the Clerk by Oct. 21).
1968, lowest Or any tender not
necessarily a eceetied.
There being no Assessmete
anneals Cotirt of Revision MO
not sit
Moved by T. C. Campbell, see
ended by .T. T.. 3,TeCtiteheon that
the meeting ediourn, to meet
;Retie November 1. -leen or at the
call of the Reeve.
Calvin. Kreuter Reeve
Pre-Nuptial TrousSea Tea
daughter, Karen, prior to her
marriage to Wayne Tabor on
Saturday, October 9th,
Mrs. Deitner welcomed the
guests at the door and iNlise
Debby Leddy, niece of the bride,
showed them to the rooms where
Mrs. Beta. Keys and Mrs; Janet
Brophy, sisters of the bride,
displayed the trousseau..
In the afternoon Mrs, James
Deitner, aunt of the bride, and.
Mrs, George Taylor, aunt of the
groom, in the evening. Mrs.
Charles Deaner, aunt of the
bride and grs. Tom Lucas, aunt
of the groom, presided at the tea
Mrs. Tabor and Karen Wore
assisted by. Mrs. Smart, grand-
mother of the groom, in receiv-
ine their guests in rooms decor-
ated with asters and glads.
The luncheon veld supervised
by Mrs. Aileen Leddy and Mrs.
Joanne Pickett, sisters of the
bride, and was served by Misses
Linda, Wilma, Benny and Eli-
zabeth Tabor, all sisters of the
groom and Mrs. Bruce Kennedy
and Miss Linda Inind,
A large attendance was present
at the twine of Mrs. :Cleve 1.3a.ek-
or on Monday, October 4.1th, for
the regular Meeting of the Lad-
ies' Aid.
Mrs. Evans was in the chair
and conddcted the devotional part
of the meeting. The opening hymn
was sung and the meditation re-
peated in 'unison, Mrs. W. Smite
road psalm 95 and Mrs, Williams
led in prayer. The secretary's
report was read by Mrs, Kerr,
financial statement by MTS. Den-
nis and ,Sutishine report by Mrs.
Evans. The roll, call was respond-'
ed to by Meny short poems ,and
readings on Thanksgiving. A card
of good wishes 'was circulated for
Signatures to be sent to Mrs,
Alex McDonald, who is a patient
in Vieloria Hospital, London.
The business part, followed
It was decided to bold a pot-
luck supper in November and in-
-Vito Penny Partners as, 'guests.
A letter from Miss Muriel Broth-
ers, telling of her Work among
New Canadians. to whom she i
teaching ,Veiglieh at the Inter-
national Institute in Toronto, was
reed by MiSS 'Beanie Moses, also a
nocun by Edna Jacques. Mrs.
Feeee eave P reading and the
mooting. closed With the Mizpah
ben erliction.
A eery Nee table of fruit, viese-
r7 giftg eed culinary
come finder the eeeree auction.
Mrs. Tervey anti Mrs. King are
seitee the hostess In anrvitif!ft
-11.!;‘t:0 01101bnti lIitich
the Library to elect the officers
'for the 1965-66 curling season
The minutes of the last meet-
ing, Nov. 9, 191i41. were read and
adopted by Ken Tyerman and
S. Lowe.
lt was moved by Harold
Thomas and S. Lowe the same
officers he returned.
President D. A. Rann
1st Vice Ken Tyerman
2nd Vice Stewart Lowe
Treasurer Gee Parker.
Secretary George Mutter
The following membership
Committee wes appointed: Mrs.
Joyce Johnston, Mrs. Delores
Wheeler, S. Lowe; Ken Tyerraen,
Doug Hemingway, Clare Veitch,
Dan Pearson, Frank Carter, Jas.
ir, Robt. Wheeler, Elmer
(continued on inside page)
Knox Church W.M.S.
Mrs. Clare Veitch was hostess
for the regular monthly meeting
of the W.M.S. of KnOx Church,
on October 6th. Mrs. John Soh-
nosh-. the leader, followed in part
the service from the "Glad Tid-
ings". Mrs. Mac Engel read the
scripture reading and Miss Alice
:r. Forrest led in prayer. Mrs. Alex
Steiss presided at the piano for
the singing of hymns. A Thanks-
giving reading was given by Mrs.
Volteh. Mrs. Earl Dunn presid-
ed for the business, ten respond-
ed to the roll call with a Thanks-
giving verse. Mrs, Stanley Fischer
pTave a brief outline of the execu-
tive, meeting. in Bluevale and also
spoke of the Sectional Meeting
to be held in Ethel Presbyterian
Church on Oct. 21, at 2 p.m, Mrs.
Alex Steiss was appointed to give
the Devotional prayer at this
meeting. Mrs. Schnook reported
a bale weighing 25 lbs. and vale-
ell at $26 was sent to the Presby-
terial supply secretary. Mrs. John
Perrie gave the Thanksgiving
topic. The meeting closed with 9,
hymn and the Benediction by the
leader. Mrs, Stanley Fischer is
to he the. hostess for the Novemb-
er meeting. Lunch was served by
the 114-s:fess and Mrs. Alex Steiss,
Miss Kate MeNabb. Teniieltar
MinEr, spent the holiday weekend
ii ttlt her
id Mrs, P. ..raerdin arrived
home from their trip to the west-
ern provinces and visited with
her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. 'Earl
Dann. "Ti' and Mrs. Allan *Dunn
sin clineren, Tnitehener, lso
snserot at the same home,
Miss, es-l ei-en enlelltlon is hovinir
noleney in Rod Deer and Val4
C. J. Hemingway Nominated
NDP Candidate For Huron
J. Carl Hemingway, 55-year
old Brussels area farmer, was
named Thursday night as New
Democratic, Party candidate for
the federal riding of Huron.
His name was the only one
Presented to the nominating
convention in the auditorium
of the Central Huron eecondary
School, Clinton. About 75 persons
Mr. Hemingway is a former
secretary-fieldman for the Hinvai
County Federation or Agriculture
He was the unsuccessful NDP
candidate for Huron, in the 1962
Mr. Hemingway will run again-
st Maitland Edgar of Clinton,
'Liberal candidate, and R. E.
"Bet)" MeNinley, of Zurich, Con-
servative, The seat was held in
the last Parliament by Con-
servative L. E. Cardiff. who re-
signed recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray
of ,Toronto spent the week-end
with Mr. and 'Mrs. George Evans,
Mr. and MTS. . Jim Davis and
Cheryl. Lucan, were vfsaing 'With
relativeS and friends in and
around . •Prussels. over the
Thenksn iv ins week-end.
,Tes, S, Armstrong, is
snendfrig n 'few weeks with her
(tne esiter T-Telen and family, at
f.orn 1. Park and her daughter
Dciaofliv nn(1 Family at Ottawa.
Mr. end Mrs. Chas. l3ryans of
Orillia, Major and Mrs. Chas..
Baxter, of Camp Borden. were .
Thanksgiving visitors With Mrs.
:Inv:. A. llryaus. •
and Mrs. D. 0, Warwick,
Itsbert and Peter of Owen SoUnd
Were Thanksgiving visiters.. with
Miss M', Csrewar.
Mr. end Mrs; Jan, McDonald of
Otroy • Tay,.niqii.p, MT. and MnS,
Murray .Iinother .Tnyce• and Joan.
visited .with • Mr. and. MTS.. Stan
McDons I.d, Del roil . ever the. b oil-
clan week-end.
• Tor, • and Mrs. Hostetler and
faintly and Mr. and Mrs. C.
Roarer and family, of London.
visitors with
.T. r, p•iek,r.
naila refereed to the,
C.A.T. Station hi Lae St. Denis.
Onebes after snending several
weeks Iwo-km:Han from a broken
lilt) received it n hit and run ne-
oldr,n1 in July. Ite is a grandson
11r<;, Davis, and Mrs.
Raymond of Precepts.
APF1n.1F1.1... nONCFTST
tell will not want to miss the
Ti'rrrowell Concert to be present-
ed here en October 22nd be
,Teelt Thynne.
Honors Grey Twp. Bride ELECTS OFFICERS
Mrs. Win. J. Deaner was On Tuesday evening, Septemb-
hostess at a tea in honor of her er 28th, a meeting was held in