HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-10-07, Page 1:.4.90 A Year in MUM* $2.50 TO U.S.A.
Presents Wings.
POST, THURSDAY, OCT. 7th, 1965
Large Crowd, Despite Inclement
Weather, At Brussels Fall Fair
Commissioner Mary McMillian
presented elevOn Brownies with
their wings, as they flew into
Guides, at the Brownie meeting,
Tuesday night.
Receiving their wings were:
Tim Grenke, Pat, Machan, Brenda
Pollard, Julie Valiance, Joan
Stephenson, of the 1st Brownie
I'ack; Kathy Ebel, Kathy Work,
Shirley Pipe, Coleen Cardiff,
Sharon. Willis, and Connie Mc-
Whirter of the .2nd Brownie
Pack. They also received their
Golden Hand from their Brown
Owls, Mary Bone and. Nora
Stephenson., Golden Bars and
Badges were presented by Tawny
Owls DoneIda Pearson, and Rhea
The new age group now in
effect for Brownies, they may
join at 7 years old and leave the
Pack at ten years,
Any new Brownies wishing to
join please come to the school
Tuesday night at 7 p.m.
The Huron county Cream
Producers would like to thank
Cousins Dairy for their donation
of 5 lbs. of butter; the Blyth.
Slocal of the United Dairy and
Poultry ,Co-op for their donat
ion of a. dairy basket; and to the
general public for their help in
making our booth at the Bras-
isels 1Pall Fair an outstanding
uccess. The 5 lbs, of butter was
won by Miss Tennie Dennis of.
Walton and the dairy basket by
Miss Sandra, Watson, also of
Ross Knight 85
Leslie Knight 83
Harvey Craig 82%
Graham Work 82
James Knight 81
William, Coultes 80
Jack. Knight 78
Harry Bolger 77
W. J. Turnbull 76
Robert Grashy 75
Elmer Young 74
Stanley Hopper 72
Ron Coultes 71
Martin, Baati 70
Jam es Bolger 69
James CoitItes ,, . 67
Clarence YUill 63
Clifford Bray , , . .. 62
Charles Bray
Iote, Muilwyk .. „ . , . „ .. .„:„ 60
You will not want to miss the
!Farewell Gencert, to be present-
tore 00 (.1011bItt ti,v
4E101 1111iYiei
Party Honors Ccuple On
25th Wedding Annliversary
On Saturday evening 70 neigh-
bours, and relatives gathered in
S. S. No. 4 schoolhotuse to help
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Smith
celebrate their .25th wedding
anniversary which was beptember
Cards were played during the
evening. Just before lunch the
Couple Were presented with a
step-op table, lamp, and a silver
batter dish.
Best wishes were extended for
Many more years of health anti
)Entertains At Trousseau
Tea To iHonor Bride-Elect
Mrs. Allan :MIcTaggart enter-
tained at her home on Saturday,
October 2nd, at a trousseau tea
for her daughter, Geraldine, in,
honour of her coming marriage
to Allan'Siemon of RR 4, Mitchell.
The guests were received by the
hostess. Geraldine and Mrs. Georg-
ina Siemon, mother of the groom-
elect. in charge of the door was
Miss Carolyn McMillan, Gorrie,
cousin of the bride-elect. Mrs.
Clarence Wood, Listowel, aunt of
the bride-elect, received the gifts
and invited the guests to the,tea
room. Mrs. Ralph Siemon,
R.R. 4 Mitchell, had charge of the
guest hook. The dining room
table was covered with a white
hand-made lace tablecloth, cent-
ered with an arrangement of
white and blue mums and blue;
tapers in silver holders. The
three-tier wedding cake centered
the buffet. Mrs. Percy Ward,
Listowel, grandmother of the
bride-elect, and Mrs. Blake Me-
Milian, Gerrie, aunt of the bride-
elect poured tea in the afternoon
In the evening Mrs. Wm. McTag-
gart, Goderich, and Mrs. Donald
Riehl, Goderich, aunts of the
bride-elect, were in charge of
pc uring tea. Assisting in the
kitchen Were Mrs, Ted Fuller,
Sebringville, and Mrs. Norman
Eisler. of Mitchell. Serving in the
afternoon were Miss Brenda;
Houston, London, Mrs. Don Achil-
les of Walton, and Miss Ruth
MeTaggart of Brussels. In the
evening IN/ITS. Donald Bettermann,
Broadhagen, and Miss Carol Mogk
and Doris Docking, Mitchell, serv-
ed the guests. The wedding gifts
were displayed ' by Mit. Keith
Madge. Thorndale, sister of the
Stewart, Seaforth shored the
china and silver, Miss Joan
Parrott, Kitchener; showed the
linens and Mrs. Leslie Knight,
Cranbroolc, sifter of the bride-
eleM,, showed the shower gifts
and trousseau. Guests were pre-
sent from 14Toncrieff. Brussels,
Walton, Seaforth. Goderich, Monk-
ton, ListoWel, Sehringville, Strat,
Fferti, Lonoon, K11(11nritql Art.
Thomas Ryan, 24, Brussels,
died Wednesday, September 29th,
at the Calander Nprsing home
here. A son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Ryan, he farmed in
Grey Township for some years.
He has lived here for the past
51) years, He is survived by one
son, Thomas, of Blyth; two
daughters, Mrs. Clara Hicks, Lon-
don and Mrs. Stanley (Berna-
dette) Ramsden, Toronto. The
body rested at the D. A. Rann fun-
eral home, Brussels, where
prayers were said on Thursday
at 9 p.m. with Requiem high
mass at St. Ambrose R.C. Church
here at 10 a.m. on Friday. Burial
took place in St. Ambrose ceme-
Mrs. Donald Martin was the
winner of the Vanity Set and
Mrs. Lloyd Wheeler the Bad-
deker Saw.
The wickets and lock box lobby
will be closed all day.
There will be no rural service.
All mail posted by 5 o'clock p.m.
will be despatched as usual.
After the first night of bowling
with 6 teams competing, the
teams are' starting to get strung
out into some sort of standing.
Team Standings
Karen's Go-Go's
Willlis' Wonders
Lois' Lions
Marilyn's Marauders
Jaa's . Jokers 2
Mary's Lambs 2
'High Ladies' Singles
Elaine Nichol 217
Karen T-Tastings 190
Lola McArter 157
High 'Men's Singles
Allan Nichol 225
Ross Duncan 219
Mare Hastings 207
High Ladies' Doubles
Karen Hastings 335
Elaine Nichol 27D
Lois MeArter 277
High Men's Donates
Allan Nichol 386
pharles Fee 343
Ross Duncan,
Bob Houston and
Jack Lowe 341
Wayne Lowe. for John Cousins
Pelt Richmond for Bill Stephenson
Rarh McCuteheon for Mel McArter
Voile Pro illiScl jior.
i The Brussels Fall Fair got
under way with the President,
C. W. Bray, followed by the
Sea:fiforth High School Trumpet
Band heading the School Parade
to the fair grounds.
Murry Gaunt MPP, Huron-
Bruce, officially opened the fair.
Robert L. Cunningham was the
master of ceremonies for the
afternoon activities.
Norman Hoover, secretary-
treasurer; said the attendance
equalled last year's figure despite
the rain.
The number, and quality, of ex-
hibits, in most classes, exceeded
last year's fair.
A dance, in the Crystal Palace,
to the music of Wilbee's Orche-
stra, which concluded Friday's
activities, was largely attended.
The following are the ,prize
Gladiola Display: CarOle Lud-
ington, Monktoh
Basket Chrysanthemums: Mrs.
George 'Watt, Mrs. Earl Cudmore.
Dahlia Minature: Mrs. Earl
Cudmore. Mrs. Chas. Johnston,
Dahlia. large,: Mrs Earl Cud-
Basket Cosmos: Mral Wm. Dal-
mage, Seaforth.
Console Table Arrangement:
Mrs. George Watt, Mrs. Earl Cud-
more. Mrs. Carl Hemingway
Coffee Table Arrangement :
Mrs. George :Watt, Mrs. Jas. W.
Armstrong. Mrs. D. A Rann.
Pansies: Mrs. Earl Cudm ore.
Dining. ROom Table Centre:
Mrs. Chas. Johnston, Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse, Mrs. J. W. Arm-
Single Petunia: Carol Luding-
ton, Mrs. Donald Buchanan, Mrs.
J. W. Armtrong
Double Petunias: C. Ludington.
Frilled Petunias: Mrs. C. John-
ston, Mrs. .1. W. Armstrong, Mrs.
Sam Fear
White :.stet.: Ars. Ea Tosczak,
Pink Asters: Airs. C. Johnston,
Mrs, Earl Cudmore, Mrs. Lloyd
Mauve Asters: Mrs. E. Cud-
more. Mrs. 0. Watt.. Mrs. W.
Good. Blyth.
Red Asters: Mrs. f' A. Rann.
Mrs. Kremnehres Mrs. F,. Toscza.k
Aster Display: Mrs. Cudmore.
Floral Arrangement Illustrat-
ing A Song Title: Mrs. D. Hem-
ing,way. Mrs. D. Buchapan i
1. W. Armstrong.
AtiziOn Itisrigolds: A atifi
Provincial lassaa' Vonne MC-
C u tcheon, .Dorothy Filliot, Mary
Ice Cream Poster (R. 13. Qoue.
i ill,;): Linda Martin. Brian Work-
man, Gail Prior, Sandy McDonald,
Poster. Story of Flower (BTUS-
Sels Horticultural Society) : Kar-
en Hemingway.
Poster, "Trees of Ontario"
(Brussels Horticultural Society):.
"flay Hemingway.
Scrapbook, "Sir Winston;
Churchill: Muriel Jacklin, ILes.
Perrie, Ma HOB P NOrma
jean Mete Nancy Swarizentruber.
Junior Section
Thiry Gras.by, Norma ,Tenn Mair.
Our New Flee: Warren Knigbt,
Agnes Ca rd i f1'. 0 ao. Morrison.
Brice Weber. Kathy MeArter.
elk irooei si),-io • Fat by;
teCilittieria I .4: it Oriptil)
;it on e house
Nasaurtiums: Joyce Brodhagen
Golden Wedding Dining Table:
Mrs. It. Grasby, Mrs. Dollmage
Zinnias, Pom Pam: Mrs. Arm-
strong, Mrs. Sheldon Jacklin.
Zinnias, large: Mrs. •cudmere,. •
Mrs. R. Grashy, Mrs. Jacklin,
Cal en dul as Mrs. lStoneh onse,•
Mrs, Cudmore, Mrs. Toszak
Arrangement Using Red .and.
White Flowers: Mrs. Armstrong...
Mrs. Grasby, Mrs. D. Hemingcgaya.
Arrangement for Formal
Dinner: Mrs. .D. :Hemingway,.
Mrs. Armstrong
New or Rare Plant Correctly
Named: Mrs. 0. Jouwsma, Wing-
ham. Mrs. Gerald Excl. Mrs. Shel-
don Jacklin.
African Violets: C. Ludington,.
Mrs. Jouwsma, Mrs. Cudmore.
African Violets: Lorne Camp-
Driftwood Floral Arrangement:
Mrs. Cndmore, Mrs. Armstrong,'.
Mrs Dolmage.
arrangement In Teapot: Mrs.
Stonehottee, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Dol-
('orsage for 4v.ening: Mrs. D.
Hemingway, Mrs, Cudmore,
Small Arrangement. for Hos-
pital: Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Cud-
inc re, Mrs. Armstrong.
Minature Arrangement: Mrs.
Storehouse, Mrs. Bann. Mrs.
D. Hemingway.
Autumn SunSet: Mrs. Cudmore,
Alrs. Armstrong;:Mrs. Rann.
Special, Cut Flowers In - Basket;
Mrs. Cudmore.
Mantel A rrangement Using
;lads. & :mums: Mrs. ft. Grashy •
3 Hybrid Tea Roses: Mrs. Cud-
1 Hybrid Tea. any color: Mrs.
Curl more. Mrs. Good.
School Work