HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-09-09, Page 7CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD J. H. t RAWFORD, 0. C. N. A. SHEPHERD. M.A., LLD, Brussels and W Ingham Phone 120 Phone 317-$8110 Brussels offiee open evety day except Wednesday ..-sassesesaisassaaa -Vase. ainagacsa-slar,ggseessalgssee-etiliP, New, Tasty cord Delicious TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times Fir Inkrmation, phoner the local' CN Passenger Sales Office,. A y QuE • I EF ARE $4,80 E CANADIAN NATIONAL 43111018111111 rens )31133101KA ONT.4140 Tkil.5).-I.S1.)A,Y, SEPT. 9th, 1966. LADIES EMIT HURON AGRI. SOCIETY 1965 ETHEL BRANT M,ONTURE PROVINCIAL ESSAY COMPETITION Arranged by the Women's Section of the Ontario Association of Agriculteral Societies in co.operation with the Provincial Board RULES 1, Best essay .written by a school pupil, up to and incduding %rade S. 2 Subject — "W.L1Y SriuuLD TAKE PART IN CANADA'S, CDNTENNIAL PROGRAM." Lengthy Of 4ssay --- approximately 300 words. 4. Essay must be certified by a teacher that it is the work of the pupil. The competition will be in three sections, as follows; (a) LOCAL -- Each Agricultural Society will be responsible for encouraging pupils to enter by announcing this contest in the prize list or by other means and ii feasible. offering prizes for the best essay received. Following }tiding the WINNING ESSAY must be submitted by the society to the Woman Representative of the O.A.A.S. for the district not later than FRIDAY, OCT0.134'R 29th. (b) DISTRICT — The Woman Representative will be responsible for the judging of the essays she receives at the Distriet LEVEL. District Winner should be forwarded to reach the Junior Convener, Mrs. Harold A yeller, Grand River Street North, Paris, Ontario, not later than WEDNES- DAY, DECEMBER 16th. PROVINCIAL — Judging of the Essays at the Provincial Level will be done by. Mrs. Monture and announcement and presentation to the Provincial Winner will be made at the convention of the Ontario Association of Agricul- tural Societies in February 1960. PRIZS (Provincial Level Only) 1st — $15.00 donated by Mrs. Montuire 2nd $S.00 3rd -- $7.00 4th -- $6.00 donated by the Ontario Association of 5th — $5.00 :Agricultural SOcieties. 6th $4.00 PLEASE NOTE: The name and address of the pupil submitting an entry in this competition Must Appear On The VOW. Mrs. J. li, Leslie, Mrs, H. A. Telfer, Mrs. G, H Ironside, President, Junior Convener Secretary-Tresairor, Women's Section. Women's SectiOn. Women's. Section Following the fair the winning essay should be submitted to Mrs. Jas. Mats 'who will send it on. • Local prizes donated by Oldrield Hardware 1st, $3.00; 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00 IC) FRESH PEACH and FRESH BANANA ICE CREAM IN NEW COLOURFUL CARTONS Take home an economical Va wallop or Super Economy 21/2 gallon for your freezer today. WALTON Mrs. George Michie Addrosses Walton W.I. Qn Education Mrs. George Michie of ER 4, Brussels was the guest speaker at the August meeting of the Walton. Women's Institute. Mrs. IVIichie spoke on "Education: Then and Now, and the import- ance of teaching Literature" in an interesting and informative manner. Mrs. lames Clarke and Mrs. Herb Williamson were in charge of the program. Misses Lois iWilliamson, Shirley William.son and Isabel Pethick contribuned a musical number with Miss. Elaine Williamson at the piano. A =tuber of visitors were in attendance as well as twenty-four members. • Mrs. Rey Williamson, president of the Walton W.I. conducted the business period.'' The 4-H girls present arranged their Achieve- ment Day display of flowers and vegetables. The commentary on the "Keeping Vegetables For Winter. Use" display, was given, by ,Miss Nellie Baan. Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs. Nelson Marks were appointed as leaders for "Sleeping Gar- ments", the next 4-H course. Members of Walton W. I. re- ceived an invitation from the Blyth Fanstern Star to attend at Cooking School being sponsored by them On. September 13t11, Londesboro Those who supplied transport- ation to Goderich Hospital were accorded 'an, expaession of a,ppree eiatien. The members decided to hold a Fashion Show in the spiting. The Huron Women's Institute Rally will be held in Walton On October 4th, at 9 a.m. Mrs. Roy Williamson and Mrs, ,Kesneth MaDenald are to attend the .area convention in Guelph on October. 12th and 13th. The motto, "Education is the machin- ery for sucCess, while person- ality is the oil" was given by Mfrs. Herbert Williamson. Lunch was served by Mts. leennetn McDonald, Mrs. Harold inelgets Mrs. George Pollard, WS. George McCall and Mrs. Clarence Matite CARD OF THANKS parnia, Ont. Just a note of "Thank You' for all your, generous hospitality. You don't know how much we annrecia,ted everything you 'did, to make our son's wedding a success. We were happy with everything and pleased to have made a new Wend, Mrs. Baker, and will stop and visit you the first time we are to Brussels. Everyone at the hotel were very pleased With everything that you did to make this wedding such a happy occasion. Once again thanks very kindly. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chesher, and Girls "AUTO SAFETY', Statement by Heward Grafftey, M.P. on the Labour Day week-end Scores of Canadians were either killed or injured needlessly over the Labour Day week-end. If scien- tifically proven safety devices had been included as standard equip- ment in the car they occupied, these victims would be safely in their homes right nONgt. provincial governments must assure that we have better drivers driving on safer roads; but it is federal respell-, sibility to make sure that safer cars are built in, or imported in- to Canada. At the earliest opportunity I intend to press for legislation in this regard. I also intend, in co-operation with my colleagues in the House of Commons, to call officials from the Automobile Companies before the House Com- mittee on induery and Researcn. Experts who have designed safety features and who have worked in Crash Research Cen- ters slicaild also appear before this Committee. The government and the auto- mobile indtistry must set now. Da Theodore Rasmussen, bitlector of the Montreal Neuro- logical anstitute and the Mont- real Neurological Hospital, has just returned to Canada\ from a Congress which spent In n& time. dealing with car accidents. tie declared this week; "Car in. juries and deatns constitute a. major epidemic of. world-wile proportions in all industrial;.ged countries. Public resources should be mobilized to attnelt. this prob- lem front all Standpoints,'' He Continued, "Polio, is its worst years, never killed or crippled a fractiOb of the number of people as have been injured or killed in car accidents, The same techniques which: were employed to eradicate the world-wide polio , epidemic must be employed to wipe out the current epidemic, oa car deaths and injuries," ETHEL Mended for last week) Air. and Mrs. Ross alicNeil of St. Catharines and Miss Hazel AileNell of Oi'1llia were visitors last, week with Mr. and Mrs. t,iift Rowland. Me. and Mrs. Win. iShorse ea Brussels were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDonald. Airs. Clarence Miller of Clifford and Mrs. W. L. Murray of St. Peel's were visitors with Mr, and airs. Bert Gladden during the past week. Aiiss Debbie Tusner, London Miss Lynn Turner, of Waterloo and Mrs. James Tinnier of. Har- riston visited 'recently with Mig, and. Mrs. Robert Cunningham. Rev. and Mrs. John Kerr or London were 'visitors With his sister, Miss Emma Kerr, Mrs. Fritz and daughter; Eleanor, of Waterloo; were Visitors with her motheS,. Mrs. Estelle Cunningham. Members of the Dunbar families of Ethel attended the recent re- union held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibsen of I4ordwich. Teaching Traffic Safety allerWat Weis Teudi $her to tide In tingle Os dose Io he right haat! tuti)