HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-08-26, Page 47.30 P. M. SPINE-TINGLING — TWO HOUR SHOW Adults $1.50 Under 12 yrs. 5°c Under the auspices of Brussels iooF DANCE AFTER SHOW Desjardine Orchestra Lunch Booth Crystal Pal4ce Ballroom Admission 75c Sponsored by The East Huron Agricultural Society • 4Vere,11 FOR SALE Oil. Stoves. one large, one small; also Annex and yip's. +M. Thompson Phone 153 Brought to you as a public service b7, 'PHURSDAY, AtIcklaint 24ta, migs *W. '''w.Aillior'ititrOv—nf$40""—Pr 41105401"4"NVIMP'.. CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY Limited Listowel, Ontario REQUIRE TH,E SERVICES Of AN INDUSTRIAL. NURSE Applicants should be graduate nurses. The work is on day shift; five day week. Comprehensive range of insurance benefits available. Applications should be addressed to the Plant Per- sonnel Office. tairinig**241=11111LVir• #5540 .' At ',..11tuttels. fair Grounds .on.. WANTED Timothy and CloVer Seed, Phone Edgar Whitfield for pricee. Phone 353-2041 LOST lu. Brussels, untrained coloared photo of girl, approximately 3" x 4". Finder, please return to: Joyce }blether Phone 73W MAN WANTED Rawleigh business available in Huron County, Good opportun- ity for big income. Write Raw- leigh, Dept. 11-132-917, 4004 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont- real. FOR SALE liasul Brick House, cement driveway, aerial, hot and cold. water, close to school, also in- eluded 2 stoves, coal and wood on hand, eilectric Heater, several pieces of furniture. ears. Laura Jerm.ya Phone 90 FOR SALE — 2 used Refrigerators;' One used upright Freezer, like new; 2 used. 4.0" Electric Stoves; 1 used 24" Electric 'Stove; 1 usea. 'Bore Bicycle, • - 11.1achan Hardwere •: Phone 483 • BrueSels, Ont. FOR SALE — DAIRY COINS' AND 111r:IVERS, P RINGERS AND M LLICERS Convenient terms arranged. For turtner particulare contact Geoge Nesbitt, Phone l3lyth 523-9439 We .dslivir Teaching Traffic Safety starts at horns Teach them to look both Ways before crossing the street FOR SALE MI* .Standing Hay, Clover eeid, Alfalfa. Airs. Ernest SMith P/3.0110 330W5 V A BEAUTY SHOP A Spec",alty Cutting, Styling, Cold Waving PHONE 140 BRUSSELS FOR LOW RENT Two room apartment on ground floor in house newly redecorated. Contaet: Slmer FalaPott FOR SALE — 22 Rifle, $10.00; also a Westing- house portable radio, electric or battery operated, $20.00, both in excellent condition. Can be seen at The Brussels Post. FOR SAue S room. Brick House with 34 acre of land, in small Hamlet. this 'is a good chance to have a home at a saving. Apply to: J. Wade, Brussels Agent for Clayton G, Hogg Ltd. Braker CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK* For Approved Concrete Septic Tanks Dry Wells and Leitching Pit Blocks Telephone collect Goderich 524-8960 Erricrete Cement Products 55 South Street, Goderich. Ontario Dealer &twit-ice Invited JUST ARRIVED Another shipment of new tractors, Row Crop and. field cdltivators, Mowers, Rakes, Tedders, Wind- rowers, Balers, .ellevatbrii, wag- one, Swathers, COmbines, Grain tanks, and many other farm machines. We 'Week over 1000 belts, Hundreds of pulleys, Bear- ings, Spark plugs, Plow shares, Cultivator points, Bolts, Guards, SectiOns, Hydraulic's itte. Huron Cc uritys Leading Farm Equipment Depot Phone 522 "Dime John each H. Dealer getisferth, Oat. CASH ON THE FARM FOR GOOD FOWL Heavies, 15c to laic per lb. Leghorns 9c to 10c per lb. Call: L Hood, Phone 347-2974 MOrikton WANTED Collector will pay highest cash prices tor old Ontario Trades- men's Tokens: Due bills; Bread, Milk, Transportation and Bar. etc. Palmer, 10 Wesanford Place Hamilton. WANTED Parma, Homes, nuainetisee, and orotund Brussels. Contact Glen Thueli, Real Illstate Division, Lots, and. Acreages for sale In British Mortgage and Mast, Listowel, Phone ag FOR SALE — 3 piece Chesterfield Suite; Single Chesterfield Newly re- Modelled; 2 Occasional Lamps; R011away Bed; Automatic Inc e; Pale Grey and Chrome Baby Carriage, Can be seen anytime after 6 p.rti PhOlie 9.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of WILLIAM GEORGE isARRON, deceased A r,1 P {' SUh5 LlaVILig claims against the estate of the above mentioned deceased, late of tbe Township of Blunt in the any Perth, retired farmer, wno died on or abort the sixteenth day of July, 1965, are reqUired to file proof of same , with the under- signeu on or befOre maul day of September, 1065, after which date the administratrit will proceed to, distrinute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then. hed Bottle,. DATED at Brussels this 16th day of AuguSt, 196. CRAWFORD etc, SHEPHERD Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix HOMEMAKING PROJEC":: "SLEEPING GARMENTS" HURON COUNTY ell Any girl betWeen the am* Of 12 and years who would like to take the above project, please leave their names with the. leader, Mrs. John Wheeler, Phan. 441.W1Z, before sot. 7th, WALTON . Mr. and Ales. Fred Rutledge and family, of OttaWa, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mys, Roy Bennett. Mr, and Mrs. G. Corlett and family are leaving in the near future to live in. Stratford, where they have purchased 'a home. Mrs. P. M. lieGale, Toronto has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John, McDonald. jack Gordon is a patient in Scott Memorial. Hospital, Sea- forth Ross Mitchell was vacationing with Kincardine relatives last week. Mrs. and Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Ethel kiackwell and Mrs. Edna Radkwell were orating those Who hondured Mrs. Jean McKinley by their attendance at tne open house held on the occasion of her 90th birthday, at the home of Mr. and Airs. Ray.' mond Scotchmer, of Hayfield, On, Sunday, David Love, New "V4restminster, 13. C., has retut-ned there after visiting with his sisters, Mrs W. Broatifoet, Mrs. W. Leeming and dVtre. 'tern Patterson of Setifortin