HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-08-26, Page 3••••••**••••• 0....••••••••••••••••••••••........m• ANNOUNCE ONTARIO Ont Hospital I win p nde t to 2ist Beginning September 1, 1965, benefits under the Ontario Hospital Insurance "Family" pre- mium will be extended to cover eligible un- married, unemployed dependent children until they reach their 21st birthday (rather than to the 19th birthday as in the past). This will apply, also, to the supplementary 'semi-private' co- verage for which some residents remit additional premiums to private carriers through the Com- mission. Separate premiums will be required when such dependants reach age 21, or marry, or become regularly employed. Applications for registration are available in hospitals, banks, Province of Ontario Savings Offices and Commission offices. The Family premium, however, will cover,a person over age 21 who is dependent upon the Insured parent or guardian because of physical or mental infirmity, prOvided he or she was the Insured person's dependant before age 21. Refund of Premiums An unmarried, unemployed person who will now become eligible as a Fun .epenci;ant under age 21 because of this riz.v re,:ulat;on,and for whom separate premiums been prepaid beyond September 1, 1965, is entitled to a refund Of premiums back to that date. Bo. funds must be requested as this is the only means of identifying those The form at the bottom of this announcement is f.-.); the convenience of Pay Direct members in claiming this refund. Premiums prepaid thrcugn a group (other than as an employee) will be refunded through the group.. Note:, Commission literature is,being changed to show the new age limit. In the meantime, please read. all references to age. 19 in existing' pamphlets as • "age 21".. ONTARIO .HOSPITAL• SERVICES CO M: TORONTO 7, ONTARIO moriwoim jog sli. umm mm. Mit Mat MO Id = Mil Ant Mkt Ma ImS. WM' opt 0=0- las wit eau .101. .t.53 Mou tSso ism:. Ina Bin Ea REQUEST FOR REFUND To Ontario Hospital Services Commission, 2195 Yonge St., Toronto 7, Ontario Et T IF ADDRESS IsitURAL ROUTE or GENERAL DELIVERY INSERT NAME BY WHICH YOU ARE KNOWN-i.e. Toni, Harry, etc. DEPENDANT'S SURNAME (FAMILY NAME) Please print POSTAL ADDRESS R.R., BM or STREET NUMBER DEPENDANT'S HOSPITAL INSURANCE NUMBER DEPENDANT'S TWO INITIALS q Mr. miss DEPENDANT'S DATE of BIRTH DAY, I pfJ,I Ir ) EAR 1114 AGE CHAKLEb McLLAist - R. R. 4, lirussets, Vat. Agent for: SIV1114-1-ROL1r:b Saskatoon & Guelph Manufacturers of Ccmet Welders, Air Compressors, Drill Fill Augers, taectrse Motors etc. enone Brussels 489W 1k Today" followed. Mrs. Allan McCall opened the business period with a poein. "it is a Good Thing." The minutes' of the last meeting were read, and the roll called by Mrs: Jas. Clarke. Roll call was answered with a la ante hymn. °unite- ors to see that flowers were placed in the churcb. for the last three Sii.i)ciays in August were curs. Waiter Bewley, Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs. Lini7 erson Mrs. W. G. liackwell, Mrs. Allan. Searle and IVIre. Nelson 4eid. Hear Reports Of CentenTal P lane AL, S. :Emerson Mitchell gave a report of the plans of the LIC.W Centennial Committee regarding the food to be served, and meinoci of serving, on. Saturday, Sept. Lath and Sunday, Sept. 19th. She also reported that nasty notes, Christ- mas Cards, and various dishes, all bearing a picture of Duff's Church, will be on. sale. Centen- nial books will also be on sale. report 01 the, financial state- ment was given by Mrs. Walter Bewley who also received the, offering, dedicated by Mrs. A. McCall. The meeting was closed with the hymn "york, For, the Night Is Coming" and Uie Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Some bazaar articles and a variety of cards were offered fo sale at tne close of the meet- mg. Lunch was served by Mrs Fraulc Walters, Mrs. Douglas lionns, 14.11. floward flackwell, Mrs. Herbert Tyxvies,, 'Mrs. Gordon Murray, 114S: iau 'Wilbee and Mrs. IL Brown. van ntailli•••• "PM idES U4eci Car Iikj`io 1965 Mercury Demonstrator, 20 hardtop, auto. trans radio, power steering. Power brakes, 390 engine 1964 'Mercury 4D hardtop VS, auto. trans., P.S. PAL 1964 Meteor 21) hardtop, Vb auto. trans.. radio 1963 Mercury 4D Sedan VS, auto. trans. 1963 Pontiac 2D auto trans. radio 1962 Meteor 41) Sedan 1960 Meteor Rideau 500 4D Sedan, radio 1960 Pontiac 40 Sedan, auto. trans. radio 1959 Meteor Rideau 2 Door, radio MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM TRUCKS 1959 Chev. Truck Stake, dual wheels liktiDts' I. MOTO/t5 ehone Gay artii$101b4 (114. •!•••••••••". , HURON COUNTY 441 HOMEMAKING PIROJEt:': • "SLEEPING;. GARMENT*" Any girl between the aged of 12 and 26 years who would like to take the above project, please leave weir names with the leader, Mrs. John Wheeler, Phone 441.w13, before Sept. 1P IL l'fft;44110M', MitttlItYr .26tb, 1,946 WALTER PEASE Trucking P.C.V. Class F LIVESTOCK TRUCKING TO AND FROM FARMS IN LICENSED AREAS Of GREY, MORRIS, WAWA.NOSH, HULLET AND McKILLOP TOWNSHIP* TO ANY PLACE WITHIN ONTARIO ALL LOADS INSURED PHONE BRUSSELS 345J4 U,ri walton, Unit of UCW hold ,IiVreeting In Ellyth t.tarvey• _Brown of 131yLli w.as hostess 101' the Walton Unit. ox .U.C‘t• meeting. mrs. Mac Shodiee gave • the Call tU \\ oismp to open the mew:- 41g, lylun bU4, Love 'To Tell we. otury • was sung. .1.1. 5, -mut- wee • fond tue ocrlptu,e • ..ma,thew u:5-.tu, followed wita tittutlaei; mem Latioa en kite T4urds lartlyet." 24116, er unerud prayer. 1..tyinn .''+a u, islrvst ..Lai me Tie a'nat, was.' sang atter which Airs. .Lt. ..E..tuetner react a poem_ entitled. "A Verse 'io Ponder." Mrs. Leonard Leeming gave the • topic Woman, Wien plessage" in an interesting luau- . nen A. poem ' it He Snould Come 6TANOiNG WANTED — kiard Maple, White Abu, Lisa- wood, Sott aaple, blimp Apply, giving lot and concession, to licibuisoai, 128 6t James bt... London, oat. ..quoist&M-,,edimzarroOMilt iesnocandIlmooraMiailminklasa, TRADE NOW AT THE MILDIVIAY FURNITURE SHOWROOMS Select from • NEW PIANOS • NEW SUITES OF FURNITURE • CARPETS GODFREY E. SCHUET,T LTD, MILDMAY MT. FOREST NAME of CPTY or TOWN (Please print) PROVINCE I' am under age 21, unmarried and financially de- pendent upon my parent or guardian who is insured in Ontario Hospital Insurance at the Family premium. Please cancel my personal coverage under the above number and refund premiums paid for the benefit period beyond SeOtOmber,l, 1965. ADDITIONAL coPIES OF THIS FORM ARE AVAILABLE UPON Signed Signed DATE REQUEST DEPENDANT PARENT •