HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-25, Page 8DOORS, S A8HT8, BLINDS, M it LDIN08, sad IN s irippttion of In Finish. S LAIRS H RAILS NEWELS and BA.L 1 : R8 A Specialty. for Pries List.. SHIN l •; LATH S L + • kR. E.tisosIes un applies - ties. AIM'Addrw. FRANCIS SMEETH, Goderich Goderich Township. Goon Palca. A few days since Mr. T. M. Elliott sold s 'kpan of splendid h saes to Mr. John Young, for some- thing over $300. GreW. Robert Tindall has sold his farm to June. Knight for $6,000. The reported sale to Mr. M. Smith was not correct. Mr. Tindall intends removing to the North West where he has taken up land. West Wuwanosh West Wawanosh 12th Feb, 1881. COOIVCrL Mumma. -Council met ac eo -ding to adjournment. Present, Girvin, Gaunt, Durnin, and Kinahan. Minutes of last meeting read and adopt- s! Petition to Local Legislature respect- ing aaseaxment of corporate companies red ..nit signed and ordered to be sent to A. M. Roes, Esq., M. P. P., for pre- sentation. Auditors' report received, read and adopted and 150 copies or fared to be printed. The following accounta were paid. R. Haines on job E. B. $10; 25 loads of gravel $1.35; ditch E. B. $1; E. Pacey killing wild cat $4; Too. H. Taylor auditor $8; A. Pentland, $8; adjourned till call of Reeve. Zzetar THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1881. Huh (haat MI the sante pima is also visiting his trioxide ea t uck•rswith and elsehwere. Both gentlemen have beau very secoesetul ip their adopted province. AN Ow Ssrn.aa Goes. - It bowsaw, oar paiufulduty w reoord the death of )lr. John Potluck, one of the first set- tlers of this township, which occurred at his resident, on Monday, Slat January. Deceased was born in Ireland in 1811, and came to Canada when only 21 years of age. He resided in Lower Canada, but pslig anilouato seek a fortune in the "far west," as it was then called, he re- moved to this township in 11341, endset- tled on lot 20, con. 10, where he did Of those who settled here at the sash, time very few are left. This place being a wilderness, he endured • great many hardships hlaaearest market Oode- rich, a distaooe of 20miles, which he had to walk, there being no other way of go- ing. Being persevering and industrious he prospered, add after a few years pur- cha,ed lot 17. con. 9, Babylon, and after- wards lot 17, L R.E., which his two sons. David and John now occupy. RAILWAY. -The Railway Committee met last evening, when communications from Zurich and Kirkton were read and tiiacussed. A resolution that the secre- tary write Zurich, and request them to appoint a deputation to accompany the Exeter deputation to meet Mr. Hickson woe unanimously passed. Stanley and Bayfield are also to'be similarly advised. Tho deputation from Uaborne and Kirk - ton will consist of Mr. J. Shives, Deputy - Reeve of Usborno, and Messrs. R. Por- ter and J. McCurdy, of Kirkton. RRVIVAI.-The special religious ser- vices in the R. C. Church are being con- tinued during the present week. We are pleased to learn that a very gracious wrrk is being aocomplished. breakfast The stove was standing sear a bused partition, and although covered with one it was melted with the fervent hest, and set Are to the partition behind When dtsewvered, the partition was nearly cunsumd, and the place full of smoke, it was finally extinguished witk- owt further damage. A meetutg of Mina Hook and Ladder Co., was held in the Town Hall, last Thursday evening, for the purpose of appointing officers for the tusulug term. Th. following are the officers elect:--- 0apt Jaa. Young; Warden, Thus. Eng- lish;1.t Lieut, D. MoN• hto.; 2nd do, R'd Durnion; Sec'y, W. H. Mellott; Treas. , Geo. Backer ; 1st Branchnian, Chas. Ainlay. L Davison: assist. Branchiuen, J. Cormack, D. Nicol. Bookman, A. Duncan, Chas. Mann. Axe men, J. L McCrae, A. Lowrey, J. Duncan, Woe. McDonell. Torohmen, Wm. Holliday, A. Gerry. Property Committee, War- den, let and 2nd Lieuta. Finance Com- mittee, Geo. Rogers, A. R. Morris, A. Taylor. =AoRnov. FARM BOUGHT. -The farm of James Mullin, of Belfast, oonsisting of 150 acres, was sold for debt, by public auction, at Whitely's Hotel, on Tueed•y, John Treleaveessr , Auctioneer. Mews Cbyameron and Campbell, our enterprising Banking firm, were the purchasers, at $5,500. SURGICAL OraaAnox.-On Tuesday, 8th inst., Dr. Gillies, of Teeswater, and Dr. Stewart, of Brucefield, assisted by Drs. Hunter, of Brucefield, McCrimman and Mackid, of Lucknow, and Bethune and McDonald, of Wingham, successfully removed an ovarian tumor from Mrs. Gaetz, of Teeswater. The tumor was an enormous one, weighing between 50 and 60 pounds. The patient is now able to sit up, and is in a fair way of recovery. Dongaaaam. Peessi renoN. -On Friday evening last week the congregation of St. Helens surprised their Pastor, Rev. Jas. Carrie, and his family, by about 40 persona knocking at the Parsonage door, Dun- gannon, entering and taking full posses- sion. They carte provided with a boun- teous supplp of provisions, a couple of loads of oata, best good wishes, a purse, and an address, signed on behalf of the congregation by Thos. Durnin and Wm. Durnin, to which a suitable reply was made by Mr. Carrie. An agreeable and profitable evening was spent, when all separated with mutual good -will toward each other. -[Sentinel. TRA MISTING AND CoxcixT. -The tea meeting and concert, under the auspices of St. Paul's Church, Dungannon, on Fri- day evening last, was • complete success, financially and otherwise. The choir of St. George's, Goderich, was present on the occasion, and contributed in nommen degree to the success of the evening's entertainment. Mr. Cameron, banker, of Ripley, and Miss Whitely, of Luck - now, also assisted. The following pro- gramme was rendered in excellent style : Anthem -"Deus." Choir. Duett-"Hope Beyond," Misses Trainer. Quartette- Rock ofAges, Misses Trainer. Messrs. Armstrong, Smith. Bass Solo- "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep." Harry Rothwell. Chodrusg "Shoutthe Gllad Tide g," MChoir. Solo -"O Fair Dove," Mr. Cameron. Duett-"Light in the East is Glowing," Mises Trainer. Solo -"Break, Break. Break," Miss Trainer, Anthem -"Jubilee, Choir. Solo -"Flee as a Bird." Mr. Cameron, Doxology -Choir, Interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Davey, Rev. Mr. Leitch, and Rev. Mr. Carry, the incumbent of St. Paul's. Financially the affair was a decided success, and as will be seen by the foregoing programme thecharacter of the entertainment was of an exceedingly high order. At the conclusion of the concert the following votes of thanks were tendered: -To St. George's Church choir, to the ladies of the committee, and to the others who had so generously contributed to the success of the enter- tainment. Miss Bertha Trainer presid- ed at the organ in her usual admirable manner. The proceeds of the eatertain- ment were between $60 and $70 and are to be applied to the Organ Fund. The escape aad re-o.pture of four prim users from the Kingetoa penitentiary morsel the question as to whether a prisoner in the hands of the law is juste. 66p to attempting to make his escape. le may be said that having been fairly tried, found guilty, and sentenced to im- prisonment, prisoners should quietly submit to their fate, and that all attempts they make at tempo should be %fait with severe punitihmene Pun- ishment of sous kind is of course necessary, if the discipline of the insti- tution is to be maintained. But above and beyond this if is undeniable that a prisoner is morally justified in making his escape, if he oan do so without taking life or injurutg any p.rsou whose dutyi' is to restrain him from escaping. he I... of liberty is inherent in the brio.: t of every mut, and so long as he dies not maltreat anybody else in securing his freedom he cannot be blamed for snaking a dash when the opportunity offers. I the State wishes to hold fast its criminals it must take effectual means to do so. -[Telegram. New CHCRCn.-A split Ilan recently taken place among our Presbyterian friends, under the pastorate of Rev. D. Cameron. The two congregations in the village, or Lucknow Church, and the Concession or South Kinloas Church - have separated, owing to the wish of the former to have all the preaching in the village, which was resented by the latter, hence the split. At a meeting of the members of the South Kinloss Church, held at Grey Ox Beaked house, on Friday evening, the 11th inst., it was decided that steps be taken to build a new Church, and.a subscription amounting to $910 was taken up, with a promise of $500 more. Managing and Building Committees were appointed to take bteps immediately to secure a site, and receive tenders for building. This means busi- ness. The Church, which it is intended to make a handsome edifice, will in all probability be built at Grey Ox village. This will make a splendid site for a Church. As soon as it is erected a pastor will be engaged, and negotiations are already going on in regard to the procuring of a manse. Foams SOLD.-- John Mason has sold his farm containing 50 acres to his neigh- bor Mr. Gagen for about $3,000. Mr. Mason intends buying a larger farm in this vicinity. Mr. Sillicrap, farmer and blacksmith, has sold his farm and shop to Solomon Rogerson for the sum of $1,600. It will be remembered this same farm was bought a few years ago for 32,000 which does not say much for advance in price of farms. Mr. Sillicrap intends going to Dakota in the spring. There will soon be a whole settlement of people from Harlook in Dakota. Mollis. PRaserrLTlow.-Last Friday evening Mr. Olver's house seemed in • fair way to be taken by storm. The besiegers were no less personages than a company of friends in attendance at the P. M. Church at Ebeneance who formed and marched to the residence of Mr. Olver. After the usual greetings were over, a presentation to Mies Olver took place. Alfred Kellington read an address and Mia Maria Jewitt presented a butter cooler, cruet stand and tea tray, valued at $22. Notwithstanding the complete surprise Miss Olver expre.sed her grati- tude in a brief and able manner. The eveniag was spent very pleasantly by all present. Porter's 3511. Pineox&t.-- Mr. Hill, our esteemed postmaster and merchant of this village, has had occasion, owing to the increase of busines., to secure the servioes of Mr. Wm. Cox, formerly an employee in the service of Mr. George Shepherd, book- seller, of Goderich. Fos DAsora. -_Mang inhabitants of this village and adjoining country have caught the disease peculiar to this sea- aon of the year --the Dakota fever. - Messrs. Thoma and James Elliott start- ed Pat week with two tar loads of splen- did heavy horses. Mr. George Pratt, of the Cut Line, has sold his farm to Mr. James Elliott, and intends embark- ing for the land of superior requisitions JAM ..on as the roads in that country ad- mit of a speedy immigration. Fos DAKOTA. -Judging from village talk one would almost suppose - that Lucknow was going to move out to Da- kota en mouse in the Spring. If all go who declare it their intention so to do, our village will receive such a thinning out as it has never yet seen. A little thinning out is good sometimes, but we fear not in this case, for it is not the 'weeds' that are going, but the `choil:est plants,' old and prominent citizens, and steady industrious young men. Manito- ba seems nowhere in comparison with Dakota. All are for Dakota. We do not like the ides of our people crossing the lines, but men will go where they get the best advantages, and Dakota seems to bo the most highly fa.ored in this respect. Now this can oly be attributed to the liberal policy of the American Government, for we are certain that our own Canadian Northwest hes as many natural advantages as any State in the Union. We feel sure that if our Gov- ernment would drop its narrow, short- sighted policy, and adopt some of the liberality and enterprise shown by our neighbors, Canadians would not leave the dear old flag; but patriotism has its limits, and men will go where they can make the moot money. ----(Sentinel. CaeeefeY s.,kv4•. oceialcu. Feb. 3t. 1001. Wheat (Falb tl brash .......... 31 OD • $1 cat Whilst, (Spring) I bleb........ 100 et 1 10 00 M 3 75 30 0 040 fe0 C4 18• 070 M et 033 eo f6lI00 35 • 030 10 r 0 A a • e 33 3e a 750 fM " 750 ......................... 3 M " 300 Salt per Parrot ,..,... 1 00 • .10o PPeeas. ta,Vb�............ .. Potatoes,. busk. :......::: Batter. • a.. ...... 151. a♦ 10/1.4 aala?Mil• Hides.......,.•...,.. •...... Pork Colt So1.D. Mr. Dunn MoEwan, of the 2nd con., ha sold t., a party from Hl , • one year old drought filly for $130. A pretty good frgnre. FOR ItAwn'o&i. Daniel Aikenhsad, sen of Mr. J. Aiken/mad, of London Read, left oath* 9th inat , for Manitoba, where two of his brothers now live Peao•swms Mr William McQueen of the god eon. ha been appointed Pre- centor in Union Presbyterian Church, Brumfield, at a airy of rs. San Aootwawv On $sturday last, • child of Mr. John Armstrong's f.11 into a pail of hot water, which its mother had prepared for scrohbin�i1� the floor, and seem severely aaald.d that it died of r$a iajtrries during the night 11vrenrwo. -Mr Finlay McEwen, of the 3rd eon., w bony henling materiel for the erartion of a sew hoses it a to lie a story and a half, frame hour with hiteli n attached sand will ice. handsome oink!' rg when eoaripleted Penenr�sst. Mr Wra. mettle of Por a age la Pearly. Men . who was over here ea • visit for the lard nwi 4h left Renee field last mouth, loft Rreasite d lest week for his pr•One home Remi site hie fifteen hthirtewri ai Wiwi, were croon, M puss to 4 0- She 'People's Column. WANTED -90 CORDS OF FIRST 10 cords Noone. Sigh $c A d ch.ers 177*. WAGON MAKER WANTED - wanted • good man to run • wagon shop in Brussels in connection with • black- smith shop having three Ares, there is a good building and lots of work. Also wanted a fret class blacksmith for 1 t work. App Brussels once to Box 47 Bruels P.0. 1773.4 class oordwood beech and mapIe, about TRA$u or CA&RIVAL.-The second carnival of this season on Victoria Rink was held on Tuesday 22nd inst., and was a decided success. Many from a distance were present to compete for the prizes offered. The following are the successful com- mitors:-Best dressed lady skater, 1st s. Hamlin, "Queen Elizabeth"; 2nd Miss T. Black "Old Woman"; Best dressed Gentleman, 1st H. G. Wilson, "Footman" to Queen Elizabeth; 2nd J. Hiscocks, "Organ O g Grinder". The mile race was in reality a walk over for Mas- ter Frank Treleayen who easily secured Ant prize, R. Kerr Doming in second both prize winners were from Lucknow. R. Clendenning & Son are at present having a great clearing sale. dent • + tt'HOLBUN, BURGEON DEN- cioTotlfilleassid mildews, West Street. .•..Yifithier Sant of Montreal, il eKai - soneorial. V I,NIGH1, PRACTICAL BA -R- V . Das a„d Hairdresser, lo.ffs to r:turti .,,.rs to We public for past and • i,.1e a wutwiaaue cat cos 1 e' ..ORR JanaY• Ice iuuod at his Shaving 1421.o1 near Per� ve t Lidice. Uiuh. uder Auctioneering. 1 C. CU BRIE, THE PEOPLE'$ AUC - IA . TIONkI.R, (iodertek mac 1001. NOTICE, -DR SHANNON HAV- ING PLACED IN MY HANDS FOR collection .11 book accounts, and provisory notes, due him up to Jen 1861. I must request that all persons so indebted would call upon me .t once, and settle, otherwise costs, will be incurred. I will be in Dr. Shannon °Moe from ten m.to4p.in. each day. 1773; JAMES J. McMATH. A.cIDsrr.-Let Wednesday morning Henry Eickmeyer while working in the saw mill of Watt & Co. had the mis- fortune to let his hand come in contact with the circular saw and lost parts of two fingers From an interview with Mr. Porter, who is to sink the silt well, we ascer- tained his opinion as regards the pro- babilit of gettingalt in Brussels He ays *alt, or inications of salt, were found in the former well he has not the slightest doubt of the projected well proving a mimeos. Mr. Pewter says alt runs in blocks in the shape of a large wedge and expects by going a mile from the old well to strike 10 feet of alt, which will be a rod as three times the amount. Work is to onmmence at once and in the course of • few months this very important question "Salt or no alt" will be • settled fact. --[Post. Joseph Ciegg has got his hay pressing machine in fttIl hist. He is turnout 8 tons per day and employs six hands A curling match came et in the' Brus- sels Rink on Monday last between Brus- sels and Lidowel clubs. Result a hard tie. A span of horses belrnnng to Wm. Arinstn.ng got a on bender one day last week, and tore through the town in away fttft'htful to the beholden. They were fimodly brought to a halt, by canting in °outset with kip in the eternity of Van skwne's sill. On Thursday evening last. sa Mr. Jno. Grieve, Monis, was retuning froth tete village, a Nam tram the north poised consisting of a sullen driver std a vicim a dog. Ali Mr Grieve stepped aide to let the teem pans, the dktg weed him by the thigh Manes ht. ta, sad badly lacerating the flesh. When Mr Grieve remonstrated the fellow was about to drive un without replyfag, hot Mr Griew with great plowmen of mind, dealt him a "plumper hetween the eve Served him right On Sunda morning we had • very ear - row serape from fire whish would have been very destructive, had it not teen nonmed in time it appeare that Frank UTIR, pbotir'sph'r, whr, i hi leeaaales' Institute Meeting. For Sale or So Let. TRebicaL HG. MACKID, Y. D., PHYSI- . plan, surgeon and A000uOber, Oraduate cat Toronto University. Othcaopposite lamer nen t Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. if not u omoe, enquire .t the Bank. 1711-y. I It. MOLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- UIyON, Coroaer, Stu. Oath and residence on Bruce Street, seoond door west of Yio r ia Street wasirarrEs. Just opened out au entirely --New Stock - (11 Valentines st price varying fusser 1c to Si each st • [iRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, lJ Physicians, Surgeons, Acouuehers, too. Office sL Dr. Shannon's residence. neer the Jail. Gudertch. G. C. SUAt+NON. J. C. HIL- rox. e"AIBENHKAD V.S.,(S000E880R i• to r. Duman,Oradea') of Ontario Ve- teria.ry Colkgs. UAtoe, atablesaod residence, uq Newest° Street, four doors east ofColborne Hotel. N. B. Hones examined as W �, sound - n 1731. Legal. 1AMERON & ROGERS, BARRIS- .J tern,, Solicitors, and Notaries, Wingbani, OnL OI8u's .epode, Royal Hotel. Wingham. M. C. Cam, rut_ Q. C.. M. P., Y. Rogers. P.O. Drawer, 343. W inghain. Jan M. 1601. 1770• This p•rnn•rso.l+ -• disolved. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- RISTR. T. crow, W. �So1 dloot. 1751. Goderich. J. T. Gatrow, W. FARM FOR SALE. Coming Lots Nos. 16 and 19, Con. 3, In the Township of Wed Waw•nosb.. belonging to the late Mr. Charles McDonald. containing roe ACM= in all. Over thirty acres are cleared. There are over 15 acres of good hard wood, and the balance Cedar and Pine bush. A small Frame House and a Well are .leo on the premises. A good creek run throagbthe farm. For rpart-icular. apply to JAnrx TRutr- BOLL. IVC.. Dungannon. or to Mrs. W AIL/COCK. Goderieb. or at this canoe. 17704f. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. 13 miles from Goderich, consisting of 1 of an acre of land. well fenced; a frame house. a good well and pump are slim on the premises. The lot has been well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars the be had from Mr. J. M. Roamers, Merchant. Dungannon, or R. E. BROWN. Nile P. 0. 1767-tt. MOORHOVISE'S e ReOpeu!u ofSchoo. B. L DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D Attorney. Solicitor in Chancery. &o.. Goderich. Ont. 1751. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND re. corner of victoria and East streta, in the town of Goderich, for sale cheap, or will be exchanged for farm property. For particslare • to JAI. SMAILL. Architect, office Crabb's Block• or J. C. Ct'aRia• auctioneer. SEAGER & MORTON, BA R R I S - TENS, &c.. &c., Goderich and Wiatp.m, C. Seeger, Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton. Wing - ham. 1751. All the Text Books authorized for us: in High, Model and Public Schools c t• be bought CHEAPEST from SMALCOMBON, BARRISTER AND • Solicitor. Office- Corner of Went Street and Market Square. over George Aeheion's, Ooderich. 1751. M0 LET -A BLACKSMITH SHOP 1 Conveniently situated, being in the ins - mistime vicinity of MW. Hotel and Post Office. This is • good stand for horsesboeing and jobbing. Also a one story frame dwelling house, and oboe shop This la.• rare chance for • good Blacksmith and Shoemaker. Amy at once to R. J. H. Demotic, Port Albert, Ont. Tuesday, Feb. 22. Tint Board of Directors of the Gode- rich Mechanics' Institute met in their rooms this evening. Present-thePresi- dent, Mr. C. A.. Humber in the chair, Messrs. Morton, Cook, Williams, Bu- chanan, Miller, Clutas, Colborne and Sheppard. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The report of the Lecture Committee was received, which showed that the en- tire receipts had been $112.25, while the expenses had footed up $12f. Donations of $4 each were received from Mean James Dickson, Huron Co. Registrar, and A. McD. Allan. On motion a vote of thanks was ten- dered Mears Dickson and Allan for their generous donations Moved by Mr. Colborne, that the accounts in connection with the recent lecture be referred to the Finance Com- mittee, and if found correct that they be �Ad. communication was read from Mr. Peter Adan»on, County Clerk, convey- ing the thanks of the County Council for the um of Library and reading room during the recent session of that body., The following canvassers were appoint- ed to make • thorough canvas of the own St. David s Ward -Meows Williams, Humber, and Clime fat Patrick's - Colborne, Sloane and Cook. 8t Andrew's ---Bingham, Megaw and Miller. Bt George s-- Buchanan and Megrim. Moved by lir. Cook. eeenmdedy Williams, that the ale of periodicals cals magazines be held on Saturday night mixt at 9 o'clock. Carried Moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr Miller, that the Board procure the Egeehsior edition of Nekton weeks Been volumes, et $1=.60 lees 90 Per Bent, and that an order be drawn for that amount Carried. Moved by Mr. Cooke, seemeled by 1[r. Williams that the heal and other CP.4ppeerrl1 y of the institute be inenrad ��rfeein 0a iaota Fin snot Marine inasrsnee On. to the amount 04 and that the premiers et $4 be d.311d 05 soli* the anomie Ni r Thd Montreal 11li�pay fur- nished the mersdDanadaFriday nigh with over 148,000 words of Perla r. Isry sport in entilteetios with the EAMPION, ATTORNEY . CLAW. Solicitor in Chancery, Convey - sneer, &c. Office over Detlor's store, Gode- rich, Ont. Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 1751-y. SHEPPARDTON -FARM FOR tele 60 acres. 50 acres cleared and well fenced. Brick Cottage 35130, stone cellar full size of house. A large creek runs through the lot, no waste Mad on the creek, A very Anth e orchard surrounds e house. Good and other buildings. Terms very easy. Ap�1y to R. T. Minim lot 16 Lake Shore goal. Col- borne Township. or to GARROW & PigOn roar. 1766 CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors In Chancery. to.. Goderich and Wingham. M. C. Cameron, Q. C.; P. Holt M. G. Cameron, Goderich. W. E. Meows. Wingham. 1751. SHEPPARDTON.-STORE, WITH Post Office, for sale or to rent, with 1 acre land. Stock all fresh and good. Willman oa very easy terms, having other business to attend to. For further particulars • pl to R. T. HArxme. Also 100 acres of land, west halt of Lot 5, on the 3rd con.. It D. Ashfield. Oood Or- chard Frame House. and astable. Fifty acne cleared and well fenced. Apply to Oowaow & Pmoi moor. 1761. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lot 6, Coa. 3, Township of Colborne, Co. Huron oontalning 36 scree 75 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There Is • frame House laza with cellar ander the whole. kitchen 16.60, wood shed Meet stable 18.38. for horses. aro oow stable 1401. There Is a well with • never failing spring. and a boot!ouag ornhard with about 40 trees, selected. Terms easy. For particulars apply to THOMAS W Arsov. proprietor. Carlow or to OAaaow & Prmo:moor. eleh. Miscellaneous Cats. MOORHOUSE. COPY BOOKS, FOOLSCAP, PENS PENCILS, RUBBER, EXERCISE BOOKS, and every JAMBS SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &o. v OMce. Crabb's Block, Kingston st., Gode- rich. Plans and specifications drawn corrept- Ly. Carpenter's' yl.eterer's and manor's work measured and valued. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE C1)URT OF CHANCERY. MAD! lathe matter of the taste of Alla McKenzie. sad in the matter of Euphemis Anis McKee - Me and others, the creditors of Allan McKen- zie, late of the Townshipof A.hfleld. In the County of Huron. who don or about obi month of Jose, Iglu, are on or before this seventh da of March A. D. *001. to send by pent paid. to B. L. Doyle, oke solicitor of the .std loseh.al• Aaa Meitensie .aA others, infants of the said demerit,. their C'bri.tsa and surnames. .4471a. sad d the full particulars of their claims, n statement of their accounts, eat the nature of the sororities Itf any, be*d by them: or In defae4t thereof they will M peremptorily excluded from the hatte& d the said order. Every credits,' holding .ay security is to gridso. the sine beton. me at mr chambers at Dederick on the twelfth day of Marek. A. D. i10 . et tea o'clock in the forenone beim/the tile. sox whood tee adjudicatten en the eSalias. 'Dame this 7th day of rakrearv. 111111, l4igae'L HM�Dat ° s. trmat School Requisite, E, R. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter.. Parlor decor- ating made • specWty. Gitaut xis. Gtt.Dnw. GLAZINo. Shop on North Street, opposite the Regtatry Office, Goderich. 1751 QTRATFORD BINDERY -ESTAB- LISHED 130. This establishment rohtelly devoted to job and library work. especially to those unique and economical half mlf and me - recce styles. In all oases the best of stock sad workmanship,with strength and beauty com- bined. Bindery overJohnllutton's drug store. GEORGE STONI. (COMMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- lJ NON. -Thi. first -clam hotel. has recently been refitted and improved sou to furnish the best possible s000mnodatios to the travelling public. Oood liquors and ckol,x viands • specWlty. An attentive ostler always on hand, and excellent stabil ng and sheds, on the premises. Thos. Entire. Proprietor. 1731. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE_ Meiattr of the e.sr taof 13icJtiid Ait OOem ty of Heron.T0enasnae( Ib. 18011 r hereby gives rosuast to the Ran Weed Wanes •f Oidaric •per 181, that the Er2.9t.b..2.m. Niehasi Aadtaw. of the le tvreat�y, of wet Nwsttio ir A�..� Lowe arbl.0aae�tgle fiResmlh M' to il..14 hEs sae l) will and �d..sse,.b 1'..tb'. 45..prBirec oft et the mad the Mat As - drew. their Clrbtieu andthe( .dares. �at i+lalss�eete of taslr �sad eater* of tM eireepaSseveid $ Wet on rind after a w tree y of itiimss. of ill e Air al wi�o� raatw(aitty to t e stags of aM harts,r/�r� -e been restored and the .betted. er 1 P thereatnet be Baths ** tnetomslM, M oW not have beep .ea r�.4 tba t3V. d t of tete tail seem or ashy sari thereat M Fame may lie. i aaow R onOtwD$'gD't, Loans an insurance. '500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO IP CAMERON, HOLT t CAMERON, God. rich. 1710. $75,000 TO LEND ON R E AL RS - TAT!. Terms favorable. Apply to DOYLL Oodwieb 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NV on good Fern or first -ors Town Propaeq at 6 per seal Amity to it. RADOLIFII. 1751 MONIf TO LEND IN ANY !cent.. PPriv�ate funds. Apply t to suit tdSs ea sol Mowrow, Ooderioh. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgage at reasonable rates of interest and on teras to suit borrowers. Address JAMES Foreseer. Sanford P. 0. 1750. MONEY TO LEND. --A LARGE amore�att of Pdretreisili rivate /lads tor investmentwanredo OARRRO6t' t 7 Apply MONEY TO LOAN. THE OANA- DA Guided Oe, °.sassy Tweats-- Joos Lame BLActab �l Pt�dent y Is beat by this Ceupeq hedividaarPea the seas system ee 5455. -emu for Clreslss. HUGH RAKILTON. (I L Ageat. Ooderioh. 1751 400,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tie es Warm and Tows Property at twee 1. - tweet. llgoyMegin ohmic* aasnyeraee..4gp' nisi ..an CloIesemo dbttes.. SSTON. Barristers. Ro..elliatm �aey & JOI i- R RADCLIFF* PIKE, MARINE, t i Ra e.tsns swnaA Osmtp.abs. Also far the cogent ferntaroei -t7o. Meoerptioe kine eslisteea, insgys..4t is er w. eMmO.ea -lap etairw sari to sett w 0763 Oat• ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR CASH at Moorhouse's. N. B. -THIS IS THE OLDEST, LARi3EST AND CHEAPEST SOUK STORE WEST OF TORONTO -ES- TABLISHED 1851. INSURANCE CARD Rim= Ago. Dot. Tonowmo.b�lld -ted 1 PR(ZIIIXibtabllabsala. sI 1.011111011111411•1110-- HARTiORD Cy: d Renvirons (`erne. the hewed emis b pMRA0E h0(o Rs*t1<'t et lel bare A. A TINO ler y. pAM ADA LO A N Awe RA TINOS w eal oni+tva•O. !Ira f on brMelam woolly (lose 7 tan 3 per (1•erfe. rneMete i i HORACE II BLANK BOOK A complete assortment of every di.- cription of BLANK BOOK.$. DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MEPL BOOKS, INDICES, &c Alma fall stock of PocIei Dries For 1881, at greatly reduce rates. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. A ft soh assortment of Boone, specially selected and adapted for circulation in Sunday Schools. A liberal dronent allowed seonrding t amount of purchase Call and see samples and get gsoih tions et M�orho�e's. ortiN.3