HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-07-29, Page 1POST pi:113141011NQ 11.00Sei *2.1)0 A Year in Advance $2.50 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS POST, Tl-LURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1965 ........,.
ed Brussels.
rit t, ; i tee t; ,1;.-
The couple will live in London
Mr. and Mrs Ken Perry of Oak-
ville, and fpur children, have
been vacationing with Mr. and,
Mrs. Ray Bronson.
Mrs. Mary Bird and $0118 left
last week to make their home in
Mr, and Mrs. G, Gray of Sud-
bury visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. J, W. Fischer and other
Mrs. Harvey Gray sof Toront0
'spent a week with Mrs, Bertha
Miss, Janice COok, Ingersoll, is
'visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
George Baeker is home from
Clinton Hospital where he was a
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rutlege and
family, Welland, have been hell-
, elaying with relatives in Brute
Mrs. Riedout and her daughter
of Waterloo were visitors with
their aunt, Mrs. Bertha Jermyn.
Archie and Mrs. Moses and
family and Miss Bessie Moses
were Sunday visitors in Ailsa
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Labn of
Hanover, were 'weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. W.•W. Smith
while attending the Gibbings --
Smith wedding at Walton on
Saturday. '
Mr. and Mrs. D. Wnittaker of
Brantford, and Dr. and Mrs. Peter
Hemingway of Listowel were
week-end visitors with their par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hemingway
and visited with their grand-.
mother, Mrs. Cardiff, at the Cal-
lender Nursing Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowler
and Andrea, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth. Boseler, Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Moir and Jeannie and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Fox, all of London,
Mr. and Morgan Pierce, Kitchener.
were weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs David Hastings and attended
I the Hasting,e — Coleman wedding
on. Saturday,
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rann were
Mr, and Mrs. Parry Rann, David
end Laura, -Windsor. Mr. and
. Mrs, Robert Rann, and family of
'Galt. Mss,. George Schaefer, Mrs.
John Schaefer and girls of God-
oriel) Mrs. H. B. Allen and
;Tante() (Toth Of London. and Mrs.
George Clarkson and baby or
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Freeman
and daughter Virginia of Batter-
sea, Ont.. and Mrs. K, Watson,
Vancouver, were visitors in T3rus-
eels and at Mrs. Win. Somers
during the week Mrs, Freeman.
end Mre. Watson will be better
remembered as Gertrude ft,rct
Ti 17Sfiftferi
' • -1 • • Tfilrifffl
Brussels United Church Wee the
setting for a pretty marriage
when Karen Elleabeth Coleman
exchanged wedding 'Were with
])ar id Russell Hastings, Rev.
Allan Johnton officiated.
The bride. is the daleghter oil
Mrs, James Backer and 'the late
Kenneth. Coleman and the greem
is the son of Mr. and firs, David.
Hastings, all of BrUseels.
During the signing of the reg-
ister Mrs. George Backer of
London sang "PH Walk Beside
You" and 'Wedding Prayer",
accompanied ny Miss Sharon
Storey who presided at the
The bride Wore t floor-length
gown of white French embroider-
ed lace and net over satin, reaturs
ing long pointed sleeves and scal-
loped jeWel neckline. The fitted
bodice dipped below the waist-
line at th.e beak and fell into a
veeeminous skirt which was
'fashioned in• tiers or lace and.
pleated net. forming a sloping
?rein. Her fingertip illusion tell,
with hand-rolled edge, was held
by a. pearl studded tiara. She -car-
ried a cascade of white mums
eel nink sweetheart roses.
Miss Susan Coleman of Brus-
sels, sister of the bride, was
meld of honor wearing a street-
length gown of turquoise chiffon
with matching headress She car-
ried a cascade of pink and white
mums. Miss Dianne Hastings,
siker of the groom, was brides-
maid and Miss Anne Lowe, junior
bridesmaid. wearing dresses iden-
tical to that of the maid ' of
honor. Miss Shari Backer was
flower girl, dressed identically,
and carrying a basket of pink
Ken Bowler of London. cousin
or the groom. was best man.
Guests Were 'ushered by Wayne
LoWe, cousin of the groom, and
Robert Coleman, brother of the
For a wedding trip to the Ni-
agara Peninsala the bride chang-
ed to a pink linen dress with
white accessories and corsage
1'1'1111,1 111-111 pink roses.
The couple will make their
boro p
Chests were present from
f (melon. Kitchener. Burlington,
Stmeoe, Fernire, Owen Sound;
and Brussels.
Mrs. Watson is Interne tionel
Field Secretary of the w.c.T.TT,
for the Dominion of Canede one
was returning freM earoek
in the Maritimes When she visit-
The Brussels area, is feeling
the effects Of the postal strike.
'Mese expecting cheqees, on
which they depend for a living,
are being inconvenienced, if not
actually suffering by their non-
Our local postoffice reports
"only a dribble" instead of the
Metal ihrleix of Mail,
F. T. Darnell officiated: at
the Marriage of Anita Margaret
Ashdown and Kenneth Gordon
Storey, in Egerton St. Baptist
Church, -London
The bride's parents are. Mr.
and Mrs, Thomas Ashdown, Lon-
don. and the groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Storey of
RR 2, Brussels.
-the pique cnose an Empire,
floor-length gown of white or-
ganza over taffeta. The Chant-
illy lace bodice was fashioned.
tr lily-point sleeves and Seal-
Toped sabrina neckline border-'
eel With seed pearls atid rhitie4
stones. The bouffant skirt was
appliqued 'with Chantilly lace. A
crown, of minature flowers and
net leaves enhanced with seed
pearls held her bouffant net veil
and she carried a cascade of red
roses, Miss ,Taceultene Walmsley
was maid of honour end bridcs
maWs were Miss zinaron Storey
a a ri miss Ja cone en e JeffreY.
They were gowned alike in
street-length dresses of lavender
silk oreanee eye!, teffete. They
ni r11'-W4.
Murray Alcock cousin of the
groom was groomsman and
ushers were , Donald. Sterey,
brother of the groom, and Robert
Wilcox of London.
The bride's mother received
the guests wearing a rose crepe
dress with matching lace trim-
Med jacket and white aeceesor-
les. Her corsage Was White cara
nations, Assisting • her the gro,
om's mother chose a turquoise
fitted dress of crepe with match-
ing hat and white accessories
with corsage of pink carnations.
The reception: Was held at the
"Ivanlibe" London.
For the wedding trip to the
A di cks the bride chose a,
two niece pastel blue laces
suit with white hat and gloves,
=telling blue patent shoes and
purse and corsege of red roses.
CA.RDTPT,' — Murray and. Betty
Cardiff announce the birth of a
son, Scoff Murray. in Wingham
and District Hospital. en Fri-
day, July Ned,
Milne Mae Smith became
the bride of Robert Melvin Gila
binge at a ceremony in Praff's
United Church, Walton, With the
Rev. Arthur Higginbotham offic-
iating, The bride is the daughter
of the Mr. and Mrs. James
Smith, RR 2, Bressels and the
groom is the son of 1VIr. and. Mrs.
Percy J. Gibbings, RR 1, Clinton,
Given in. marriage by her Mtn,
er, the bride chose a floor-length
gown of white organza over taf-
feta with Empire waist, scoop
neckjine, bell sleeves and ton-
trolled skirt. A, detachable
wetteaai train extended from a
bow at the shoulder. Her four
tier circular veil was held MI
place by 'a floral headpiece and:
she carried a boquet of yellow
roses and ivy.
Miss Jean Flett, Clinton, maid
of honour, wore a floor-length
A-line dress of yellow norganza.
Bridesmaids. Mrs. Ron. Smith,
liarriston and Mrs. Larry Lahne
Hanover, and Miss Connie Gib-
bings, as junior bridemaid, were
similarly gowned as the maid of
honour and all carried boquets of
shasta daisies,
Martin Magee, Scarborough,
was best man and guests Were
ushered by Ron Smith,'brother of
the bride. and William Gibbings,
brother of the groom.
At the reception, in the base-
ment of the church Mrs. Smith
received guests in a pink lace
dress 'with three-quarter length
duster, pink and white accessor-
ies, and wore a white carnation
corsage, She was assisted by the
groom's mother dressed in blue
lace. short jacket, white acces-
sories and pink corsage.
For travelling the bride donned
a turquoise cotton knit suit with
white accessories and a corsage
of yellow roses. Amid a shower of
confetti and goodo wishes the
happy couple. left for the Mari.
time Provinces.
The bride is a graduate or
Stratford Teachers' College.
The eouple will reside on the
groom's farm at rut 1. Clinton.
T thormighly enjoyed your
visits, cards and treats during
my recent stay in the hospital.
and, since coming home.
Thank you very much,
Mrs. Ida Eades
One sincere thanks to all our
friends and neighbours: who r-
nged the gathering and Pre'
senistion in our honer:
VoUr itindly gesture is anprec-
--!Yre.sie, OM ft,1 Nirt
Radar Trap
In Effect Here
A number of unwary motorists:-
who were exceeding the num-
mum speed within the linlits
WS Village, Monday and TueSdaY,
Were nabbed by a radar trag
operated by the OPP.
We trust this will lee a warn-
ing to those who halve been tieing
our streets for a speedway at
night, before they, or someone
else is killed by their senseless
Honored At Shower
Prior To Marriage
Several friends azie relatiVeti
gathered at the library on Fri-
day evening, .1nly 9th, to honor
Miss, Karen Coleman at a shipper
prior to her marriage, to David
Hastings, which took place on;
The guest of honor was seated
in a decorated chair. With hee
were her mother, Mrs. Mae
Backer, and Mrs. David Hastings,.
mother of the groom.
Contests and Charades were
conducted by Cathy Achilles.
These were followed by an
address to the bride. The gifts
'were presented in a prettily de-
corated Wagon drawn by little`
Kenneth Higgins and Ronnie and
sherry Backer.
The bride-elect thanked h er
many friends for the lovely gifts
after which lunch was served by
the hostesses, Cathy Achilles,
Marilyn Higgins and Lois Mc-
My sincere thanks is expressed
to friends and relatives for
cards and gifts while L was a
patient in Winghani Hospital; to
the nursing staff of the hosptal,
and to Dr. Klalisen. Special
thanks to Rev H. L. Jennings'.
Your kindness will always be
rc iaembered.
Carman Bernard
sincerely thank till my reie
etivee, neighbours and friends
for their kindness while I was a
patient in Wingham, Hospital, for
letters. cards and gifts.
Thanks also to Dr. McKibben
and Dr. Leahy and to the nurses
on the 2nd floor,
V011 r thOugh 1 fulness was ap-
Mrs. Bessie Mitchell
W. call — In Wingham and
I a strict. Hospital on Sunday.
July 11th. 1965, to Mr. and Mrs.
'Robert Wheeler, R.R. 5, Erns..;
,4 a Son Brian Robert,
9 ;.