HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-25, Page 5^,111/1P. • el, - -vv..- ThE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 205, 1881. 5 11. 3111411111. Fun Deaura.---• large number of the mrtin this rigidity are leavkig ki Sonmiterpuse goiag to Maar- tobei„ bet the snajenty aroma Lund to mem the lines FARM Itaurrup.- Peter McLaren and A. D. Cameros hive rented their fames __eks former to Roderick Beaton, of LJ, the Wert to Peter Watson of Raters. Dnams.-The Seth debate el the 1114s Debating Club was heidun Tueui ofresies lark when the subjest under esseilisenikes wee "limit* vs. ihavell- ferg." 1111e seglain 4 die altirmauve MS glebe Welder mad 4 the negative Waimea Webb. After an aniu...ted and Ingineding dareaseroa the deereion was giving in fatter of reading. Fainaistst. Bircessurs 8Or. -11r. Mahar haa moved here from St Helens, and open- e d a shop My he meet with seems'. Fears BOLA -W. John Cutlibertsou has sold his fens of 100 acres to Mr. Moab of Dendrid TIMPIIILANCE. -At the last reguler meeting of Dewdrop Lodge, No. 396 M. T. M. the following oaken were duly installed for the present quarter. Prm. James McDonald; Vies Pres, Mary Cuthberston; Sec; John Cooke; Treas. William Murdock; Sen. Coun. Murdock; Jun. Coen. Mary Murchison; Chit Seined Kirk; Plnancier, Murduc ; Recsorder, Janet Murdock; Marshal, JUIN* McMillan; Dep. Marshall, Mar- tha 'I'm's; Guard, Robt. Murdock; Sentinel, John McDonald. Auburn. Mr. Geo. Basile hea moved to Col- borne.. He is going to teke charge of Mr. Clergy's tarsi. Fears Hou.. -Mr. James Denby has sold the north half of lot 30, bth con., Zest Wawenesh, to Mr. W. Steakhouse, for the MN 4 $4,475. Mr. Jelin Pierce and his sister of W. Wawaaosh, have Wien poiaoned by eat- ing afige butter. The case is somewhat einiller to the Mutch affair but nut quite so bad. Mr. Thus. Nicholson 01 Blyth has token pommies of the hotel here. Ile =making some changes in the Inch will make it more move - Mont for the travelling public. Mr. N. says he intends to ran it ass hotel should be run. Ilft221112. Pnasosai..-Mr. Geo. Stewart, artist, left remedy for the rupees of attending the Academy of Art, at Toronto. We w ieh him every nooses. K. 0. T. M. -The following lid com- prises the Alms installed for Bariellia Tent No. 249 K. O. T. K. for the cur- rent term: Ex Sir Kt G. C. Ray. Thos. Breed; C. Audrey noddle; L C., Jno. MoGibbons; K. K., P. Cantelon; F. C., J. A. Gledhill; Prelate:, Siten Butt; Physician, Aim Taylor;'ftgt., Wm. Blake; M. at A, Thos. Ginn; 1st M. G., Wm. Robertson: 2nd M. G., Amos Fis- her; Seat., Geo. fleawort; Piekt., Moore. This Test although instituted recently has augmented in numbers very rep the number Sir Hie, st lest re- view brim forty. The next monthly re- view will be h014 on March 10th. Vane- -The Bess cf Teneperence, of t kis place received a visit from their brethren of Goderich, on 15th inst, who camepowidad with an *starlet' and vsris& pragmatism 01 musiti, recitations, dialognes and additions, all of which they dispensed in a talented man - nee Towardethedoes of the paradises all 'merrily regaled themselves from re- fresinnenes provided by the Besmiller Divides, and the eveakag thee pleas- antly end preiliably spent wee brought to a close by giving the brethren from Goderiella --'nu vote 4 thsaks for the axed** treterteinment provided by them and for their fraternal visit. Ibmweillms aside. fdRAMD TRUMK. P ass. MO. Abed. Lv Yawn Mag. 3.11isca etratesell..Ar &Sem It Mum lapin 1.11" MOOT. I. Nap'. Riwdi Nave. ettemeritAv tame it. 7 2.4t„.. 2.= 1. S.17 • - ., inipes 11.111es'.a4. .L1411 UREA W 'It.N. t.i. Caws gulagsvorth .I.L4ten wag opuiLki 7.11n ST A ilk LDdig' some arr. Inane' dop • tier ' Ms.:swede, aad lindoirdat I arrives 11.1111amo. V OTICK. (Jwss p flurkgraphia., Ueda, wk. le reternIng 'Make tor pit tartan wouo Just say, owe wanalug • benedi will p4 autvic howr pr.ote JJu likr.,4•11 Life was Photos, PLatte, - GM " Osiblasta Photo per do-.. Card Photo, per due.. - 14-00 1. 'one LG Lin Lai *.OU And lira/nes to suit Um &hove at El 0 'I' T AL P3R.J..0333/3- 00me one.sounie all and bato year hearts igi"kaut Iy notUng Retri end . Losp,Plietin at 1756 N. L Jontoion'.4. No !Reis, R NEW OVERCOATINOS, NEW SOOTCH GOODS. A nee' in.:FTLY OP TT Canadian Woollens Just the thing fur winter aotlaing. Some Good Liam 4 Gents' Peretehieve pi- 'MILADY- Iii&DN -1111( ovpitpit IS, CLOTHING MADE to ORDER under my owe Itupervidon. arr• ALL WORK WARRANTED. Hugh Dunlop, Faelkwilia of U. 11. Tremor aad llatioaal Beak Bilk. Clirrn'l NG e1 MOM eau* les itattuais e/ mum Mates Thews/ /Jetta and atm tleitessi nem BUIL 14 1. ail, of various be- n a war As eme and histantaneous inemse detonang esur=11111100f they are avereares Prioe esa A. KA VIIMW II Mew Olittesh Piew York evey. P. 0, UK 1,174, FASHIONARLIC TAILOR., Next Door to Bank of Montreal Carpet Weaving In new Patterns and new Warps. MANITOBA. Greenway WILL eTfinT a FAICURSION PARTY ! On Wednesday, the 2nd March. IPreight Monday before. Apply to THOS. GREEWAY. Centralia. SALE OF BOOK DEBTS &e.. BY • Tender. In the matter of the estate the Ws John Meaner. Pursuant to the Dervesof the Court o' Chan- cery matte ht the above matter dated the lib Afky of October A. D. MK Tenders for the Oweltinie a all the book debts. promissory notes. lodgment& and other chows in sictioe, brInegtner to the estate of t late John M Bluevale, will be received until the 14th day of March, A. D. 1881. at nywi o'clock e. m.. at which time the tenders win be opened at TOT allot lathe Court Hoene. rimerich. No tender will be neeemarily ac - °egging or Sams.-Twentyllve per rent to the Vendors Solicitors, on notification of the ...toterand the balance into Court within one month thereafter without interest TAM, of the said book debts, promissory votes. tudgments. aad other chows to the se atm IllriebT IOC Inspected at the oftlee of Meier/ Gleaner and Morton Winghani, and the Yea - does nolteitmet Goderich. and at the oMee et the Weiner in ChaneerY. the Court Howe Goderioh. G ARROW k PROUDFOOT. Vendor's Solicitors. H. M neDER MOTT . Master at Godrrich. Dated the $4th day of January A. D. 1861. DINING-B4O011 CARPETS! and all work in the weaving Ilins oaratully wetly awl presser done. Kingston street, Oodwioh. bit lfavasasa. Mimosa -It becomes our duty this week no announce the sudden desth of Mrs. Gibbons, mother of Mr. Thomas Gibbose, one of our present Councillors. Deemed wee 77 yours of age, and must have experienced many changes in her time, sa she wee an early settler in this part of the country. MOW Ditertrasexamt. -Serenades in the old-feekioned manner seem to be the order 01*s day in a certain eeighbor- hood within the precincts 01 town- ship. le mans an utter impossibility for any in of sixty to quietly eater in- to the holy bonds of matrimony with a yziongirl of sweet sixteen without the being duly celebrated by the young people in a right loyal manner. Goes Holism -Mr. Dobt. Coultas, who fe well known in this vicinity as a th°r•ollh, nreia1agrieulturist, BBHGMILLZIR 2,000 Barrels OP CIII0DiS AIWL/11 Wantet at Once! see- Private Families supplied with okoios hand-picked apples for winter AT LOW LAMPS. James McNair, Hamilton Street Gatwick. Out. 21. ISM 1711 LOVELL'S ProTince of Ontario Directory PC 12 1881 -1.882 - TO BZ PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER 1111 Price 85.00. UR. LOVELL. at the ropiest of several JYl Merebsata and others of the Province of Ontario of the City of Montreal, atc,, begs to &nominee that hie firm will puha& • PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY, in No- vember next, containing an Alphabetical Directory AND A THOROUGH Classified Busin;#1 Directory or the Business and Professionel mea in the Cities. Towns, and Villages of Ontario, with a Classified Buninesa Directory OF T111 DRESS KLEMM &MILLINERY. SELLING OFF AT COST CITY OF MONTREAL. The same care end attention be -towed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 wiU be given to this work. rlithsurikers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising madeJtnown upon JOHN I.OVLLL IL SON Montrenl. Dec. HMI. Publishers. 1760 AT-- DETLOR & CO.'S, New Scold heels! New Springyllats ! Chilled Plow -AND-- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. CHOICE PATTERNS! IMPORTED DIRECT! An IMMENSE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Bales of NEW CARPETS! 01E MOJSTTD SPECIAL VALUE. BIG BARGAINS IN - TABLE LINEN AND TOWELLING. Having pereheeed the Gado** T OMB SWIM are prestses for the rismi a CHILLED PLOW'S and AORICULTURAL IMPLZMIINTII es a large scale. MIL Wort. General Repartee and Jobbing will be eon - tinned All work guaranteed. Mr. D. finaciman In the only man authorised to milled payments and eve receipts on be- half of tie late firm of Rancirsan Om, and all perinea Indebted ere requested to 'ovens themeel von acicordingly. 8113tOMILLSR. Proprietor. who has elvers manifested considerable pride in the rearing of good stook, sold a very haedsorne pair of matched Lomas to Edward Lee of Chatham, for the neat little seen of $200. It is betiorniim well established fact arms( our farmers that entre is nothing that pays so well on • hum as first clams do&,sad I ant pleased to not. that it is lemont a netiseshie fact that it is as rather than the rale be see a miserable rack ef beiseseleading boa &asses fields Stoves 1 Stoves 1 *AVE CO 00.1 bee lava Owed aloe disuses met of Dominion Oty, N. W. T. Susie pMe thereof bays hew fertrettled to preneessed of eneneent q . A eeleptip is talking el &we • this sew mineral diserevery. Otellatieseley arerldlle, as hie arrival twee Oleweek Mk. D. D. oara, K. P. hired a eab to bnag him tress the Kimdi*ot to Gerdes Mead What sheet (sw* ad the weg ewes the river leek Immesebil *see aw& Is ihe we sad were Siewlied. r.Cade 1117 isawrarly peenualled the esimais mother epee 01lams The isember all& in the *Se M Mt. MI" R. Rs IMO as past at Ihigs7 km* that ham 11hip•'. sea "we few with the iimienee weight in the* la• two f , 1* them or daysbet ee =1:naeld be heed. Mese MOO that one idiermsat sear hies eaught 401 IA WI tea ahnies ea Peking het DOHS and uanito PIPES, =roam PIMPS, LEAD PIPES, AND /ANDY BOOTS & SHOES. We are receiving liberal shipments of Previous to taking Stook sisd slaking room ibr SPRING GOODS. PO' CALL AND EXAMINE FUR YOURSELVIS.lat MISS STEWART. irkEreirAirtsvrtr....msL ostwrr PII\O PRINTS and Mytelto=1.123 Lathe's Cloaii aid Ulster:. SPLENDID VALUE at Colborne Bros. THM12 CM2Y• aqami cmoavzroroiNT coms=er! TIME BST i TITKID Err_ COLBORITZ BROS. SPRTN G- G-0013 S, which comprise all the Desirable Lines ofi the Leading Manufacturers of the pormaiee. . The Prominent Featnres of our Stock 1)11. Semen will be :- I HAVE% BOUGHT THE HARDWARE STOCK. - OF MR. D. FMIR,CFLTSOINT —AT A --, VERY GREAT DISCOUNT! Nearly all of .rid Stock. as well as my owe original Stock. we. benglat believe five Laraine of Mardware. 1 am therefore in • emotion to sell raraper alma any ether. Manse In Mae County. THE VERY BEST QUALITY, THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, And PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. We Wive Woo added Several New Linos of Our Own Make, TINWARE. COAL OIL La both Sewed and Pegged, which will be found all that the custower can desire. ORDERED WORK & REPAIRING MY STOCK OF Iludwaft is Co1101,t, 003121 WED BVT AT =WI MIX= AS WILL PIMA= T017. Fresh Ground Water Lime in Stook. AGENT FOR BEST STEEL BARB FENCE WIRE. Promptly Attended to and promptly Done. Arent) and examine for youmelves. We shall be plumed to .bow yon the Goode and quote prices. whether you buy or not. E. & J. DOWNING • TIM IIQU•HS, Ooderieh, Tab. Itth, 1581. 1711 IlEc1=1\TZI8 Holiday Presents ! At BUTLER'S. IITAII Carriage Works! 3E3_ PO= Photo and Autograph Albums in great variety, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, very suitable for preisenta for Teachers sad Scholars. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY. - ALL CAN BE SUITED. Stock is New, very tromplete, and consists of Ladies and Gents' Parses, China Goods of all kinds, Ruby Goods, Valle/ in many patterns, Flower Pots, Cepa and Flowers, having leased the .bop of Mr. P Bayne, is now engaged in the manufacture of first class eadhirawoungsreest menesse CARR1AESI BUGGIES, WAGGONS, etc. Give me a call, and I will give you priest that cannot be beaten in the 'aunty. ICEIP.A.11RXINTC11- tic J033131N-43- I.)01T3E1. KINTAIL CARRIAGE WORKS, B. INDIN Mil China and Wax Dolls! A Large Assortment. Smokers' Sundrive---Merschaum Pipes and Cigar Holders and Brier Pipes -100 Different Styles. SAUNDERS' VARIETY STORE. IR,M077-11NTC1-.. School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Sermons, WESLEY'. Hymn Books, Psalm Books, &c., Sc. -Subscriptions taken for all the best Ergotism, Scarce, Wan, AIIINNicAN and CANADIAN Papers and Megazines at Publishers' lowest rates -now is the time to subscribe. A full stock of School Booki, for Teachers and High and Model School Students All will be sold cheap, and Patrons suited. I have a ehoice and large selection of Christmas and New Year's Cards! Raving reviewed the bedtime feemerly oesepred by McKay Erotism, next door te the Peet Aloe, I will remove to it before the 1st of Mar*, and until that time oder an roods at a Slight Advanoe on Ooat. PACT 000011, WALL PAPERS J11412,14KRY AM A 00111PLIT1 MO01S STOVES and TINWARE. THE BEST EVER SHOWN, AND COMM TEAR am, EILTTLMFL'S Dents& Telegraph sad Postage Manly ()Mee. 1171 "Til MIA TINT *MU JIDU ram WI" 117$.11L GRAND CLEARING S ATM —0 F— Boots and Shoes —A T— CAMEll'S MT awl MOE EMIffilti, FOR ONE MONTH. WW., -.S. Previous to Stook taking. My Stook is Largeand tesSaaeorted, and GREAT BARGAINS will be given Walraavrt3 - WM. CAMPBELL asisiisho Jell1$5L. -'• 17511 g_.-:1111!„,11111.11.11SMert0Stameir.°""••••1111•1111J,...... • .