HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-07-01, Page 4J. H. KEESO & SONS Lumber Listowel Prices 50e Cord Lase Albert St. Listowel, Phone 530 NOTICE TO DESTROY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners in urban and subdivid- ed areas to destroy all 'Noxious Weeds as often as necessary in each season, to prevent their going to seed. Also after July 10, 1965, proceed- ings will be taken to destroy Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act, ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector jutv§ss POST! ONTO 1:1 I DA 1, JULY lot, MS •11.!••••., NOTICE. TO CREDITORS In the .estate of EDWARD l3RYAN S deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Edward Wilton Bryans, late of the Village of Brussels iu the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died oil the iu nay of May, A.D. 1965, arc. required to file proof of same with ihe undersigned on or be- fora the 10th day of July, A.D. 1.900. after which date the•ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall have had. notice. • DATED at Brussels this . 14th day cr,J 1965, cRAwFoRp.. & SHEPHERD .Brussels. • • • Ontario • • Solicitors. for the • a(x.uotors FOR SALE 4-- 100 acre farm 114 miles ;row black top road approximately 60 acres workable, good brick house and bank barn, hydro and drilled well. Good 2 story DrICb house in Brussels well located with all modern conveniences. New one storey brick house in Brussels with garage attached and well landscaped, , there has been nothing spared in building this one. see Elmer Ella,cott, salesman for K. W. Colquhoun, broker TRAVELLER'S CHECK Elephants are among the subjects , discussed on the first two pro, grains in the Traveller's Check series, which returns to CBC India Satjarday, July 3. The Sehies fea- . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of WnLLdHIVI LOUIS tlAgKEK deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of William Louis Baeker, iate of the Village 01 Brussels' in the County of Huron, retired., butcher, who died on the 27th of January, A.D. 1965, are required to file prpof of same ),•ith the undersigned on or be- fore tiro luth day of July, A.D. 19(35, after which date the Ex- ceutor will proceed to distribute the estate !laving regard only to the claims of which he shall have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 14th day of June, A.D. 1965, CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD Brussels Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor FALL FAIR DATES Alvins ton Oct. 1. 2 Arthur Sept 22, 33 .A,urora. Jitne 12 Aylmer Aug. 23, 24, 2i Ay ton Sept, 10, 11 Baylield Sept. 28, 29 Belmont Aug. 27,20 Blyth Sept. 21, 22 Bobycageon Oct 1, .2 Bolton Sept. 24, 2b Bothwell's Corners Sept. 14 Leamington Aug. 3 to 7 Lion's Head Sept. 16, 17 Listowel Sept- 7, Is London Sept. 10 to 18 ThecIford ........ Sept 28, 29 tures host Peter Rey-fields gitid, hug armchair tourists through. foreign, and sometimes exotic lands. The orOgrams of July 3 and 10 deal with Ceylon. and. India respectively. FUR SALE Coed Ueed ltefrigeraters, electric and gas' ranges, also two used buy's hicyniee. t:44AWare SALE FRESH FROZEN Red CherrieS for p,-.$; Sweet OlierrieS, aud .lied 444.3P' berries. Vick 44) a paU now at COUSINS PAIR W A Uood used furaiture, glass and and China. Mike Unoinnulie. Auctioneer 61j Hamilton St. Godericli, Out. phone 53i-:;0‘14 Ful-< SALE — PACKAUING SUPPLIES Plastic Bags for fruits, vege- tables, and chickens; &mad, Frozen Food Containers; aud plastic-coated freezer paper for wrapping meat. Available now a always at COUSINS DAIRY CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS 1 or Approved, Concrete Septic Tanks Dry Wells and. Leitching Pit Blocks Telephone collect Goderich 524-8960 Emorete Cement Products 55 South Street, Goderich. Ontario Dealer Enquiries Invited FOR SALE ' DAIRY COWS AND iIEIFERS, SPRINGERS AND AlILKERS , Convenient terms arranged.. _Fur furthe.e particulara contact Geoge Nesbitt, i hone Etym. 323-lf42 livia deliver FOR SALa, — room. Brick House with 1/2 acre of land, in small Hamlet. this is a good chance to have 'a home at a saving. Apply to: J. Wade, Brussels Agent for Clayton G, Hogg Ltd. Broker HOMES FOR SALE BRUSSELS: Attractive, well kept comfortable home, on Main street. Modern bath, new - oil furnace, lull basement, tile Doors. Garage, asphalt driveway. Lots of room for a big garden. $7,500.00 full price. Terms can be arranged. WROXET LIR: Very comfortable, modernized, two bedroom home in Wroxeter. Oil furnace, Ian-ad* tubs, inlaid linoleum, wall to wall broadloom. Full bath Up- stairs, powderroom. downstairs. A home you, will be proud to owl:.. Can be pureimsed for 58,000.00 on terms. .:some and Business. Fine old home converted into two apartments. Each apartment has two bedrooms, separate bath= room, kitchen with cupboards, and living-dining room. Oil fired hot water heating. Purchase Price includea greenhouse and work- Shop 24' x 80- comPlete with Oil fired hot water heating. AnyOne with a knoWledge Of the florittit and greenhouse business can' Make money and have a good living right here. $12,600.00 hill price for home greenhouse, and. land. Terns& British Mortgage & Trust, Real- Ora, Glen Thuell, Salesnian. Phone Listowel 68, Itveiting, tn erston FOR SALE Bookcase lied. and Springs in -very good condition. Mrs. Lawrie Cousins Phone 256 WANTED Cash on the farm for good tow. 6 lbs, 1(le lb); 51/2 Wen .160; 41/2 lbs. to 51ii ins., 12c lb. Call: L. Hood Mouktou .;41-:i974 JUST ARRIVED Another shiplilelit or new tractors, Row crop and field cultivators, MoWers, Rakes, rkedders, Wind- rowers, Balers, thevators, Wag- ons, Swathers, Combines, (=rain tanks, and many other farm machines. We stock over 14.14)0 belts, Hundreds of pulleys, Bear- ings, Spark plugs, "Plow shares, Cultivator points, Bolts, Guards, Sections, Hydraulic's Etc. Huron County's Leading Farm Equipment Depot Phone 527 0120 John Bach i. H. Dealer Seaforth, Ont. sL ►siira Mixed Slabs in Truckload Lots Mixed Green Slabs hi 7 Cord Lots, de- livered within 22 trdles V A L ' • BEAUTY *HOP A OPIK:aitY Gutting, Styling, Cold WaVlnq PHONE 1'10 aRUSESELS CHARLES McLEAN R. R. 4, Brussels, Ont. Agent for: SMITH-ROLES LTD. Saskatoon & Guelph Manufacturers of Comet Welders, Air Compressors, Drill Fill Augers, Electric. Motors etc. Phone Brussels 489W13 ng.......1111. TRADE NOW AT SCH'UETT'S NIILDMAY Select from LARGE STOCK of NEW CHESTERFIELD BERROOM KITCHEN SUITES Also GODLREY SCHUETT MILDMAY and MT. FOREST CRAW D & SHE?. E D J. H. CRAWFORD, Q. C. N, A. SHEPHERD, M.A., L.L.E, Brussels and Wihoham Phone 120 Phone 357-3630 Brussels office open every day except Wednesday DRY SLABS *20 Cord NEW PIANOS APPLIANCES $3.50 cord FREE DEL[VIERY