HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-25, Page 31
+.• t+ ^as --e- q.tee- _ -,-`R eeeirT
if ,
; • r J' is I r JUN ,JA. hilts ! J : • -t ! _ ...
FRAY,- .. .. .
Fun arab Fancy.
W iiou a men attain* tee age of 90 y
the may be termed Y(:stingly old.
op The Ilnrtfurd f'o„f says that a beechen
,• a mamma wit, won't wept yuur own
I.r•ticular religi•.u. belief. Ashmead-Bartlett sill, saddleIiarolt-
An oditir sletitystinds test -ire tke die- ens Burdett-0uatte, kis heti,
tiuusry, if nowhere else, laud It s about The Grand Trunk lest nele$ O by the
the only place that he tmn find it. snook u`, at Jens.. Junction, which
occurred on lad
the Wastes News is s Nutshell!
.e.asts i timilesea.a
stess be re esti
The lukur s business should he profit Friday wase g.
Alphonse Lefebvre, charged with
stealing $12,000 from the steamer Beau-
hernois nearly two years ago, was liber-
ated front gaol last week. He had been
held twenty months on suspicion.
able ; a good pert .4 his stock is ruing
while he sleeps.
An old bachelor suggasts that births be
published under the heed of new mum.
Some teen give ueoerding to their
means, and .,then ;wording to their WA:,eeuurow, Feb. 17. - Owing to the
meanness. advantage taken of the rule relative to
"Dote& slaver bir last year's utu.w," a thu duty upon "ileoloop shellac sup
shying of Archbishop, Whatley's, is pe- from Canada, the Treasury hAs orderd
euliarly applicable ti. those who make that all preparations of which distilled
themselves miserable over tn,ubles that *pleats is the component of chief value
are peat. shall psy the wale duty as spirits.
A young city fuller I..ught .. tern last ' Mr. S. Dicksuu, pustulaster, has pur-
winter. ifie hada Attu urrlutrf of about
two hundred fipple trees, snot a few weeks
age he tapped every one of then[ for
There was a titht i:o,nlinuut between
two boys. One of thew) darkly hinted
that he war bi.ger than the other. The
smaller, who wee the son .d a descant,
detiently retorted : "I don't care if you
are as big as a church debt ; you can't
scare Ills.
A uteddles...me old win was sneering
.it 5 'ouug tuuther a werdne,a with
,+el i WUMM.of 1 1ie om.
i h .r• •, 44•r't101141•;it _ - ••.
b dos drown et time who are
►inp to cherish -virtue, good-
ueea.4pd w itorn-
Throw Shtrya to bee-awrepsee at(r-
e s sad .feet nn.
Three tktye ee$011rt
t4ngem and rem •bs.•,
Three thtnge to ootitiend
elan., and friend*.
Three thinw t, hies--cewiV, &Ms
One and ingratitude.
Thew thaws to tasols.-trittjt, iwituggt
see ottsWettaaent.
Three thisp to admYe--enedbdi
njty tmd gra/etdneear: rte+ hew. -1•Z
Three things to like- ebrdI I , lood
taws and cheerfulness.
Mal and CM JOU
H UI UAL. 4 and c
ix UM.•
lir k -s ,11Ao 4 e* a.& OP"
Mikity Barks
Chespee and Beat Cough Reused, Male.
1PlitTOE1 215 Q>drNTd_
3AMES WILSON, Druggist.
Sete Armee.
rich. Jan." 1111. t77f1.
' Three things to delight in -beauty,
fi utkness and freedom.
Three things to avoid idleness. loquac-
chased the farm uu the Northern Gravel KY and flippant luting.
Read in McKillop, near Ieadbury, ad-Threethingstowiihfor-health,friends
joining that of lir. F. MoCulla. The and a contented spirit.
faro ountaitu 76 acres, and was boughtFaith steps in to our aid when our
for $3,500. II is a good farm and well hoseted reason and knowledge fa
situates, but it is without buildings O1e should never think of death.
WINDSOR, Feb. 15.- An old lady nam• Think of life-- that is real piety.
el Murton was burned t.. death Tueedey hove is a disease that kills nobody;but
afternoon in her shanty in Mesa. one whoeetime has come.
Curry's pumper pard, by a sink from' There is more merit in subduing • pas -
the stove igniting her clothing. She had Sinn than in avenging an injury.
laid down on account of illness. The
down were locked, and before they were Three things to cultivate --good books,
good friends and good humor.
tier infant, and said: "I declare a woman Iu hood ('Pen it wee too late t" get her
never ought t.. have a hal.y unless she out.
knows how t.. hdlg it." "liter w tongue, The Land Leeoue leaduts are ende•v-
either,- was the quiet rejoiuder. causamend
ourineed to allay the panic which hes hese
' the disaffected in Ireland
A Scottish cler yuan thew{ht Leer pe..-
by the introduction of the Coercion Act,
by representing that measure as hara-
lesa, and by pointing out that under the
provisions, freedom of speech and the
right of peaceable assembly will nut be
interfered with.
ple were waking rather an wu'eewnsb1e
ohjection to his using uuuutscript in de-
livering • sermon. They urged, "Whet
gars ye tak' up your bit papers to the
pulpit 1' He replied that it was best, for
really he esuld nut remember his sermon
and must have his paper. "Wool, weel,
meNriistw. tied dints expec• that we e•n
renleiuber them!"
Sun to his fetid father. who had asked
hint where he is in his class now : "Oh,
pa, I've got a tuueh Netter place than I
had,last quarter." "Indeed ? Well,
whoe are you 1•' " Tai fourteenth."
"Fourteenth, you little lazybones. You
were eighth last terns. Dou you call that
a better place ''• "Yea, sir ; its nearer
the stove."
A maerial gentleman, env- time he
met the father. of his wife, complained
to him of the temper and disposition of
his daughter. At last, upon one woes -
1..n, the oklopetleman, beeas ng weary
of the g•u*tJ tg of his son—in—late, es*
c.aitned :_"ieu are right : she is an bit -
A cheap stained pine coffin, labelled
"For sale, warranted as gond es new,"
was found on the sidewalk neer the
Kingston Wb:y office on Saturday
morning. A couple of grim playthings
were left at the doors of second-hand
brokers' shops last night. They are said
to have conte from the old medical
The foot race betweeti Jas. Quirk of
Brantfuad, and Charles Biggar, ellar-
gos, for $500 a side. carne off at Wood-
stock on Tuesday. It was timed for 2
p. m.. bat it was an hour before the
men were stripped and ready. The -tree
was a very pretty one, and resulted in
en easy victory for Quirk by aho:i ten
bet in the fast tune of Ai seconds.
The Executive Committee of the Dio-
petuous jade, and if I hear any more I cese of Ontario, which has been in les -
complaints of her I will disinherit her. •' I Bien in Kingston, decided on recutu nend-
The husband Glade no more complaints. ling that as over $13,000 of the funds of
Says the Springfield Republican: -Par- an: -Par- the Diocese had been unaccounted for
,on Cautable is ono of the most absent- by the late clerical secretary, he be pre -
minded men we know. At a funeral, the rented to the Bishop for trial. It was
other day, after going through with the considered that in the interest of the
usual exercises for such cases made and church it was impossible that such grave
;.ruvided, awl while the bereaved circle irregularities could be overbooked.
were sighing rad weeping, and the head
•aouruere were completely overcome by
:tis harrowing elurluenoe, he sank grace-
: ally into his chair with the announce-
!nent :-"The usual~Nolloctios will emu w
..c taken." •St'ert't ya head de tit
:ourl:ers Nee treat red.
There was au amusing typographical ed among a large number of companies
j-rror in a Washington paper' the other in amounts ranging from $8,000 to $10,-
it -A few nights ago Alfred Foreman. 1000 each. The loos of the guests will -be
• uloured. was shut on his neighbor's e- heavy, Rany of them saving but a por-
'uiaes, front the offsets of which he died I tion of their effects. A number of them
are insured.
A little knowledge of the world is a
very dangerous thing. especially in liter-
Mankind all suffer alike, but some
know how to conceal their troubles bet-
ter than ethers.
He who loves t, read, and knows how
to reflect, has laid by a perpetual feast
for old age.
The divinity of charity consists in re-
lieving a mans needs before they are
forced upon us
Glories, like glow-wonns, afar off shine
bright But look too near, they have
neither heat nor light.
A novel but not inaceurate definition
of Justice -The natural daughter of ven-
geance legitimized by law.
It is always better to keep out of a
quarrel than to make it up ever so anti -
<ably after you have got into it.
The moon, like somo men, is the bright-
est when it is full ; but, like thea[ again,
it soon begins to lose its lustre.
Tie fallowing are the facts In connec-
tion with the refusal of the ratepayers
of the township of Lowe, in theOatineau
district, to pay the county tai: -Tho
township is settled principally by the
Irish, who came to thiscountry to escape
the oppression of their nativeland. They
failed to see any benefits arising from the
payment of money :tnnualty to the coun-
ty, hence the present trouble. There
are about 360 ratepayers in the town-
ship, of which number some 200 on Stag
Creek section refuee to pay. Legal pro-
ceedings were then taken by the county,
Buffalo, Feb. 16.- Pierce's Palace and finally • few weeks age,. when Bai-
Hotel was completely destroyed- The i liff Flatters, acting ►aa deputy to Sheriff
hotel was opened April 29th, 1878, and Coutlee, went to make the seizure he
NEW FRllffS £1
sort, including furniture, $300,000, half was given a very limited time to get out 1
of which was expended on -the building. of the township, after being forced to
The hes is estimated at $500,000• The lunch heartily from off the writs he
insurance aggregates $260,400, distribut- wanted to serve. The Federal Govern-
ment was applied to for a posse of the
Dominion Police to aid in carrying out '
the law, but this was refused. At the
Circuit Court, Aylmer, on Friday last,
Judge McDougal was applied to for the
necessary assistance to exeoute the writs.
The application was .granted, and the
Wakefeld Infantry Company has beaee
diluted for the servise. The seismAe
will be attempted the beginning of nest
weak, when some trouble is anticipated,
as the Stag Creek residents are said to be
prepared for a further opposition to the
minions of the law.
forty-eight hours. Though Alfred be-
unged to a `,`coloured benevolent soci-
,ty, ' it was by hilly enemies always sup -
:used he wig nor averse to helping him -
:,elf in a small way, on the sly, when oc-
casion presented itself. However, this
'ad nothing to do with the published re-
aolutions of his brotherhood, which read
On the 1st of January, of a total of
183,942 non -c mpesioned officers and
men in the British army, 191,793 were
English, 14,450 Scotch, 38,75 Irish,
1,869 were born in India or the colonies,
9,361 were foreigners, and 4,094 are re-
turned as "not reported_" As regards
that int tate hour of death he was cheered l reW{ious denominations, it appears that
j ed officers and men 115,E were mem-
bers of the Church of England, 14,024
Presbyterians, 7,309 other Protestente,
42,371 Roman Catholioa, 1u2 Mahomme-
dans, Hindooi, Jews, &c., while the
religions of 4,830 nee not reported; poe-
sibhy these latter were Ag tis. One
importtlnt fact is, 7,859 British sold
could neither read not write.
with_ : hope df immdrial lie in tletsf et the total of 183,942 nonwmmision'
,• :and "where chickens, eorrc.w, pain and
ueath are felt and feared no mora" It
ii said by his friends that "chickens" is
misprint for "sickness." Therm :oust
Baas been a wicked compositor some-
where in the printing office.
*ales few :skater.
Ns'rer got out of anybo,:y'.i roav 1 A terrible scandal in reported front
- —it anyun. -s-in your moi dna s go Thedfori. affecting the character ofi 111
round him -go straight thr..ugh hies. prominent clergyman, who baa s%
Don't border youuself with any alta
wraps ; shivering is pleasa:.t xcasionally. u said to have violated • girl of realer
sae in ravine numb (d the village.
The wnforttnate dimensions that hate.
ever afiticted poor Ireland, and are ant
oosta>pieioas today as tkey were is
t'Cosusel's time, trresistably suggest the
following fenny lines in which they are •
hit of it one of Chas. Lends h umuroas t
"Ooh, Dublin city, there is nn donbtinlimyBates iveity upon the say;
there ye'd hear O'Connell spontin'
An' Indy Morgan makin' tap.
Pet 'tis the espied av the foinest nation?
Wid cbasasin'•piestry as' emitted chirp
F jLta' loik divi s for ,ostentation, ' I
As' Latin each other fur the love of
sconded. Litehat fa
Teas, Sugars,
.4nd General (heeerie.;
Dr, Patct'S Cream Baking Powder.
Dr. Pike a Lupulin Yeast Gems.
Chas. A. Nairn,
THE : rQ U4RE.
D. e - eta•
1,v.ahil., ,sa,*n
r .10
Groceries, Orookory ma Glassware
The cholusst rymlly Groceries always kept on tend, ani at prfers I a& Malted be Meats MO,
my bowie to tae trade. •
The!Old Stant- south side of Court House Square.
Sv:1 e'rery Saturday.
NEW YutiK T) ULA.3l3OW
ceABINS. SOS to Sae. :.TisERAOE Sit
Tries stews»do not cans cattle. sheep aeries
CABINS Pe to pa E':cursion at Reduced
Passenger accomm;alations are unsurpassed.
All stateroom ca Mein Deck_
Paeeengere booked at lowest rates Amey
sa fia.lroad Station m Kurope
Drafts at lowest rates. pavable (free of charge.)
dirosAout rottend, Scotland sad Itwlana.
leorooks of information. plans. Ate&pet,
to Haa.r
NDaasoN Britst s. 7 BowLtsa b$U&N.
N. Y.
Or to MRS. E. W.ARNO('K. Albion Block.
1751- Agent al Ooderich
ll this clergyman
When you find yourself fahin , bring
some one else dawn with you, and bemire
to keep on top.
11 a ocean skater asks your eeeuta'.os,
dont give it , people aright take you for
a greeny.
If your strains and buckles get out of
order, swerr at them ; bottled sager is
bad for the Noel.
If you happen to own skates, don't
lend thea to s little irother, or little
sister, or anyone else.
If a pretty girl omen along and car
sines at your feet, pink her ur tenderly
and oar her your ares.
Don't learn to skate by the old fash-
ioned method try teemed eaglet.. once.
If you get un comlortlrbly warm, hand
your ulster or seal (moque to the first one
who comae s:. ng T ey'U keep it with
If your mater takes s tumble, snake
out you don': see her; it's terribly •stupid
work to play the agreeable to an old poke
Rice her.
He woe detected by a young man, a
twsideut of the vile, whose word has
always been lout upon as reliable.
The minister begged of him to keep the
matter a secret, and protnieed him money
if he would do se. He replied that he.
would, but that the minister must leave
the place at nrtoe. This the minister
agreed t., and removed t.. Arkoaa. Tb.
young man kept the secret as long as lis
could, but Tinily it leaked out, and a'
friend of the minister having warned
hint, the ret. gentleman deemed it pru-
dent to leave for Chicago. Meantime
the scandal has spread all over the place,
and is now the an absorbing topic• The
young man still sticks to his story, bat
refuses to reveal the stairs of the girt.
The minister in question was a talented
man, and had • largeton.
The affair has caused tha as= annoyance, and it is hoped that I s Lwtw
may not he as stated. . teeer
s Usti roast.. fir SWeree.
Led ea ren wax wondrously p ►dilo-
If you tail, dont be In a hurry getting quern triton in the mind. A Kentseby
c 0 , you can take a rest, and if a desen victim '- f mans inc usseney thus sets
t , _wrer— pouitIra_lyifetth her st in a petition for di•ohas;
( wedded
8katw trot end 1)iat of
Lilac love no ekaeM a1w1ro runs smooth. been to dart Its iewti
odic beet known remedy for all affec-
tioss of the thein, Lungin or Throat is
Gases s gram or Rao drams Gum- It
is constantly used by thousands of per -
eons suffering from the above diseases,
and in nearly every mstanoe it afords
immediate relief. In cum of trouble-
some, tickling Cough, whore the patient
pees sleepless nights, use or two doses
of the Myrup has such a quieting, sooth-
ing effect that the rest eneuea aid the
Omagh speedily- disappears. Try it and
be convinced. S.dd by all chemists.
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. - ad
C.-,.'. Ceprcno i.-GRATZ/DR AND COMSOSr t x0.
'HT • tiM•a'e1k Itrey►ledge of the natural
nudes ^ '' T e p ntlih10
fFw. ,e t,tfn.►.t ►ower
fellow that owes a goad parr of skates, 'totally clouds ..t atramentsl b knee,
s oomme g n O.' lhd • ps.aaty asp, °b aring even alar ni hope sieb llsppri-
-sa have t1M peck and ehoirer of girt* 6 rllwmttsabd
nes. w nwtwepiwsde+tttl"s7
Always carry terreperenee tree. shoot the dawn of the ant few ishan yeas of
sou : then if ton wWtt t5„leeve your gill her wedded life, when else gum her
for a few miaitas to get a hot inuonad., hand sttd an undivided heart to the t! r.
tmU her you atm a fad ma it' the teeter,. feedan/, who, is the aid" month eC
you want to lithe • tre'ct' t) a Nile July, 11 M, etas havinbeen warty
here you 1f vett tiffs her ape haunt Lit -.i snng1[ wintered „nth -1w the fend ews-
) Inaeng* when woven herd, 'li he ewe d her loving e -n ., eel el..isiy
bt the defeo isnt, showed hill bass, Mask
1'rsv . •t no s'. 'Iso besueity tr ingrwt,en•ls by ►handtwtiwg her with•wt Wp aw. sae, /ie$wtW mete aeon aM5e Mwtr
-went and M! EtrIha Meth mope whatever, etMpt the Insatiable 'r eget. is lalheise OsmrfrtMe
out ' hirci 5.m. net hunt (rte novelty, which is the redeye ha leavr+i rgla Q Luaus & fb*
rant .ample 175'5 hating character of defendant's nature
I: yon mete postied to 11 hetet Ott heat alone Ret
Lot. MushuthU revere ttm careful s
sad autrltJoa sad by a careful on of
the has polo Vigil wour brlarkryt (locos. wfM r,
ietf etsroufIy flln:owred beverage WWI* may nave
siselslMrir u/sbfu eh argil ca a It 1 thbyat the sui4
sy+ch articles •f Met t hit •roe
tis` be gragaaft Dolls went u.tress/
a to assist every Maims, to aura.
H reds of subtle ieeles ere Aoatiea
nosed Y ready to act. wherever there le •
k W os w~ 5ortlfed etIb
bey 1M yea well
.,a' aura s eres.rlr fie 0.1..4 A'atrv•
Arnrtli ewe In ',nat.- '
,e. el ,t toe.,i o
ageAafrevseewera •
1 • 'Ot1
um tactsmaa.
And for Purifying the Blood -
has been In use for strum.andd eau
me u
proved to be e bast rrer
Os SACK. Col
DYtEii9[A. PLE, d an Demise
that arise from • Disordered Liver erste
impure blood. Thousands of oar Hae
e.upre tako 1t and give it to thele dte-
ate6 PRsatetses pr uMbe rt dally. Those
tea„ me b ecce. recommend it toadied.
it Is wale teem Ydorr Moadit•
o rtoMC_ d
town valuable
H at
sot burn the most &limbs constillidom
It iv ose ee tae had etedtetssw r tdrr
111=1 tie stuns
as as at Krttpe.stat. 5
oilttm es wits enamelobtain • bottle et
IMOmt a Ams tater
sees al us dotter. and e. esti
Y. x!011 a CO.mamenlin _e.
or sateby Chinn* sad Rte'
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware
1751 Eltunilton Street, Goderich.
Reduced to Bottom Prima
Farm and School Bells, Household Hardware --at discount prices. UitMdurtf Hardware -end
Tools at Wholesale Prima. Large contracts filled at Manufacturers' Prion.
C -i -OD ZCH.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.,r
no (,Greet American Rernafy JlW
nnoaT AF1P.S
rr•is► is saw
/ ie irslheyrssow Ores
Oilai ter
le utas
as sena►
awiiw .t'•
Wm. Mose
a 5t-
is s
MOMS tams Dh
et r fr♦
RED 'F"te
',11:42e. .; .GUM
Hamilton Street, Gode rich.
A good assortment of Kitchen. Bed -room, Dining Room and Parlor Ft:rr.il Ore, Ruth an Te -
hies, Chairs (hair, cane and wood seated), Cupboards, Bed -steads. M tt:rusre s, Wash -steeds.
Lounges, Boras, What -Nota, Looking Olaeses.
N. B. -A complete assortment of Coffins and Shrouds always on haat, use Heerees tor biro
at reasonable rates.
Picture Framing a apeciattr —A r ail tolfcit(xt t".I 0. BARit'?
Red, White and Blue!
AcbeSon .GEORGE Acheson
New Dress Siood's,' joy & tHosrery,
JUST ARItyYW .m emo , * a, • .. . , •- .t, .. g4/v1
0 4t, ii..an'' WSJ .
Its fbrrtar*eib1e pw ee" in ,aairrisg
certaissiantas cif Bronchitis, and its
Mason tljerli(i•' #O to curing (4
Minato Asturias a.w .. w woes sepia
rlassrta M f/te ar at J ir
r..ataa g0.4 ,seas
xC. • r/ re w Lew,' cams*
' .wh seller .wr..r,:
SRRR1' IPAY'lON & rf)•
-.h — ..
,1 : •
Chemet and Druggist,
MA min' AQt/ARl, A(1DBit(t'H
Wa•lesaleand item' Dealer rR Drugs. Chen *Al, Paints. 0l.. i)ye Stern, Artist Colors.
Patent Kedletaes. Hones, aed (,-laic Isedlol.M,Miltirlilerp, %% ili't A.rtk:lee. Eco.
Physicians' Presortptbns carefully my d ispensed- 55 ,
Chemist • & D ru.gg st r:
1re•rer (a 's * ilrels set Cbm.iosie eraser end "'met Art!do*. at,
I,asported Havana and Domestics Otgar3, Pipee,TTobticcoe;&l11•
6' $sA1.1(j.. r tr(tij ora
Pkysic.ans 1'rascr.AXIL@ Sea I'ate.:I Receipts ce,r,M aoo-ansearae at all Yearn.
COV,T I( Ti gIUA.1ti. .
• cheer
The OLD Family Grocery.
G. A. ,OLD.
Wh•waR'rthippeeaw s•Tiv,.y er-'ry f'u sglwim nnatew,m-i w," 104, -•tit. M hay e%
thein alai, (tnt)S of Urs italun•srK Warm
sem tatpye w e es a
dew Naw asides.
A fitll frasortm►sat of At rtotts. ',)r.angini mad I..emouw. T•ws.'• from
410 tJpt .
reamed trcX,
clana..d t o,•s.mae,
.w, asses,
sorsa .d
se.. as.. r.
relay a elhnM' A'' w • .,r . easel* R rt v , ,..w v'd l ra
to, Tay o ffit• Ail- TKA HIWV V,il,UA Its Ph X el Air e; '
gayb(]Ba[13/11PIET gB DT, A. 't e, 'TO IC A'9 I- S•17slerD.
n R nf,n• `lona. 1770