The Brussels Post, 1965-06-17, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, JUNE 17th, 1965 $2.00 A Year in Advance
Spin Around
The Track
(By Fred)
Racing last week was very good
to Jack McOUtoheOn, driver of
No. 73. Jack picked up two
checkered flags and four second
One of these checkers was
picked up at Delaware race
traeki London, by winning the
'Sweepstakes Derby, This race
consists of the four to six fast-
est cars. These cars time trial
to get into this race and fastest
car to the front.
Jack also got second in the
feature race at Flamboro track
on Saturday night.
Charles Thomas of Brussels was
a guest on the OBC-TV network
presentation "Take Thirty", on
Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Thomas
was interviewed by Paul Soles an
his interest in genetics in his
farm operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J.Jamont of
Kincardine and Leslie LaMont of
South Bend, Inclianna, were recent
guests with Mrs. Mande Stephen-
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe and
Mr. and Mrs, John Pipe Jr, were
in Dresden on Sunday where they
attended the christening of the
formers' grandson, John Kevin,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultas.
Mr. Victor 'Cardiff, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Cardiff has suc-
cessfully completed, with honors,
his Gropp 1 exams for Phsyciatric
Attendant at the Goderich Ontario
Hospital. Congratulations Vic.
Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Stephens and
family from Ohio State University
in Columbus .have been visiting
with their mother in Brussels and
Red Bay.
Miss Cassie Thompson who
who had been. a patient in Wing-
ham Hospital the last few weeks,
was able to return home last
Mrs. Harold Cardiff Who was
taken to Vingham, Hospital on
Saturday night and removed to
London on Monday has been
critically ill. Her many friends
hope her recovery will be rapid.
Mrs. Mae Crane of Port, Arthur'
John 13. Sample, both natives of
Brussels, Mrs. Sample, of Wood-
bridge, and their son John R.
Sample of Toronto, all formerly
of Brandon Man.. wore visitors
in Brussels last week.
Mrs. Winnifred lidgnr receiv-
ed word Tuesday morning of the
death of her uncle, A. ,T. McMillan
Of POrt Arthur, formerly of i3rns-
Se18. Mr. MeMillan, who was 74,
Was a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs, ORO, McMillan. He in. atm
rived by one daughter. Mrs. Mex
(Ruth;) MOrris, Torentet one son.
bon, Port Arthliir, and two austere;
Attie lb.:toted, Prototte olt#
Couple Are Honored On.
.25th Wedding Anniversary
A very pleasant Sunday atter- ,
noon was spent at the home of
;Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Fischer,
CrenbroOk; when Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob 'Fischer, Brussels, Mr. and
Mrs. Hartley Fischer and family,
Listowel; Mr. end Mrs. Bernard.
Thomas and family, Bitievale;
Mr. and Mrs. William Hastings
and family, Kitchener; presented
them with a silver tea service on
the happy occasion of their 25th
Wedding Annivereary. which was
;Tune 12th, Others .visiting were
Miss Ruth Higginbotham; • Lone
don; Mr, and Mrs. Herold Chap. ,
man. Mr. and Mrs. James ..Jazede-
son, Kitchener: Mrs. George
Chidlow and Mr. Lige- Chapman
Brussels: also presenting -them
with many lovely gifts.
..fficc .s Installed At
.,71n.s Club Meeting
The last regular supper meet-
in.e of the Brussels Lions Club, for
the current season. was held in the
library on. Monday night.
Lion president, Charles Thomas
Presided. Lion Tamer Cecil McFad-
den led the sing song and Tail
Lion Cecil McFadden reported
011 the convention in, St. Cathar-
ines, which he attended as a dele-
Lion Cecil Parker requested a
motion that the club give don-
ation of $75 to the Lake St.
Joseph Camp tor the. blind. The
'notion was passed.
Lion Calvin, Smith suggested
that the Brussels Lions enter a
float in the Lien duly 1st cele-
bra tion in Atwood, as a number
of other clubs in the district are
doing. This was left for a com-
mittee, to dedide.
The president thanked the
officers and members for their.
co-operation during his term of
etfflice, making it one of the most
skiceessful years the club has
Lion Jack McDonald installed
the ColloWing 1965-06 officers:
President flame TenPae
1st Vice George Metter
2nd Vice Leonard Meehan
3rd Vice, Calvin Smith
Seeretary Jas, Armstrong Jr
Treaserer Cecil Parker
Lioh 'nitride Cecil McFadden
tail Twister Gee. McCutcheen
hirectore Calvin TCraeter,
Gordon Stites', Gordon Work.
Wee. te11 1,0,0 V1ief
The official opening, for Legion
and their wives, of the
Hall, Brussels, wilt
be held Friday, June 25th at
R p.m. Parade at 7.30 P.M.
June 11
ilelgrave .5
June 1t3
June 18
Seine. 21
;tune 25
Brussels -
.!ame.. 23
July 2
Suly 6
July 9
July 12
Tidy 15
July 19
July 21
Jely 2(3
Snit, pe'i
4 4 41i1 401,a: it
1 --• -`•-••
Good news for the ratepayers
of i3russels is a 5 mill reduction
in the 1965 tax rate.
The reduction is attributed to
the increased local assessment
and the decrease in the. 'Wingham
and District High School and.
Brussels Public School mill,
Taxpayers will also benefit by
a 2 per cent discount if they pay
their taxes before the end of this
The regular meeting of the
Village Council was :beld in the
Municipal Office on 'June 7th, all
members being present.
The following motions were
Moved by I. G. Campbell, sec-
onded by Lawrie Cougins that
the minutes of the meeting of
May'.,, 1065 be adopted as read
Moved by C. L. Cousins second-
ended by J. L. McCutcheon that
a dnotion of $150.00 be given to
the Fair Board for the year 1965
Moved by I. G. Campbell, ,sec-
elided by H. J. TenPas that the
accounts as approved on pain
P,TT,Ce streetlights
Brussels Public LibrarY
and office 236.82
part payment on
1965 levy
Art Henry, labour
Glenn Rorinenherg. in-
:Fair Board, 19(35 grant 15302..0500
Sam Sweeney. work
on dump 280.00
Deuelas T. Callender,
366.75 May Nursing Acc't
:8255 Bridge Motors. gas
MacLena's Firm Service
gas and
Mcflutehoon Motors.
gas and repairs
Machin .l-idwe., supplies 1170..30 82
Bernard TenPas, repairs
to washrooms 9.38
O.N.R., rent 2.50
M. McDonald Lumber
Material 9.12
La.vis Contracting Co.
black top
Grand River Supply
office Supplies 13.95
Twp. of Grey, grading 40.00
Mrs. W. G. Leach
supplies ..„..„. .50
,Tohan Hulzebos, fOX
;'1.nbrodleintityWorkman, fox
bounty ........... 12..00
rnited Stationery, dog
tags .. . . .. 11,64
(;ea. Polls rd, backhoing .„. 11.50
Cardiff, salary 150.00,
Provincial Treasurer
ittetille .t1.1
Scarte & Co
Brussels Coal Yard,
gravelling 67.751
Cordon Stiles, May
garbage collection 149.99
Receiver General, tax
deductions 21,83
Post Office, U.LS, 4.32
Art Henry, labour 40.00
A. M, Harper, 1964
audit 750,00.
Moved by H. J. TenPas, second-
ed by C, L. Cousins that we
advertise for the cutting of grass
in the Village of Brussels for the
year 1965. State. hourly rate.
Tenders to be in by 1 p.m June
IS. 1965
Moved by H. J. TenPas, second-
ed by J. L. IVIeCtitcheon that By-
Law No. 3:1965 be introduced and,
read a first and seconded time
and passed
This being a By-Law setting
the mill rate at 76 mills Resident,
ial and 55 mills Commercial for
the year 1965. A two percent dis-
count will be allowed on taws'
paid by June 30, 19se.
Moved by C. L. Cousins, second-
ed by T. GI, Campbell that By-Law'
NO. 3-1965 be read a third time
and passed and the Reeve and
Clerk be authorized to sign and.
the seal of the Corporation attach-
Moved by T. G. Campbell, sec-
onded by C. L. Cousins that Wm.
Cox of Walkerton he employed
to repaint the signs at the four
approaches to the Village.
Moved by J. L. McOuteheon
seconded by J. G. Campbell that
the meeting adjourn, to meet
again June 14. 1965 at 9 p.m.
C. Kreuter Win, H. King
Reeve Clerk
Quick Action Averts
DisastrouS Fire
Fire of unknown origin,"which
could have been disastrous, broke
out, in the early hour of Satetr-
day morning. at the Brussels
Sales Yard.
Seeious damage was averted
when the fire was seen, and the
alarm raised. by women return-
ing from work at the Campbell
Soup Plant in Listowel. They
alerted people at the home of
Tom Blotch. who lives on the
Property, and they hold the blaze
in check until the Brussels fire
departnent arrived. No great
amount of damage resulted.
The fire department was atm,
monad again on. Saturday after-
noon when the strong wind'scat-
tered the. fire when the refuge
front the booth at,, the Park was.
bottle bittned. The tire keee
IV 40444444
$2.50 Ta UAL&
14 Confirmed. By Bishop
At St. John'.s Church
On Seadey June 13th at 7,30
p.m. the Rev, H. Jennings
Rector of St. Athif5, Burseels,
presented foulte-ep. candidates
for coefirmatioe to the Right
Rev, H, IT% Appleya,re, M.C.B.A.
13.1)„ Bishop of Georgian Bay.
Those confirmed were. Shirley
Margaret Bernard Margaret jean.
Cardiff, Lindp. Mlle Elliott, Neil
Raymond °Owing, David /Bruce
Cowing, Robert Ross Goulet, Barb-
ara Kathryn, Ann Goulet, 17Venda
Mary Humphries, Margaret
Dianne Nichol, Douglas Robert
Pollard. Brian Edgar Pollard,
Murray Ross Smith, Lois Anne
Storey, and Mary Victoria Willis.
The Rev. O. S. Black of Christ
Church. Listowel, presented Mr.
Maxwell Tryon of Strathroy. Mr.
Marcus Cloete of. Listowel was
the Bishop's staff-bearer, The
choir 'under the leadership of
Airs. Bevan Elliott, organist, and
Miss Irma Bernard, choir leader,
sang, 'Fairest Lord Jesus. A large
congregation of relatives and
friends were present, A social
hour was enjoyed after the ser-
vice, when the ladies of the
Church served refreshments.
Twister Geerge Mutter performed,
his duties with zest. Lion secretary
H. TenPas gave the roll call and members
dealt with the minutes and cote new Legion
The guessing contest was won
by Lion Wm, Blake.
at Brussels
at 13lyth
at Brussels
at Bel grave
at Brussels
at Lucknow
at Brussels
at ,Brussels
a,t 13lyth
at Brti'ssels
at Lucknow
at Belieeels
itt Bele; eVe
at Wine:hem
tfttliektl; 1 Ultl P.111,