HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-06-03, Page 7BRUSSELS POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO TIIL711.SDA X, .1(INIi1 3rd, 1965 DO YOURSELF A GOOD TURN TO-DAY PICK THE YELLOW ROCKET FROM YOUR aym.Apow HURON COUNTY SOIL AND ORO?' tmPRovglmENT. AssocJATiox g'''''kacIMOPAaft.,m,Wmtigasv•t0‘,,r,pigfrl000iwra",,,,,vuira.opirio,srpuiw SEE US FOR THE BEST BUYS IN USED FARM MACHINERY 14 ft. Self Propelled Swather 60 Combine with both grain and corn head 30 NI! H.. Tractor in good condition Case All Type Combine Several Used Power Mowers Case 28" in cyclinder Threshing Machine Several Used Hay Rakes For further particulars contact: J. IP3) T il;"7 r•-.40 t l, ..i...,di EQUIPMENT FARM YOUR MA SEY - FERcusori DEALER PHONE ii BRUSSELS- ONT. ...z.A.,,,Awatt...,.......rz...,,,,,: ....aee,.......14=6....pmzi.:........gan NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS No Dog are allowed to run at large during the gardening season. By-Law No. 2 . 1959 levies a fine of $50.00. Police have authority to kill any dog not tied. David Hastings. Chief of Police, Village of Brussels HI THERE, COME ABOARD! Linda Mama (Miiss Canala 19(0); I)aniele Dorice, siuger-danc0 Cordio Tapp; Earbara and Joan ,Lounsbury, batnen-bwirling sisters; (top) George Armstrong, captain, Toronto Maple Leafs; and Simone Dina, folk-singer aro part of the 19-mentherl CBC concert party entertaining Canadian and other United Nations Emergency Forces stationed in the United. Arab Republic. Recorded highlights of these stage show" will Ise broadcast on CBC radio's UN PIP ShowcaSO, June 0. June 3rd and and 10th edition Of What's on Tapp will also be recorded there: FRAME NEW POLICIES TO ASSIST FAMILY FARM A minimum average family farm income as the main ob- jective for a national agricul- ture policy for Canada was re- cently proposed in the House of Commolla by Agriculture Minister Harry Hays. Speaking in t h e throne speech debate on April 13, Mr. hays said: "I believe the primary ob- jeetive of all our agricultural programs should be to encour- age a national average realized net income for the family farm equivalent to the national av- erage industrial wage. I think this should be our definition of an economic family farm unit." Mr. Hays pointed out that the current national average in- dustrial wage is about $4,500 a year. This compares with a national average realized net income for Canadian farmers in 1964 of about $3,800—a dif- ference of $700. Mr. Hays said' the federal government "is developing a comprehensive national policy for agricUlture" to ensure that 'Canada does not become de- pendent on world markets for its main food supplies. While he did not go into details, the Minister offered, a hint of the direction in which he believes an income-based na- tional policy for Canadian agri: culture will lead. "I believe the direction we will be moving b with the pro- posed National Dairy Commis- sion should provide a guide for approaches to income and mar- keting problems in other areas of agriculture in the future. He also suggested that a federal-provincial program will soon have to be considered for purchase of poorly used lands and their redevelopment into economic family farm units. These could then be sold or leased back to individual farm- ers who could then expect to at least 200 acres of land and make a decent living on them. Mr. Hays added: "The government intends to develop, in co-operation with the provinces, a national agri- cultural program based on eco- nomic principles which, as far as possible, can be placed be- yond the reach of political ex- pediencies. "This program must ensure a stable supply of food for our consumers at reasonable prices. It must recognize the legitimate interests in our domestic mar- ket of our trading partners. But it must also recognize the right of every farmer in this coun- try to an income that is more closely equivalent to what the w,orkers in our towns and cities enjoy. "We now have labor laws guaranteeing minimum wages for our workers. We have tar- iffs and tax incentives for our businessmen. It's time we started thinking of a. minimum income for our farmers." Mr. Hays noted that since be- coming Minister of Agriculture, he has personally studied agri- citItural programs in ten coun- tries. !Troth what I have learned it is my considered opinion that Canada today is behind most Of those countries in establish- ing policies that will ensure strong, economically-sound food production industry for the ex- panded population we Will have in the fhture, "Where we are most behind is in. establishing a comprehen- SiVe national policy to cover pthcewho.,1e, of our agricultural The Minister said that while Canadian agriculture as a whole is healthier and more produc- tive today than ever before, thousands of individual farm- ers still have serious problems. "You can sum up these prob. lerns in two words — low in- come. This is the core of the problem we have to deal with in all our agriculture policies," Mr. Hays said. the first ma- jor step in developing a na- tional agriculture policy was an expansion of farm credit facili- ties, to enable the family farm to expand to its rightful level of profitability. This had been achieved in the following ways: 1. Maximum loans available from the federal Farm. Crettit Corporation were doubled, to $40,000 for unsupervised and $55,000 for supervised loan,. 2. Fine-print changes made it easier for a father to pass on the family farm to his children, for a father to help a son or other near relative buy a farm of his own and for any young farmer to get started. 3. The maximum farm im- provement loan available from the chartered banks under a government guarantee, was dou- bled to $15,000. 4. The Farm Machinery Syn- dicates Act was introduced en- abling groups of three or more farmers to borrow together the eqUivalent of $15,000 each, up to a maximum of. $100,000, for the purchase of equipment to be shared among them. • In explaining the need for this expansion in farm credit facilities, Mr.. Hays gave some examples of the kind of family farm that could be expected to return a cash income of about .$4,500 a year for the farmer's labor and investment. For a wheat farm on medium land in Saskatchewan, he would need about 700 acres, plus the machinery.. to work it—an in- 'vestment of .$40.000 at the very least and probably closer to $50,000 or $60,000. For a dairy farm in Ontario to provide that kind of a liv- ing, he would probably need 40 to 50 milking cows—a mini- mum investment of $60,000 and probably more. To make a cow-and-calf beef g operation pay that much in Que- bec. or• the Maritimes, a farmer should have something like 500 acres, and at least 100 cows and probably closer to two hundred —an investment of anything from $60;000 or $75,000 up wards. Mr.. Hays .said the next stage is to develop policies that will assure farmers the kind of mar- kets and incomes that will en- able them to pay for this eX- pension.. • It was with- this•. stage in mind that the government bad introduced a new • utility-based prize program for major farm fairs, a step designed to encour- age Canada's development as a World supplier of animal and plant seed stock. It . was with a view to adding a . new element of stability to farm incomes that the govern- ment had widened the crop in- surance program, to cover pro- vincial crop disaster risks through re-insurance. Mr. Hays said the successful family farm must mean modern, expensive and efficient machin- ery, good buildings, costly fer- tilizers, city style bookkeepito and management, with enough cash income to send the chil- dren to university as city lam- Hies do, and with electric light and indoor plumbing. BEAUTY SHOP A Specialty Cutting, Styling, Cold Waving PHONE 140 BRUSSE‘g WANTg0 Cash an the farm far good fowl 0 lbs, ills ibr; 15141 lbs,, 104; 41/2 lbs. to, 04 lbs., 12o lb, Cali:" L. Hood Munkton 347074 KrricHENER weHOLOTEIRY Experc re-upnoistering, re- f.in.LJiiing; repairing, and cleaning of E 1 types of furniture.:`trice estimates. Work guaranteed. Phone. 43 Brussels CLAYTON G. HOGG LED. REAL ESTATE JOHN WADE REPRESENTATIVE BRUSSELS, ON1f. WANTED Farms, Homes, 13usinessed• Lots, and Acreages for sale in and. around Brussels. Contact Glen Thuell, Real Estate Division, Eritish. Mortgage and Trust, Listowel, Phone 8L FOR SALE — . 100 or 150 acres, Good. buildings. C-eo. Cook, 411 4, Mitchell Lot 4, Con. 18, Logan Township Phone 348-8317 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — District Dealership available. Aniazing• new machine relating to car care. A novel ingenious invention needed for years. Setts immediately, high profits. l'riucess ProtWucts, 133. UoxWell Ave., Toronto 8. AUCTION SALE Household Effects Mrs. Anne Ellacott ATWOOD SATURDAY, JUNE 5th at 1:00 p.m. Gordon Jackson — Auctioneer APPLICATIONS WANTED -- Applications for the position of caretaker for the new Grey Toi,vtiship ,Central School at Ethel will be received by the undersigned up to Jpne 5. Sala,ry to be negotiated. Duties to com- mence Sept, 1, 1965. .NOrillEtall S. Hoover, RE, 3, Brussels, Ont. Sec'y, Grey T. S. A. .APPLICATIONS WANTED The Grey Township School Area requires for September 7, Sias (6) regular bus drivers and three (3) spare drivers. Wages to be. $6.00 Der day fOr regular drivers &n6 :13.30 per day for spare drivers. Applications for mese positions reeened by the under- signed up to June 5. Norman S. Hoover,. 3 Brussels, Out Seey, Grey T. S. A. 'tko!tim:Wft..:°,14400)4514