The Brussels Post, 1965-05-20, Page 14.00 A Year in Adman. TIM BRUSSELS THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1965 POST PUBLISHING HO1J 3W $2,60 To U.S.A.
Amid a setting of white mums,
Mies Edith Anna Mae Shaw be-
came the bride of John Wesley
Pipe on May 15th, in Knox Pres-
byterian Church, Bluevale. Rev.
T. E. Kennedy. officiated,
The bride is the daaighter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shaw RR 2,
Bluevale, and the groom parents
are Mr,. and Mrs. Mervyn. Pipe
of RR 4, Brussels.
The bride's father gave her in
marriage. She wore, a white
floor-length dress of nylon sheer
over rayon satin 'with large bow
at back of waist and lily point
sleeves. Her crown of sparkling
crystal like stones set oft by her
waist-length veil with lace ap-
pliques matching the neckline of
her dress. She carried red roses.
Her attendants were her sister,
Mrs. Dorothy Thompson, I3lue-
vale, as matron of honour, and
the bridesmaids were the groom's
sister., Mrs. ellizabeth Coultes of
Dresden and Miss Mary Lou
McDonald of Listowel. Their
dresses were coral With net over
taffeta with a floating panel from
the back of the rounded neck-
line, with a large flower, at top.
;Their boquets were white mums
'The flower girl, Miss Debbie
Coultes of Dresden, niece of the
groom, wore a short full skirted
white nylon net dress trimmed
with coral and carried a basket
of flowers .to match. Master
Kenneth Thompson of Bluevale,
nephew of the bride, was ring
Mr. Wayne Lowe of Bilissels,
was best man and ushers were.
Mr. Harvey Shaw, Wingliam and
Air, Jack Coultes of Dresden.
Mrs, Lois Bridge sang "0 Per-
fect Love" and The Lord's
Prayer", accompanied by the
ormist Nye. Nera Moffatt. •
The bride's table at the re-
ception in the church parlour
was -- centred with a three-tier
wedding cake with- white candles
on either side. Assisting were
'Misses, ,4nnt Lowe,. Brussels,
tarenda Shaw, 'Myth, Mrs. Mar-
ilyn Caniipbell, I3elgrave,, Mrs.
Sharon 'Day, Bluevale, Rose
1,Yierie Gowing,
Mrs. Shaw wore an arnel
Jersey with self pleats in a two
tone broWn with matching ac-
cessories mud pink corsaFe. The
groom's mother chose a three-
piece pink linen suit with white
accessories and white corsage.
The bride's travelling costume
Wag a navy dress with white
trim a.nd matching navy and
white accessories:
Aftertt'":15Aciiiey nieiiri through
Southern, Ont4IO!':dnd :,'Northern
allelligan, they reside l
ktiesta,'-- were ••• •present rtion
xitontler, ProPloo t OM WIN
!Mts Annie Baeker, 85, died in.
;Wingbarn pistrict Hospital, on
She was the widow of William
L Baeker, and the fonder Annie
McNichol. She was born in. Brus-
sels, a daughter of the late Mr. and
2 p.m. Rev. Allan Johnston
officiated. Burial was in Brus-
sels cemetery.
Pallbearers were five nephews,
Ralph, Ross, Andy, Glenn and
Aubrey McNichol and . Frank
18th And 16th Unit Ut Uuff's
United Church U. C. W,
The May meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. Jan van. Vliet,
iMionda.y eveninga May 10th.
The meeting opened with hymn
562 "Day Is. Dying In The West"
IVIrs. Bill Turnbull read the
scripture f rom. Luke 10, 32-42,
followed by prayer. The topic
"The Christian Home' and an
article "They Lived Courage-
()lusty" were read by Mrs. Alvin
The next regular meeting is to
be June lst. Hymn 502 "What A
Friend We Have IP Jesus" was
sung and the Lord's Prayer re-
peated in unison. Mrs. Harold
Belmar conducted (the business.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by the secretary, Roll
Call, "Men of the Bible" was
answered by 14 ladies.
The ladies on the line who are
not mentbers Were invited and
there were 10 guests present,
The bale is to be left for addit-
ional articles to be brought, in.
A social time and contests Were
enjoyed. Grace was sung and
Minch served by Mrs. Doug.-
Fraser, Mrs. Rare Houston and
the hostess,
McGAVIN In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, May 14th, 1965,
to Mt and Mrs. Neil McGavin,
a daughter, Katherine Marie
— a sister for Brian,
ban, Listoviel. Atwood and SUr-
'ounding district, Als0 traigellt
Were the groott'S grandParents
'Mir, end Mrfe 11111100 01
ions on their accordions, which
were much enjoyed by all. Mrs.
Hemgingway thanked all and
-each received a small gift.
Mr. Knight gave a paper on. the
orlture and care of roses. He also
received a small gift,
Mrs. T, !deeming received the
door prize. A contest on seeds
was conducted by Mrs. Heming-
way, Mrs. Smalldon receiving the
The roll call was a flower
arrangement of Spring flowers,
which were very pretty and
several of the new tulips were
The society gave seeds to the
4-H girls and they are to enter
the flower show in Augpst. Bulbs
will again be sent for for fall.
The convenors of the meeting
were ala's. 0eintnell and Mrs.
Wes Kerr. Hostesses were Mrs.
L, MeCutcheon, Mrs. W. Perrie,
Ales. J. Speir and Mrs. C. Heming-
Rev. S J. Stevaart administered
the sacrament of baptism at Knox
Presbyterian Church. Ethel, On
Sunday to Larry. George, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald' Cardiff,
eestowel, and Wendy Lynn,
d; tighter of Mr. and Lawrence
Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff
and Mr. and Ads, Barlow became
ineinbers of the church at this
Communion Service.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moyer and
family of Strathroy visited on
Sunday with Mir and Mrs. Lawr-
ence Barlow.
My sincere thanks is given to
my frlendS and neighbours whci
remembered me With visits,
cards, treats and fletvers, while
r was 4 patient in Winghtini
Thanks also to Dr. MoKibbon
and the hospital nursing start
on the third floor,
- fi„inn 11.01rf
Miss Diane Tenpas, daughter
of Mr. and Mfrs. Bernard TenPas
RR 2, Bluevale, and Reid Hack-
well, son of Mre. Edna leaokwell,
Walton and the late Wesley
1-fackley liackwell, exchanged
exchanged vows. in the Bethel
Christian Reformed Church,
Listowel, on Friday, Allay 8th.
Rey, Simon Terpstra officiated,
Mrs, Wm, King Sr., RR 2, Blue-
vale, was organist. The soloist,
Mrs. MieLlwain, Seaforth, a sister
of the bridegroom, sang, "0 Per-
fect, Love" and during the sign-
brother of the bridegroom, was
best man.. Henry Tenpas, Brus-
sels, Ben Tenpas, RR 2 Bluevale
both brothers of the bride, served
as ushers.
'Following the ceremony tea
was served in the eVrch base-
For the reception, held at the
Blue Barg Restaurant, Listowel,
the bride's mother wore a sea-
green peau de sole dress with
matching three-quarter -'length
coat, white accessories, and a
eorsage• of yellow chr-lyianthe-
mums. The bridegrooms mother
chose a navy blue silk dress,
white accessories. and a corsage
of pink chrysanthemums.
For a wedding trip to Southern
Ontario. the bride word a. dress
of beige satin, topped with white
lace. a white stole, and beige
The couple Will reside in
Omit - of 6 tOWn Vests from
Stratford. London, Seaforth,
Drayttiti,* 'Walton, Rtiissels,
Termite, G}tteleli and
131tieVale attended the ceremony.
14h69 1004:
Majestic W. I.
May Meeting
The regular meeting of Nrape-
tic W. I. was held Thursday event
inn at 8 o'clock. President, Mrs.:
Loweopened the meeting with.
the Ode and Mary Stewart Col-
Minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved. The
treasurer's report was given;
Oorespondence, read and dealt
with, The District Annual in.
Molesworth, Mey '20th, was an-
nounced, also, meeting of Huron
_Historical Society in' Fordwich
-June 4, at S o'clock Roll Call was
answered by a Household Hint
which brought a variety of ans-
Wers This was Home E,eonomics
meeting with. Mrs, adon
and Mrs. H. De Vries convenors.
Mrs Wilson was chairman for
the program. She read a poem.
Ann Ofdfield favoured 'with two
beaptitul piano solos. Mrs. Doug.
Heiningway spoke on the motto,
"If you take pains with a meal
you won't take pains after". Her
talk was Most interesting and
helpful. Mrs. Geo. Mutter gave a
demonstration of refrigerator
rolls, from the start, of the yeast
mixture to the finished product.
She donated the finished rolls
and eaikes to be drawn for. There
were 5 draws. Winners were
Mrs. ITnetber, Sire. A. MeTaggart,
Mrs. J. Armstrong Miss M. Mc-
Farlane and Mrs. Hemingway.
Happy Birthday was sung for
a member. The June meeting
will also be held in the evening.
The meeting closed with the
Queen and Institute Grace.
Lunch v, as served.
On Monday May 17th the Bras:,
Eels Ladies Bowling Team placed
fourth in the final Bowl Off of
the season at Fordwich.
Members of the team.; Grace
Cousins, Mari lyn Itiggins, Mar,
lene Rutledge. Lois McArter,
Karen Coleman. alid Merle Cells-
ins, 2909.
Monday May 17th, the niens
team placed third. Members of the
Team; George Copsins, Mel Me -
Arum', Jack Higgins, Jack Lowe,
Brian Rutledge, :Dave Hastings,.
Brian Rutledge received a
trophy tor the highest singled
score, 345.
A gratefttl thanks is giVen to
all those *.tio Sitpported the Boy
Scout Paper DriVe, The Scouts
will Sponsor another -'per Thive(
n t t.1,A
Ficrticulttual Society
To Have Rose Show
The regular meeting of the
Horticultural Society was held at
8:00 p.m. in the Library.
Mrs. C. Hemingway, president,
presided. 1\1,r% Walter Kerr, at
the piano.
Minpres of the last meeting
were read and adopted.
Delegates to the convention at
Guelph on June 16th, are Mrs.
Jouwsma and Mem C. Heming-
It was decided to nave a show
Mrs. Andrew MIcNicnui, and had
spent most of her life in. Brus-
sels. She Was a member of Brus-
sels United Church.
Surviving are one daughter,
Miss Pearl Baellter, and one son,
George, both. of J3russels; and a
brother, John, of Blyth. of roses and other flowers at ing of the register, "Who Breath-
The funeral service was held rose time} also refreshments. ed O'er the Garden of Eden".
from the D, A. Rann funeral Brian Stratychuk and Jim Old- The bride wore a floor-length
home ,Bruise18, Wednesday at field favoured with several select- gown of white satin, featuring
a back lace bow and train. Lily-
point sleeves and a square neck-
line detailed the fitted bodice. A
crown of pearls and. rhinestones
secured her finger-tip veil wince
was trimmed with sequins. She
carried a cluster of pink roses
and white gardenias. The matron
of honor, ;fie. Klass De Vries,
Listowel, sister of the bride, and
bridesmaids, Mee. Henry Mulder,
Guelph, another sister of tne
bridegroom, were gowned alike
In floor-length dresses of pink
satin With matching satin head-
bands. They carried cascades of
dusty pink and white carnations.
The flower girl, Miss Sandra
Smith of London, niece Of the'
bridegroom, wore a street-length
frock of pink satin, and a crown,
of white carnations. She carried
an umbrella filled with dusty
pink and white,.carnations.
Dave , Haelnwell, Stratford,