HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-05-13, Page 40111114.MIN rimenownowiftwommousww.+0+0.0.ftiftwwiiio. NOTICE. , DOG OWN14 NO Dog are allowed to run, at 100 during the gardening season. By-Law 40, 1959 levies a fine, of $50,00. Police have authority to .any cog not, tied. David 'Hastings, Chief of Police, Village of Brussels CASH BINGO BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, MAY 14th -- at 840 1$ Games for $ 5.00 Each 3 Special Games for $10.00 Each Admission: $1.00 'Extra & Special Cards 25c or 5 for 51.00 ponsored by The Ladies Auxiliary to Canadian Legion Brought to you as a public service by ONTARIO'S SILVER & BLACK FLAKE 1101..4111...0Aftiamic.,fthiAr...1.4000.1,4u,00,1,Wamft FOR SALE -- 100 or 150 acres, Good buildings. Geo. Cook, P,i, 4, Mitchell Lot 4, Con. 1.8, Logan Township Phone 348-8317 SEED FOR SALE - Price per Ili. — -13G; Red Clover 30c; Timothy 3Uc; Empire type Eirclsroot trefoil All home grown Grade one seea. For a good hay Crop try 8 lb. Alfalfa 2 lb. Red CloTer, a lo. Timothy, 4 lb. Brome Grass, total 12 14. Cost per acre $6.82.. Our complete stock of clovers and grasses all at equally low prices. For your Seed grain and grass Seed re- quirements, See Roy Gramm &a Son at Pinkerton, Phone. Cargill 366-2394. HURON COUNTY'S LEADING TRACTOR AND FARM. EQUIPMENT DEPOT Lowest possible prices on stock on hand of Tractors and over 80 other new machines in stock or being shipped to us at once in bulk shipment plus a large stock of used row crop, Kongskilde, and other used culti- vators, Disc Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Grain and Ferti- lizer, Drills, Planters, Manure Spreaders, Plows, Mowers, Swa- tilers, Hay Conditioners, Com- bines, and many other machines. Phone: 527 0120 John Bach. I. H. Dealer Seaforth DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC. WORKS OF CANADA SEALED TE,NDE,RS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Vi of Canada, Room 1.322. Sir Charles Tupper Build- ing., Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and endorsed "TENDER FOR rai4 SUPPLY 010 COAL ,FUBL4 OIL AND PROPANE GAS Plitt THE I-'JilI)BRAL BULLDLNCIS THRO U GH 0 UT '1'ui ER() V. INCE!' OP. ONTA410, 1955-60" Will be received until 3.00 P.M. (L. D. S. T.), THURSDAY„ MAY;. 27, 1965 Tender documents can be obtain- ed through: Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Room C-459, Sir Charles Tupper, Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa; °Alice Managers at: .241 Jarvis Street, Toronto; P. 0. Box 66S London; Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. To be considered each tender gust be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department ii accordance 'with the condition" set forth therein. The successful contractor may, be requested to provide security, before the award of the contract, in an amount and form accept* able to the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FOWLER, secretor", WANTED Weinan wants part time work, Ora WiW. FOR SALE Itangette, in good, cl940404. Peer#00. phone 252 FOR SALE 18 pigs, / weeks. old 44.4. 414.40 Aliehe 442 W FOR SALE 1955 Meteor Sedan, with low mileage. Phone 326J13. FOR SALE Quantity of Baled Hay. Gordon Blake Phon 442W4 FOR SALE Sideboard, Refrigerator, stead. Mrs. Jas. Michte Phone 372W6 0110P.M. 010111•0110. LOST White soccer ball in gravel pit on 5th line of Morris Twp. Pinder please notify Bill " MoWhirter Phone 229W CHILD CARE — Reliable care for infants or children with lady with young family, in Walton. By day or ykreelk t Phone iSeaforth 527-0507 SALES HELP WANTED MALE: Ilawleigh business nor open in. Huron County. Trade Well estab- lished. Excellent opportunity. 'Full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. ' E-152-189, 4005 Eticheliedu St. St. Henry, Montreal. WANTED -- Rabbits wanted for meat. Also rabbit ,growers wanted all over Ontario. The demand is greater than the supply. For information get in touch with: Bunny Hub Rabbitry Phone: Brussels 424J7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — District Dealership available. Amazing new machine relating to car care. A novel ingenious invention needed for years. Sells immediately, high profits. Princess Protects, 131 cortreu Ave., Toronto 8. bed- MORE Farmers Are Producing BETTER CiAtie Through A.I. Comparing A.I. and Natural Service Trends Since 1957 (Holsteins on D.H.I.A.) Extra Production of A.I. Daus. 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 No. of A.I. Daus. 6,721 7,956 9,416 9,112 9,719 10,521 11,300 No. of N.S. Daus, 5,444 5,816 5,835 6,612 4,648 4,601 4,386 A.I. 55q 58% (32€1, 63% 68% 70% 72% Milk (lbs.) +242 +395 +796 +400 +383 +432 Fat MO +10 +13 +17 +22 +19 +20 +22 gra museatas sour., aimless.% 0$ThAli ....•••••••••• THURSDAY, DIM( 41011, 1 Ni •••••••••,......,011••••• PROPERTY FOR SALE In the VILLAGE OF WALTON 7 room Frame House, on 3 lots, Garage and Barn. ..For ..further particulars apply to: Doug. Ennis, Walton or Harold Jackson, Seaforth NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of GERTRUDE LOUISE BUTT: deceased All persons• having ciaims against the estate or Gertrude Suit, late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, widow, who died on the 11th day of April, 19U5, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of June, 1966, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which ne shall then have had DOGS& DA.TE,D at Brussels this loarth dug of May, 1960., J. H CRAVViFORD, Q. C. Brussels Ontario Solicitor for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ELIZABETH ADDISON ELLIOTT deceased All persons having claims against Elizabeth Addison Elliott, late of the Village of Bnussels In the County of Huron, widow, wno died on the 24th day of April, 1965, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned ok or before the 3.7'd day of June. 1965, after which date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels the 8th day of May, 1960. J. H. CRAWIFORD, Q. C. Brusiele Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock,, and Machinery at lot 29, con. 14, McKillop TWIL V2 mile West of Walton ..on MONDAY.. MAY 1 7th at 1:00 p.m. MachinerY D. Case Tractor, Continental Post Hole Digger McCormick Deering 15 run. Power Drill Weed Sprayer McCormick Deering 3 furrow Plow On ,dubber 111c Col neck Deering Spreader with power take off McCormick Deering bide Rake Drop Head Hay Loader _banning )tubber tired. Wagon 16 it. Hay Ithck Ellectric Viking Cream Separator (like new) 71/2 ft Spring tooth Tractor Cultivator Champion Oat Roller Woods Grain Grinder with 3 H.P. Motor Cattle 2 year old Hereford Bull 7 Hereford Cows, fresh, with calves at foot 5 Hereford Heifers due in June 2 Jersey Cows fresh 2 Hereford Steers 1 year old Terms Cash No Reserve Farm Sold Proprietor --William Thamer Auctioneer -- Harold Jackson Clerk )— George Powell ....ammonwranr• CLAYTON G. HOGG LTD. REAL ESTATE JOHN WADE REPRESENTATIVE BRUSSELS, ON1. FOR SALE -- DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS, SPIIINGERS AND MILKERS Convenient terms arranged. For further particulars contact Geoge Nesbitt, ' Phone. Blyth 523-9439 we darer NOTICE — FIRECRACKERS Business' Places are allowed to sell Fire Crakers for only the two days prior to Victoria Day and Do- minion Day. By-Law No. 4, 1956, states that persons selling Firecrackers on days other than those stated will be fined $10 for the first offence, $25 for the second and $50 for the third. Children are warned that it is an offence to set off firecrackers except on the above intentioned holidays. David Hastings, Chief of Police, Village of Brussels Join the Swing to A.I.! The sires that produce these better cattle are as near as your telephone. Just can Weekdays — 7:30 to 9:30, or for Sunday service, Saturday — 6 to 8 p.m. Clinton 482-3441 Long Distance (toll free) Zenith 9-5650 Waterloo Cat e Breeding ASSOCiati0E1 4,11011eo lorogoloOmolnoossurrilool000romoorommoronoirmay...—