HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-05-13, Page 1russets'
Brussels. Council
The regular ineeting of the
Village Council Was held in the
Municipal Office on May, 3, all
member s being present.
Moved by H. J. TeliPas, sec-
onded hy J. L. Mc Cutcheon that
the minutes of the meetings of
April h 1965, and. April 13th,
1965, be adopted as read.
— Carried
Moved by I. G. CamPhol sec-
onded by J. L. Mc Cutcheon that
a building permit be granted to
Fred Thuell as per aPPlication
Moved by C. L. Cousins, sec-
onded by I. G. Campbell that we
purchase a Luma-fax copying
machine from Grand River Office
Supply in partners with the
P.17.C., the cost to be evenly
split Carried
Moved by H. J. TenAte, see-
ended by C. L. Cousins that the
accounts as approved be paid:
— Carried
Gordon Stiles, March
garbage collection 140.00
13russels Post Office
stamps. 5.0G
P.U.C., streetlights 423.77
I. Art Henry labour 5.00
Gordon Stiles, Apra
garbage collection 140.90
Grand River Offles,
Suppy, copy machine . 271.56
Variprint Service, maps .. 11.95
Bauer Farm Equtp.,
snow removal 5.63
Douglas J. Callander, April
Nursing Acct. $48.75
B.111.&G Telephone,
rentals and tolls 20.85
Workmen's Compensation
1965 fees 79.92
Gordon Stephenson, repair
to fire hese
Art. Henry, labour
H.C.M.O.A. 1965 fees
Receiver General, Tait
deductions 21.83
Post Office, U.LS. 5.40
Mid-Western. Develop-
ment Assoc. 1965 fees 50.00
Moved by H, J. TenPas, sec-
onded by C. L,Cousins that we
join the Mid-Western Develop-
ment Association f or the year
1965 — Carried
Moved by I. G. Campbel sec-
onded by J. L. Mc Cutcheon that
we invite the Huron Coaity
Municipal Officers Association
to hold its Annual Meeting'
Brussels for the year 1966
— Carried
It was decided to put notices
in the Post regarding the re-
stricted sale and use of fire-
crackers; a notice to dog owners
regarding the running at large
of tlOgs in the summer months.
and a request by Council for a
general cleanup. They plan to
start IT painting tllA oirrm ftt
Slate Of Officers Presented
At Lions Club Meeting
Lion. President C. Thomas pre-
sided at the regular Lions supper
meeting Monday night. Business
included the decision to send a
community retarded child to
qummer camp, Delegates to at-
tend convention, Lions C, Mend-
den, Cy, Stiles, J. Armstrong jr.,
alternates, O. Parker, G. MicOut;
cheon; R. Knight. Lion C. Park-.
er reported on tile Crippled Child-
rens' meeting in Clinton. Suit of
the Month Draw winner, Cy, Mule
ray, Goderich, The following slate
of officers was accepted as pre-
President liank 'OenPae
1st Vice George 110tutter
2In1 Vice Leonard Meehan
3rd Vice , Calvin Smith
Directors Calvin. Krauter,
Gordon Stiles, Gordon Work.
man, Jan van Vilet
Secretary Jas. Armstrong Jr
Treasurer Cecil Parker
Lion Tamer Cecil McFadden.
Assistant .. ...... Selwyn Baker
Tail Twister „.. Geo. MealiteheOe
Assistant , Gordon Stiles
Mrs Florence Gibson ' and
family of London, were weekend
guests With Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Pearson and family.
Mrs. D. Higgins was in Brus-
sels over the weekend attending
the burial of 'Dr. R. W. Stephens
in 'Marton at 10 a.m, on Satur-
day ?dray sth.
Mr. and Mrs. ErneSt bourch-
esne, Donna and Doreen and
Tviss Diana Donnithorn of 'Whit-
by spent the weekend with
friends in. Brussels.
:Douglas Huether, son of Mr.
rirul Yrs. Ronald liue.ther, is a.
patient in the Hospital For Sick
Children, Toronto, Ont,
Winner 'of the C.P.T. Fund
of Brussels Rebekah and Oddfel-
lows lodges was Mrs. R. 13ronson.,
4-N Tractor Club
Elects Officers
The regular meeting of the
Brussels - Exeter 4-H Tractor
Club was held on May 5th in the
Agriculture Board Rooms, Clinton.
The meeting Was opened an&
the election of officers was held,
Vice President
Sec.-Treas. Keith
Press 'Reporter Don
A ft or the officers were
the manuals were handed
date was set for the
meeting. The meeting was
el osed.
atiproaebe5 to the- Village.
I fl. T<ranter Wm. It, Ring
iffIrffri • Ifft(
Export Packers Storage
Building Damaged By Fire
Fire, allegedly started by
children, broke out in a storage
building at the rear of Export
Packers, at approximately 5:30
p,m, Friday,
Tile stubborn blaze, which
Staxted on the ground, floor,
spread rapidly, destroying a large
quantity of eggs crates and pack-
ing material, took the Brussels
Pire department several hours to
extinguish. Dense smoke hamper,
ed their efforts to quell the fire.
Just previous to the fire at the
Export Packers fire was, dis-
covered in two cars at the near-
by McCutcheon Motors. Paper
had been put into the interior of
the cars and ignited. It was for-
tunate that it was noticed in.
time to prevent too much dam-
Horticultural Meeting.
Monday, May 17th
The regular meeting of the
Horticultural Society will be
held,,fn the Brussels Library on
'Monday evening May 17th
at 8 p.m. Roll Call is: Bring
spring flowers or arrangement.
Guest speaker: A garden expert.
:Everyone welcome.
Cranbrook W. I.
The MEW meeting of the Oran-
brook Women's Institute was held.
in the Granbrook Community
Centre, on TueSday May 4th at.
S:30 p.m. The . meeting opened
with the Opening Ode, the Mary
Stewart Collect and the Lord's
Prayer. The roll call was answer-
ed by telling, my worst mistake
in cooking. The motto, a house
depends on the depth of the pocket
book , the home on the depth
'of the heart, Was prepared by
Lena Noble ana read by Mrs.
Glenn Huether. A committee to
look after the Pall Fair display
are Mrs. Allan MrTaggart, Mrs.
Harvey Smith and Mrs.Clare
Veitch. Vegetables with a Flair
was the first choice for the adult
training school and Hats for thg
second choice. The bids trip ' to
Bright and .loone was discussed.
The guest speaker, 1\11r. Medema,
gave an interesting talk and
showed samples of upholstery
fabrics, drapery material and
carpet samples. A delicious lunch
was served by Miss Lena Noble,
MTs. lt,te McIntosh and Mrs. C.
Don't forget the Cooking School
in Oranbrook Community Centre
May 1.9th at 8:30 p.m, with yrs.
0004 P1117,es ad*
rinfffiltilri '06 *
At C.N.R. Depot
Second Break-in
The C.N.R, station here was
forcibly entered on Satur-
day evening, This is the second
break-in at the station in the last
few weeks, Nothing of value was
taken either timee.
An office wlndoW was broken
to gain entry.
The Wingham Detachment of
the O.P.P. investigated.
Meeting 'was held May 3rd.
Moved by Archie Mann second-
ed by LaWson Ward that the
minutes of the last meeting be
adopted as read — —Carried
Moved by Glenn Huether sec-
onded by Archie Mann that we
approve the request of the• Grey
Township School Area Board to
issue debentures in the amount
of $39,000 to finance the purchase
of school buses, subject to the
approval of the Municipal Board.
-- Carried
Moved by Glenn Huether sec-
onded by Archie Mann that the
Municipal Corporation of the.
Township of ;Grey approves the
request of the Public School
Board of Wallace Township.
School Area for the issue of de-
bentures in the amount of $50,000.
by the Corporation of the Town-
Ship of Wallace for the puchase of
school buses — Carried
Moved by Kennett' 'Bray sec-
onded by Lawson ward that we
instruct the Clerk to prepare a
By-Law to remove certain lands
from the Township School Area
of Elm.a Carried
Moved by Kenneth Bray seo
ended oy Lawson Ward that v:e
pass By-Law No. 9-19,65 as read
a first and second time to acquire
and renovate Union School No. 4
for a Community Centre under the
Confederation Centennial Act
1962-63 0-- Carried
Moved by Lawson. Ward second-
ed by Kenneth. Bray that Stanley
Alexander's agreement for the
Dump on North. West Part of
Lot 24, Con. El for the sum of
$100.00 per year commencing
May 1905 Carried
Moved by Kenneth Bray sec-
onded V Ward that we
accept an application for a loan
in the ninenint of $1,800 and an
application for a loan in the
amount of $3,00p under the Tile
Drainage Act k.,arried
Moved' by Kenneth Bray sec-
onded by Glenn Huether that all
approved accounts be Paid
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
onded by Areliie Mann that we
do now edjourn to Meet again
nt 41,1111 p,m• T'W et the
Help Beautify
Your Village
"Untario's Prettiest Village" is
what Brussels tells those enter-
ing this Municipality.
The council is requesting that
all, residents of BrusSelEf do their
best to make this assertion a
truthful one. They are starting
by brightening up the signs at
the approaches to clur village and
the LionS are also re-painting
their signs, The Horticultural
Society are more than doing
their share by planting and
maintaining beautiful floral
displays adjacent to public
nuildings and a number of flower
beds elseWhere that contribute
much to the attractive appearance
we want throughout the summer
and fall,
It is up to every resident to
their part, now, 'by tidying ug
their property in a general clean-
up campaign. Where possible it
would be a good idea to add to the
beauty of their grounds with
Let us all get behind this effort
to make Brussels as attractive as
possible to visitors as well as a
lovely spot in which to live.
call of the Reeve — Carried
The following accounts were
Ontario* Hydro, Moles-
worth street lights 15.42
Town of Seatorth, debent-
ure payment, High
School 930M
Huron co. Mun. Officers'
Assoc. .membership
fee '20.00
Hiemstra Nursing Home
April acclunt
;Herne April Acc't
Queensway Nursing
Twp. of Arthur, March
Relief .
Supplementary Aid
Cminty of Huron, refund
Jali Nursing
Home account
The Post Publishing House
n.dv. Auditor's Report 37.00
Stanley Alexander,
Dump rent 100,00
Elwood McTaggart, main,
fire dept. March
and April 12.00
Allan Dobson, garbage col-
lection Ethel Village 14.00
Bob Pearson. replace
biulbs, Ethel Village 8.90
'Fried Smalldon, warble
fly Inspector fox 831„10 n
C. AottntsStevenson, fox b
Roads & Bridges
Clifford R. Dunbar Reeve
Thivthe M. Cardiff -- Clerk
Graeme Craig
Ken Oak