HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-04-22, Page 3ThURSDAY, AP1;,114 20,d, 04 tor r 43,537.48 50.927.0u 216.32 300.00 20.79 774.00 2,316.88 2,191.03 1,080.00 1,886-.33 90.00 2.,,500.00 780.00 2,648.70 1,300.00 72,172.63 73,100.00 1,675.00 1,200.U0 Public Works.---Roads, Highways and Streets, etc. Sanitation and Waste Removal Conservation of Health. Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Child Assistance Welfare Assistance Institutional Carp Welfare Administration Education, including debt charges (Schedule 9 Recreation and Community Services Debt Charges Long-term debt charges (Schedille 11) 27,863.26 Less own shard school debt charges 12,463.49 61,500.00 100.00 63,866.61 129.34 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND .EXPENDITI.ORE For the year ended December 31, 1964 REVENUE A.ctitai Budget • Total Revenue crow (Sc.heUtile 11) *164,160.62 $164,000;9P., Long-'Perin Debt Charges .Itee.oyeranle • (Schedule 12) 3,856.36 4300.90 97.72 2,093.21 Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc Other Revenues - Fines Service Charges Recreation and Community Services Total R,evenue Section EXPENDITURE 4=8,988.71 $223,577.00 $218,988.71 *223,577.00 $218,988.71 $223,577.00 Ontario Welfare Assistance * 1,598.09 Highway. Improvement 34,68/1.76 Unconditional Per Capita Wants 5,72i.00 Other (specify) Warble Fly 4:89.25 Retail Sales Tax Rebate 1,034.36 Other Municipalities, Health MoKillop Fire Calls Ontario H.E.P.C. in lieu 106.32 50.00 20.79 Miscellaneous Provision for Deferred Income 1,799.01 Walton. Street Light 66.32 School Audits 20.00 Gross Total Revenue General Government Executive and Legislative Administrative Other Protection to Persons and Property Fire Law' Enforcement Street Lighting Protective inspection Livestock Killed Flood Control 15,309.77 Short-term interest and other charges 3,553.04 17,952..81 18,000.00 Taxes written off and Rebated 2.00 Capital Expenditures out of. Revenue (Schedule 13) 8,647.04 8,500.00 Joint or Special Expendituret County Rates 42,340.12 Police Village Rates 529.65 42,869.77 43,000.00 Gross Total Expenditure Surplus for the Year Total Expenditure Section 1,0, • .0 ,` A • . • ,r CAPITAL,. AND. LOAN BALANCE SHEET Oopember al, 1054 e404= p.110.0440 yo/ 11, • •• 4.1 .A,AA,.••• *76,1100.00 LIABILITIES Debentare .1.)eOt issued and Uninatured Drainage (other than uenera) Schools Public, and Continuation 200.00 200.00 Less Allowances for doubtful accounts (Schedule 8) Due from Province of Ontario Due from Other Municipalities Due from Other Funds (specify) Municipal Drains $ 8,713.02 $47,560.63 Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) $1,000.00 1,260.00 161.80 LIABILITIES Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) Acconnts Payable Debentures and Coupons Due Interest Due to Other Local Boards and Commissions (specitY) Police. Village of Elthel 101.80 6,101.37 6,101.37 241.86 241.86 22,991.46 Due to Other Funds (specify) Municipal Drains Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) Balance at January 1, 1964 Surplus or deficit included ilk Current. Budget REVENUE FUND SURPLUS OR DEFICIT ACCOUNT December 31, 1964 Credit Balance $18,691.02 Balance after above adjustments Surphis or Deficit for the pier (Perm D) 4,300.44 A. *4. 1„.101.111.411.$.4 L11,44, liellek/L141') 04,14V U11,o6O.JV xt.bstolibsi bY 1Vit11ni01)41141e.§, (Schedule 2) Aceollikl$ itocon'tible (Schedule 17) Total Debentures by inner Alluincipalities (Schedule 2) Investment in Capital Assets REVENUE FUND BALANCE December 31, 1964 ASSETS Less Allowance for (Schedule 8) Total Assets 200.90 16,763.20 2,493.75 Total Of Debit and Credit COMMA $22,991.46 13614.11de of Surplus or Deficit at 1110tenther 31, 1964 (Form }3)' 61'7.97 Cash in Bank Accounts Receivable Sundry .Total ;76,338.47 Surplus (Form U) Total Liabilities and Stitpluis unconectible taxes tW.41.0, v 43•874.69 54,144,65 1286,336.0. $ 54,164.00 *76,900.0.0 $130,154.65 66,385.50 89,795.35 ;286,335.5u 617.97 8,713.02 47,660.53 $76,338.47 $35,000.00 9,581.98 2,261.00 $18,691.02 $18,691.02 $32,391.4' 60.00 926.20 1,672.60 $214,688.27 $221,350.00 $214,688.27 $221,350.00 4,300.44 2,227.00 $218,988.71 $223,677.00 Actual, , Budget 1,450.00 5,.589.65 4,716.90 8 11,756.55 $ 12,04)0.00 242.95 16.00 113.17 986.50 452.00 1,267.10 3,078.02 3,650.00 TWA BRAIRS14•8 POST, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WNSHIP OF GREY Aud 22nd of March, 1965 The „Reeve, (1011.11Cillcga and Ratepayers, Townshinp of Grey, Nthel, Ontario. As per your instructions, we Have eonrpleted tile audit of the h9948, and accounts of the Town ship • of Grey and the local boards for the year ending OiSt peewit" her, 1964, and have prepared the, various, statements and schedules as required by the Department of Municipal Affairs. The operations of the Town- ship General Account for the year resulted in a stirmus or $4,300.44 as set out in statement D. The accumulated surplus at 31st Dec- ember, 1964, is $22,991.0 as set out in Statement C. The temporay loan balance of $25,000.00 on Statenxeht B is in excess of the maximum allowed by Section 329 of the Municip01 Act, it would be advisable ' to budget for a surplus each year for the next few years to remedy this situation. Subject to the qualification con- cerning temporary loans, we here- by report that in our opinion: (1) %the financial transactions which ..'have.come under _our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. (2) the audit has been con. ducted in accordance with the instructions of the Depart- ment of -Municipal Affairs. (3) the financial statements present .gairiy,g theo finfikcial. position of the municipality as at 31st December, 1964. and the results of its opetz, ations for the year ended o" that .date. In conclnsioif; we wish to ex• press our appreciation for the co- oper4tipo which, wejeceNcl,frern, the cifilicials of your tovrpship with whom we came in contact during the:course of our audit. Respectfully subntitted, Monteith, Monteith & Co. Chartered Accountants License Number 2636 Date of Filing April 2nd 1965