HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-04-22, Page 1POST PUBLISHING MUSK THhI BRUSSELS POST, IIDRSDAY, APRIL Mid, 1965 F2.5() To U.S.A.. .10 GENTLEMEN'S CLUS NEWS ITEMS The 'nosing after we Canadiens from Moree - al whippet tne Maple Leaf shinny players from Toronto, I Wended my way to join the sin- ners for my coffee. I pinned a fleur de le on my coat, and as I entered I thought the boys might like to hear my melodious voice once more so I commenced a verse of Alouette. Never in my long career as an . entertainer have I ever been so grossly insulted. Hot Coffee was thrown at me, empty cigarette packs. I was cursed and called vile names. Louie Ebel said if you Want to sing French songs go out among the other frogs. Ivan Campbell said, if he is a frog I hope he seen creaks, George Backer said the season was late and frogs came out three times bef ore we get spring, so maybe we better let him croak for the first time. What a cruel recept- ion! Well, the chaff; finally drifted out, leaving only the kernel, namely me. That is, an went but one, and he Was the worst offender I will not let my public know' who he is for fear they might hang him up by the heels like they lid Mussoline, for the abuse he ,gave m'e I will he satisfied with tar and feathers. Says he. you are so perfect' we' cannot tell when you are telling the truth. T said, Tommy, there are two reasons for this. First. the sinners are all liars them- and think I am one of them. In the second place they do not. 'save the mentality to understand (continued on inside page) 'ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tenpas of Brussels Ontario, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Dianne to Mr. Reid• Hackwell, son of Mrs. Edna Hackwell, Walton, Ontario, and the late Mr. Wesley Hackwell. The Wedding Ceremony will take place on May 8th, 1965 in the Listowel Christian Reformed Church at 2:00 p.m. Rev -S71-"Trp- stra7 'officiating. BORN HALL — In Wingham. and Dist- rict Hospital, on Sunday, Aprli 11th, 1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Halt, Brussels, a daughter. AN.Id.,61••••11111, BORN GAUS On March 31st, 1965, in List owel Memorial Hos- p ita I, to .Mt and Mrs. Wm. Gaits, Li s towel (nee Shirley ‘1•Tioholson), n. Rollo n111911.1 )4170M Cranbrook W. I. Officers Installed The annual meeting of the. • Cran brook WoMen's Institute i was held on April 6th, at S:30p..m, at the home of Mrs. Frank Smith. The roll call was answered ,by the payment of fees and, "what X left undone to get here". The District President, Mrs. Frank Walters of Walton was the guest speaker and installed the new officers for the coming year as follows: Honorary President Mrs. Wm. Bremner President ..,. Mrs. Mac McIntosh" 1st Vice-Pres. Mrs, Allan McTaggart 2nd Vice-Pres. Mrs. Urban Ducharme Secretary Mrs. Gordon. Engel District Director Mrs. Wm,. Bremner' Treasurer Mrs. Glenn Huether Pianists Mrs. Leslie Knight Mrs. C. Veitch Auditors' Mrs. Clem Steffer Mrs. Harvey Smith 'Public Relations Officer .... Mrs. Ross. Knight Standing Committee Convenors Agriculture. & Canadian indust- ries Mrs. Ross Knight Mrs. Clem Steffler Home Economics & Health ,... Mrs.Ken MacDonald Mrs.. Clare Veitch Historical Research & Current Events .... Mrs. James Bremner Mrs. Wm. Bremner Citizenship to Education .... Mrs. Jas. Hart Mrs. 1_ rbsn Ducharme Resolutions Mrs. Russel Knight Sunshine Mrs. Frank Smith Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Allan Smith and Mrs. Lyle Gordon. Cooking School On May 19th a cooking school, with Mrs. Violet Scriver is being held in Cranbrook Community Centre, at 8:34 p.m, !everyone is welcome so come and fill the hall and enjoy some good cooking. Card Party The final card party for this season, sponsored by the Oran - brook Women's Institute was held April 14th, in the Craribrook Community Centre. Prizes went to Knight, high lady; Smith, high man: Knight. low' lady; Bray, low m,an. The prizes given to the highest scores for the season went to Mr, and Mrs. Ross Knight. The Cranbrook W. T. thank all those win) supported the card parties this winter. W,I. May Meeting On MILL' .4th the monthly tliott Oltof fti, PIPTitivrio ym rift -DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME COMMENCES THIS SUNDAY f . Don't forget to I urn your clock Owed, one hour on Saws- day night so you will get to church on time Sunday morning. r''',Mothers will hear the usual cry "it's still light out", when get- ting their young ones to bed, and a problem. getting them up an bons earlier for school. CARD OF THANKS To all ray nice friends that called on me and the ones that sent cards and letters, also to all the wonderful nurses and doctors. • Mrs. Telford heifer ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bray, R. 'R., 3, Brussels, wish to an- nounce the engagement of tile's datighter, Barbara Ann, to Mr. James David Lyon, Jr„ son of Mr. :and Mrs. James D. Lyon Sr., Preston, Ontario. The wedding will take place Friday, April 30th. 'NOTICE The Ontario .E-Iydro presents "Ryas() Showtime" on Wednes- day Jtine 2nd. at S:15 D.S.T. in the new Legion Hall, Brus- sels. Sponsored by the Ladies' DiviSion of the East Huron Agricultural Society. Keep this date open. held in the Cranbrook Corn- inanity Centre. The guest speaker will be Mr. Medems of Seaforth, au upholsterer. Everyone is wejeome, On Sunday morning, April 2,5th, the Rev, T. J. McKinney, Teeswater, will conditct the re- gular service in Knox Presbyter- ian Church. Esster and Good Friday visitors it this dreg included Mr. and Mrs. Gerald litiether, London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mien er. Mr, and Mrs. Wiusion Mc- Fluchern and family. with his parents, 111r. and Mrs, Wes. Me- Eacherte Mr. and Mrs. Allan Donn and family with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Minn. Misse8 Kate McNabb, Temisks a ming and 'Beverley Evans, Kitchener, are spending the hol,dayS at their homes. Misses Joanne Dunn and Shirley Smith are holidaying this, week in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Nelson. N'iro. Quebec. called on several. all0 Psinind the •Isillose Ott Mee. MISS MABEL ETTA PIPE Miss Mabel Eitts, Pipe, 81, died Tuesdny in Tfuronyiew", Clinton, Born in Morris Township, Miss Pine was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. .Dayid Pipe, Surviving are two brothers, Lyon of Vancouver and Taylor .if [lei leybury, The funeral service. will be held Thursday at. 2 p.m. at the D. A. 1.1.ann funeral home, lirussels, Rev. -W. •1. Morrison, of mei-. ville Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in Brussels cemetery. CARD OF THANKS N.4; sincere thanks is Oven to, my friends and neighbours who remembered me with visits, cards and flowers. while I was patient in. Wingham. Hospital. Thanks also to Dr. McKibben and the hospital nursing staff. Mrs. M. A. Forsyth, CARD OF THANKS 1\1y sincere thanks to the Bruit., sels Branch of the RoYal Can- adian Legion for the flowers and their expression of sympathy at the time of the death of my brother Arthur. Your thoughtfulness was appre- cii!ie.d. Melvin Thompson CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to cur relatives, friends and, neighbours who were so kind durs leg our recent bereavement in the lass of our son; Gregory Scott. Special thanks to the D. A. • Minn funeral home. .I'ot and John Engel CARD OF THAN K'S Our sincere appreciation Is here expressed to all those who extended their sympathy in so many thoughtful ways at the time of the loss of our mother, Mrs. T. Putt. Our thanks also to Dr Munn. Lis towel Hospital. staff and D. Rann. Your ninny acts of kindness' were secret:la t ed, Elmer and (I tenn Somers CARD OF THANKS The Ladies' Division of East son Agricultural Society ex- tend their thanks to all those, locally, who generously gave donations for special prizes in the cruet ' Division and for the :school Children's zspecialS. A s ra t slit! the nks also to the leashes: Ls Who gave suggestions eel helped II! the Acl,114 ak Cousin's Dairy Marks 25th Anniversary The Brussels Creamery this year marks 25 years of business in Brussels, 1.1. 13. Cousins purchased the Brussels Crea.m.ery on Nov, 28th, 1939 from M, Samis. The business flourished under his nsansgem,ent and in 1960 new, and more modern equipment 'Wee In- stalled, In. 1942 the Brussels Dairy was acquired from Wm. Stewart and moved into the present build- ing in 1943, The enterprize was further expanded in 1955 when ice Cream manmacturing was introduced. There are now approximately 75 stores and restaurants, with- in a 20 mile radius of Brussels, Whose customers enjoy Cousin's Ice Cream and Dairy Products. The growth, and value to this community, of this business, which is the only locally owned, industry in Brussels, is reflected in the fact that in 1940 the staff consisted of one full time em- ployee, D. C. Matheson, asd two part time helpers, but now has 12 full time employees on its pay- roll. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Ida Davis left last week to visit friends at Schonberg. Mrs. Norman Stephenigon and family left this week to make their home in Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Jacklin and Miss Linda Jacklin spent .Faaster weekend with D.A.C. and Mrs. Edward Hand at Trenton. Rickey Nay of Gorrie is spend- ing his Easter vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryans, Orillia and Mrs. Frank Hopper and, son John of Wingham were Faster visitors with Mrs. James Bryans. Mrs. Idella Wilson and son Paul are spending a few days in Detroit Dr. Sohn J. Reny is nome from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. His many friendS are pleased to see him home,. Mrs. W. Weiss and children visited with Mrs. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wilson and Dr. and Mrs. John Kelly for the Eoster weekend, Mrs. Russel returned with Mrs. Weiss for ,a holiday in Chicago. Easter visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Writ. Miller Were Mr. and Mrs, Ross Schlueter and family and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Miller and family, all of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. lion White arid family, George. town, MS. and Mrs, Lloyd Cooper tted ionilly, Xinneit, and Mr, ond MIlii; fiovalli Knit iisiq 7l0551tv4 0 frow illfilAiPi Mrs. Russel Mr. Frank Mrs. Ross Mrs. Cliff,