HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-04-15, Page 5..a.uppyamparokowiga,i4.0 14-ziapp.winapm NORTH HURON JUNIOR INSTITUTE B A g. SALE land TE A ATORDAY, APRIL 24th. At..3;00 IN BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY . EVERYONE. WELCOME Va. 25th Anniversary To celebrate the comPle11014 25 YEARS OF BUSINESS IN BRUSSELS and district, we are ;flaking a SPECIAL (MEN for the next few weeks. Each time you purchase a 1/2 galloo FRESH. CREAMY-SMOOTH, ICE CREAM Watch for a SPECIAL OFFER COUPON iaside BUY CANADIAN GOODS, BUY LOCALLY .IVIAN IFACTURLD** PRODUCTS. Made from fresh milk arid cream from local fanners, and manufactured in a modern, local factory, by local employees. leaeleeeeeeeeek .....etaeeceeeeZeasaesae•. MORRIS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Grey wp. (continued from, page tine) May 3rd, or at the call of the Reeve. --: Carried The following acuities were paid; Fteak Cowen Co., insurance $ 015.14 Freak Smith, warble powder 414.73 Hiemetre Nursing Heine, March account 91.25 Qeoensway Nursing Home, March account 1e2.24, Twp or A.:,thur, Feb. relief Suppiemseetury Ale atle The Municipal World, supplies 12,5e Stretford Beacon-Herald adv. Haulm Drain 12.30 The Brussels ,Poet, adv. Hanna. Drab). 3.00 The leistowel 1.4annerl adv. Hamm Drain and Warble Powder and Spraying Clifford It. Dunbar, Court of Revision, Hanna Drain Archie XLann, of, Revision, Drain Kenueth Bray, Court of RJViSiOn, Hanna Drain Glenn Huether, Court of Revision, Hamm Drein Lawson Ward, Court of Revision, Hanna Drain , Debenture, Stratyclauk Da ain 18.4a ,Maitland Valley Conser- vation Autb.. levy 1,402.23. Walton CormnitilitY• Hall, grant 25.00 Huron County Historical Society, grant 10.00 B.Alet G. Telephone, rentals & tolls 12.21 Jtobt. L. Cunningham, furnace oil 22.25 Clifford it. Dunbar. license 2.00 15.00 14.00 Clifford IL Dunbar - ReRve Edythe M. Caxdill! - Clerk V a i3EA,trtV *HOP A Rpocility Cutting, Styling. PHONE 140 All niembere ui aierris 'Board were present at giiPar meeting on April 1. The minutes oZ tue two meet, in March were read and approved, on illation of Haines and Stewart. *Motion Stewart and McCut- cheon passed the following bills for payment.: B. 1,vaisn. 3.110 '‘ 5 Wniciielc1 1.00 btaimou :4.31 ALectric 4.00 E. Anderson W. Thuell 31.68 3349 James Smith 27.00 Alexanders Hardware 6.87 Brussels Telephone 10.50 Bridge ei.otors 3.70 Workman 81.50 Stiles, fuel 184.72 Geo. Mutter, fuel 144.03 A. Montgomery, coal .... 45.24' chan 6.03 Beacon Herald 1437 M, Oldfield 12.05 Book of. Knowledge 5.30 Receiver Gener,al, tax deductions 649.36 woLion eicCurcheou and Elliott that Mrs. King oe. asked to pre- vare a weekly schedulb of music to be used in the class z'ooms of Brussels School. Motion elcCutcheou and Stew- art, That tins Board be on recora as being in favour or keeping the present Morris Sdhool Area. in- tact and that we invite the SchoP1 Area of East Wawanosh to am- algamate with us so that the Board be in a position to con- struct central schools in 8lytili Brussels and Belgrave. Motion Carried. For - G. McCutcheon, J. Stewart, B. Elliott, C. Haines. Against -- J JAlston. Next taeeting, May 5, at 8.30 in SS No. 3, Morris when the teachers will ae . present to In- spect a display of school supplies, presented by the Jack. Hood Company. Chairman Secretary Jas. Elston Ralph Shaw Guides .And Brownies "Thinking Day" Guides "Thinking Day" Program The Patrol Leaders were called and Patrols were formed and the Guides termed the Horseshoe. One Brownie flew into the Guide Company, welcomed by the Captain and then by the :Patrol, Barbara ,Bryatis, Minna work- man, Cathy McArter, Daphne Mc- Whirter were enrolled as Guides. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev, A. M. Johnston B.A.. Organist: Miss Sharon atom 9;45 au, Suuosy School 11 aan, Public Worship Sermon Topic: (8) "Let's Sing Out" PRESBYTERIAN V 1-1 IN CANADA MEL.V1U4 CHURCH Minister: Rev. W. J. Morrison. MA. (Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson ARGT 1,5:00 a.m. (nurch ,School a.ni. Public Worship Sermon Theme: "Life and, Hoye" ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rector: Rev. H. L. Jennings B.A. LT14. Organist: Mrs. 8. Elliott ST. JOAN'S S p,lu, Good Friday EASTER DAY 9 a.m. Holy Communion 11 a.m. Holy Communion St. Alban's and St. David's ATWOOD 10.30 a.ni. Good. FridaY EASTER DAY 2 p.m. Holy Communion Xachan received their 2nd Class Badge. Linda Lowe and Joyce Kel- lington received their 1st Class Badge. Five, 1 year stare, seven 2 year stars, one 4 year star, and one year star, were given. Yonne McCutcheon, Mary, Gibson, Dianne and Anne Ma,chaa and Dorothy Elliott received their Religion and Life emblems. Linda Martin, Dorothy Elliott Anne and Dianne Machau receiv- ed their Child Nurse Badge. Lieutenant Sholdice thanked the mothers for attending the Guide meeting. Karen Matter acted as narrator. Each Guide gave three or four names of the full member countries and put a dime into the World Friendship Fund. The names Were given for the Tenderfoot Members and Karen represented Our Chalet, Cabana and Olive house.. Joyce and Linda were made Company Leaders, Queen ant Taps were sting and tea and dot-its were served. On Sunday the Cubs, BrOWnies and Guides attended the United Church.. The Color Party placed the flags before the service. The 22 Guides took over the choir loft. They sang "My Best Friend Is Captain leelitrigtoi. was pre- sented with het Camperaft cer- tillicate Cominisseonee 'Mary 'McMillan. IDANaE FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd BRUSSELS LEGION HALL Music by; Archie Mann's Orchestra Admission $1.00 per Couple (Must be 21 years or over) Sponsored by: The Legion Dart Club MRS. THOMAS W. BUTT Mrs. Gertrude Butt, 71, died in Lastowei Memoaaal Hospital on Sunday, April 11th, She was the widow of Thomas W. Butt and had been a resident of i.11yUi before moving to Brussels. She is survived by two sons, Elmer and Glenn Som.erS, both of Brussels. Tire funeral was held from the 1). A. Rana funeral home, Brus- sels on Tuesday. Rev. W. A. Morrison of IVielville Presbyter. fan Oberon conducted the funeral service. Burial was in Blyth memorial cemetery. HARRY W. WRIGHT Harry Wismer Wright, 52, died at his home in Morris Township on Saturday. Ile was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Wright and was born on the farm where he lived all his life. lie is survived by his wife, the former Eva .Parr; one son ;Wil- liam; Grey Toweship; two daughters, Mre. Harris (Marie) Campbell, and Mrs. Glen (Mary, Lou) Johnston, bOth of Morris Township, and one Sister, Mrs. Leslie (Dorothy) Bolton, elesee ler. There are four grandchild- ren. The funeral Was held• front tne D. A. Rarm funeral home, Brus- sels, at 2,00 p.M. On Monday, conducted by Rev, Ctebrge Mitchell, of Bitievale 'United Church, Burial was ie Wroxeter cemetery. AL' i Guests Attend puffls UGW 't nankottering iVieeting Walton, United Church Women entertained guests from Blytli and Winthrop Church, and from the United, Pesbyterlou and. Anglican Charches of Brussels, at 1,11011' Easter thank-offering meet- iu llufi s Church. Guests were received by Mrs. Arthur Iligginhotham and Mrs. ,las McDonald. Mrs. Clifford Ritchie and Airs. Walter Bewley were usners. Miss Ethel Deusis wel- comed the visitors. riano and organ selections were given by Mrs. Harvey Brown and Mrs. Ray Huether. A quartette. Mrs. Neil „McGavia, Mrs. Jan. van Viiet .)r., Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, and Mrs. Herbert Traviss sang. virs. Harold Bolger read the scripture and the comments were given by Mrs. Allan. McCall. Mrs. Roy Williamson led in prayer and to uCW choir sang. The offering, received, by Mrs. Wilbur Turuball wad Mrs. Harold McCallum, was delicated by Miss Ethel. Dennis. Mrs. George Mitchell of Blued vale, who was the guest Speaker, said "Let us help to awaken everyone to seek God's presence, and realize we are living in a, time whea the vatues are etia.ng- lug every day.' Mrs. Mitchell was thanked by Mrs. W. C. flackwell Reception' and Dance Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles wore guests of honor at a recept- in and dance in Walton Cora- Hall on Friday night. An addresS, extending con- gratulations and good Wishes tei the newlyweds, was read by Reid liackwell and presented to the Couple by Allan Johnston. Dancing, by the large crowd attending, was enjoyed to the Music of Wilbee'S orchestra. 4101,thy ercuwapt4* atom* TFIVEtklakto 4044,444 1444 MX Court Hanna 12.76 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 fire truck C. M. Stevenson fox bounty Allan Dobson, garbage collection Ethel Village . Roads ,& Bridges ...". 3,807.02 7,11812 eitheoi the re- dold aving Mary ,GibSon, Yonne McCut- clietiti, Linda Martin, Dorothy BRUSSELS Elliott, and Dianne and Auk