HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-04-01, Page 4TKO Rill.ISSBLS ii8(181$1,11401 ONTARIO TlialteWAY, AP044, Ss% UN Arieereeeeeree. , • ESTATE AUCTION IIIALlt Clearing Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock 4, Machinery at lot 16, con. 7, Morris .Twp. 1 1A South and 334, mile; wW of Brussels on. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7fhi at 1 p.m. Cattle 11 Holstein cows, 4044 WA. 400 later 9 year old Hereford & Durham Steers and Heifers 2 Perham Steers 2 years old 6 fall ()elves 7 small Calves Poultry goo kryline 1 yr, old hens .colony house, electric brood Machinery V.A.C. Case Tractor Tr, .tor chains International 2 furrow- plOW Spring tooth eultivater 4 section harroWn 7 ft Massey Harris binder New Idea tractor spreader 6 ft Massey Harris Mower Side Rake Case rubber tired Wagon 16 ft. Hay rack Circular Saw Belts Power lawn mower Titan 30 chain saw 2 Single Units Woods Milking4 machine double block Wire Stretchers Tools ,21,/.2 ton Fertilizer 2411-* Roll new woven wire Motor & emery Steel water troegh Wheelbarrow Water bowls Viking electric Cream Separator Quantity baled hay, S ton Mixed Grain Buffet Extension table Furniture Upright Piano and Bench Number of chairs Clare Jewell, white enamel cook stove Property At the same place, 3 p.m., the property will be offered for sale: 100 acre farm. 90 acres jworkable clay loam land. 10 acres bush. Frame house covered with brick siding. Good water supply. Bank barn 36x70. Poultry house, drive shed. ....Property 10% down balance 30 days, sold subject to reserve bid. Chattels Cash Estate of late Ernest Smith Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk — George Powell ESTATE , AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale of Property, Machinery, Hay Grain and Household Effects at lot 10, con. 4, Morris Twp. 2I/2 miles East of Belgeave MONDAY. APRIL 5th at 1 p.m. Machinery Massey Ferguson Diesel Tractor No, 35 3 furrow 12" plough 3 point hitch Massey Ferguson Pull type 8 ft. Combine (1960 model) fully equipeed 1902 Kilberry Swather 10 ft. self propelled International side rake 7 ft. Massey Harris Binder Massey Harris Grinder 24' ft, Grain Auger Set Spring Tooth HaTTOWil •••••••?* 1.1e.L. Chain Saw Chain Saw McCullough 2 log Jacks Circular Saw 2 furrow Qatio plough Benoit saw 5" Belt 6" Belt 1VheelbeereW Steel. Water trough colOny House Asphalt Shingles 'Turnip sowee r/e. H. P. meter H. P. motor Tractor Pulley Lumber rests equare Timbers 1958 Plymouth Sedan 1939 Chev. Truck Truck tarPaulin Cattle, clippers Grain thrower and pipes Hay and Graio 1500 bales hay 700 bales straw 20 ton grain 10 bus. Red Clover Seed cleaned Furniture Dining room suite. Astrol Frig Beatty Cook Stove 21" Phillips. television 2 Philco Radios Nunmber of chairs Writing Desk Steel bed stead rower Lawn mower Garden hose Steel cot Property 300 acre farm. Brick 'house. Bank barn. 90 acres workable, 9 acres HardwOod bush. 50 acres plough- ed. Well drained clay loam land. good water supply. Terms made known day of sale. Sold subject to reserve bid Chattels Cash Prop. Estate of late Rcbt. Yuill Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk — George Powell Administrator — Clarence Yuili CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, and Machinery at lot 28 Con. 5 Morris Twp. 1 V4 miles North and Vamile West of Walton on SATURDAY, APRIL 10th at 1 p.m. Cattle ii Holstein Cows fresh Machinery 950 David Brown tractor in ex- cellent condition 3 furrow mounted. plow Allis Chalmers row crop tractor .Massey Harris spring tooth tractor cultivator Bissel tractor disk 5 section harrows Mounted seeder for grain or fertilizer Post Hole Digger 32-48 Lobsinger threshing machine (like new) Massey Ferguson Hay Baler (like new) Freeman Manure Loader (like new) 7 ft. power 'mower Side rake Manure spreader 10 ft. Lobsinger swather Hammer mill Fanning Mill 2 sets scales Pioneer Chain Saw 82 ft, extension ladder belts Rubber tired wagon 16 ft Hay rack Grain bolt 2 Unit Surge milkng machine 8 can Milk cooler and pails Work bench vise power drill emery tools Electric Stove Cook stove Hay 1000 hales good mixed hay Terms Cash Proprietor John Stryker Auctioneer — Harold Jackson Clerk -- George Powell AUCTION SALE Auction sale or Inc Household Effects • of he late Mary on William Street in the Village of Brussels on We,UN4SpAY„ APRIL. 14, 1965 at • 1 p.m. suite Walnut dining loom LiI/J14.3 with U wetcletig enters; buffet and L ulna eitkiniet 1.4 en, It, leelvinator 3 yrs.. old IUJA Victor cabinet. TV t.iptioistered chairs Ilointzinitn piano • Goitce table Step-up table incliairs stoels ..is.atetieh suite, bronzetone i)JUIC table Gard table es oral odd tables 1100. heaps Table lamps suites magazine rack Hall' tree Catbi'ella. stand Mantel clock t:runtia chairs Arm chair Vernelys Library table. Desk ; Pedestal bay •bed Mantel clock Grey :Kitchen iiit Mantel radio Odd chairs pictures Mirrors Parlour suite electric heater Iron Toaster Washing machine Darroom chat' 2 Saud matching broadloom rugs 1,5 x 12 aud S x 10 Wine bipadleom rug 111/2 a 9 ail with underpads 1 Run 9'3 square Scatter rugs Dishes curtains [leading linens silverware Cooking utensils Coal oil lamps. Bedroom china Trunks Boxes Tools Garden tools Hose Quebec heater Many othee Shot gun Quebec heater Many oilier articles 1958 Chev. Biscayne car in good condition Prop. Estate of the late MARY C. SPEIR Auctioneer — Harold JacksOn Clerk — George Powell CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock. Machinery and some Household Effects at lot 12, Con. 14, Hullet Twp. 5 miles West of Walton on TUESDAY, APRIL 13th at 1 p.m. Horses Team middle aged horses, Clyde and Percheon. Set harness and collars. Cattle Durham & Hereford Cows, 3 due time of sale, 3 with calves at foot • S Hereford year old steers and Heifers 1 Registered Poll Hereford Bull 2 yrs. old Machinery Cockshutt tractor 30 Stiff tooth cultivator Spring tooth harrows Cockshutt side rake Hay Loader New Idea Manure Spreader Massey Mower International 3 ruarow plow Massey Harris 'Horse cultivator Deering Mower Bain Wagon rubber tired with rack Wagon rubber tired with rack Steel wagon with box Stock racks BURY Faimieg Mill .2000 lb. Scale (Heim steel land. roller P.P;WQ streteltees Set sloop sleighs with flat bottom rack fence posts hkaAalll thltrawla 'eractoe set chaiite. 130 rod roll Preet; 2:94ce. eleCorneelt fertilizer 13eillele dxtlr Cream separator • Colony house .tix12, like new 'Shelter 1"ork Shovels Chains Furniture 'fables Chairs Dressers c Eller artiLies too numerous LO Iv o flEierve Farm Sold 'erms Gash Auctioneer — Harold Jackson i-roprietor — Colin. MacDonald • cduric -- George Powell CLEARING ACC r ION SALE Of Livestock, Implements, Hay and Grain oi.r.ORUE HAiNES Lot 1, Con. 8, Morris Township MONDAY, APRIL 12th at i:30 A complete list of articles to appear in April 5th issue GASH UN -(HE FARM iieavy liens, Detween :-(72 and ,.[A.1. 14c to, 1(ic, Les liooa, Plioue eel-2:114 Monkton CLAY i UN G. HUGO LTle. REAL EsTATE JOHN WADE REPRE5ENTATIele uRUSSELe, UN1. KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY — Expert re-upnoIstering, re finisinag, repairing, and cleaning of all types of furniture. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Pholie 43 Brussele •••••••••••••*••• • WANT E D -- Farms, Homes, Busiuesseas Lots, and Acreages for sale in and around Brussels. Contact Glen Thuell, Real Estate Division, British Mortgage ana Trust, Listowel, Phone 68. FOR SALE - ti — DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS, SPRINGERS AND MILKARS Convenient terms arranged. For further paiticulars contact Geoge Nesbitt, Phone Blyth 523-9439 We deliver HURON COUNTY'S LEADING FARM EQUIPMENT DEPOT Lowest poesible prices on new and used Tractors and Farm Machinery etc. Over 1000 belts and hundreds of pulleys, bear- ings, spark plugs', plow shares, cultivator points, and hundreds of other items in stock at all times. John Each, L H. Dealer Phone 5 270120 Seafortb NOTICre The Ontario Hydro presents e.Hydro Showtime" on Wednesday June 2nd, at. 8:15 D.S.T. in the new Legiott Hall, Brussels. Keep this date open, FOR SALE 250 bales. pf good 419, Selwyn Baker phone t Residence 79 FOR SALE The Evening ciroe oft tl4e UOW have hand - made Bari*, Doll Clothes for sale. Anyone wanting, to purchase same contact Mrs. Lawrie COUSillif ..".•••••••••••• FOR SALE 2 propane Btooder Stoves, 16. chicken feeders iie • 10.7. capacity; 4 water fountains; 1 egg washer.; 1 sap pan. Thos. McFarlane Phone 334.14. FOR SALE Quantity of loose hay; one, annex stove, one cook, ateVe; 8 eorus of Dry Hardwood. Mrs. Norman Stephenaon 11 one 334W.4 NOTICE — At Stud, Badger Paul, registered Quarter Horse stallion; also English saddle for sale. G. It. Hendry Phone 256-2268, Atwood 1-0h SALE Male Beagle pup, 2 yrs. old, Registered male Beagle, 10 years old 0.5 Mrs. Norman Stephenson 13hone 334W4 FOR SALE -- Big Durham Cow to freshen April 12th, good milker; 6 good. Durham Heifers, about 700 lbs. each. Torrance Dunaas, Walton Peoue '170J5 13ruasela NOW IS THE TIME To look into the Avon Oppor- tuuity. Call or write to-day for interview Mrs. M. Millsou, 17 Ha.wkelibury Ave. London, or phone collect. evenings 451-0541 GRASS SEED FOR SALE — Home grown No. 1 per lb. Alfalfa 45c; Red Clover 80c: Tintothy 30c; Empire Pasture type trefoil $1.00 lb. Other Clovers and grasses priced to save the customer's Money. Seed Clean- ing and Grain Cleaning. All varieties of Seed Grain. Roy Cranun & Son, Pinkerton, Phone Cargill 366-2304 SALES HELP WANTED MALE; Steady work, good cash imam°. Secure yourself for life against strike, layoff. Good Rawleigh Dealers always have steady work good cash incom,e, many with MY to 40 years. Good District now open to industrioua Men tor', achieve permanent success Wttn. 75 year old line Heine Necessit- ies. Write today for complete information how to start Your own successful business backed by world wide Industrie'. Itawleigh, Dept. D452-87, 4006 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. Reed the Auction Sale