HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-04-01, Page 11'2.00 A Year in Advance $2.50 To U.S.A. THE BRUSSELS POST, rrIlL'ItSDAY, APRIL 1st, 1965 POST PUBLISHING #ousp
E. 'Epps, is Guest Speaker
At Horticultural Meeting
The regular meeting of the
Brussels and District Horticul-
tural , .Society was held in the
Library at 8 p.m.
The president, Mrs. C. Hem-
ingway, presided. She opened
the meeting with 0 Canada
with Mrs. Walter Kerr' at the
The minutes of the January
meeting were read and adopted
The roll call "My favourite
Spring Flow%sru was answered
by twenty five members. A
number joined later.
A committee was named to
help plan Work on the cen-
tennial project. also a com-
mittee to arrange a spring
floWer show.
Mr. Epps, Clinton, who was
the guest speaker of the even-
ing, gave ideas on the flower
beds and also on other flowers.
He also showed pictures of some
of his recent trips.
Mrs. Nelson Reid received
the door prize.
The hostesses served a
delicious lunch.
New members are always
wel comb.
Roily and Clara Marks would
like to take this opportunity
to thank their many friends and
neighbours for their help, and
baking, when their barn was
burned. Also thanks to the Blyth
and Wingham fire brigades for
their aid •
On Sunday, April 4th. Sunday
School Will meet at 10 a.m. and
the regular service of worship
at eleven. o'clock. C' 0.C. will
be held in the basement during
church servic6:
The Session of Knox Church
have set the Centennial service
for sonitime in September.
Further particulars will be given
later when available.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacklin and.
Tracy Lynn, Kitchener, spent
the weekend with 'ter parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunn.
The many friends of Miss Alice
J. Forrest will be pleaed to know
that she was able to leave the
hospital on Saturday, following a
successful cataract operation.
She will remain in the London
area for some time.
Quite a number from this
district took' advantage of ,the
bus trip to Detroit for the
Minor Hockey Tournament
An Unprecedented Success'
Siaturda.y, March 27th, saw the !
Brussels arena ringing with the
enthusiastic shouts and cheers of
more than an estimated 300 I
hockey fans as tennis from Brus-
sels and surrounding district
competed for tournament honors.
This year's tournament was
classed as an overwhelming Me'
cess with an ample supply of
hockey excitement. The tourna-
ment opened at 10 a.m. with a
squirt game and ended at 11 p.m.
with a midget game. All players
participating received refresh-
ments at the legion hall served by
the gracious parents of our local
players and a crest to remind them
of their degree or success in the
A very competent Pee Wee team
from Toronto participated and pre-
sented the local coaches with a
complimentary plaque to show
their appreciation for our hospi-
tality. Their coach also gave
each of his opposing coaches a
booklet concerning the Toronto
Hockey League.
Tournament results were as
Atwood ..., 4 Brussels .....2
Newry 5 Monkton 4
Pee Wee
Brussels .... 3 Bluevale 2
Atwood Toronto
Brussels .... 5 Atwood 3
Blyth Belgrave 3
Atwood ..., Newry 1
Pee Wee
Atwood .... Brussels .... 3
Toronto .. Blnesrale
Brussels .... 6 Blyth
Midget •
Stone School 4 Brussels 2
The local coaches would like to
congratulate all the winners of the
separate catagories for their out-
Standing play and also thank the
winners and participants for
their sportsmanlike conduct on
and off the ice,
4 Also a sincere thanks is given
to all those who helped in any
way to make this day one of
which to be proud.
chairs. ' walker, and crutches
ava Pahl e.
Anyone in need of any of these
Walton W. I. Selects:
New Slate Of 'Officers
The annual ' meeting of the
Walton Women's Institute was
held in the Community ITall, with
Mrs, Kenneth McDonald presid-
ing. Mrs. Herbert Traviss was
pianist. Mrs. George • .Hibbert
read the aecretary-treasarer's
report and the .correspondence.
Mra. : Ralph. Traviss gave . the
report of the nominating cogt-
mittee and s,the following .slate
officers was elected:
:Past president, Wire,' Kenneth
McDonald; president, Mrs, Roy
Williamson; vice - preaidents,
Mrs. Jan van Vliet Jr.; Mrs,
Alvin McDonald; secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. George Hibbert;
district. director, ',Mrs. Kenneth
McDonald; assistant, Mrs. Ron-
ald Bennett; branch directors,
:Mrs. Margaret Huraphries; Mrs.
'Wilfred Shortreed; Mrs. Tor-
rance Dundas; pianist, Mrs,
Herbert Tra'vtss; press report-
ers, Mrs, Nelson Reid, Mrs. En-
nis; auditors, Mrs, Torrance
Dundas, Mrs, Douglas Ennio,
Standing Committees, con-
veners — agriculture and Can4•
adian industry,: Mrs. Harold Bol-
ger, Mrs, James Nolan; citizen-:
ship and. educatibn, Mrs. James
Clarke; historical research and
current events, firs. Gerald
Watson. Mrs. Allan MeCall; res-
olutions, Mrs. William Hum-
phries, Mrs.. Donald Buchanan;
hems economics and health.
Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs,
George McCall; public rela-
tions, Mrs. Herbert Traviss,
Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Alvin
McDonald, Mrs. Stewart Hum-
phries; Sunshine 'committee
Mrs. Andrew Coutts; :Brussels
Fall Fair Board directors, Mrs.
Harvey Craig-, Mrs, Ralph Traviss.
MrS. Ray Httether and Mrs.
Gerald Watson were conveners
:Nr a program on historical re.
search and current events, Mrs.
Watson gave as aceOunt of the
'early history of Huron County
and Walton and introduced
Mrs. Richard Snell, daughter of
Franklin &Anton of 'Myth. who
spoke On the wool pulling indus-
try, Mrs. Snell said there are
only three of- these plants in Can-
ada and an average of 750 skins
are pulled each day, five days
weeks She displayed the raw wool
in different stages through to the
finished prodticts, such as cents,
d resses. gl oved. Mi•s.- Htiether
presented WS, Snell with a gift
071 behalf of the branell. and also
reviewed' current events. A lunch
was served by Mrs. James Mellon
Mn.s McDonald, Mrs.
James Nolan sad Mrs, Donald
' L. E. Cardiff of Brussels, M.P.
for Huron, has become a member
of the exclusive 25-year club of the
House of Commons. The chil:Ss re-
quirement for membership is
proven ability to win electioss and
hold' a Commons seat' continuous-
ly for a quarter century.
Watch "Singtime"
Rev. James McKibben and Rev.
Barry Passmore, tWo London.
ministers who went to Selma.
Alabaina, will bo•• iittervievred
by Rey, Al. .Tohnston, on. "Sing-
Utile", Sunday, April 4th at
ar3O' p!iit, 'on OKNX TV and radio.
Majestic W. I. 'Meeting'
The Majestic W. T. will hold
their Meeting in the Library on,
Thursday, April 8th, at 2 p.m.
The vice - president of the
District, Mrs. Ross Knight, will
be the guest speaker. The motto
will be taken by Mrs. Harold
Girt Guide sews
Members of the Brussels Girl
nuide Troop enjoyed a hayride
en Saturday afternoon with lunch
served at the United Church
after the ride.
Tran spar to tion vas provided
)y Tack Tiryans.
Th e Girl Miklos were in
Egmondville on Tuesday night
for an el-Filing in music training.
Mrs. Mil:steno McDowell of
Kincardine: had the. Misfortune
to break her arm last Week,
Mrs. II. Tenisas SOS a visitor
in Clinton one day this Week.
David Meenteheon, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Sack McCutcheoti, who
is on the staff of the Bank of
Montreal at Clinton. has receited
promotion. Ee is lasing trans
ferred to Exeter ns assistant
Small Attendance At
Skating Carnival Here
An'unusually small number of
apeetators attended the annual
Skating Carnival at the Brussels
arena on Friday. The small crowd
was probably due to the number
of recent events in the com-
munity. A good number of cost-
tinted skaters participated in tho
carnival sponsored by the Brus-
sels, 1Worris and Grey Recreat-
ional Committee.
Robert L. Cunningham. of Ethel
was the efficient Master of
Ceremonies for the various events,
The race program was suPer-
vised by Jack McDonald and Max
The difficult task of judging
the costumes was done by Mrs
R. W. Stephens, Miss Jessie •
Litte and Mrs. I). A. Rann.
Business men and others of .
Brussels and surrounding local,
ities were generous in their
support of the prize list.
Queen of The Carnival
Sharon Willis, The Bride
Cartoon Costume
Neil Campbell, snowman
Ray Hemingway, Woody Wood-
Nancy Adams, skunk
Most Graceful Couples
Norman Hoover and Marion
Ben Akker and Nancy Mc-
Gaff McWhirter and Connie
Lumber Jaek
Norma Jean Mair
Andy Adams
Largest Family On Skates
Carl Hemingway and Family
Graham Work and family
Beirnes Children
Best Comic Clowns
Johnny Adams
Robert Armstrong
• Scott Wilson
Youngest Child On Skates
Bruce CampbeiI
Johnny Adams
Robert Mama
Best Comic Costume
Paul Mutter
Von McCucheon
Susan Budnark
National Dress
Canadian Dress,
Glenn Camnbell
Indian Princess
Bonnie Pletch
Gipsy Girl. Kathie Bone
Best Dressed Girl nr Boy over 16
Carl Hemingway
Marion Ea die
Mrs. Marie Douglas
Best Dressed Girl under 16
Nancy Pearson
Ann Stratychult
Barbara. Elliott Toronto - Detroit hockey .4;a170 -items con.(act Western Star TOOF,
there that evening. 141.16PPIR,
We have hospital beds,
'iri bat*