HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-03-25, Page 1r2.00 A Year in AdTiMlee $2.60 To U.S-A, TH113 'BRUSSELS POST, THURSDAY, MARCH 25th,• 1965 POST PUBLISHING 'HO Li S Morris Twp. Barn Destroyed By Fire Fire of undetermined origin was discovered about '7:30 Monday morning in the large barn on the farm of. Roland Marks, con, 5, Morris Township, 25 head of cattle were saved 1. through the combined efforts, of the Wingham and Blyth area fire brigades. A few cattle and some young pigs were lost in the blaze, also the contents of the upper portion of the barn, including bay and grain. The loss, estimmted at $20,000 is partially covered by insurance, Ladies Are Invited To Attend Food Forum At S p.m., Thursday, April the first a Food Forum will be held, in the Brussels Legion Hall. This will be the first time such a pro- p,-.am has been presented in iluron County. A Food Forum. Is sponsored by the Home Nconomica Service of the Ontario Penartnient of Agri, cultere upon the request of. the women in any are of a county. When interest is shown In Comiannity, an Advisory Com, taittee afire or six women is set up: This group decides on the topic, Place, date and time of the Food Forum, Home v.Icouomists from the Ontario Department of Agriculture prepare the fOod and conduct the forum. No :admission is charged and the meeting is open Co all women in the sur- -ounding,- area. During the forum, which lasts about two hours, the information on the topic selected is nresented through demonstrations And dis- cussion. There are various topics to choose from such as "Never a Dull Meal", '''Cooking With , Your I-Tat On" and "Freezer Forum". The Advisory Committee, for the Brussels Food Forum chose the topic "Trix With A Mix", which is designed to show how a basic home-made biscuit mix may be used to make a variety of Products from tea biscuits to Pizza to coffee cake! At the end, of the evening -the audience: is invited to taste the food which has been prepared. A Food Forum is an event that is both informative and inter- esting. New ideas are presented: which can assist the homemaker in her daily meal preparation, and which can make, eating more fun for the entire family. ENGAGEMENT Mr . and Mrs. Lloyd Batkire Clinton, Ontario, wish to annouce the engagement of their datighter, Janet Eli7.abeth, to Mr, David John MeCutcheon, only son of Mr. and "Al-. Jack MeCtitcheon, Brussels, Ontario, Wedding to take place in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, at 11 a An., SattirdaY, April 24th, 1965. PEOPLE WE KNOW W. E. Willis is critically ill in Victoria I lospital, London. Mrs. Roy Thuell was the winner of the Lions NHL hockey draw Sat-v.1110Y. Mrs. J. W, Fischer is again a; patient in List owel Memorial lair l.',IIiii Duff's United Church Have Pot Luck Supper A Pot Luck supper and social evening was enjoyed by Duff's United Church. A short program, presided over by Rev. Arthur Higginbotham, was • presented as follows: Piano solo. Lynne McDonald; duets, Gordon and Ross Mitchell; Irish dance, Janice Houston. Debbie and Janice van Vliet, accompanied by Glenna Houston; Irish reading, Mrs. Nelson Reid; duet, Mrs. John Dos and. Mrs, Jan van Vliet, ac- companied by Mrs, Martin Bean. ,two-part song by Mrs, Jan van 'inlet Sr., Mrs. Clifford Hoegy, Mrs. Roy Williamson, Mrs. Harold McCalluin, Mrs. Herb- ert Williamson, Mrs. Clifford Ritchie, Mrs. John I3os and Mrs. James Clarke; piano solo, Glenna Houston; duet, Mrs. Harold Mc- CalluM and Nellie Baan, accom- panied by Mrs. Baan. Walton unit of the UCW served the sup- per and the 8th and 16th unit cleaned up, ammninwo,19 DONATIONS TO CARNIVAL The Recreational Committee acknowledge the following don- ations which Were not included previously: McGavin Farm Equipment 6..00 Herb Travis 5.00 BOWLING 'MOTES March 22nd The Untouchables again lived up to their name when they swamped the Pinbusters this evening, win- ning both games and gaining another 722 pins. 1st Game Untouchables 2264 Pinbusters 1826 392 2nd Gam* 777A Untouchables 1979 Pinbusters 1649 330 79,278 1,887 Ladles Sinaloa Ruth Huether 271 men's Singles Dave Hastings advertising 5.00 Brussels Coal Yard coal 89,25 Oldfield Hardware, supplieS 4.02 Machin Hardware supplies & record player 60.68 Molesworth Glen. Store supplies 18.40 Ronald Doig, labour 3.00 Mrs. Margaret Sweeney general 'books 5.10 Albert Cardiff, fire & weather insurance -55.70 Canadian F.D.S., records 7.02 Pobt. L. Cunningham oil Ont. Chemicals, floor stripper ........... 28.58 Gordon A. M.cEachern Ltd. floor cleaning supplies 84,62 Educator Supplies Ltd. supplies lack Hood School Supplies Ltd., supplies 73.20 Motion of Shortreed and Mc- Donald that the Board add another $40,000.00 insurance on the, new school — Carried The meeting adjourned on motion, Of McDonald. Next reg- nlar meeting April S at S p.m. CARD OF THANKS HARRIS — The faintly of the late Mrs. Flora Harris WW1 to ex- • press their thanks to the many kind friends, relatives and neigh, hours for their acts of kindness and messages of sympathy dttring .opt' recent bereavement.. For the Cid.eon Bible, the contribution to the Brussels Mausoleum and the beautifuj floral trtnitteS. special thanks to Rev, Cr. W. Stich of Lucan, the Sister8 and MiirSing stri fS on the 4th floor at St.. Mary's Hospital, the D. A. Rann funeral heine, pallbearers, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trviss for the use of their home and to the ladies i‘:.ho so efficiently served lunch. h 02010 40601010F Support Your Teams Come To The Tournament The second annual Minor Hockey Tournament will be held in the Brussels Arena Saturday of this, week to conclude the minor hockey season here. Squirt, Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget teams from. Toronto, Monkton, Bluev ale, Atwood, Newry, Blyth, Stone School and. Brussels will compete. The games will start at 10 a.m. with the final game at 10 p,m. Be there to cheer your teams and show your boys you are in. terested in supporting their favourite sport. See the advertisement else- where in this issue for pardon- lars. Binnspiet And F1'anquet Conclude Curling Season A mixed BonSpiel was held in. the 'Brussels arena on Saturday, March 20th with the following winning rinks: 9 AN. DRAW 1st Don Dunbar's Rink Marie Turnbull Dan Pearson Mrs. Alex Pearson 2nd Frank Carter's Rink Donelda, Pearson Bob Alexander Frank Kirkby Consolation Ray Matheson Nora. Stephenson Ralph Pearson Wilma Rathwell 11 A,.M. DRAW 1st -- Jack McDonald's Rink. Rea Valiance Ross McCall Clenn Bothwell 2nd A— Elmer Young's Rink Dorothy McDonald Jim Mair Isabelle Rathwell Consolation Hugh Pearson Barbara Dunhat Stewart Lowe Don Fraser This Bensneil ended the curling* season and a delicious banquet was enjoyed, CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to our friends and: neighhoUrs for their kindness shown its :tinting our recent 110-en:vein ent. Intl and Jean Dunn and family CARD OF THANKS The coaches and manager'? the Brussels hockey trams PresS their gratitude to 4'4-Art Patients of the team menil—r~ to those who nrovided pOrtatien• stipported the ,•••••• or helped in any w-iy. for irA CO-oPeration in mgkinc: hoekv mi.Bott a succ,o8Foq.7. tti* tiewo, ! - Total Pins Untouchables 81,165 Pinbusters GREY TWP. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The regular meeting of the Grey Township School Board was hold in the Clerk's office on March 11th with all members and Inspector Kinkea,d, present. The minutes of tne February meeting were read and adopted on motion of Shortreed and vic• Taggart — Carried Several items of correspond- ence were read and discussed including applications for Prin- cipal and a letter of resignation from Mr. A. E Martin, Motion of McDonald and Mc- Taggart that the Board accept the resignation of Mr. A. E. Martin to be effective June 30, 1965 —Carried Mr. Kinkead reported what in- formation he had about some of the applicants and was to do some further investigating. Motion of Sweeney and Short- reed that the following accounts be . paid -- Carried The Globe and Mail, advertising. 15.00 Toronto Star Ltd. 405.96 12.88 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Ernest 304 Smith wish to publicly thank the l_adiet Double' Many friends who had expressed Ruth Huether 496 kindne88 and sympathy to bus- Karen Coleman 360 band and father during his ill- Kay Rutledge 324 neaS, Also for the many gifts of Men's Doubles floWerS, provisions, and kind acts Dave Hastings 489 to us in our bereavement. Words Mel McArter ,.,,..,,,Ii„. 488 fail hi 'eXpress Our appreciation! tii.44.0. jifiii CA Mit* lbtii't ttihtiltlt u;nuthi.:1,ou 00 Melville Church Guild 'Meeting Melville Presbyterian Guild held their March meeting on the regular night, the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The church par- lour provided an attractive set- ting, nicely decorated with St.. Patrick symbols. The trio in charge were Mary Davidson, Leona Armstrong and Esther Smith. Mary gave the call to worship followed by the singing of "f Need Thee Every H. Mathew 6:1-8 was read in. uni- son and prayer given by Mary. Leona read a poem called "The Power of Prayer" and this subject was further carried out in Esther's topic, "Learning to Pray". The president, Aileen Mutter, then took charge and the seem. inry's and treasurer's reports were given. Conresnondence and Thank You Notes were read and other business discussed. The roll call was answered by verses printed on shamrocks and a St. Patrick's contest was con ducted by Leona. Tasty refresh- ments were served by Mary, Esther, and Leona,