HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-03-11, Page 7There Is Lots of Good News R AFORT UPH `jere have enlarged our Upholstery Business and now sell all kinds of PERIE AND FLOO CO"ERING Give u3 a call and we will be glad to ."-C11 cur more than 200 differ- ent Drapes and Carpetings. Our V an 40 years' experience in lio.zse furnishing guarantees you the best advice. ci speck!! introductory offer, all lines are available at very, very LOW Prices, Estimates Are Free. Call pow Now as for UPHOLSTER, N Don't Wait until the big rush comes! Let us provide you with a free estimate and show you our, distinctive materials in Nylon, Bro- catelle, Damask, Velvet, Mohair and Tapes- tries. You may select from more than 1,000 of the newest fabrics, and from more than 200 leatherette s. s make your furniture like new— remodelled in the modern style for less than half the cost of new furniture ! — COMPARE THESE MONEY -SAVING LABOR PRICES Chesterfield $25.00 Chrome Kitchen Chair $3.50 Other Chairt.$8.00 t6 $12.50 Chesterfield Chair $15.00 Cc c truck seat ortoack $5 Mattresses: Single $7.50, DoulAe ;10 We c.piL e Broken Springs' in Mattresses, 35 cents each. We re-varniRh and I'ebuild your - furniture in modern style! GALL OUR AtiENT : SELWYN BAKER, PHONE 79 OR 4 BRUSSELS, ONT, • . This introductioil of our nzw dr . _. y : • and floor covering service gives our customers a sper'j opporturi4 to save on their r7_,, and rThapery qUirements. Toronto Carget Mfg. Co. 'Ltd.; • Toronto„ _Makers -of BARRYNIORE Since 1801 QUALITY CARPETS Sold by: SEAF UPHOL Phone 527-0190 're Street # rft.01111gmealii jag logusifte POST, BRUSSE141, ONTAWU THURSDAY, MARCH 11th, 1066 HURON PRESBYTERY OF TH.E UNITED CHURCH DISCUSS CHURCH UNION 41 regular mee.ting ot. tittron :Presbytery of the United. Church of Canada held on Wednesday, Marph 3, in Winghain 'United Church, Wingham, under chair- Man, Itev. Clifford Britton. or SeafOrth. -presbytery was informed that 14 ministers arc entering the United Chuych of Canada from, such churches as the Baptist Con- vention Ontario and Queboc, The Evangelical Reformed. Church of North-west Germany, The Chinese . Christian Church of Formosa, The Church of Scot- land, The Reformed Church- in America, These ministers will be received by Preshyteries across, Canada. Rev, Clifford G. Park of Clin- ton, a me-tuber of The London- Huron Committee on Church Union commented upon the pros- cots of union between the Angli- can and United Churches: "'There are two requirements for a suo cessrul union between the two churches: — (1, me acceptance 61 Bishops by the United Church and (2) recognition by the Anglican Church of the United Church Ministry as vana with- out re-ordination. In the proposed new church the method of estab- lishing and consecrating Bishops should satisfy the Anglicans. then again, the fact that the Bishops would be responsible to the Church Courts should make it acceptable to The United Church. We should also point out that this will be mutually acceptable membership as well as ministry. it should be kept in mind that the London-Huron Committee's find- ings have no authority outside the London Conference and Huron Diocese; we do hope that our plan will spark discussion and The United Church Women of the Presbytery reported that 2,957 members raised a total ot, $114,000.00 in 1964. The Centennial Committee in- itiated plans for the obsehran Ie of the Church's 40th Anniver- sary when it designated Sunday, June 6th as the day to hold such an event; it recommended that each, congregation plan a local. service with a speaker from another denomination as guest. "In such a way." the Committee Chairman, Rev. Cecil Jarilne, Winghain, reported, "we can em.- phasize our membership in the Church Catholic (or world-wide." A solemn note was expreSsod regarding the shortage of or- dained ministerS. Ninety men are lost each year in the church through death, retirement, etc. With the increase in the number of new churches being estab lished and a poor enlistment in the ranks of students, the picture does not look good for the ratal. areas which would be, the first to, feel the shortage. MEN WANTED Rawleigh Business now open in Huron County. Trade well etablished. Excellent opportun, ity. Full time, Write Rawleigh, Dept. C4524.89, 4005 Richelieu, St, Henry' Montreal,