HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-03-11, Page 1$2.00 A Year in Advance $2.50 To U.S.A. , POST PUBLISHING 10-13S14
Meeting held March let.
Moved by Lawson Ward sec,
onded by Archie Mann that the
minutes of the last meeting be
adopted as read — Carried
Moved ty Glenn Huether sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that we
accept the tender, of G. A.' Gib-
son & Son Ltd., Wroxeter.for the
construction of the Krauter Bridge
at Lot 25. Concession 7, according,
to the plans and specifications
prepared by B. M. Ross, P. Eng.
for the price of $34.590.00, subject
to the approval of the Department
of Highways — Carried
Moved by Glenn Huether sec-
onded by 'Kenneth Bray that
we open Court of Revision on By-
Law No. 7-1965, Hanna Drain and
Extension — Carried
Moved by Glenn Huether sec-
onded by Lawson Ward that the
appeal of Roy Patterson against
the Hanna Drain and Extension
By-Law assessment on Lots 28
and 29, Concession 18, be not
allowed and the assessment sus-
tained — Carried
Moved' by Kenneth Bray, sec-
onded by Glenn. Huether, that we,
close Court of Revision on By.
Law No 7-1965, Hanna Drain
and Extension and finally pass
the By-law as read a first, second
and third Utile and instruct the
Clerk to adverise for tenders.
Tenders to be in by One o'clock
April 5th — Carried
Moved _by Archie Mann sec-
onded by Kenneth Bray that we
accept the tender of Frank Smith
for approximately 1400 lbs. ,War-
ble Fly Powder (Green Cross)
at 4.46 per 115 lb. bag — Carried .
Moved by Glenn Huether sec-
onded by Kenneth Bray that we
accept the tender of Charles
Fischer for Warble Fly Sprayaing
at 10c per head per spray
— Carried,
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
onded by Archie Mann that we
appoint Fred Smalldon Warble
Fly Inspector at $1.15 per hour
— Carried
Moved by Glenn Huether sec-
onded by Kenneth Bray that we
accept the tender' of H. F. Done-
gan, Listowel, for crushing and
hauling approximately 15,900 cubic
yards of gravel at, 72c per yard
subject to the approval of the
Department of Highways
- - Carried
Moved by Archie Mann sec-
onded by Kenneth Bray that the
Collector's Roll, for 1964 be
accepted and the Collector reliev-
ed of further responsibility
— Carried
Moved by Lawson Ward sec-
bnded by Archie Mann that wK
trAhtifilil hh biken tiRftai
World Day Of Prayer
Service In St. John's Church
The World Day of Prayer
Service was held in St. John's
Anglican Church here on Friday,
March 5th at three o'clock. The
leaders Were Mrs. George Davis.
Mrs. James Mair and Mrs. C.
The topic - "What Doth the
Lord Require" was taken by Rey,
H. L. Jennings. Mists Irma
nard sang the very lovely solo
"He's Got the Whole World in
His Hands", accompanied by Mrs,
B. Elliott. A joint 'choir assisted
in the service.
The offering, Which is sent to
the Women's InterChurch Celin-
a of Canada, amounted 'to $25.15
The regular meeting of Morris
Township School Area sioarn was
held in the Brussdls School on
March. 3. One. member absent.
The minutes of the February
meeting were.aPproved as read
on motion by J. Stewart. and C.
Representatives of Hood School
Supplies and of Educator Sup-,
plies were present.
Motion of J. Stewart and B.
Elliott that Educator Supplies
make a survey of requirements
• at Blyth School, anrangetnents to
be made with Mr. Higgins and
that Jack Hood Co. make Brussels
and Morris ,surveys. A display
for Morris teachers' inspection will
be on May 5 at S.S. No. 8, a simi-
lar display Will be arranged in.
Brussels, date to be arranged, With
'sir. Ashton.
Motion Haines and Elliott, that
premiums on Bilytn School Emin-
ence be paid where applicable and
(bat Morris premiums be
when due.
A delegation from Millet die-
citssed With the Board the con-
tinued transportation of certain
pupils to myth School.
Motion of Stewart and Elliott
authorized payment of the follOw-
ing bills! Alexander's Hardware.
$12.11; Sparlings Hardivare.
$1-1.79; Meehan Hardware, $11.23:
Geo Pollard, $27,5a; Workmen's
CompensatiOn, $34.54t Brussele
Post, $18.t54; Manning and Sons
$35.11: Hood Sitonliee, $94.67:
Educator Supplies,. $127,24; Ideal
Supply Co., MO; GOvning,
$225; W. Willis, $3.04
Date of the next meeting will
be arranged by the Board elifibc
Meeting adjetned on motion of
C. Haines.
tiliaiintlA Ralph
Aw Jae. lillsten
f4entete i4y
Brian Huether Wins
lOOF Freezer Draw
A large crowd was on hand to
witness the Western Star No. 149
hoehey game between the
the CKNX Sports Wingham
and the. Brantford City Police.
The game took place in the 'Brus-
sels (trepa, on Friday night with
the CKNX Sports corning up with
an 8— 6wiri,
Brian Huether was the lucky
winner of the draw for the freezer,
or ticpitural Society
f:l.,,,e4s New!Members
The regular meeting of the
.Ienu,SSels and District Horticul-
tural Society will be held in the
Library at S p.m, Monday, March
.15th. Mr. Cliff Epps of Clinton
will be guest speaker. An in-
crease of membership is being
asked for. Meetings are just
every other month, the 3rd
Topics on flowers, flower ar-
ranging, pictures, door prizes,
lunch, music, at meetings, so for
fifty cents a year why not join
and learn how to make our town
more beautiful with flowers and
more flowers.
Watch for children's compet-
itions for the fair sponsored by
the Horticultural Society. The
first prizes in this, competition go
to the District, then to the Prov-
incial, for prizes.
Lions To Held Ladies'
Night April 12th
The Tegular i supper meeting of
the local Lions Club on Monday
night was presided over by Lion
president Charles Thomas,
Business included the minutes of
the previous meeting, roll call, and
correspondence read by the sec.
rotary Lion. Hank TenPas.
It was decided to bold tire
anneal "Ladies' Night" on April
12th, in the new Legion Hall. A
public speaking competition will
also be held that evening with
trophies to be awarded the
A number of the local club
members volunteered to operate
a Bingo at the Ontario Hospital,
Coaderich, in the hear- future,
The snit of the month draw
was won by Dottglas Hemingway,
with Mrs. W. Edgar making the
A request from outside clubs
for a donation toward a gas an-
esthesia maehine 'for Listowel
Hospital was turned down es
Wingham Hospital has two such
me chine non this area,
My sincere thanks to my many
13rttOSels friends for their cards
end, letters while I was a patient
n Kincardine, General
O-001401Y, fintletene 'Sintlesisen.
Brussels Pee Wees
Make It Three In A Row
On Tuesday, March 8th, the
Ilrussels team returned home
from Milverton with the champ-
ionship for the third year in a
COW. The great team. spirit en-
abled them to upset the Newry Pee
\\lees in two games straight.
After a season which saw them
win -1 games, lose 2 and tie one,
they met Moakton in the' Semi-
finals. In the first game Brim-
sQls shutout Monkton 6 - 0 and
then swamped them on their own
ice 7-1 to take the best of three
;•crics in two games straight.
In the finals our boys met the
previously undefeated Newry
in a best of three series. :In
the first game Brussels scored
4 goals in the final period to win,
7 - 5. In the second Brussels took
an early lead then matched goals
with Newry to win the second
game by a 7-5 score. Our chainp-
ion team will now aim toward
taking the Pee -Nee champions..
ship at the annual Brussels Hock-
ey Tournament to make the sea-
cheer the, boys to victory
complete.• So conic out and
Feis!ey Defeats Brussels
30 Win WOAA Title
On Saturday night March 6.
Paisley visited Brussels for the
first game in a best of three
series for the WOAA Bantam D
Championship„ which Paisleys
took by a score of 9 - 2. At the
end of the second period the score
was 3 -2 for Paisley. Then the
ionit1 boys went 'into a slump and
Paisley walked away
oe Monthly night Brussels Went
to seieley for the second game
which proved to be 'a real thriller
1 - 0 for Paisley until the 15
minute mark of the third period
sehen they ,c'-t7ot another, goal and
took the game 2t-0. Paisley won
Os , n'OA.\ championship and
erned on eight game winning
streak" :for Brussels. This seine
Paisley te-m won the all Ontario
shampionsbip last year and the
WOAA cup whidh they have held
for the past six years.
congratulations to Paisley, a
very Into hockey club, and also to
the Brassels boys for such a tine
effiont, Goals scored by Terry
Rutledge 1, Kim Beirnes 1. Assists
by Peet McDonald 1 and Murray
Brussels Midgets Lose
Stone Sehoel
The Brussels Midgets played
CM a School Wednesday, Match
Winv:13;:km, They won by
- Coals being soot-
NI by Brian T-Tuother 4, Dave
lilloher 2.
t it Soillrden Mareli 11, (116 tigitik
Royal Canadian Legion
Zone Meeting Hgld Here
Zone C 1 meeting was held in
the new Legion Hall, Brussels, on
Sunday March 7th, with. a very
good attendance.
Vhe parade moved off from the
new Legion Hall at 2:04 p.m, and
proceeded to the cenotaph vzhere
two wreaths were placed in mem-
ory of fallen comrades of the two
wars, After a brief ceremony
the parade proceeded back with
Judge R. S. Hetherington taking
the salute in front of the Old
Legion Hall,
After the breakoff the meeting
was conducted by Zone Com-
mander Eric Johnston of Coder-
ich, Comrade E. Sales, Zone
Secretary, and Dist. Coma Derwin
Preston. Others on. the platform
were Judge. R. S. Hetherington.
Murray Gaunt, M.L.A.., J. C. Kreut-
er, Reeve of Brussels, Clifford
Dunbar, Reeve of Grey, Stewart
Procter. Reeve of Morris and Zone
Commander of Zone 02.
Election of officers was held
when Allen Nicholson of Egmonds
Ville was elected Zone Commander
and Comrade Edward Bell of
Blyth, Deputy Commander.
Lunch was served by the
Ladies' Auxiliary of Branch 218
.Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sidling,
of Brussels, Ontario, announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Elaine Gwendoline, 51 Louise
Street, Stratford. Ontario, to Mr.
Robert William Frederick Landers -
R.R. 5. Stratford, Ontario, son of
Mrs. Vera Landers and the late
Wallace Landers, R.R. 3, Tavi-
stock, Ontario. The wedding will
take place Saturday, April 17th,
19'65, at 2:30 p.m. at The King-
dom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses,
Mitchell, Ontario.
Bre ornball
Monday night, March 8. in the
Brussels Arena, the, BrusSelS
girls played Wingham in the
Hanover playoffs,' winning 1 0.
The only goal was scored by
Anne Mecham
The Brussels boys played the
10th line in North Huron Broom-
ball playoffs, The game was tied
1 - 1, Mar-ray Lowe scoring for
teams played the final game with
Stone School writining with a 6 -
score Goals by John Rock 2, Dav-
id 'Huether 1, Dean Gibson, 1,
Brian Huether 1, The boys have
played good hockey, SO, better
hick next year boys.
See you at the BriesselS Ice
rtsvusi 011 !AO 4ft,V tftglit •