The Brussels Post, 1965-02-25, Page 6WALTON Priced from as low as --W4:31W"s . .......... ; VrilOsi00.0e,,Srs,:s:sssz-.4S• • rtSS:iiO r THURSDAY, FEB. 25th; 1 Y AND EPIC Bazaar C o mmittees Announcod At UCW Wa lton Unit filectino The monthly meeting og the Walton Unit of the UCW of . Duffs Church was. held in. the schoolroom of the church on Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. Nelsen Marks and Mrs. Douglas EnniS presided for the service of wors sail p. f "The Lord's My •Shephestrdt" • Psal m 23 was sung in OPening Mrs. Ray Huether presided at the piano. The 23rd Psalm was r ead as the Scripture lesson. by Mrs, N elson Marks. A shepherd's in- terpretation of this psalm. was, was given by Mrs. Howard Hack- yell, Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs. Tack Ewing. Mrs. Wesley Rack- I well, Mrs. Leonard Leeming; Mrs, Edward Miller, Mrs. Walter Be:Ws ley and Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. P . Ennis offered prayer and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison The hymn. "The Ninety and nine was sung, The topic, "We Must Keep Our Resolutions". was in charge of Mrs. Herbert Traviss who also, read the poem. "If We WOuld.But Remember." The president, Mrs. Allan Mc- Call, took charge of the business period, The Minutes were read by Mrs. James Clarke. Roll call was responded to by naming a hook of the New Testament. A card of -thanks for a gift presented when she left the unit to leave in Blyth, received from Mrs. Harvey Brown, was read by Mrs. McCall. The convener of the Bazar • commi ti 90. Mrs Nelson Marks, gave a report of a meeting and • announced committe members as follow. the first named being conv.'nuc'r of said committee: Palley Work: Mrs. Peter Mc- Donald. Mrs. Edward Miller, Mrs. Sholdice, Cashier: Mrs. Arthur Higgin- botham. In foreground: the 1965 Epic 27Doof Deluxe Sedan. FROM GENERAL MOTORS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE OUT FOR THE MOST IN A SMALL CAR. Envoy for 1965 brings you total value. Total comfort and dependability are matched by completely new and handsome styling. See it and prove to yourself that Envoy is the most luxurious car in its class for 1965. Put this same kind of value into the toughest little car of the year—and-you have. Epic for '65. Beauti- ful interiors and bonus luxury features. An unbeatable heater. An engine that is the live- liest 50-hp performer in its class! Visit your Chevrolet-Envoy dealer and see the British- built, North-American inspired '65 Epic and Envoy soon. I In background:!ftmw 1986 Envoy Special Sedan. sl i 85.0° at BRUSSELS 'Suggested maximum retail de- livered price of an Epic Stand- ard 2-Door Sedan with heater and defroster. Price quoted in- cludes delivery and handling , charges and Federal Sales and . Excise taxes. Provincial and local taxes and licence are not included. GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ..... .......... . McOUTCHEON MOTORS LIMITED Se sure to see Somme on the CBC:TV network each Sunday. Check your local listings for channel and time. MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED BY VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FROM. COAST TO COAST AUTHORIZED EPIC 'DEALER IN BRUSSELS.: BRUssas, ONT. PHONE: 56 . .. EP-465C Mrs. Wtn. Colitts, Mrs. Sack Brown, Mrs, Allan McCall, MTe. Herbert TraVisS, Mrs. Howard liackwell; Mrs. Barry Marshall, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Ray Huether, Mrs. Walter Bewley, Supper Conimittee: Mrs. Allan $11WItt, 104, teal! tjdiii4 Ian Witbee; Mrs, Wesley Hack- welt. It was voted that a donation, of $10 be given Miss Betty Nichol of Stratford, at present teaching In three, Mexican villages. Miss Nichol is to have charge of a bible hfihk fa63la Whith 11 ETHEL Miss Drina Smith and Bob Pearson, who have both been patients in Listowel Hospital re- turned home last week. Mrs. Win. Morse, Mid. A, W41'9111110 hM .06140 *11.6 Wiitt London visitors for a tett dayei returned home with A. Breather' and Mrs. Carl McDonald Who were recent visitors there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgart of Brantford were recent week- end visitaril with Mn. and Wing MRViimWiftk Aprons: Mrs, Ralph Traviss Mrs. Cordon Murray, Mrs. Walter Dev.-lev. Mrs. Sack Ewing. • '),Tr... Ernest Stevens, Mrs. Roy 13enrett, Mrs. Leonard Leen-sine% Fakirs.- table No. 1: Mrs. Ern- prop Ari &to), • r e Mrs. Doug- las Mrs. Win. COutts, Mrs Torrance Pandas. Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. Allan McCall, r ,,r ii'} Ma snail, Baking Table No. it: Mrs. Herb- ert Traviss. cashier. Mrs. Ronald Bennett; Mrs. Froward TIacktvell, Mrs. Parry Marshall, Mrs. Neldon Mrs. Ray Hueiher, Mrs. Wni. Thanicr. Candy Counter: Mrs. Nelson Rosa, Mrs, :fact,: Cordon. Touch and Tako: Mrs Tas Cln rko, Mrs. (10Org'rb I mmlas. Waitresses: Mrs. Ronald Ben Ott, Mrs, V,Tir nraOrt Mit<02,0$