HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-02-18, Page 5WISHES TO AINIVOUNICE THE SALON Will I3e CLOSED From FEB, 22 TO ,27, 1965 THE mina CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Rev. A. M. Johnston B.A.. BD. Organist: Miss Sharon Storey 9;45 adz Suaaay School *1;00 a.m. Public Worship Sermon TWO: 'Tierre Bert9As ia AgnOStiej$131" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN GA NADA MELVILLE CHURCH 10:00 a.m. Church School Sermon Theme; "The Challenge of Christian Vocation" ANGLICAN, CHURCH OF CANADA Rector: Rev. H. L. Jennings BA.. LTH. Organist: Mrs. B. Elliott b•c. JOHN-u 11:00 am. Morns Prayer and Church School St. Alban's and St. David's ATV/000 Holy Communion and Church School Pancake Supper The annual Pancake Supper of St John's Anglican Church will be held on Tuesday, March 2Imi, BOWLLNG INCiff:b February 15th The Pinbusters took a' very bad loss this evening when they drop_ ped both games to the 'Untouch- ables and fell behind another 308 pins. 1st Game Untouchables 1.330 Pinbusters 166g 162 2nd Game (Untouchables 18,71 Pinbuster 172;5 X45. Total Pins Untouchables 62,303 Pinbusters 61,671 632 Ladies Singles Karen Coleman 278 Men's Singles George Cousins 243 Ladies Doubles Karen Coleman 523 Ruth Huether 378 Marlene Jacklin 312 Men's Doubles Albert TeaPas 394 George Cousins 383 Willis knight 374 Minister: Rev. W. J Morrison, MA. Frank. Thompson ARGT Organist: Mrs. A complete. Warehouse Service ...now within a few miles of your farm. Products • SUPER FLOW Fertilizers in bulk or bags • C-I-L Anhydrous Ammonia in 2-ton nurse tanks (applicators available) • Special. Turf and Garden Fertilizers (GOLFGREEN and EVERGREEN) Services Save time and money with the C-I-L Bulk Spreading Service. A fast, efficient method of top-dressing and broadcasting. • Truck bulk spreaders • 800 pound "Lely" spreaders • 4-ton pull-type spreaders • Soil Testing Laboratories • Farm Advisory Service FERT SERV I TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED, BRUSSELS, 199 I lat Tii(„Iii,SDA.Y. Oka. latti, 1,964 GENT4EMEWS CLUB NEWS ITEMS ' ,(continued- from page one) of today in her modern home. Mr. Work, the farm wife, got up early on Monday, wash day, around 5.30 a.m. She had to auntie a wood fire. Cedar shav- ings were made the night before. It was extravagant to put a drop of coal oil on the wood. The water Pail was generally frozen So it was placed. on the stove Now a tub full of snow and a boiler of snow had to be brought in and thawed into water for the wash. The heathen brought their's in on Sunday cite, but not the Christians. yell, Mrs. Work kept carrying snow until she had a boiler and a tub full. The tub was made of wood, one board on earn srue a bit longer with hand holds cut. The kids are called at 7.30. wary hair nail to be braided. Joann::.s ears had to be WASked, their clothing hunted up, lunch had to be made for them., awl wrapped up after a goon breakia6z..Noup of your purlieu up ho4ey sweet- ened cream puffs, but Datineal and meal and potatoes and mol lasses ((slack Strap). ..virs Work. got the clothes soaking, and, rubbed earn and every one all with nomem.aue sort soap Then au old scrub boarl, corru- gated tin, rub, rub, ran. _then came the hanging out to dry. No pulley clothes line, break th- rough the length of the clothes line. They generally were frozen before the last clothes pins were inserted. With washing clone the floor had to be scrubbed, biscuits made for dinner, and a 'dozen, other jobs, any spare time a quilt, there was a rug to be hooked. Children home at five from school, supper, clothes were frozen solid to clothes line but brought in and hung up alt around to dry. Supper over, hubby needed sox knit and over- alls patched. Nine o'clock, the clock Wound and to bed. The town wife we will call Mrs. Vanderbilt, gets up, house is heated' by oil, is 75 degrees. She puts coffee in a percolater, path on three or four breakfast foods. No fires to light, just turn a switch. Gets washing into a $400 machine, turns a button and Water is changed eight times. Clothes are then. put in dryer and, in one &air she has talked 14 times on telephone and read 3 chapters of Peyton Place. After- noon, goes curling, Tuesday for, M,rs. Work, much the same. She has, two flat irons to iron with, solid metal.. Handles get so hot she has to wear a leather mitt. Afternoon, sewing, mending. knitting„ quilting., etc. In town Mrs. Vanderbelt goes to a 1:100.- spiel, in (Kalamazoo, Wednesday much the same for Mrs. 'Work except she hears one of the neigh- bour women nes been in bed four days and house in terrible shape. She and Mrs. Itutledge walk th- lough all the snow, scrub, bake, wash the towels, pillow cases, sheets etc. Wednesday site John- ny has lost one of his mitts and mother knits a mate for it. In, town Mrs. Vanderbilt is skip, whatever that means, goes to Hanover. Thursday Mrs. Warwick comes over and they cut down an old cloth coat for Mrs. Work, also make Johnny a suit, pants, and coat from a suit of uncle Robert's; Mrs. Vanderbilt goes to London and buys two Curling roclui, broom, and two sweaters for cur. ling. Friday for Mrs. Work is bake, day, biscuits, scones, and bread. is set in the evening. If its March she will have o or 7 cows to milk, separate the cream and churns always on Friday as .cutter goes to store on Saturday. Mrs. Vander- bilt trys out her new -rocks. Sat- urday for ivirs. Work bread must be kneaded, shaped into loaves and baked in a wood heated, stove. if it is a nice afternoon she will go to Bluevale. A duet wood, about six inches through, is heated and placed in the hot. tom of cutter for a foot warmer. The store keeper, uncle Billy Messer, IvAispers to her that he has orders for all her butter and will give her a cent ai pound extra. This makes her, more happy' than Mrs. Vander. bilt, who is curling as usual. Well it happens they climb the Golden stairs together, and knock on the Golden Gate. Bt. Peter takes one look at Mrs, 'York, and places a gold caowni on her head and a silver harp in her hand. Mrs. Vanlerbilt saya to St. Peter, Sir, I have a request, would you please give me curling stones instead of a harp and put me with all the other curlers?. St. ,Peter said, request granted, but you won't need curling stones. Where I'M sending the ctirlere, there isn't any ice. trilthftilly Yours T. K. F. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT GEORGE )(LAU, ALL Pli;i1SONS having claims against the estate 0* the above InentiOhed, late Of the Township Ql Morris., in the County of Huron, Faxillei'm Who 4/0 on the twenty- third day of January, .I.V60, are required 'to file proof of same; with the undersigned on or before the sixth day of March, 1965. Atter that date the Administrator will Proceed to distrioute the Fate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 15th day of February, 1965. Crawford and Hetherington Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator EIGHT SCHOOLS TO ,COMPETE FOR WRESTLING TROPHY Eight schools Will, be ComPet, ing for the Huron-Perth, WrOphy for wrestling at the WDRS. S'aturday, IfehreArY 20th. Cue week later, en February .27th, eighteen, schools, from all ever Western Ontario will corn- vete ut Wingham High Sohool, for the W.O,S.S.A, Anyone interested is invited to come to see the high calibre high school wrestling at both of these meets. Refreshment will be served. VALENTINEDANCE Walton Community Hall FRIDAY. FEB. 19th Desjardine's Orchestra Lunch Booth 1p Hall Everyone Welcome Sponsored by the Hall Board