HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-11, Page 8Ir t r, 'JBLIZIT ab INGSNob, as d - -- _ Description of I STAIRS, HA RAI .8 ' NEWELS d BALOS A S t bend fur P.. •at-+ Hi N(, LIS, ATH d LUMBER. E'rtiln.tee on &Klee - tem efilleAddrsis FRANCIS SMEETH, (Loderiob OOD1:81O8 HIGH SCHOOL. esteem teem tae teems .f Iaspeet r mar - nag A Mitt state .f Eaacteney •mosrved. The following from the report of le- epector Marling to the Educational De- partment, anent the Goderich High School, is a high tribute to the success of the institution, and the efficiency work performed by the Head Master and his assistants: AcoommoturioNa.-The premises are in good condition. No change to note sine last inspeeti n. EQelrmcslr•r. -There is a sufficient sup- Fiu -On Monday morning about 1 ply of material. About 150 volumes in a. m., a fire broke out in the dwelling of the reference Library. Mr. John Welsh, Queen street, com- OROANIZATION. - Separate Board. pletely -oonsuming it. Although the There are 3 Lower School Forms, and engine was quickly on the ground it was one in the upper School. One third are too far advanced to save it, but did the non-residents. Nineteen have taught. usual good service of preventing the Thirteen have biassed the July interned- fire from spreading. We understand the iste. Six obtained III class certificates. loss isfully covered by insurance. Cause Three matriculated in the University otthe fire at present unknown. Junior Matriculation. One at Senior hlatriculation. One Matriculated Vic- Port Albeit. toria University, all took honors, one, a double ecolarship, one passed the exam- ination Surveying, one the second year in Knox College, one preparing for year or seuior Matriculation one for Junior Matriculation Toronto, one for Victoria University in September. Two for the medical Council in Apra Town pays $1900 to the High SehooL No tees, no reports, no prizes. A vigorous Literary Society. Rammucs..-I invite attention to the good work this school is doing in pre- paring pupils for the University, and to the distinctions many of them gain there- at. The improved status ..f the Gode- rich High School is a proof, if any were needed, of the stimulus imparted by the Intermediate examination; wbether a healthy stimulus in all respects is a fair question for consideration. The master complains that they are too much exam- ined, but I think it does them good. THE.HURON SIGNAL, FR11h' , Ir` 13RUARY• 11, 1881. Mr. John Walters, one of our more esteemed chisels, left here on S.turda for the Black Hills. Hu ,)ally face mad pleasant voice will be inured. JAtrtetay tame . A numbered land* have made their appuaraow is 4Mr farm yarda Syme were born da Ratter eat*. The Oederieh etMge4s*11 know where to outer for their Mealier supply.; • 1. James Wright, furauerly &nisi/int P. M., in this plume, but now of Toronto, is in 1t"own fur a few days, visiting frie.da Mr. Peter Welsh, •ot Nebraaka, for- merly of this section, has been here for a few days past, His .Q{ is good, and his account of the ouuntry rather flattering. He left ler his home on Tuesday. The partnership of T. & J. Watson, carriage builders, has been dimelved, T. Watson, retirinpb. The business will hereafter be carred on by Messrs. Wat- son • A Brooks. Both being practical workmen, they will no doubt command a large trade. A letter has been received, signed by "Geordie," but as the writer does not give the editor his real name, we cannot publish it. We want it to be distinctly understood that no communication can appear in Tan SIONAL unless we know the name of the author. If ''Geordie" would have his lucubration appear, we must have his real name. We do not want it for publication, but as a guaran- tee of good faith. ...r....... Is. sn.ipuhmt *mists on marling, is which we , , s well-known author- ity, the New York Honed rem rks that curling has a dutinie UOuirawiaiure tel MR own, many ..f thk menus used betmg evidently of Tuutouls, Gallic sir hoendr simian conies, such se "brough," "bun- ker, "bunspiel, ' "otatu it, "Jolly, ' "thwack,' "skip,'* "hack." &. ; bet whim the game is played there .s tkiw no duubt gameasustiooa:ly ul the Lingua/re used OM eneueryg.aeui.t or directive of the Metro by the Eke*,me American as wellatiereutorm otero utas ing Soutanien woad* if they Lad n.. jaunted for a while enema the "eeetht r hills" of mild' Few games an more delightful t} the curler a aeon during the atm et severe winter weather, and the ruoullectNen .u• h gays, with {.heir mefaories of battle and victory, and peelers, the ieeptraoou al- so of the festive gathering when the spiel is over, has prcewptet w•ny a tem poet curler to sing >p homer of his lured pastime, and many pleasant ditties are the results of such twpitation. Thew is no mutual admiration about curling, as All its legislation and practice are ter "the greatest good to the greetest ns. .• bel." All distinction ce num of weed* position vanish before the all absorb.mg interest of the game. Tee best curler .. most emphatically the best non on the ice, be he in broadcloth or homespun, and many amusing scenes have taker place is ounateuunce, the winieter boiog asked by his sexton, after a eareleas pie • , "What's wrang wi' ea, mon? I.'re throuj1h a' ide, rvsrin , ragiu' altoes- ther.' And the laird has been ordered by his gardener to ''tut playa nice cantly shot to my broom; dna ye play ewer strong, and we'll pop ye up;" or to "chap an egg there, and no dee the port." If you cannot curl teen at curling you are nobody, n•• matter how long your pedigree or your purse. Twenty rinks have played on the Central Park lake at ane time. con- sisting of eight men each -160 wen in all -and then the welkin would ring with the boom of the stones and the cheering cries of the skips. With the skip rests the principal direction of the game, and to be proficient its must out only be a gond player, but s cool, cletr- esaded director, with good balance as to temper -not too easily elated by a good shot or depressed by a bad one. An on- looker ea somewhat puzzled by the di- rection given, and may hear such as "Be canny, nom;" "Tak ye're well o't;' "Fill the port;" "A tee high shot;" "Tak' an inwick afi this ane;" Break an egg on this ane;" "Play to me broom" "Soup, soop, bring him up; "Ye're roarin', Geordie, mon," all in the broad- est Doric, by many who never were with- in sight of the "land of brown headland shaggy wood." Peet.LuAa AND PAINrvL ACl'IDF_' r. - On Monday afternoon while attending to the spite driver, Mr. Wm. Vrooman met with a painful accident He was chopping the ice, for the next pile, and was standing over the rope, when the hook fastening the rope to the block broke, throwing the rope violently up- ward. The man was caught between the legs, and flung upwards against a ladder, upon which he caught, and held there until he was helped down. Mr. Vrooman was badly cut in the head, and his groin was Painfully injured. His esdape from fatal injuries was wonder- ful. Tse-MRsnNo. - Tho Presbyterian Church Social at this place on Wednesday even'g, 2nd inst., was an undoubted Chief Joseph, of the Iroquois, died financial, intellectual, and gastronomic suddenly at Caughnawaga on Monday. success. Rev. Mr. Leitch, pastor of He only recently finished a translation congregation, was particularly happy as of the Testament into Iroquois. His chairman -Rev. Mr. Roes, of Goderich, friends are determined to have a port was the first speaker introduced. He mortera- was frequently applauded, and concluded an entertaining and instructive address by urging the people to shun bar rooms and their teeccompanying evils, The speech was Illustrated with numerous anecdotes; and the rev. gentleman re- sumed his seat amid loud applause. Mr. Williams, of Leeburn, was billed for a readia4, suppoeed to be humorous. It was soda -water without the pop, neither the matter, nor the mode of delivery, but only its brevity, was commendable. Rev. Mr. Carrie, of Dungannon, met with'* very warm reception. His theme was "Success." He said that every one is fitted by nature for some occupation, and if they can decide what that occupa- tion is to be, and concentrate their ener- gies nIxoneit, success will be assured. Thera are a few individuals, however, naturally fitted for many occupationsand succeed in them too. There are persons of both sexes who can, as they say, turn their hands to almost anything -do not like to be idle. They are the very ones most likely to succeed in life. There are individuals of the softer sex who can make bonnets, dresses, pies, puddings and cakes. They can patch, darn, knit, toast, stew and fry -they can nuke but- ter and cheese, milk cows, feed chickens and hoe corn -they can sweep out the kitchen, put the parlor into rights, make beds, split wood, kindle fires, wash and iron, and take care of their lovers -they are remarkably fond of babies, and scold on Monday's and Saturdays (these 1 be- lieve are washing days), and in fact se any other time. There are others of tho harder sex who can do a great many things ----they can work a farmmilk cows and make tea -they chop woo,d, feed the cattle, and sew on buttons- -they can drive oxen, tend hones, and put a patch on the elbow of a coat They con churn milk, brew beer, and make pencak(s. They can talk politics, criticise sermons, and rock the cradle. gentlemen from Clinton. They are very fond of their sisters, if they Feints Some -The Holmes farm, on have any, and if they haven't, they are the Maitland con., consisting of 107 remarkably fond of somebody else's sir acres, has been sold for the sum of $5,000 ter. 11 they are married they can stay to Mr. John Baker. There are 87 acres at home with their wives, and if they cleared, and the land is first-class, but are not married they can drive round has not been thoroughly worked of late their sweethearts, and not make fools of years. Mr. James Baker of the llth themselves in doing so. The audience con. has sold his farni to Mr. .Teptha were enthnsiestic in their praise of Mr. Holland, for the ■um of $4,200. Mr. Carrie and his speech. Baker has some intention of visiting the • Mr. Mehaffy also gave a brief but in - north -west territory. teresting &ideate. During the evening a number of pieces were rendered by the chair. which were well received by the audience. Af- ter the customary votes of thanks, the meeting was dismissed by Rev. Mr. Car- rie. -Com Colborne. STILL AREAD.-A correspondent for one of our local pars a pears quite elated over tfie fact that Hullett town- ship was ahead in the way of tax-oollect- ing, but we have much pleasure in stat- ing that Mr. Will Vanstone, collector fur the township of Colborne, had every cent of taxes collected before 24th of December, which is the time specified by law when all taxes should be paid into the treasury. Lean= rtapreaeatstivea of the oldeu time, the am- .mai person *duetted meesurii( D fee, 11 dueler* iu height. Of the ladles atony are said W suit their towering veneers admirably in height and sire. ut e. le thwacks, on Mender. Jan, we the wife of Mr. Malcolm Wa1Lwe or • daughter. MAIr.Red. Niels. ninth On immix_ the MO, at the rm.donoe of the nettle's father. by the Ret R. W. Label. Mr. Jobe fink to WM Mei- sane Am Smith, all of Wert wawanush Nlvleettr Watkar•lHy tie mune > wathe >sopod qp te Mlss L Welker. all of Weal Wawasosh. Cowen - Whiten On the 11th Inst et the Nei. se,,...4 Uwbrtde's fatter. by the Rev. 1tr. W Hearns. Ms. Mauves Joao, Ors. of Nile. toSarahMem Sarah rte McIntyre. daugh- ter of kr. Naha Mo2W re, Sanford Mr. Tob n Is press, un Thursday morning. Mrs. Jaime Poeta aged 0 Ton. re .r. 1s Walt..*, a I+lu.4&$. 455. riot, • eaten in, lei. D., of ptlon, to his h oar. day of r eh, at the resident* of i r ad mother. MSproul, Mr- lases iv - She People's Qolulnn-. ,:ti.► IeZJKEK WAIitTED7 yF Wanted a seed man to run • wagon p w -ruled" In ossasutei with a black- es.....M.p melee ties fie., *bete la • geed i.Idlat and Iota of week. Also wanted • net clam bIa. ksm,th tor ) lit work. April ;t t m 47 Brussels P O 17734 usoo .. ,: . OtleE. -DR SHANNON HAV- OC., PLACID IN MY HANDS 11031 JL11o.a W book a wuaate. mad promisor, suers. nue him up to Jan 101. 1 must reqa.st Lint alt pern..us au indebted would call aeon me at ones. and .etU0. ot► wtr roes. wW be oi,urred. i will be is lJr H. ban eons oeoe from tea a. a. to4p.m. 177x JAM J. McMATH. • CE.- HAVING JUST FILLED MY toe hoose with Dome beautiful dear los. I invite the public to examine my stook, sad eros nay rates tor summer delivery. Call early. before the stock is all bsrtalaed for. We. MoO Ami milkman, sear the M. R.. b, Mee a e . IfIW esoere rice . ▪ .t H&ON 8131,01[ Dillf- er re''g4•. 77KNIGHT, PRACTICAL Haar • MR sad Hobdressert, ybrie to resume bks a the erWl.' e o mutt _ I' and oma Feta a •r e e and ease be fo u hie i harini Parlor. m the Poet Odin. Ooderlooli 1753 V(USiC- MISS SKIMMINGS WILL IX& rectum herdlam to moble for Piaao and Cabinet Organ. on Maida(. Yd Jan. after the Xmas Vration. Vaosaeies for two or three pulite:Lenin :s per q _tarter is advance. Inth Dee. TEMP&RA>,r•E. -At the last regular meeting of the Leeburn lodge I. O. G T. 213. The following officers were install- ed for the ensuing quarter. Bro. S. B. Williams, W. C. T.; His. M. A. Mac - Manus, W. V. T.; Bro. W. H. Aboin, W. S.; Bro. Henry Horton, W. F. S.; Bro. John Linklater, W. T.; Bre. W. H. Clutton, W. M.; Sis. E. Burke, W. D. M. Sis. L. Lang, W. I. 0.; Bro. S. J. Knuckle, W. 0. G.; Bro. D. Cum- ming, W. C. ; Si.t. M. Clutton, W. B. H. S.; Sia Martha Maceianus, W. L. N. ti.; Bro. T. H. glutton, P. W. C. T.; Bro. S. J. Knuckle, was appointed care- taker of the lull, for the quarter. The Ledge meets every Friday evening. Ootierloh Township. FARM BOUGHT. -Mr. Geo. Green, of t his township, has bought the farm of Mr. Geis. Hanley, on the Bayfield con., consisting of 104 acres, for the sum of 5,,400. FaaAK or NATURE. --A cow belonging t ) Mr. 0. Gree -n, of the hayfield con., is now carrying her thir•eealf, and is only three years old. This is something very unsual indeed. New eel:M a. -The people connected with the Methodist Church at Taylor's corners, contemplate the erection cif a new brick church a little east of their present building. They need a new one badly, and are well able to erect one. RrvIvALSaRVICE6.-e-The special tten•i- ces at Cole's appointment are still being continued and meeting with success. Both ntinidtere--Rev. Messrs. Living- stone and Jamieson -have been working assiduously. The former, upon medical advice. has been resting for a few days, and his place has been hllexd by several Mr. Carlyle's relatives have declined the proposal to inter the remain m Westminster Abbey, inasmuch as the deceased ex reseed s strong wish to be buried beside his wife. For Sale or to Let. 1luctioneering. e, C. CURRIE,T1131 !VO - • TIOII UM. 6Msel' '. east newts-tom- e, HG, IIACKID, II. D.. PHYSI- I. elan, Surgeon lead A000ucbes. (tradsale of Toronto University. boor opposite ('areer- rus &, Cameenquiron ss the 8, Bank. 171115). if not in DR. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN. SUR- 01LON. Owner. a :n. Oise Lad m endeme es Brume Street, mooed door west of v t1 Street. DRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, PtyNolass, 8urteees. Aowsehera te. OOoe at Dr. Sbaaaon'e resideaoe. near the Jail, Goderich. O. C. SHANNON. J. U. HAMIL- TON 1751. AIKENHEAD, V.S., (SUCCESSOR re• to Ill. Demme Graduate of Ontario Ve- terinary(oneee. Moe. stmblessndresiden.•e. Oe Newest* ttttese tour .toms eon 0/converse HotoL N. 11.-Hente examined ue to mound• 1751. TUB* PM BALE. Comprising loots Nos 18 and 19, Con. 3, in the Tow& hip of West Weinman. belonging the e late Mr. Charles McDo old. ooataintag IM Acs..511 in an. ' Over thirty scree are wood. aadThere are t5' baiasee 'eedarlb raand Pike bgood ush. A .mail Frame House and a Well are also oe the premise& Aogood oreek runs through the term. For Mats *ppb to JAnra TRIM - ROLL. Keq =mild= or to Mrs. W ARRocE. Oodor doh or at Cornea. 1173 -fl: aea Legal. CAMERON .t ROGERS, BARRIS- terraa,, sette!tor'. and Notaries, Winghant, Ont. OM.r^e opptane Royal Hotel. W ingbnm. M. C. Cameron. Q. ,'.. M. P., F. Pugere. P.O. Drawer, 212. Wiseman. Jen. /P. MR. 171E VALSINTINS Just upload out an entirely - New Sjtock-•-tr Of ( ARROW a 1'ROUDFOOIT. BAR- RISTERS. etturneya,llc . etc.. G.destob. J. T. °arrow. W L'OR SALE. - A GOOD HORSE, ee hareem and ratter. Horse good static r double. and este for children to drive. Will be sold aep.rately or together. obese for cash. Apply to 11GG.. F. Asm[RTwoxa. & Bros. relining KM Kmakers, (oderic HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -AT Dungannon. 11 miles from Goderloh. BL DOYLE, BARRISEER A N D . Attorney, Solicitor in Chutney. kc., Osdeetoh. Oat 000eiUnr of 1 of an sore et land, well fen= on the premises. The hot has n well im- proved. Terms reasonable. Particulars cam be had from Mr. J. K. ROBERTS, Merchant, Dungannon, or R. E. BROWN. Nlle P. O. 176741. home, frame hoe, a good wetland pump are V& teatime at price varying fn ea le to $1 each at MOORSOTlSE'S. ReOpeuill ofScliools. SEAOER & MORTON, B A R R 18 - TERB, Rc., Lo., Goderich and WImmebsm• 0. Beeler. Jr.. Oodertoh. J. A. Morton, 17lilrg- bam. A party of fifteen skaters started from Oakville and went fully fifteen miles in a direct line to Port Dalhousie, which place they could pleinly see, when they returned all safe. This is something that has not been known by the oldest inhabitant Mr. John Hawley of Napartee, one of the veterans of 1812, died Monday in the 88th year of he age. We was a Most exemplary man, and a staunch member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church for upwards of seventy years. Rev. Principal McVicar, L. L. P., formerly of Guelph, and now of Mon - heal Presbyterian College, has just re- ceived the diploma of the Athenee Orien- tal of Paris, having been unaninerusly elected a member of that Society. A startling calamity occurred at Buffa- lo on Tuesday the roof of the Central Reilway depot collapsing under the weight of snow and, burying beneath it a Lake Shore train loaded with passer - germ, besides an unknown number of others who were standing in the depot. Those on the train were protected by the cars, but the others were frightfully mutilated. Four bodies hale beer. re- covered from the ruins. The inauguration of Oencrat Garfield promises to be a magnificent one. Eight thousand tickets for the ball have been issued. The escort of the Presi- dent-elect will consist of 20,000 militia and fourteen companies of regular troops and marines. Previous to the ball, a re- ception will be held in the Museum Building by General and Mrs. Garfield, President and Mrs. Hayes and General and Mrs. Grant, General Hancock is ax- ppe cted to take part in the recepti0h. General Sherman will be grand marshal of the parade antennae the presentations at the reception. LaAVINo. Mr. James Sheppard; who has resided on the 9th cin. for the pest forty-five soars, left this week for his son -in-laws farm Mr. (deo. Dale, Hul- lett where he will remain for • couple of weeks prior too removing to the State of Iowa Mr. Sheppard is almost the ('inns Farrar, in closing hiss.nnon wt last remaining settler of that line: he Mwrgarot'a, Westminister, ton w re .tutee that during his long rw.icie rice hen I cent Kunday spud : -"Whenever you do he never had five omits worth of any • I • Imola domed sad have the nnnggo nuto thin stolen from him, sltboiglh all suite my, 'It a wring and I for one usagewillFluive of tricks have been played upon him, at nothing to do with it,' whenever yon different times. comp in enntwd with s low unchristian Aovairetes wenn a Woer Mr. .Tau standard. ora bed, unworthy habit and Cor, formerly of this township, but late are men pmm..Mgh first to use to ans- a resident rd Makers, when returning climb to it and them tae do your hast to home the other evening. from having • overthrow it, ynu are • prophet, and by stroll on the plain., was 'tartlet' by the attire' thee you can help to improve the of a large we,e close to his mnrelnclement ilei lone the morel osis. Jim biting of gone metal turned standwre of the world. Your worts and and gsve battle; the radii weapon he had deede will breathe like fresh wind thrnngh was • revolver. Hy using that freely he the perfumed one pullnted. attune ceased the monster to take another nod phew of society Re brave, be just, he IN ell pleseod that the struggle was and truthful and homed to the heart's tore rel he made the beet of Ins way home, and so serve your iwnther man. your I•'. not wanting to have ono emcee N do. thew (trees and year t(•viour t e Lord with marine *cif lee.. Ru Chriet A reporter of the Cieveian(i t.••uo%rr was travelling by rail in ' Dakota during the recent cold snap. This. he says, is what the engineer wore: Ore red woollen wrapper, heavy quality; one white deo! len wrapper, heavy quality; one sten shirt, clew and warm, one red woollen wrapper, heavy quality; one red woollen undershirt, heavy quality; 'one blue Mackinaw blouse, very heavy; five pairs of heavy flannel drawers, orae pair of Mackinaw „breeches, two pairs of heavy woollen stockings, one pair of German socks, one pair of arctic', one heavy fur ape two pairs of warm lined gloves. one pair of mittens for outdoor emerge.ctes. The marriage of Prime William 014 Preemie is to take place on February 20th and will penbably I+e succeeded by a wed ding trip on board the royal 'etch Holten motion'. For the Shreve Tuesday hall, which is to ekes the wedding festivities at court, a quadrille of fifty couples is be Ing pr.etierrl in the arhkecrstie dreier .d the capital. ladles and gentlemen tak ing part in the dame are tie wear the tee tame of the period of Frederick Willem 1 The gentlemen who are te imper senate the giant grenenliors c -i the ani diet king will learnt ed in the ancient rest ler* uniform of the Premien guards. with voters, angwrlosf Imitates, and cern- barrow. leather sewer and beth. The gentlemen seleeeed SI, ail o& es in the present Fent guards. std net ettseopthy • All the Text Books authorised fur use in High. Mudrl51141 PVblic School can he bought CHEAPE.ST from ( MAIAOMSON, BARRISTER AND ►J• Solicitor. Moe -Corner of West Street sad Market Square, over George Acheson's. Godertcb. 1751. ECAMPION, ATTORNEY - A T- . LAw, Solicitor in Chancery. Convey- amuler, te. Oder over DMJorb store, Gode- rich, bat Any amount of money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. 1751-y. M00RH0USE. COPY BOOKS, FOOLSCAP, PENS PENCILS, RUBBER, EXERCISE „BOOKS, and every ('IAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, 1 1 Harrbtere, Solicitors in Chancery. Rc., Ooieriohand Wiagham- M. C. Cameron. 9. C.; P. Holt. M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W. h. Kamm W inghans, 1751, HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND let corner of victoria and Bast suets. in tho town of Goderich, for sale chFeap, or wWbe exuhaaged for farm property apply to JAs, HwAru. Archlt-Nlt, office Crabb's Block. or J. C. Guam's, auctioneer. rI10 LET -A BLACraeleeITLIL SHOP 1 Conveniently dtnatid, hong In the Im- ter.11ate vicinity of kt111• Men sad Post Office. This is a good stand for hoteeshoeing and jobbing. Also a opne story frame dwelling Unite. good shoe Blac shop. and 'shoemaker. is yre chance for a of once to R. J. H. I)a .owo, Pert Albert, Ont. SHEPPARDTON- FARM FOR sale 00 acres, 50 soros cleared and well fenced. Brick Cottage Mx30, stone oeUar full Mee of bowie. A large creek run' through the lot., no waste land on the crock. A very line orchardurrounds the house. Good barn and other balding.. Terms very easy. Apply to it. T. 11ATNEts, IOC le take Shore borne Township, or to Oapaow PROUD. F0OT._ 3fiscellaneous Sams. School Requisite, JAPES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. Moe, Crabb's Bock. Kingston st., Gode- rich. Plans and drawn correct- ly. Carpeater's' 's and mason's work measured and tied. HEPPARDTON. - -STORE, WITH ke Poet Orem, for pain or to rent, with p acre Land. Bloc: all freahoedgood. Will sell on very easy terms, having other business to attend to. For fertber particulars app 7 HAYNNe. Also 100 acres of len Wt alt of Iut 5, on the 3rd con., E. 1 i. Ash eld. Good Or chart, Frame House, and a stable. Fifty Gores cleared and well fenced. Apply 'to Gok1Niw &Pao: D •e Dor. 74M VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Lo: 6, Cor. 8, Township bt Colborne, C.O. Hums, containing 9S acro 75 of which are cleared and In a good state of cultfwation. There*. a triune House 90828 with cellar ender thn whole, kitchen 16x20, wood shed 10x28, stable ISr9S, for horses. elm cow feeble 14x24. There le a well with a never failing sprint. and a young orchard with about 40 tray, adwstoU. Terns easy. For partieularc apply to TttollA* WATSON, proprietor. Carlow or to ()ARROW & PUOUDr(or. Goderich. 1758. le L` . R. WATSON, HOUSE, SIGN iJ• and Ornamental Palmier,. Parlordeoor- aUag made a specialty. OaaretKO. GILDING, Mamma. Shop on North Street. opposite the Registry OOee, Goderich. 1751 QTRATFORD BINDERY-ESTAB- LISH ED 18M. Th is establishment is chiefly devoted to Job and library work. enpeciaUyto these unique and erunomicelhalfcalf and mor - r0000 styles. In all casae the best of stock and workmanship. with strei.tb end beauty com- bined. Bindery over John Dettun'edrug store. GEORGE 'eT NE. I)TJRSUANT TO AN ORDER OF 11 THIS COURT OF CHANCERY, MADE Int -,e matter of tho Estate of Allan Me.Konde, and in the matter of Ka bemia Ann McKen- zie and others, the creditors of Allan McKen- sie,late of the Tovneship of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, who tited on or about the month of lune 1378. are en or before the day of Marek D. tate, to send by prim ppre•pelld. to D• 1,. Do,le, the solkotar of the said Euphemla Ann Moton:le •ndtithere. infanta of the laid deoe.sued, their Christian and PO manna 'Odreases and descripption, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of theasetrlUes (If any) held by theca; or 1n default thereof they will be peremptoribenn'li ded from the, honeRt of the said osier. Every ..redltot holding any security la to prodnoe the same before me atm chambers at Goderich on the twelfth day off March, A. D. 1811. et tea o'clock in the forenoon being the time appointed ter sdJ i4'caUon on the claims. Dated- this 7th clay of i'ebr•aarv, 1891, S;auM at , OOoderb4. 1773-tr. fileliMERCIAL HOTEL, DUNGAN- v NON. flit flrstclam hotel. has recently been reattod and Improved lose to tarnish the beet possible leo eommodation to the travelling pubic. Good liquors and choice vWds a spedi•lity. An attentive tett -r always on hand, and excellent stebttng and sheds; on the premises. Tlire . saner.. 5. Proprietor. Mr. Loans anD Insurance. ARE OFFERED AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE L PRICES FOR CASH at toorhouse's. N. B. -THIS IS TEE OLDEST. LARGEST AND CHEAPEST BOOK STORE WEST OF TORONTO -ES- TABLISHED BLISHED 1852. Qs 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO VD (:A114P.ON. HOLT t CAMERON, Gode- rich. 1750. IP X EC ITTOR'S NOTICE. rJ in the matter of the estate of Mtchavi An drew. We of the Tows of (Iodation, In the County of Huron. (Isstlemar.. deoeSeeI *tier is bervilliy giver pn nteant. to the Re. viand Mar of Gsmta t Chapter let, that the carditers et the late Michael Andrew. of MA Town et Ooderieh. elodsrinh P. O.! to the Conner of Hume. wlro died on or abpat the rwestyrebrth day of November, DDD ereD. Ifdl S e flit00. piUe r1y a rid e- e- ndow °adenine lt. O. t ,p eettesew etil Let will and treatament of midAir drew their C-hrUNan and WITIIMMINIL.ddt's 5 in anti desrrlr plias the fee psetleal.s of their mime. le of their worm bmid the *stew'. of the sewn, Of as. held by Wen and ti►t on and after tee mid fifteenth day d Kar* -h the assets of the denoted ertil 1.. Me-' air ng et1b.yepartiesthe s etnmasd net is s M^o been reeMvee. sad tlr 004 diem nt . i met be mimer so minas d►strlhutnd. R any pat's whoa. Milne than net have the meld endear at the tensile* eon of the Ifatils.e.ta or anytheweud. as t b'iws rn TO ARROW t PROUD11IOT, erne leo leiter' ler AaNinterr ei75,000 TO LEND ON RE A L E 8- tP TATE. Terme favorable. Apply tot B. L. toh. DOYLE, Ooder 4k50,000 PRIVATE it UNDS TO LEND ele on good Farm or Met -clam Town Property at 8 por Gent Amity to R. RADCLIFF'E. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY aatpant to suit borrowers at 61 to 7 per cent. Yrtr•te funds. Apply to Seamen and Monroe, Ooderlob. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST Mortgage at reasonable rates of interest and on terms to suit borrowers. Address Js.n s STEWAwr, Sslttord P. O. fide. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investment at 'owlet rotes on first clans Mortgages. Apply to (IARROW & PROUDFOOT. MONEY TO LOAN. THE CANA DA Faded Credit Company, Toronto -- Join LAING MANIA. RUa, President. Money is lent by ebb Company to Individuals upon the same .Teem .s to monteipalldes. -Send for Circulars. HUGH HAMILTON, C. L. Meat, Goderich. 1761 a20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Me on Farm and Tow. Prdperty at lowest In no Cemmleeion merest , (ort on Mortgagee yao ng porthatted, reasonable. N. H Borrowers cm obialq meneey to one die if title in saUaf a*A'y. -DAVISON R JOHN- STON, Barristers, are., Oodstiok. 1761 BLANK BOOKS A complete assortment of every die- cription of BLANK 13001es. DAY BOOKS. LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, MINUTE BOOKS; PASS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS. MEM. BOOKS, INDICES, &c RRADCLIFFE, FIRR, MARINE, . Life and Aooldest Iawrasce Agent' i mpre.esttwg aret-olsseoomptnles. Also agent ger use OANAD& larva Bence IersVaawa. 00. Kenai to led a Morysge, either In Tows oe Fans peeperttf la aq/ was to salt the borrow- er. Bare block, Ood , INIIITRANCI CAZD. Ala. (101f. PWIMMIINS.'MoY, of Lw owne1Rtitlawd3- . BARrFORD d1t0110 . at Rawnvmn. Cru. ibooblislo Rinks teem in the abevelirshotas.Ofet-.c. at tae lowest cotes by BORA t 1101FtT074 underelgeed she er eitc= PIM LOAN AleAppreMRA VIOff txrT, Nos* W lea en frtlt etalseetaty times 7 a 1 per int Charing ineetesM. ROO A (7D HORTON. (ceder i0h. Sept- 16. 106. 1751 Alan a full stook re Poctel Dries For 1881, at greatly reduce rates. SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. A fresh assortment of Books, specially ssiscted and adapted for oiroUl&Non in Sunday Bohoots. A liberal diianunt allowed According t amount n( purchase Call and see temples met get quota time at Moorllou's. tlederch. Der 31, 1A110. . *:rebut►•