HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-11, Page 7Floras of Ms Two Loaders tetatsrtted.
t onsyrvativos are worshipping a set-
ting, wjtale Liberals are hailing a ri ing
sun. Thio truth iia contemporary C.ota-
dun politic, was never better simplifi-
ed that when those wlfo had listened to
the leader of the Opposition y terday,
wme to strike a mental balance, as it
were, between the two mien. Without
en ring into a discussion of causes, with
w all are perfectly familiar, the broad
f.0 ►kWh impressed everybody with
aped fusee was absolute aleatory of ltia
subject, from the must minute details to
the broadest generalisations, poeticised
by Mr. Butte. On the other hand Sir
John Macdonald displayed an ierv, anew
of the merits of the wntract he is sup-
posed to have made, only lees pitisb-e
'ASO tie wgahttw of the arguments with
whish he attempted to bolster up a bad
uses. By remaining away from the
House during Mr. Blake's speech, the
Premier wisely spared himself the eon-
. temptation of his own eclipse.
As much as was expected from the
leader of the Government in justification
of his oawluct in snaking it contract of
the kind now before Parliament, so alto
was it expected that the leader of the
Opposition would show his ability to
grasp an occasion, the like of which sel-
3utu oomM to the head of a party in op-
position. And now that both have
spoken, the failure of the one is as com-
plete as the success of the other is abso-
lute. We rejoice at being able to exult
in this masterful fact, because it shows
that the days of glittering clap -trap,
hifalutin rhetoric, and the government
by imagination are passing away, and we
invite the earnest ateutiun of all Cana-
dians to the incontrovertible array of
fats, the unassailable logic, the histori-
cal accuracy, the convincing reasoning,
the far reaching prescience, and above
all, the sterling patriotism of Mr. Blake's
speech. It is no exagge'".tion to say that
at no time has such a splendid effort
been witnessed in the halis of our s-
tature. By this speech Mr. Blake has
established his title to the leadership of
the Liberal party and to the position of
the first oretor and states ran in British
America. We are glal to know that
this speech and resolution, in amend-
ment to that of the Minister of Railways,
with which it concludes, nre to be pub-
lished iia such form as to reach the has.ds
of every elector in the D p.ninion, It is
eminently prop.ir that the whole merit
of the rail way question should he
brought to the knowledge of the 1peeple,
along with a complete :analysis of the
bargain stow being forced through par -
helmet, %Thigh analysis is admirably
contained in the amendment proposed
by Mr. Blake. In this latter document
• we have the various pointe laid bare
with the most searching ,accuracy and
simplicity. The English language has
seldom been used with more exactness
and power. The least instructed man
among the masses whose interests are
affected by the atrocity against which it
is directed, can undrstancl its meaning
sit'a glance. it is the text of an appeal
to the people, and it is what the men
who have determined to sustain Sir
John Macdonald in the crowning folly
of his life will have to face when called
to account by the outraged constituen-
cies. NO man can read it withoct being
convinced of the goodness of the cause
it advocates, and we are content to let it
have its effect on the country, feeling
perfectly satisfied that the result will be
the destruction of Maodonaldism and the
triumph of patriotic liberalism under
the leadership of Edward Blake. --(Otta-
wa Free Press.
�rvW MatMF•
What is more handiest* than a iliac
bright, clear complexion, showing the
beauties of perfect health 1 All tau en-
joy thew advantages by using Electrtie
Bitters. Impure blood, and all diseases
of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and
Urinary Organs are speedily cured. For
uenuusneas and all attendant ailments,
they are a never biding remedy, and
positively cure when all others fel. Try
the Electric Bitters and be oonvinoed of
their wonderful merits. For sale by F.
Jordan at 50 tente a bottle.
newts Get Lich.
The great secret of obtaining riches, it
first to pre etioe economy, and OS good
old Deacon Snyder rays, "It used to
worry the life out of me to pay enurna
uua doctor's bills, but uow 1 have 'struck
is rich.' Health atnd happiueas reign
*tiprenuo in our little household, and ail
simply because we use no other tuedi-
ciue hut Electric Bitttrs, and only coats
nifty cents a bottle." ,+.l't by F. Jur-
yi!-1 s your throat sore, or are you an-
noyed by a untatent Dough 1 If um, use
promptly "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafer"
They will give you instant relief
They relieve the air passages of phlegm or
mucuous, and allay inflammation, and no
eater remedy taut be had for ouughs, colds,
or any complaint of the throat or lungs,
and if Wren in time their efti -soy will
soon be proved. Sold by all druggist
and country dealers at 25 cents a box.
THE DATA of MLitt! AND Massa t)1►
Uxaser endured by the sufferer from a
persistant cough soon sap the vitality of
the system and wreck the constitution.
Such a catastrophe can only be avoided
by precautionary measures. Prevent the
climax of a cough with Northrop & Ly -
man's Emulsion of Cod liver Ohl and
Hyp o hosphites of Lime and Soda --ap-
proved of in professional quarters, and
which is a combination of the purest
and stoat salutary ingredients in perfect
chemical harmony. Coughs, oulds,
aryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and other
affections of the respiratory organs, are
speedily relieved by it, and it has like-
wise proved to be a useful specific in
scrofulous maladies. The loss of strength
consequent upon being diseased is check-
ed, and the flagging physical energies
Teetered by its invigorating action.
Phosphorus, the active principle of the
hypophesphites, not only supplies the
system with an important element of
strength, but gives a healthful iutpetus
to the circulation. Thu limo and soda
also add to vigor of the frame. In wast-
ing diseases of all kinds, this prepara-
tion can be depended upon to produce a
beneficial effect. A fair, persistent trial,
is all that is necessary to prove it poten-
cy, either uta a pulmonic or general in-
vigorant. For poverty of the blood, with
which so many invalids are troubled, it is
a sovereign remedy, promotfng the acqui-
sition of both strength and flesh. Pre-
pared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto,
and sold by all druggist. retail byall d
LY As TAt retaa
FECr ToLLows CausalNest's'
so surely will disease eventually fasten Wholesale by H. HASWELL & CO.,
itself- upon a system deficient in vital en- Montreal, P. Q
orgy, if tonic medication is not resorted
to in time. The necessary tendency of a
weak discharge of the functions of the
body is to disorder its organs. -Invigor-
ation, prompt rand through, is the only
safeguard. Norenovantof deplet el physical ',
energy, no restorative 'of lost flesh, nerve
power and cheerfulness, has more clearly
demonstrated its efficacy than Northrop
& Lyman's Quinine Wine. In this pre-
paration, associated with the salutary
medicines which forms its basis, is pure
sherry wine and certain aromatic constitu-
ent which imparts an aslreeible taste to
the article, and gives additional emphasis
to its effects In cases of general de-
bility and dyspepsia it is invaluable and
the desire remarkably pn the vast prompt as weority
ll as
decisive. That good natural appetite,
which ilivos a relish for the coatmest
fare, is Insured by the use of the Quin-
ine Wine, which also confers brain sooth-
ing and body retreating sleep. Fever and
ague and bilious remittent fever, aro dis-
eases to the eradication of which it is
specially adapted; but it should be used
only in the intervals between the seizures.
The far-reaching effecta of a good tonic,
in all complaints involving lora of physi-
cal energy, are well understood by physi-
cians, and the comprehensive influence
for good of this preparation upon the
system goes far to bear out the profess-
ional belief in the value of invigorant
as opponent of disease. Be sure to ask
or the"Quinine Wine" prepared byNorth-
��.&Lyman, Toronto. Sold by all
trots tis I'sorLz. --There are but few pre-
parations of medicines which have with-
stood the impartial judgment of the
people for any great length of time. One
of these is Dr. Thomas Eclectrio Oil
Read the following and be convinced:
--- Thomas R.o nnaon, Farnham Centre
P. 0., writes " I have been afflicted with
rheumatism for the last ten years, and
Wive tried many remedies without any
relief, until 1 tried Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric
Oil and since then have had no attstk of
it. I would recommend if to all." J.
H. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shefford,
P. 4j., writes, l have been troubled with
liver complaint for several years, and have
tried different medicines with little or no
benefit, until I tried Dr. Thome' Eciec-
tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief,
and 1 wield may that I have wted it
since with the besteffett• No one should
be without it. I Lave tried it pn my
horses in ease of cut, wounds, etc., and
think it is equally as good for horse as
man." A.aybee, Mer --hent, Wark-
worth, writes, 1 have sold some hun-
dreds of battles of Keleetne Oil,and it is
pronounced by the public, 'one of the best
medicines they have ever used: it hes
done wonders in healing and relieving
pain, sore threats, Mr., and is worth
of the greatest confidence. Joseph
Roma, Township of Percy, write " I
was persuaded to tryDe. Thomas' Edec-
ttic (Sip for a lame knee wheel trebled
me for three or four yearn. and 1 never
found aythiter like it fur curring lime -
nom 1t is a great pwhlir benefit •'
Beware of Imitation Ask for Dr.
Thomas' £electric Oil. Bee that the sig-
nature ,.f fa. N. Thalami is on the wrwppey,
sad chat nesrlsss of Nertheg at Lyman are
burss in the halals, Med take no other.
by all medicine dealetea. Pries !fi
eta. NORTHROP R LY. IAN, Toronto.
Ont., Prtprietovs Rohr the 1'lowhihion.
Noss - Relectrio- Selected end Wee
2t '• flnter or drat of any kine, sad
strong, caustic or poisonous solutions
aggravate catarrh and drive it to the
lungs. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy
cures catarrh by its mild, soothing,
cleansing and heading properties. Each
pauksge prepares one pint of the Remedy
ready for use, and costa only 6ifty cents
Sold by druggia So positively cer-
tain in its maul that its former pro-
urietor used to o er a rtandiug reward
of $500 fur g case it would out cure-
!sever Too hate to Learn.
smealra's,$rmies ave.
The best Salve in the world for Cute,
!intim., !Sores, 'fetter, Chapped Randa,
Chilblains, Cores, and all kinds of Skin
eruptions. This Salve is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction in every case or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
biz. For sale by F. Jordan, (lo deridh-
• Ti a.:Trt V ICK'$ e,i1l.L v [INOARDIN1
(yt C
fur 1881 is au Elegant Book of 1111.1
('ulur,•d Flower Plate, and tan 11
with Deseriptioss of the beta Slowest
Veisstabiw, ted I)1roeUun. fur growing,
W oantr. In 1MGoeldtUrh or German. If roe
wards order •• deduct the 1a tents,
Tk 's Meds are the best in the world. The
Floral (elle will tell how to set aid grow
Ilea's rower sad Vegetable Carden. 170
Patees, 6World Pharr, 5440 ktyfr$vlryps. Our
56 vents la paper 01.D, err, $1,01) lu ele en/I(oth.
In Hennas or East sh
T1rt't Illarared �
alroa1ily ragaaies it
Pages, is tailored I'h.tc in every number and
,*any fine Rulers' Inge. Priv, $1. t5 a year;
Five Copies for $5.00.tl a Numbers
mat fur PO ones- 3 trial for SS oasts.
Address JAMES• \'1C Rochester, N, Y.
• Pared •f 40rtaklag.
" A young friend of mine war curial of
an insatiable thirst for liquor, that had
so prustrated his system that he was un-
able to du any business. He was entire-
ly cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It
allayed all that burning thirst ; took,
away the appetite fur hquur ; made his
nerves steady, and he has remained a
*ober and steady man for more than two
years, and has no desire to return to his
cups, and I know of a number of others
that Luys been cured of drinking by it."
--From a leading R. R Othcial, Chicago.
Few Tart latter Market.
Ica reporting the market prices for bat-
ter, the New York Tribeer, of May 20th,
said, "Choice i.ackages to the retail trade
reach 19 to 20 cents, but light colored
goods are hard W dispose of, and several
beta were thought well sold at 8 to 10
cents- This stern logic of dollars and
cent is rapidly convincing dairymen
that they should use the Perfected Rut-
ter Color made by Wel., Richardson
& Co., 'Burlingten, Vt. 1t gives the
perfect June color the year round and
that use it never send light col-
o .tads to inarket-
The Subscribers, have bought the Tools and
Holler Busbies of D. Itcxctaate et Co.. lately
carried ea by the (odericb Foundry and Manu-
facturing Company, and having had an ex-
perience of over eight years in that shop are
uow prepared W carry on the trade to all its
Ur Any work entrusted to us will receive
prompt attention. FirWclaas work guarwnt
Allkinds of Boilers made and repaired. also
Smoke :stacks and Sheet Iron Work, ef•c•., a -
reasonable rates.
New Halt Pans made and old ones repaired
on the *Lorton notice, aid at re ex,; IIIA r
Tete. James, Darlington, England,
says : The "Only Lung Pad" is being
thoroughly tried here. ()no lady has'al-'
ready received great benefit, who has suf-
fered for years front Bronchitis and Asth-
ma, and congestion of right lung.
IL E. Honor, Cnmhrid , Mich., says:
I have been afflieted wit Asthma for
years. An "Only Lung pPad" gave me
immediate relief. I can recommend it
as the greatest reruedy ever produced.
HENRY VAN No&Twlce, of Toledo,
Ohio, says: A friend prevailed upon me
to try an "Only Lung Pad," and I ob-
tained immediate relief from a ricking
cough. I Mato the Pad helped ane.
Socrates at an extreme old age learned
to play on musical inetrninents. Cato at
eighty years of age began to study the
the Greek lanuage. Plutarch when be-
tween 70 and 80commenoed the study of
Latin. Boccacin was 30 yearn of age
when he commenced his studies in light
literature; yet he became one of the great-
est masters of the Tuscan dialect, Dante
and Plutarch being the other two. Sir
Henry Spellman neglected the sciences
in his youth, but commendxf the study
of thein when he was between fifty and
sixty years of age. After this time he
bsatno, a most learned antiquarian and
llinryce. Doctor Johnson applied himself
to the Dutch language but a few years be-
forshis death. Ludovoci" Mondaldesco,
at the great age of 115 years, wrote the
memoirs of his own times. Ogflby, the
translator of Homer and Virgil, was un-
aogaainted with Latin and Greek till he
was past fifty- Franklin did not com-
mence his philosophical result till ho had
reached his fiftieth year. Dryden, in his
sixty-eighth year, commenced the trsta-
lation of the Armed, his most pleasing
production. Thousands of example 'of
men who oommcnood a n•:w study either
for alivelihood or amusement, at an ad-
vanced age, could be cited. But every
one familiar with the biography of dis
• tinguished men will recollect individual
cases enough to convinoe him that none
but the sick and indolent will ever any,
"I am too old to learn".
Chrystal & Black,
Print, Jan- (`i9. -The proprietors of
the lit rselWfaiss have been fined 1,900
fronts in eontwnari•a few defaming the
army and eulogising ride- , The
manager of the same 4pap&r has been
sentenced to one , roars imprisonment
and fined 2,000 francs. (Sen- (A.asret
W beam aentsitetd In'wo years'. impri-
soaee:t anti 'fined 3.000 franca
.r Jew • lillsress.
such is the expression from all Drug
and dealers everywhere who ars
waling Dr, Kneels New DISODIFsav for
Onnaumptiom. No like preparation ran
begin to have such an extensive and
rapid sale. And why T Simply bemuse
of its truly wonderful roerita No Cough
or Cold, no matter (.f hoer long standing
or bow stubborn, ran resist it healing
onualitiea Asthma, Bronchitis, Hearse
nese, Hag Fever, Pain in the Side or
chest and dificnity of breathing or an
t fingering disease t.1 the Throat and
Lunge rapidly_yield to iia marvelone
it wpntitively cure and that
r Where twerytivies slew has failed. Ratio
f„' Ip vourvielf as ammonia have already
done by getting of your druggist, F
Jordan a trial bottle for tee cent& car a
regular aim bottle for $1 P,•' sale by
W .Torrian
FOR 1881_
ROE lee. GOIMIRMM40. 417571
r,, N 1G. A* L E. S E,.
Wo rK s. •
Headstones, Hoax Trimmings, Slue umentr
and weak of all kruds n Marbles, design*•
and mon Med in the best style and ai ntuc•
reasonable prise- Marble Mantle, kept L
a ,t:lt, tirnu:4 Muuurneus and Headstone.
imported W icier.
The crowning gory of mcu or ammo is a
betautlfnl HEAD Or HAUL Ttua stn only be ob-
tained by using l'INHALESE, which has
proved Itself to He the BEST St .IR
RESTORER in the market.
motes a healthy growth of the hair, renders t
soft and silky, strengthens its roots, and pre-
vents Its falling out, and acts with rapidity
Try it befor ,using any other. !told by all
druggists. Prle':e 50 as. a bottle. 1752-1v.
Legal Notices.
county of Iittrue, By virtue of three Writs of
1'o Wit : 1 Priori hitch's issued out u:
Her Majesty's County Court of the County oe
Huron. and to me directed against the rands
and'l'euementaotJantee Mullin, at the suite
it Malts/lin Cu1Lu Canleron, Philip Holt anti
Malcolm Grittily (:enterers, end also by v.rIo,-
of an under Irunt Isaac F. Tonus. Esseuirt.
Junior Judge of the sad Court, uses a in
tins rause: law -:lig dale the 20th .lay to
Jenuar'. A. U. 18M0. I have s ized &cast
taken in Execution all the Right, Title and lu-
iercdt and kquity of Redemption of the ntsov,
named Detei.dant, in and to the south half o
lot number Twilit(' in tau eleventh cuncwrwn.
ksau rn Domani of the Township of Asi,fie4d.
.n the :add County, exeeptingthrcc-quartets cat
an erre of tine south-east (caller of the sa.0
hut, r,:utuiaing ninety-nine and cue -quarter
arc. of ht cad. more car 1Ma and the south -area
(martyr u; lot number Tcai rico,. in the clevent1
t.our4•nsiun of the Towoshfput West Wawan-
cnl, in the said Comity. containing fifty acre'
of laud, more or ear, which Luuds and Tene-
uteuts 1 sl all offer for rale at my office, in the
('watt flume, in the Town of Uoderieh, et,
.',aturduv, the Y'uselih day of February, .4.L.
)Sae, at Ute Sou r uftwelve of the Gluck, noon.
1tiREler GIBBON it,
=L. rifts (ice. liederieh, o Sheriff cat Huron.
N. -v. 4, 14.80. i I751) -td.
At)Waisted. Big Pay. Ligl,'
t4�1 S Werk. Constant etuployment
N.. Capital n gibed. Jamas LEE & CO., Mnn-
tr.-cl, troebec. _ 1782.
Teoeears for the Price ofOnel
"Manchester House."
[la.s lust lee-ivcd a cbnh,• lot of
New Drees Goods, Winceyi., Flannels, Blankets, Shirtings, Cottons, Prints, A c.
which for value is unsurpassed. New Shawls and Mantles, special value'
TEE IstITISM QCAtTE*LY iisemalefffellk
•ries QI:AETE*LT IConsereaHreik
E*1Nsartti)• I JVhtpl,
WESTINIl1I4TE (Liberal/
The Superior
Salinas and Loan Society
CAPITAL, - i3S,;,ueu.
MONEY LOANED on Real ifstateby the tie
eerier 8avloge sad Leona floots'y• Term
wvorabie to burrowers..
Orrice --$S Dundee Street. LONDON, Oat.
Interest paid to Savings leaks Depositors.
E. ht-1.Lhti.
Mo what Phyralrtwns and 11'' 0.; pie
say abort StOTT'd i:84'1..8+.- I'?
!OOD L1V*It 1,1t. t NI) 1151'4•' 1'4••••
PITER,ase raa.rdy for 4 •,u -,•m,•' w.
Scrofula ,aad titaailla4 Ari• '
Meauv. SCOTT S: Bowen: LiILNTLet3Ei 1
have pproeoribed 44cott's Emulsion of ('od Liver
Jil. .lc-, in my prn,ticeand used it in my fam-
ily• 1 am greatly pleased with It because cal Its
palatableness and the igoodit results eat !"wow
its use. I have foune i
scrofulous diseases and tm nary alTectlon*n
IRA M. LANG, M-1 L. 279 East Broadway, N.Y .
Louisville, Hy., January 3, 1878.
GENTLEMEN -For the last fifteen IDL 1
have used your Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, both In
Hospital and in private practice. and have been
gristly pleased with 14. effect,. It la better
borne and can he taken for a lunger date Lot
any ether pr( paladin of l'ud Liver 011 In
uonsuu,pticu and , hilun•u's dtweets 1 have
found It especially valuable.
JOHN A. 4. ('TERIONY, M. 1)..
VOL Physician, IA,uistiU" ('ay Hue{'itr1.
Mears. 4ieorr 3:. liuwxlt: 11 at r word Vic., t'e
Emulsion of Cod liver Oil In various :r, tenets
Ind i have found it to he daily taken. readily
aaalmilsted, ant rapDidly ln,4'roves it. net roto,' •
and Mesh. 1 eon -Wee i' -• ' ' ' • - , -n I
lave ever used. H. E. HAL'Ol1TON, M. D..
lndlanapells. Ind.
Messrs. Seem & Bowan.: I have given your
Croup, dy of C'od liver (Hl. tc,, a fair trial, and
am }lad that i can say i, think it is•rr1* remedy
for w eek lungs and bed coughs. 1 can hiseLly
moon mend It. W hen the doctors had given me
up, 1 cenuucnerd using your medicine, and I
am gt Ining health and strength very fast and I
think I shall soon bew r1!.
Yours truly,
• Oalveeten, Ind.
Scr.TT & 11017E : 1 felt it my duty to letyou
know the benefit I have derived from the nee of
your Emulsion. I had a very had cough for
years, and on consulting Dr. J. E. Gorsuch of
this city, he informed me that m7 left lung was
diseeted, and prescribed Scott's Emulsion with
Hyp phosphites. After taking two bottles. 1
beam to improve very rapidly, and continued
using it until 1 had taken ten bottles, and now
am es healthya man as there is in the city of
halt -n ore. hen I began using it I weighed
115 pounds, I now weigh 11* pounds.
Yours, I). P. F'AiSgI'IIAR,
Oct. 3. 18711 lin timore. Md.",
('.IN.iNDAIOrA, Sept. 15 1877.
Sea rrk BOw-NE (igxrs-1 thought 1 would
write to you, as I saw and Ice upon your bottles
of lege upon its long continued use. This has
prey. d true in my case- i was given up to die
last 5' arch with consumption. the best medical
aid a ode no nee of any treatment. My husband
applied for your Emulsion of Cod Liveried ; he
has Is ught twenty-six bottles and it is restoring
me to health beyond the expeetatione of hun-
dreds expecting to hear of my death every day
i should like to take it fors year, when, 1 think
I will be perfectly • n•r.' 1
Yours with respect,
• 111118. ICLDRIDGE.
For sale by druggists at 11 per bottle. 1751
S .&ILORING- TME 'T_ -A splendid selection of Tweeds
and ('ontinge. Call and leave your measure for a su.t or 01 creme ty I eh made, well trimmed.
and fit guaranteed. Cloth bought eat free of charge. t7 Hats, 1Cipeand Drawers at close
prices.Thc highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. Janne A. Rano,
Jordan's Block, Godericb.
Black77ood's EdiSlbnrah Magaains,
Present the best foreign periodira1A 1n n -nn-
venient form and without abridgment or
Terms of aabaeripgom (laelad lag restage.)
Blackwood or any one Review. . $4.00 peran.
Blackwood and any one Review. 7.4*) "
Blackwood and two Reviews...., 10.00 "
Blackwood and three Reviews... 1318) "
Any two Reviews 7.00 "
The four Reviews 1100 "
Blackwood and the four Reviews 15.00 •"
These are about half the prices charged by
(the English Publtahcrs-
Circalars giving the Contents of the Period-
icals for the year 1880, and many other partic-
artto-ulars, may be had on application.
New sabecrlbets may have the numbers for
18811 and 1881 at the price of one year's sub-
scription only.
To any sub scriber, new or old. we will fur-
nish the periodicals for 18711 at half price.
All orders to be snot to the publication ot1oe.
To secure premiums apply piomptly.
The Leonard Scott Publishing 0o.,
ONE OF THE OLDEST AND 14051' r.ELI18t.`.
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Se. -
Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza.
Croup, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, and every
isffection of the
Throat, Lungs, and Chest,
" does net dry vp a sough, and leave the cccvK
behind, as is the ease with *cost preparatit5ns
but loosens it, degauss tAo !engs,awd allays ter: -
Wiest, fans eismoeiag the cause of complaint."
DO NOT BE DECEIVED 'ty articles
bearing a similar name. Be sureou get Dlt
with the signature of "1. BUTTS " on the
wpared rapper. 60 Cents and 41.00 a Bottle. Pre-
byarra W. Fonts & Sous, Boston,
Maas. Sld by druggists and dealers generally-.
Cir Q.D E R I C H
?he seheenber has a aewmplete wort,
meat of /trivets, Tiwwaas and Proys
Pmts. at
Put as Ckip an 31 (ieag.
Eaaaune 1M stock and you will he
sane to 118 suited.
ins, Wood Piekinaw, (sacro
Raga sr. Beams and (hid luteal (•alta•
in etchfngw for (foods.
780-3sh JOHN RALPA-
TI M The Pil1FPitrifrttePlot>4'-Corr(,Ian
ditonicra of the Liao. Flomach, F (Spry, end
Rowels and are hnvalunb)e In et' c. h.phunts in •
cheentnl to i•einelea. T'- cOinfluent to elm only
reliable rrmedy for Pad Lep" .fah' Wounds,
Kora and ith,'rs, •ofbnwevcr lee r'ending.
For Br,nol it':p,l)Ipl•lbtrta-('ougl:s,Celes-tsout.
Rhcumat:sm and all 411:ir. 1 dcaete, it has no
FEITa.- I most reeve( trolly tate )(ava to rah
the altent'on of I be Pnhl!e•pfnrrally to tbefeet ,
that certain Ht.nsea to w raw York are st;,,r...,t( le
many parr- of the globe Yr icier* t). ' . o-.
of my I'.:L rend t.inlment. Thea, frupfe hear
on their lel els- mune nr'd' M, in Near t eel:. I
do not allow my 7.'et' hire to 4', Self' ' in are cart
of the t'nited :kilt's. 1 have no AFen'nth"re.
My Medic:ne= are only male Ly me. et 5'0O.
ford Ser.-, . London. Ir the Tooke t?,'irect ons
affixed t" the attnr'tosr marc, l'+ a 1' n n' len warn-
ing the Put 1'e egahril b' Ingdt et 1t ( d by coun-
terfeits. Pond be mG1rd by *uta ATt'n, term •
trlrk, a.. they melte rt 1,n''r elt. l5r , Tri'rod
todrwue,m. These collie rrr(1 eerer•tirrbnsed
by unnrinelplid Veur'ory *1 one hall tl'-pr10eof
my I'ilis and Rtrtmert sett are eel•' en you as my
Irennt ne Medle'nee. 1 nest cart eo tly npreal to
t -at sense of i ng lye wit' •I 1 feel sum t may ven-
ture upon native fa rat nal botend4e ern -era to
assist me, and the Put11c. arfaras may l e In
their power,in(leren, eh ethical eme(nl Freed.
Each Rot and I -o' rat the (ernlie Medicine
hears the Btlt'rh 0. vcr melt Stamp with tke
words "Firearm/0'a cutis ANT OD
Lnipos." ergrtved thereon. Or the latel tm
the address, NV' O', ford Street. London, where
alonetleyare Mnnitfarturrd l'ollotroseePills
Rett feinfinew' Io emir a nil, of'er a'Wren. ore
counterfeit. The Tree' Marks of thew Vern-
et nee are rept- terelt 4 . ('ttawa. 11c raze any coo
throughout 1(e Frets'. t'erse eriere. who may
keep the Amer' ear ('ons'erf 't)firear,wiltire
prosecuted. (S'gnrr's 4g OVARHOI•LOWAY. •
Oxford Street. 1 onPe", Jan. 1, if)e.
A Protected Solution of tba Pratorids of Irc _,
Is as easilydigested and assimilated with eta
blood as tsimplest focal When the
does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, t';c
deflcteney ass be supplied by the nie of the
PIROVIAN R YRUP. It cares a " thee .and
ills" simply by Townie Ur, IwvrooaaitNn. pr
MOUSING the system. The enriched and
vltsllsed Mood pe*tmerten every part of t':t
lgb4y, repairing damages and waste, searcitHif
out morbid .eretiens, and leaving nothi;.Q for
Moose" to feed upon. This 1s the secret of th.
wonderful enrols" of this remedy in curing
Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Bolls,
Dropsy, Chronic Dlarrhara,
Nervous Affections, Femute
And all dioceses originating in a t ed a '..• •''
the (Mood, er sreoeepani(d by debtlky. or a.1nv,
sane sf the oysters s•
O&17TIOW--Be rare you get eat "T!
RV'rII t' R?IUP." Held by deteggiso. ('St', -
any. Pnopblets Rat free to any N&44iela
Pere W. Pointe 1 hews Tropfieters. tit 111•
risen Avtnu( 110005 11138• •
Price 45 and 90 oast per hssetis. - ad -and 1 O t• IOWM Ae'Me t r"r� •wL
ed. w
The Greta American Remedy for
Prepared from raw Raoul Ita(i{ �r+es Owe. (h'1tN-
•tor. Pt•nrr.4 ►s.t.aerte, aesaw bTreromwt
mut note Nope,-er 4, war teete•d{lelee rtlrreet
all Ike atone oempinint - A .e4ew(M" e,w.AMvt
of thin Ora. ,.'44..i semi. from me Red .cprw rr.
with,we doubt the wow vateabee ,.atlas r+.,ee for
ted(Mwo t par/tom
Neer/ este
hos heard
oleo woe
berth: ef
Auto of ads
R p r we•
and *le
Tines 45
enema of
Lew/ Da.
1 A papa
eases 97.11
Rol/ seed
thw(r dee
ea•Mwb (e
fe drdrMielP
!«...« ('IUM. �L-- a-
res fh.
lras• n ,aSee*
Sipa msrt(w
Tea remarkable tto.»t'er int relicrosng
edrtain fgr' as of RrovteAi ia, and OA
punted specs lfit alert its ewrirp ob
atin/7m hocking (L»s9AA, tie noes well
button t' the pohli* of large.
s cry N 1 .-apco4at'Y .eh.a5. Peen,. Is •w•
,..s•& n e 41r4 *iw• a '744a -' sees,►'
tar N•u••.•eead Trade Serf, •,.d cue amp/.
ears. .,r• •be'+e(ie•r•d.
K R R l- WATSON ►pr,o(ete Co
• ane. Pe wr'Va� sed Ei1un�/riew+rw,
to this
preps re
flew the
Qua owner
awl all w.
raw '(orae.
0.04/8, e.-
tootle, dowel
pRTP pr•
raw see-
rr.ti rare
pared at a
(err tea
vera here,
• are•
e�1nw�1 r�
ifi. M. UMW a `e-