HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1881-02-11, Page 66 She Poet's, Herber. Pee the MasaL **Thy will M done - The fallowing liptllwure suggested on witueasitg the Chrfrtiau fortitude *- played by • fond' smother teat IMAM, when her eldest sun, a youth of barely eighteen summers, suss about to be taken to the tomb; A mother weedbag stands. U'nr the cors of her son; Meekly with &sided hands Noe whisposy 'Thy will be down" she kilned nLee marble brew, And smoothed the turn fair hair; 'Tia hard to luso thee now' "Illy will be dose her $sayer. What words hem hems. tongue 1 la this the hour ot weeping; Aad her fond heart manner la puler* wildly leaping. O God, our Sovereign Lord, Comfort her who trusts is thee; Streoghtea her with thy Word, "Ye that are testae. Dome to 4e.." And way elle ever know, That peace to mortals given; "Thy will be done below Aa a is done in heaven." tiodericb 4th Feb. MI "If Mac Coat at•, Put It •n." if you're hit by • sermon twnvtering. Don't look ower your shoulder to sm. If your neighbor behind you a wincing At the honest truth, bold and tree. 'Twos sweat wet tar you. m really* it. Put it gracefully on, and repent; You may taoey you do nbt believe It. But for yourself the garment was meant. Perchance It may be the green gossip coat That is woven by Envy's own mind, Thr cares woof of which is anger and sloth With tboughtl.mnene nosily o,rmbtned, Aad the warp `avers tinge of green. For Suspicion creates the color, While Jealousy dyes the threads therein. Dipping them over and over. Put it on. though it costs you a struggle; I know it is en welcomtaelyiee` if you uoet on your net;hbor to smuggle Your own twat. he will see in • trice That It fitted you snugly and neatly; That.ita tints were not pleasing to view: That you passed it to him, rather weakly H ,y big 'twouid at him better loan ). u. COW 8 TEErd. kg mortar Stalking Three jh the Land. A couple of Third Ward citizens met each other on the sidewalk last Monday morning as they were starting for their plates of business, and one of them, a man who resides on Van Buren street, asked the other, a Jackson -street man, if cows had any front teeth on their upper jaw. The Jackson -street man tease little astonished at the question, either* had been nothing Paid about cowe, but replied promptly. "Wny, of course they lutve front teeth on their upper jaw; how could they bite off grass i they hadn't ?" The Van Buren -street matt said it was net a question of logic,' but a question of fact; and if the Jackson -street man did not know whether cows had front teeth on the upper jaw or not he ought w ray "I did not ask you for your opin- ion," he said, "I asked if you knew. The da. kswn-street man was a little nettled at this, and replied with some warmth. He said if he had a child throe year. old who would ask such a question as that, he should he afraid the child was an idiot "You would ?" "I certainly should." "Then," said the Van Buren -street titan, "as it i; such a simple question, of course yon can tell me whether cows here got front teeth on their upper jaws r whether they bare not." "Why, of course they hare." "They have, eh ?" but only hod front ttwth Dur 'The milkman waked at IWO., and tlyy ship d drove oH, hlanRw . !(vol utast they were. (Y wiwunasi. street they saw another 1&gpp, deur bring t the ea a call , as b1. w if air. upp�gi jaws. &bunt a k Awned ly upon) their pstytlyg- t)t course nose • eaye Oval [testis ea their upper jaws -4 driveling idiot ought to know that much. A cxsw would be a handsome looking object wtthuut any front teeth in her upper jaw, wouldn't she r "I've oono}tfd.d to take that bet of yours," said the Jackson -street man to the other. ' -Come now, down with your dusk Pat tip or shut sp." "Whir did'[ you'do it, than, wbe• ys had a chance 1 I never claimed to karw whether • ouw had front teeth on het upper jaw or not; Y ugly thought I had read so somewhere, end asked to see if you knew about it fur certain. But now that the the thing is settled, there is nothiag to bet on as I can sen "0, of course not," said the Jackson street man sare&stioelly, "of course nut." Just thein Mr. Clark, of the Newhall House happened alsnsg,.a•d as the milk- auan pieked up his lines and drove off, the Van Buren -street man asked Mr. Clark if be knew anything about cows Mr. Clark said he did, having formerly been • farmer and s Battle buyer. "Well," said the Van Buren Streeter, "do you know I got the queerest idea in my head this sswia g about cows that a than ever had. Somehow or other I got an idea that cos s had no front teeth on their upper jaw; and I actually offered to bet two dollars with this man that audit was the setas. I don't sae what possessed one. "' "Well, if you had bet you would have won the money," said Mr. Clark. "What !" exclaimed both the citizens together. "I say if you had bet you would have won the money, for cows have no front teeth on their upper jaws." "Sweet spirit hear my prayer," said the Van Buren -street citizen, as he brought out his roll, and peeled off the two fives again and shook them at the Jackson -street man, who turned away with a sickly smile and said he could not be always pulling out his money! Ignorance nouns to be stalking through the land like a Kansas grasshopper on stilts.—[Peck's Sun. •'Yea. "I'II het you $10 they haven't," said the Van Buren -street citizen, pulling out a roll of bills, and peeling of &couple of fives and shaking them at his neigh - 1.0r. "Pus:. up or shut up." "There is iullll• infer nal catch about this think" said the other suspiciously; "I [night have known it, too, the min- ute you a•:e»} me such an infernally idiotic question." "No cath at all about it," replied the other, "if cows have gut front 'teeth on their upper jaws the $10 ' is yours. I If they haven't the money is mina Noth- ing could he fairer , than that, Could there 7' But still the .1nckson-street man hesi- tated. It was basely possible that cows did not have any trent teeth un their • upper jaws. Ne remembered, then, that cows in biting of grana always threw their noses outward, while a horse nip- ped it off by jerking his nose inward. Ile was astonished at bow near he had leen victimized, but ho slid not like to come down. Tho two were then near the meat market at the currier of Jackson and Michigan streets, and the ,Jackson street swan was sure that it butcher *cold know f.,r certain whether or nut cows had front teeth lin their upper )awe; se he touslis d open the door :cud aatd tri the proprietor. "Linehen, have cows front gut fnt teeth •n their tipper jaws""' Linehen was running a dkewer thmugh a roast of beef, but he stopped, booking up in astonishment, and ''Laid, ."What r , "Have cows govt teeth on their tippet jaws 1 "Cower. "Yes r" "Got front teeth on their tipper jaws?" "Yon "Upon my word i don't know !" •'Yon don't know r' • No You see 1 buy my beef by Om quarter at the sl•eghterhouse, anti don't have anything to (lo m ith the heals. Rut I can find r.ut for yon when 1 go weer. I width you woul4... Ho the Jackson -street tush aimed the 441 and rejoined his aaishbor, sad the two walked along without sating 'Orford. ♦ milk wagon was seen corning rep the street and it was resolved to hail the driver and ask him the question, as ti M p.p Mel1 usppensed •hat milkmen lirem 'oro ev lees familiar with cows The Vers Btnrn•etwet enters cared his Hornet sad sled. "'Hello t* tri man reined p. and said 'Go ahead with Soot lest at )ou find any water .e chalk da that milk i'll give you the whole of it soasotltsg •Lie•[ n.idovtng. Milk pans, pails, and many other tin household utensils, will get- leaky and need repairing. Bite of rag and splin- ters of wood, etc., give temporary amendment in certain cases; but the only permanent method is to use solder. A soldering "kit" conaisti of a soldering iron of copper, weighing about 12 ounces; a flat 10 -inch file, rather coarse; a scraper, and a 3 -square file, ground to three scrapping edges for an inch from the point. A bottle of soldering fluid will also be required, and a little rosin and some sal-auunoniac. Inst, and not least, a few sticks of solder. Directions for soldering: The "Iron" must flat be tinned that is, covered with a thin at, of soldco solder. To do this, heat the iron somewhat above the melting point of solder. File one side of the bevelled portion smooth, and touch it immediate- ly with rosin and soldering fluid, and then with solder, and wipe smooth with a rag. File and "tin" the remaining portion. When done, the surface should be completely covered with solder. Another way is to heat the iron nearly to rtidneas, and rub it upon the sal -ammoniac with solder in contact, when no filing will bo necessary. This tinning must be repeated whenever the thin coating of solder is removed by over -heating of the iron, which is quite likely to occur. Now to the work. Wherever it is desired to attach solder, the parte must he clean. If the 'surface is not already bright arid clean, it must j be made so by ap ropriate nlcatts. Vette Z RAN SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1881. If You Want C+ood GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, or GLASSWARE, D. FERGUSON'S Hamilton Street, Opposite Bailey's Hotel. In addition to the ordinary tines of the Grooery and Crockery Trade. 1 terry • In stock ot Floor, Haab Pork and Geueral ProYisiolls M Y MOTTO IS. "Fair Dealing and Moderate Prices." Coal Oil aisatsoid. Nee my Stock and get dry prices. oar:Goodo delivered to any part of the Town. D. Ferguson. sw F O R V ORNAMENTAL WEDDING CAKES, CHRISTMAS CAKES, CONFECTIONERY OF, ALL KINDS CHRISTMAS TOYS and THE BEST BREAD IN TOWN, coSTO D. CANTELON'S , -WEST STREET, GODERICH.Ilat requiring Christmas Cakes should send in their orders without delay. Home -trade cakes taken in and ornamented on short notice, and at reasonable rates. CLEARING SALE AT Tm C_ RETS.IOR CO'S- BARGAINS IN Dress Goods_ BARGAINS 1P1 Furs. BARGAINS IN Cottons. BARGAINS BARGAINS IN Blankets. BARGAINS IN Ordered Clothing. BARGAINS IN Table Linnen_ IN ALL LINES. Tm C.. Retloi dri Co_ 1881 JANUARY 1881 E. & J. DOWNING Return thanks for the very liberal patronage accorded thorn, and wish all their customers and friends a Happy New Year We would also, call your attention to the fact that we have a very large stock of Se s01' ..bite a-00am on hand including y ADIES, Q ENTS the scraper will generally be of use ' BL CHILDREN'S Having scraped the surface, apply with a BOOTS cS1G SHOES stick some of the soldering fluid, or, in- stead of soldering fluid, some rosin, to of every conceivable style and price, many lines of which will be sold at a great election previous to stock taking. Don't fail to call on us when requiring any thing in our line as we hare the the parts to be soldered. Meanwhile the iron has been heating in the cook stove; not too hot, for then the solder is too fluid and you cannot pick up s por- tion with -the point of the iron. Take the iron from the fire, wipe with a rag, or dipymomentarily into a weak solution of sal -ammoniac. Toueh the iron to the solder; if the heat is right, a small portion adheres, and is placed upon the spot where it will do the molt good. (Tho tendency to use too much guider should be guarded egainst.) Ii the iron is not hot enough, warns it some more. The iron must remain in contact with the place where the snider ie to stick un- til the surrounding parts are at the tem - porature of melted solder. With the alwsvir ulenails acid direction al nuet any person tact mend a milk pan or ordinary tort )< th h there be f Q dtt Largest Stock of Shoes West of Toronto and we can and will sell at prices that will suit you ORDERED .WORK of every description promptly attended total satisfaction guaranteed.. We keep a largo staff of competent workmen, and being ourselves practical men of large experience, can turn out work UNSURPASSED IN TIDE DOMINION. z J- IDOWiv'INC+. 'rile' SQUARE, GODERICH. 1768. Daniel Gordon u si rug wouldmuchu shlderin still to learn. Ol imago etaue • would be ped to practice on until the art is acquired. Monist. Sesionlw.—The Torii County. ci-Haler and Unaeiler Council ore n Wednesday attacked the s- >. • 1 tem of Model Schools,' and adopted a Oldest Reuse in tai t oval', and Largest Atonk this side tej Lr cion rep, ortsetting forth that they wereinduc �' tag too many young people to enter asr.1.11/ No DTA, Baty -Retry Sumo, training for teaching; that they were taken at -Imitate of by many who never intended to remain teachers to obtain a geed education at a slight expellee, and that the method penned in dines of train- ing pupils, by giving them slier eisases, was to nt. ua cn thr A seminarian's of the(osucil i eid the Iltisibr of Fwlu(ation on the subject. W6. Crooks said the Government (mew Pad, to a certain extent in the view of e Oasssil, and rou)d probably Wee in the aiatt r during the posers' sellar, with a view to reinstatingthe akirett odor the k OGo'rn m y libe' • , e ref the power of grantingpermitd to teach at the present period by the County Board. 1A�I1�� ,yyg ormatry, it has lane barns ruasarb.d that those rut. nala euesssd beat, , 'AMA mem dense their news ori a itorhL most effeotsall . Condos/oboe ie raseh more diiodit t� orgy aeinn, hawse brevity, the "soul of wit," is • rare quality m jonrnaliam {its 4&Da-Boaare, • RAM' ,OVADIA, • L,raua'L,IaTt , KT.'. ('vth "invert wilt Ohl it W hbeir advantage to tee for shock H they tteM!a gond article at okras Rha• D. aO=1bli, *tat Street, emir Post Office, God,, -eh. • Dungannon Carriage Worksl 8. POZISf7.'ERti oawvveer rare at ate 13 'Cr Ct0IIA, so oorrns, see id• to tit ens wu1 n roe imam tial email be hien= r w LI. t GET FOUR AUCTION SALE BILLS PRINT=D at Use ollloe of THN. HCYBON SICNAL, North Street, tioderwh. seinismor HOME EVIDENCE 1 N FAVOR OF TME - PAINT—SILidER. Hint Mo. 1 . 1/ you %sash to sow your - .1'; yew family, awl your f.irnis a world of .sl y rad petty wle,al at al !key *whoreaseairr gad gilt rase ratty stell•.rs da },1Aor's bills, rho at mask to Ms *sorra 14m aid bey a fen 6J 1 of Pat.-CUtes. Nint No. 2. Greer, slob >pw A'�� or Shspiteeper, for • beak of Pati- 1LLst. U As peas it alma method at.wesay.aek kiwi while admiring f IAl row. ter (Jolter frost pour walks, if ileitis tb psawdt•s steak by PAAL'Y Davis & salt maw tine welsh W npr,. u ee h.e fir. Yak new .sada, lea if kis eeaaiww di ail vdplet ; silo chemise til IrlMla Masa If WHY experimentvitt....0:mown nuxtares without "'character or r-putatces, warn this world -n- utmeat I'eiellitula which ham stool the int of over 40 year*, ran 1•e tot for the some pnoe at say Drag there in the bor inion t MAO THE FOLLOWING. OTTAWA, tlicr , Manses e, Hsi . The en:ter ha. been selling Perry Davie Paia•Cltlsrsowtar tie last sr y.awo r., sad ma ree mead a w We public as • eat wire sahy foetli+a, Diarima, Sen Throst, Claratte Combs. Broehita. Iturir Scalds, Ste. Have bows w to euro a ere• of Syphilitic Sore lienal of two word ..ding, whim as ilr west re.eedies failed Theeseisat took half^ tempt.wh.l in .war three times a duo. sad Bugled the throat thrw awes • day u Allows MSC bus. ,aerfol w a wow phut of .rater. sad anal r a gargle. Yours. H. F. MAcCARTIiY. Moire -rim Owe. Fsbwry.6, spa 1 have rich Orme is adding ie the •ualsr of tM.awaaroea trirmis s you have already received, r to the value of year - teno.esd Per -Killer 1 have told it sod wed It a sty Amdv for tweed Tan or more, mai hate so be.uati.nn is .•ring that it it is the bar patent medicine I have ever used fe die ropers l« which it i. recommended ; and, tataeorer. ptrwat to wham I hare ever sold it. ha. Leen perfectly Nei .fieriw.,h it. and 1 know mm.ypanoe who will not go to bat at night unless they are sore then is • bottle of " Perry Davis " in the hawse. All who love t.sd it once, will wee it seas ; it make friends amid rants* thea YMIS trul., JOIN DU IIBRILLE. Pregrist Sraacaav,t.ta, Uwe., Feerr7 .6. tato. W. bar mud plessors i• certifying hist era have h -vi Perry Davi.' Pais- Ktner conssary in stock for upwards of twenty years. erring snick time it W ukas the load is sales over all err pa - Girt trad hes Imams, en old. reliable Amit' Medicine. No ramrod sow on our pre to sell it, r sur r stars as 1utiOs r r m M our IMO..`T ".,urs truly. W P IYRIE k CO. ►Iwuoc, OMT., Pr1►.rer i6, .Na 1t. dre• — yew - .re to state that dung • deft* career d ..are owns • worm century. I can testify that Tune justly car rated Pala Ear re am cm.y ►.N to own as a family meduiae. bet rill oceopies the front rank wherever duty calls it My ens - trots *peak my highly Of it. sal 1 Pard rod so end of testi- monials showing up au merits and irri.eie worth, were it neces- sary, which it is not. 1t dneikt, however. b. called " Excelsior Pae. -Killer." I pride my.elf i^ sever berg out of it. four, very respectfully, JOHN G. DRANK Nint No. =. Mienyouat for a bottle of PAM- KMLR; andl"e pew - 1, asa"ly ator1-kgs per, to*.kosa L+Sfta: v looking, remarks, "e e "are jtuocr1, Milldam amass 'ariiels . as gurd e; bettor, .'which s lit 1 or Ike sa..:r:riot ,is, 25 cents." Turn ox w_- ',eel and sari, lJ,a:.! bye, .Sir. • Mat wait .are. more for the not, u: !knee ants extra pre0 zkich he pets Owls h, rt -es f,.t your health or h(tlr}rt1KM. Hint No 4. &a -ars of ole Owned/rhos wlrlurss, and duty, greasy eewbinatione which an offer- ed you in almost every afore you n - tel, and irk i'ch some un- principied shopkeepers try to palm of as substitute fir the Pr11r-IS.ILLgn. 77sese 11:12 tiara are gotten up exprenly to sell on the reputation of the Phne•Etit.rr, but hap sighing in Connor tc✓h el, Nint NO. 5. If vas rated obtain Lis /enuine Palm . K;LIAR in your locality, (a fad not very likely J, you &Scald address Propristor. onsdliguniding Mem the sena of $1.00, one dews feaster sited bottles, or a half doogt lerpf betties will be tent, chemise prepaid, to the ramrod addrer railway 4. any part of W. . sToco, OmT., Faresry tr, taste We have a rat plea' are to state that the Pao Killer hold* its pe,,r'e in tossplace as the side re Yom L.uily melia.e Alan ugh there arc • great many utner temedie* in the mar*rt some bear. tag nearly the same ease -as Pain Relies, Pais Itetao.er, Palm I,erroyer, =ad wM se.g names, we find the 1.e'yta keine �* Gsum ,ffcrcnce, and are suesu as. f sr Perry Davi.' Pain Killer.we havv been e.11idg Par kills I..r tae Lst Instal Sena Y.rurstru:�• P.' P. MV1tPBY. Pout :.04 ca. O.T., Maras oasis. i Yon i;d1-r I.t many ve.r. *btu result • t.' r s. m el it. As a a+iily sewtkiieiae r,..e .: re -.1 ,..,d a 4 ad= • �.� ..•t •r.e 1:r a., •lad m. toy ahers . ...1• m.'_.•� -1, r lute u- -d rt sdnsK •1 it va •.alit• 't.a• crew -eau a aaj i . , . ..�.. . t e,• oke that *atmi- ..a! .. - .re we ,,,,'a.c tlrt tt+�' GRAHAM. 1 �fir r rr i•c .,. • C 11: EscorT, (.:: , Att.. * tiallett Y: t loch', re rify ,lest we have u•e I " r -y Devi.' Psi•.-K,M, in our t.n.iitee fur .evetel y 'r. We •..o or It s ♦try „.*1.1 art : ecu. ary, article to he kept in all k . soh .1 a, !• a t ...At in arse of . sJtsn..,. l exposure to attacks ...tarried by c.i.:. JEREMiAH C(JRTTN J. J DOWSLtY. • JOs$PH P 'R" MOND. ' ARCH. •GREER. MArrLamq Oar.,.Fi►ry eh spa 1 Fare 'nevi y'tur-aievailwasei►e Imo Loewy yeas I ear ned it with me alt ta.wgh the Anatase WC, 1 b:l.eve 1 er-old Moo been dead Mag ago, if It 6•d or bees Sr year NM -KEW I Ndsk d is the best remedy sew mad fir WWII it n. num mend.I 1 1-,:.rsvery tru:y. 4 W LAPOYTAISF:. Pointing Garr, P .wery /6, tags' f hare sold the Perry hints' Pawkier ler over thirty'ysn and tare same IMO O'Mara area sly •Mate NOM surfedio0, .ad 1-ha.e stern plosion sa nWumeeding h es a good em1 ser lulrle family mediese. S. S SCOYIL, P•ts.etr.Odr., Frbrwary .7, tato [ have sold your Paia-Killer for the last nineteen yrsn in this and feel safe a recoeime.dmg k to the public for the lionises gym i• your arcular. 1 east Mauro you my a.uos.en weak well of it as • general family medicate. 1t takes the Ica. eT a1 ether similar preparations Yours, !e GEO. UIRIi.S Co•ovsc, O•r, lfar'A 3, ta3.. l hart been se1im; Perry Davis Pain-Kitler for the pau sin y�aq. and have much Plower* in statin that ars sale in Ma: time hr bees Isrger than any «her ietim .•linins 11154 1 have on my 'Odra. and is Mae isms 1 bars sever fused a customer say aught but weeds d the bashes praise m its tenor It is en ankle that sees to have eemblasil In R as dist goes to rake a/f.r' dais Amu* mms4wer oma M e I ►ave a Nous. and ewe, Parr -Dons' Paw -Kolar will %Ikea& is hath. Yours. hc,. J. 1''. KENNEDY MADOe, OnT . F,irwsrp 16, tete Your Pain -Killer as a family (rival! has brit is c.ssere uce in my lss sehdd Ara lsig taro of years, end 1 mord waver de sire a hatter use. R row Ails ma I call it the "Old R•Gske Yours very tndv HORACE S&YMOUR a TAUWOITN, (IIT , March a, rano Ser twenty -U m* years tam pet 1 have tot! Parry Daviel Pain killer. sad hew always $ e• give geed millsisirsrke . it1 Im.r ikmi the gra k ran ed unt, mg we ys da Olt, atlyN. bum yet en els amulet. sell we Pan Dave' Pia- it sus. setad� w a eery — de - JAS. erdiciw. emirs re�setatlly. JAS. ATLSWORTH ! The PAIN -KILLED • is Pkyririsa,, Ministers, Aisood wrrliea, iwlvers of else "4M, l/erle-alp., Plan lotions, Merges cls Noopitela,...in abut, wwy4#4 a rybleere who has over gttea it a That TALIfi[ II'P1aikLLY, it cats. Amatory, Oboists, Dtagahrm Qlaip ud !i is On ihselitsb. 50ws1 O mplaiat, Painter's OWN Liver C.ssybgt•t DyLpspsie es Isdlphlr-' Salim Obi, Bon Thrust, Coughs. to Nip INVINNALLT, it ears Holts. blas., Oar, _Ulises, &elan Old dans and Spine eaa0ile of tee lams Tee hslrsl fhb* it tabs ars, Frani. j..d liosemalm, thappd Balsdn. Yost-i:ls• het. be. itis 1111141IiL is put up ki s a ad S es Weak wtbantg d! 46 sad 60 NON 101+Miadlr,--lalp Wellies gas tight 112 (. ( 'PERRY DAYIS & SON & LAWRENOL PROPRIETORS. ''TRIAL AND PROVIDENCE. IDENCEr R. 1 'T