HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1965-01-28, Page 5...Nmbi,wof*mrywpm.dmow, ,..,--454Liznot--,441:a.ta-A141P11P0•11111111,Pmill11111Pmempopmegooppsusimp ixuAL THE UNITED'''cTiu OF CANADA. Organist: Miss Sharon Storey blinieter AZOV. ix. Ai, Joinisto0 SA., Oa :.45 a.ui. Sunday School P.:00 a.m. Public Worship LIMITgo for the Farmer's Dollar" "The Most Value ii 11111morokiii""--6 '41.iik NOTICE TO MILK cusiscHvIERs DUE TO CONTINUED INCREASING COSTS, we. find it necessary to increase the price of milk. At this time we' are also offering a new product, VA? Homo. It is the same as the usual HOMO except that nearly half the butterfat is removed. It is just as palatable but not quite as fattening. You're sure to enjoy it tool EFFECTIVE ON MONDAY, FEB. 1st, 1965 DELIVERED• MILK PRICES WILL BE HOMOGENIZED and REGULAR Quarts 25c Pints 140 2% HOMO Quarts SKIMMILK and BUTTERMILK Quarts 18c TABLE CREAM 1/2 Pints WHIPPING CREAM 1/2 Pints CHOCOLATE DRINK (2% B.F.) Ma MUMMA POW4 UNUtia0 TIVIRSDAY, 4.N. 28th, 1.046 FEBRUARY, 1st to FEBRUARY 13th 20% DISCOUNT QN ALL IIENJAMIN INIOORE PAINTS and ENAMELS also TMI GLO and SUPER. KEMTQN'E now in stock 'Odds And Ends in Tinting Tubes at 1/2 Price A nui*bed of gallons of KEM GLO ENAMEL. (not au colors) Uoing at Only $8.9$ a gal. SHOP EARLY WHILE YOUR cHoicg OF COLORS IS Q0Q0 MACHAN HARDWARE Brussels, illarloialZaigtriftes9i4liili Cs gre4 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CA,NAOA WIELV11.14 CHURCH &Waster: itrstr. . 7.lOrT1E1014 MA Organist: Mrs. Frank Thompson 4acir 10:00 a.m. Qhµreh School 11:00 Public Worship Anxious Welcome BY Getting A Your Feeding Requirements at Call 199 Brussels' 41110nDiemPaqgdRiliirtfz-r itrms.. kl.".24.!..WeLIZLiLeL, • CRANSROOS,: Rev. S. J. Stewart. llolesworth. conducted 1,110 s ervice in. Knox Presbyterian Church ou Sunday at 1 p.m. Icy roads and unfavour- able weather cut down the attend- ance in Sunday School and church service. Mrs. Donald Cotton has retarned. home after, over two weeks spent in Listowel Hospital. Murray Hall, little son of Mre. Lloyd Flail who has been in List- owel hospital wit pneunionia. nlis r(3Lurned home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummins and family of Toronto visited over the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. ;Stuart Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs, Don Jacklia and daughter, KAtchener, spent the weekend with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl 1.1=11. W.I. Court Whist Party The Women's Institute spon- sored a Court ,Whist party in the Community Centre on Thursday evening. Mrs. Ross Knight. Mrs. Allan MeTagga.rt, Alm Glenn Huether and Mrs. Leslie Knight 28c 17c 7c (4 Juices in 32c with low. An eliunuation contest was won by Mrs. Jiyugias iivailii and Wm. Bremner. .Wuciare was piayea while lunca was Oeing prepared. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Annual JANUARY SPECIAL CREME OIL PERIM has brother George, Campbell and Cousins, a real man of exper, ience,. (Roy). TenPas can always centL,ci. Queen. J ii11ELYlna oi. the AeLuerianus. 1 also p rotes t the way ,Mrs. ou mention their personal appearance. Cal LLu lt t.,uwauub., a goon Woliallg Sort ui fellow, a bit Mach: ann uroaay k“, times, but aS a 1%110 its Only ~Neff Z1l.:1 laza LL) 111U0.1 41.101,11L1 new P urn ruil away. men we nave, no, no no, .1.Vaa CaMpbeli, LAIC: manly- tieranieb Lype, 1 admit lie tiee6 louit a bit nursey at times but that's because lie spends so much time with the ponies. bum& times its an wflautuge not to be normal, Ivan never has a cola, its always distemper. The day after Lae election, a lady said to me. 1 voted for MaCtitclieon, Campbell and Cous- ins, because they have sex ap- peal, iNow sex appeal has only appeared the past few years and I do not wish to comment. Yes cur council is okay and I'm sure if an appeal is sent to any of the above mentioned it Will be quickly acknowledged and. hastily fulfilled. Keep trying, dear readers, We do want a doctor, In the meantime, until we do get one, 1 suggest you older people stay out of drafts and'oil the ice. We younger ones will practice birth control. Trutlitally Yours. T. 4. if. , . FOR SALE GENTLEMEN'S 'CLUB. ,NEWS ITEMS alie response 'regards infor- mation, as requested, last week for a doctor. has been. favour- able. Five letters and one phone call, and only Wednesday aster- noon. The first three letters are all on the same trend. get Dr. Myers back. Well thank you, the suggestion is fine, but how? Kid- napping is not legal. anyway 1 OtilleVe tile goon uoctue .eau:; tuts column. so now about it Dr. ,Myers? The fourth letter, I salute the idea. Very good. In- tenview the doctors in Wingtiam, Listowel, wherever close, and see it they would visit Brussels two days, or even one aay, a week. 'Thank you, and, there you are council. Here is letter No. 5 which 1 will answer through the Post. In a few inoutbs students will be graduating from. different colleges in Ontario and looking for locations. Have your council go and interivew these students, either as a body Or individually. There must be one who would be interested, on second thought. don't send your council. They have 'leaner the intelligence or the appearance to appear belOre an educated group of people. Send George 1VIcCutcheon. Roy Cousins. 4ston Cardiff or Murray Gaunt. Yours Truly Mrs. Ivey Plzen Dear Mrs. Pisen: Thank you for your suggestion. but I resent the attitude you have taken regards our council and wish to vehemently protest. We, the citizens of Brussels, admit our representatives do not have as much intelligence as We. would wish them to have but even so they are Only a small percentage below average. Any- way; yoti are not going to get candidates of presidential caliber, (I don't claiin it I admit it) like mYselt, to run for a mea- sley sutra Of S:5,00 The graft only amounts to about the UM. pin money. Admitting our couticillOr8 Quarts Pints Small BEEP BREAKFAST DRINK Quarts ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA aev. H. L. Jennings SAL, Idni- 0 ganist: Arp. 8. J1i11g44 ti*r. JOHN'S II 30 a.m. Morning Ppiver and Church ScItool St. Alban'a and St. David's ATWOOD 2.00 p.m. ilvening Prayer, and. Churcli School were the committee in charge. I Niue tables were ui play with mrs. Jas. iJr,eminer. and Tina DR- We): 'nigh score aoa. ars. Gle.a Rathwell ana Clifford Rowland Former Resident vies A. former resident of Oran- brook passed away in Stratford. on. January 21►c.a.• Tne foruier. Dlizabeth McIntosh. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joan Mc- Intosh, she was born in Grey. Tow,nship. SS ,years ago. She married Peter Sinclair. Who pre- deceased her. She had been a resident of Stratford for over 40 years. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Crurch. A ,funeral service was field at tile. Heinbuck funeral: home in Strat- ford on Saturday afternoon with. Rev. WM. Weir ox Knox Church officiating. Surviving are a neico. • , ,Miss Mary McIntosh, Listowel. and two nephews. Malcolm Mcintosh, RR a, Brussels. and Blair McIntosh. i.estowel. L LLCL,t lI L4 )Q, .1111.1..; LULL, C111.0. 1,10 .L.,UU bar, 10'6 Luali .i.4.4)11L0, • ago. 'oillen Lue c l'ILS .51. ULL,L1b .i..1 aliegemy gui nixed up ',vita LILA, ILLY e 1U..1L i illeLL6 Lll Ue.14;ill. tti.J.I.W.)4l i.26 accused Ut .1.0a Lab .u.tb ufs;ialn'y IL Stith' Le.a.04 Lao/ Iv ail° iNo ',yowler au ieeis swan. and in- takie House Trailer, 38 x 10. Like *Us 'itiCititliop Cut And Sat Phone' 1(l for AppOintihent Mentally deficrent, they all have eMiert advisors:. Cal, new. Can finance. Apply to: Xratiter hat 13111 King and, Rounenberg MiltraY Gatiiit i Sack McChitcheOti COUSINS DAIRY Ins. AgenbY BrUssels, Ttletnay and Friday